Abercromby, Sir Ralph

Abercromby, Sir Ralph

INDEX Abercromby, Sir Ralph, Lt.-General, Ardnamurchan, 144 108, 117, 127 Ardrose, Laird ef, 245 Aberdeen, 8, 9, 10, 136, 202, 223, Argyll, 172, 193, 201 248, 253, 277 Argyll, Earls ef, 139, 140, 165, 172, Montrose in, 278, 284 174, 176, 177, 179, 181-4 passim the 'Bon Accord,' 254 6th Earl, 172 Aboyne, 154, 167 7th Earl (Archibald, Gilleasbaig Aboyne, Lady, 168 Gruamach), 10, 147, 151, 152, Acheson, John, keeper, Bumtisland arsenal, 159, 172, 175, 176 244 8th Earl & I st Marquis (Archibald Acheson, Michael, stockmaker, 249 Campbell), 41, 241, 262, 263, 285 Act of Grace & Pardon (1654), 73 9th Earl (Archibald Campbell), 275, Acts of Caution, 156 276 Adolf, Prince ef Sweden, 71 2nd Duke (John Campbell), 278 Advocate-Fiscal of the States General, 14 3rd Duke (Archibald Campbell), 186 Ailean Dubh a Lochaidh, poet, 157 Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (9lst Airds Moss (1680), battle ef, 270 & 93rd), regiment, 185 Almond, Lord, (James Livingston), 39, Argyll Rising, 276, 280 45, 48 Aroyo des Molinas, battle ef, 122 American Revolutionary War, 218 'Articles and Ordinances of War,' by Amsterdam, 83, 88, 98, 25 7, 258, 259 Leslie, 42 printing at, s. Dutch press 'As late by a sodger I chanced to 'An Address to the People of pass,' poem by Robert Bums, 119 Scotland,' by Patrick Bannerman, 118 Ashton, Edmond, 65-6 Anderson, George, printer, 281, 283 Astley, Sir Jacob, Maj. -General, 40, 41, Anderson (Glasgow) Social Club, 123 44, 47, 53, 55 song by Mr Crichton, 123, 124 Atholl, Earls ef, 41 song by Mr Glen, 123 4th Earl (John, Lord Balveny), 170 'Ane Dialog,' by John Davidson, 275, 285 William Murray, 171 'Ane Information of the Publict 1st Marquis (John Murray), 276 Proceedings,' pamphlet, 284 Atholl Highlanders (77th), regiment, 199 Anglo-Dutch Brigade, s. Scots-Dutch 'Atlas Novus,' by Blaeu, 285 Brigade Auchindoune, uncle ef Earl ef Hunt[y, 10 Anglo-Dutch war, 'Auld Enemie, the', 45, 106 second, 90-3 Ayla, Baron d', General, 85, 86 fourth, 83, 87-90 Aylett, Robert, 5 Angus, I 0th Earl ef (s. also Ruthven Ayscue, Sir George, 63 Raid and Gowrie, Earl qf), 6, 9, 10 II th Earl, 113 Badenoch, 168 Annan Moor, 262 Baillie, Sir James, 252, 255 Anstruther, Sir Robert, 17, 18 Baillie, Robert, 28 'Apologetical Declaration,' by James Baillie, William, of Letham, 39, 48 Renwick, 270 Bain, Donald, bowyer, 249, 250 'Apologeticall Relation,' by John Brown, Balcarres, estate, 245 271 Balcarres', Earl of, regiment, 249, 254 Appin, 198 Balfour, fami[y, 87 Arden, Robert, 138 Balgonie's lancers, regiment, 242 Steve Murdoch and A. Mackillop - 9789004474307 Downloaded from Brill.com10/05/2021 09:56:32PM via free access 290 INDEX Baltic, the, 39, 62, 63, 71, 256, 259, 263 Boswell of Auchinleck, 108 Bannerman, Patrick, 118 Bothwell, 5th Earl of (Francis Stewart), Bannockburn, battle ef, 58 7-8, 9, 10, 136 'Bannockburn Journal,' newspaper, 280 Bothwell Brig (1679), battle ef, 270, 272 Barclay, David, Colonel, 68 Boxe, William Christiaensz van der, Barclay, William, Colonel, 64 269, 282 'Basilikon Doron,' s. under James VI & I Boyne, battle of the, 58 Bassandyne, Thomas, printer, 274, 275, Brandenburg, Duke ef, 14 285 Breadalbane, estate, 197 