fcnoucts MOOT atnmg This newspaper is an Authorized Publication for members of the BULK RATE U. S. POSW5E Louisiana National Guard. Contents of the Louisiana Guardsman are PAID not necessarily the official views of, endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Permit No. G 5 Dept. of Defense, Dept. of the Army, or the Louisiana National Guard. Arabi. La. Page 2 LOUISIANA GUARDSMAN NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1989 Q. Once I am commissioned, can I Everything You Ever Wanted apply for active duty? A. Yes, provided the Army is accep- Student To Know About OCS (But you ting reserve officers. Q. What effect will OCS attendance Loan didn't know who to ask) have on my educational benefits? A. The only educational benefits af- Repayment By MAJ DAVID STOLTZ Q. How much time is necessary for fected by attendance at OCS are study? the bonus and Student Loan Program Recruiting efforts are undenvay for A. Officer candidates must be Repayment Program. Once you the Louisiana Military Academy, Of- prepared for examinations almost receive your commission, you will The Student Loan Repayment Pro- ficer Candidiate School Class 31 which every weekend training period. not receive any future bonus gram (SLRPt must be selected at the will begin at Camp Beauregard in The academy staff will assist in payments or payments on your stu- time the soldier enlists, reenlists, im- June 1990. Over seventy applications preparing you for these exams by dent loan. If you are attending mediately reenlists, or extern**; in the have been processed, and it is expected conducting study halls, but you OCS, you will receive that pay- Selected Reserve of the Army, and that 120 will be in prior to June. must spend personal time prepar- ment. You will continue to qualif- signs a Selected Reserve contractual Members of the Louisiana Army Na- ing prior to arrival. Many can- ly for participation in the State agreement. tional Guard who are interested in at- didates who have completed OCS Tuition Exemption Program and This incentive is to assist the soldier tending Class 31 should read on to did so while attending college full Montgomery GI Bill. in the repayment of their student answer some questions they may have time and working full or part time. loans. The soldier must understand about the program. You must plan to study. QUALIFICATIONS that it is his responsibility to acquire the student loan. The Government has 0- Why should I consider OCS? Q. How difficult is the course? 1. Age -The minimum age for ap- no part in acquiring the student loan A. This question is asked by many of A. The OCS program is physically plications to OCS is 18. You must for the soldier the OCS prospects contacted by the and mentally demanding. If it was be commissioned prior to age 30. The following loans qualify for repay Officer Procurement Section. easy, everyone would attend. Fifty In some cases a waiver can be ment. However, these loans must have There are many advantages to percent of those accepted into OCS granted to age 32 1/2. been acquired after 1 October 1975: seeking a commission in the Loui- do not complete the program. You siana Army National Guard, but must be prepared both mentally 2. Education - You must have a "Guaranteed Student Loans (GSL) the old familiar answer is dollars and physically for the rigors of the high school diploma or GED and "Federal Insured Student Loans and cents. A SPC with 4 years ser- program. 30 semester college hours for IFISL) vice is paid $136.84 for a weekend enrollment. Additionally, you must "National Direct Student Loans drill. A 2LT would receive $224.60 have 60 college hours prior to (NDSL) or Perkins Loans for the same weekend. As an of- graduation in August 1991. "Auxiliary Loans to Assist Students ficer through promotions you can (ALAS) retire at age 60 with a fine income. Title 10 Tours 3. Aptitude • Applicants must score "Supplemental Loans to Students Add to the pay a nice addition on 110 or higher on the GT portion of your resume which indicates that the ASVAB and 90 or above on the "Parent Loan for Undergraduate you have received training in Officer Selection Test. Students (PLUS* leadership, and many civilian careers can await you. Available 4. Military Education • Applicants Personal loans for educational pur- must have successfully completed poses will NOT be paid b> Uic Q. What will my rank be while atten- Louisiana presently is in need of a BT and AIT Government. ding State OCS? qualified captain or major to fill a posi- The solider must understand that it A. Once you are accepted in OCS you tion as Assistant Professor of Military 5. Citizenship • Applicants must be is his responsibility to make payments