Baynes, J., Comet (letter to Capt. A. Breadalbane, 1st Earl of (John Baynes), 110 Campbell), 277 Beaton, James, Captain, 20 3rd Earl (John Campbell), 201, 208 Beauty, 158 4th Earl's fencibles, 203 Bellenden, Sir William, Stuart agent to Breda, 95, 263, 280 Sweden, 70, 262 Bremen, 256 Benburb (1646), battle ef, 240 Breusch ('Bruce'), Peter, printer, 276 Benchar, William Mclntosche of, 179, Brewer, Thomas, printer, 269 180, 183 Brewster, William, printer, 269 Bergen-op-Zoom, 87, 98 Brielle, s. Den Brielle siege of, 86 British Army Berwick, 43, 44, 46, 4 7, 55, 251 Highlanders in, 206, 208, 209, 210, pacification of, 243 217, 236 Bewick, Robert, Mayor of Newcastle, 53, Scots recruitment, 194, 218, 222, 54 234, 235 Bishops' Wars (1639-40), 62, 79, 239, Scots units in, 185, 186, 213, 229 241, 242, 256-62 red coats, 85, 89 First, 243, 274, 282 alluded to, 114, 122, 222, 224, 225 Second, 258 British Empire, 114, 128, 129, 210, 220 Black Watch (42nd), regi,ment, 185, 199, British Government, 83, 88, 89 200, 223, 228 Brog, William, Colonel, 15 mutiny, 206 Brouncher, Sir William, 46 Blackader, James, Lt. -Colonel, 107, 108, Brown, John, of Wamphrey, 271 111-5 passim, 126 Brown, Keith, 3, 6 Blackader, Rev. John, 113 Brown, Robert, cleric, 268, 271 Blackhall, Gilbert, priest, 154, 168 Bruce, Robert, King of Scotland, 105 'Blackwood's Magazine,' 219 Bryson brothers, printers, 281, 282, 283, Blaeu, Johan, cartographer, 285 285 'Blind Alick,' poet, 121 buannachan, na (mercenaries), 154, 155, Bloomfontein, 232 176, 183 Blucher, Gebhard von, Marshal, 123, 124 Buchan, s. Huntly estates Bly, Fred, Private, 232 Buchan, Thomas, General, 272 Boer War, 232 Buchanan, George, 275 Bohemian campaign (1618-25), 18-22 Buchanan, Robert, Lt. -Colonel, 94 Bois le Due, I 02 'Bulwark of the Republic', s. Scots- Bonaparte ('Boney'), s. Napoleon Dutch Brigade Bonde, Christer, ambassador to England, Burgh Muir, skirmish ef, 9 69, 70, 73, 74, 75 Burghley, Lord, 145, 14 7 bonds, 166-8, 170, 171, 177, 181 Burns, Robert, poet, 106, 108, 119 Bond of Union (1609), 183 'As late by a sodger I chanced to Borders (Anglo-Scottish), 10, 166, 167, pass,' 119 177 'Oh why the deuce should I repine,' Bordon, John, Colonel, 64, 78 119 Boswell, English Resident, The Hague, 'Parcel of Rogues,' 106 257, 269 'Scots wha hae,' 122 Steve Murdoch and A. Mackillop - 9789004474307 Downloaded from Brill.com10/05/2021 09:56:32PM via free access INDEX 291 Burntisland, arsenal, 243 Sir Colin, 241, 246, 250, 251, 252 Burrell, William, annourer, 248 John, Lord, 191, 192 Butter, Henry, factor, 207 Campvere, 38 Canne, John, printer, 269, 282 Cadiz, 22, 38 Cannon, Alexander, Colonel, 272 Caerlaverock Castle, 56 Cant, Andrew, Covenanting minister, 53 Cairns, John, bookseller, 271 Carbisdale (1650), battle ef, 27 5 Caithness, 202 Carlisle, 280 Caithness, Earl ef, 174 Carlton, Dudley, royalist ambassador, 269 Caithness levy, I 7 Carlyle, Alexander, pro-militia agi,tator, 118 Calder, Robert, 273 Carnegie, Lord, 41 Calderwood, David, printer, 266, 268, 269 Carrickfergus, 261, 262 'Caledonian Mercury,' newspaper, 279, 280 'Catalogue of the Scottis nobilite' by Callender's, Earl of, regi,ment, 24 7 John Colville, 139 Cameron, clan, 154, 181 caterans, 165, 167, 17 5-9 passim, 183 Cameron, Allan, of Lochiel, 173, 181 Cathcart, Alison, 140 Cameron, Sir Duncan, of Fassiefern, Cathkin, James, bookseller, 268 107-8 Catterall, Douglas, 98 Cameron, John, of Fassiefern, Colonel, Cecil, Sir Edward, 13, 14, 15, 23, 30 107, 108, 122, 127 Cecil, Robert, Lord Burghley, 145, 14 7 Cameron Highlanders (79th), regi,ment, Chalmers, Thomas, Jesuit abbot, 36 123, 185, 223 'Chamaeleon,' by George Buchanan, 275 Cameron of Lochaber, 168, 169 Chamberlain, John, 22 Cameronians, regi,ment, 113, 206, 270 Chanonry of Ross, 134, 149 Campbell, clan (s. also Argyll, Earls of), Charles I, King of Scotland, England and 133, 138, 147, 152, 164, 241 Ireland as 'Government' clan, 139, 148, attitude to 'British' army, 22, 23, 176, 194 26, 27 in Kin tyre, 10 defeat at Newburn, 243 Macintosh alliance, 173, 177, 182, 183 Engagement with, 262, 283 Campbell, Alexander, of Ardkinglass, execution, 263 Captain, 193 imposes Laudian prayer book, 239 Campbell, Archibald, of Glencarradale, policy in Bishops' Wars, 35-59, 256, 241, 248, 251, 252 274 Campbell, Archibald, of Lochnell, 172, pro-Danish stance, 258 173 protests over arms shipments, 25 7, Campbell, Colin, of Carwhin, 200 259, 260 Campbell, Colin, of Glenfalloch, 200, alluded to, 4, 26, 150, 153, 244, 250, 204 269, 271, 273, 275, 281, 282, 285 Campbell, Dennis, Dean of Limerick, Charles II, King of Scotland, England and 153, 175 Ireland Campbell, James, of Ardkinglass, I 72, Declaration of Breda, 263 173, 176 failure to support Royalists, 63, 67 Campbell, Sir James, of Lawers, 241 in exile, 73 Campbell, John, Major, brother to 3rd relations with Sweden, 63, 70-71 Earl of Loudon, 108, 115 tries to recall subjects from foreign Campbell, Mungo, 246 service, 76, 77 Campbell, Neil, Bishop of Argyll, 172 alluded to, 61, 66, 68, 73, 74, 80, 270 Campbell of Balleveolin, 200 Charles Edward Stewart, Prince ('the Campbell of Cawdor, 152, 174, 182 Young Pretender'), 279 John, 171, 172, 173, 176, 179 Charles Louis, de jure Elector Palatine, Campbell of Glendaroule, 126 37, 79 Campbell of Glenlyon, 200 Chattan, clan, 163, 168-84 passim Campbell of Glenorchy, 154, 159 Chitral, relief ef, 233, 234 Steve Murdoch and A. Mackillop - 9789004474307 Downloaded from Brill.com10/05/2021 09:56:32PM via free access 292 INDEX 'Christ the Way,' by Robert Brown, 271 Cowan, Pref., 3 Christian IV, !Gng ef Denmark-Norway, 5, Coyet, Peter, Swedish envoy to England, 14-18 passim, 35, 39, 143, 256, 259, 65, 68-74 passim 260 Craig, Thomas, of Piccarton, 75 Christina, Qy,een ef Sweden, s. Kristina, Cranston, Mrs., and son, 126 Qy,een ef Sweden Cranstoun, John, of Glen, 75 Clann Iain MhOir, s. Macdonald of Cranstoun, William, bird, 61, 66, 69, Islay and Kintyre 73-80 passim Clanranald, 149 Cranstoun levy, 67, 68, 72, 74, 75, 80 Claverhouse, s. Dundee, Viscount Cranstoun's regiment, 71, 72, 76, 77, 78 Clearances, the, 221 Crawford, Earl ef, 8 Clerk, family Cromb, James, s. 'Highland Brigade, The' Hans, governor, Vaxholm fort, 65 Cromdale (1690), battle ef, 272 Richard, Swedish admiral, 65 Cromwell, bird Protector, 62-76 passim, Clerk, Rev. Archibald, minister, 107 80, 203, 240, 256, 264, 274, 284, 285 Cloppenburg press,

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