are promoted to the grade of E-6 Science at Northeast Louisiana a citizen of the United States. on the student loans if the lender iv for pay purposes. If you are above University in Monroe. Additionally two quests the payments. The Government the grade of E-6 upon acceptance, positions will open next summer at Q. What steps should I take to apply is only assisting the solider in repay- you will be paid at that rate. If you Southeastern in Hammond and for Class 31? ing the loan. The Government is NOT leave OCS you will return to your McNeese in Lake Charles. Officers be- A. First you should conduct a review responsible for the soliders payments. previous grade. ing accepted into the program are plac- of your 201 file to insure that you If any solider enlisted, reenlisted, im- ed on Title 10 Active Duty Tours. The achieved a qualifying score on the mediately reenlisted or extended for Q. Do I have to make drill with my tours are for three years with the GT portion of the ASVAB. If you the SLRP, he must make sure he fur- unit while in OCS? possibility of extension to four years. have not taken the Officer Selec- nishes a clear copy of each promissory A. No. Once you are accepted into Follow on tours are available outside tion test, you should contact MAJ note to the unit. If the soldier does not OCS you attend drill one weekend ROTC channels. Stoltz at (504)278-6393 or 1LT inform the unit that he has a student per month at Camp Beauregard. The National Guard APMS Program Migues at (3181233-3991 or call loan, payments cannot.be made on the Additionally, you are not required was developed to give the Guard in- 1-800442-2751. You should also set loan. to attend Annual Training with volvement in officer production. A up an interview with your For more information about the your unit. You will attend two An- large portion of newly commissioned of commander. SLRP, call your unit. They will be able nual Training periods with OCS. ficers in the Louisiana Army National DONT WAIT. DO IT TODAY!!!! to answer your questions. The first will be 4-18 August 1990 Guard come from the ROTC and hav- and the second in the summer of ing a Guardsman at ih • university 1991. Commissioning will occur in allows the State to coordinate assign- FRONT COVER: August 1991. ment and commission processing The 2223rd Engr Bn and the 935th Engr Det participated in a MOUT LTC C.L. Web, National Guard Ad- Training Exercise in Alexandria. See Story on pages 6 and 7 (2223rd Photo) Q. What type of commission will I visor at 3rd ROTC Region recently receive? visited Louisiana. He stated that the A. Federal law requires that all com NG APMS tours are available at other missions lx' federally recongnized. 3rd Region schools outside Louisiana. This newspaper is an authorized" This means that the commission The 3rd Region covers most of the publication for members of the Ix>ui- you receive at LAARNG OCS is southeast United States and Puerto siana Army and Air National Guard. the same commission awarded KICM. Qualifications for appointment in- Contents of the Louisiana Guardsman through attendance at Federal clude a Baccalaureate Degree from an Louisiana Guardsman are not necessarily the official views, or OCS and ROTC. (some ROTC accredited university with a 2.5 Grade The Adjutant General, La. Army endorsed by, the US. Government, graduates are awarded RA Point Average, captain or major, with and Air National Guard Department of Defense, Department of commission i. advance course completed, good M j| Gen. Anset M Stroud. Jr the Army, or the Louisiana National Guard. physical condition and appearance, four Chief of Staff 0- Do I need a baccalaureate degree years experience in the Guard, and Col. Jjmet K Cortey Original articles pertaining to Loui- to enroll in OCS? more than five years remaining before siana National Guard units or in- A. No. Thirty college hours are re- Public Affairs Officer dividuals that would be of interest to the achieving 20 years active service 1LT Maru I Jonhers quired to start Class 31 and sixty Interested members of the Louisiana Guard community may be submitted to: hours for commissioning. Addi- Army National Guard should contact La. National Guard. Office of the AG, t ionally, you must receive a 4 year MAJ Stoltz at (504) 278-6393 or the LANG-PAO (2LT Jonkers). Jackson baccalaureate degree prior to pro- Director of Manpower Management at Barracks, New Orleans, La. 701464)330. motion to Major (5041 278-6344. LOUISIANA GUARDSMAN NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1989 Page 3 LAARNG GOALS ARNG Superior Unit 1990 Award Criteria I. COMMAND EMPHASIS AT VIII. SUPPORT PROGRAMS TO EX- 1.
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