/ 4 f . • I r iSIattrl^PBipr Sttrning iKrraUk ’nrURSOAT, SBPTEMBER *. V Be a 10 Per Center— Buy War Bonds Every Pay Dayl A t a special meeting of the About Town Army and Navy club held in the Pytilians to Honor I Bus to Carry Ready for Action False Alarms Average Daily Circulation The Weather clubhouse last night it was voted One Session Favored For the Month of August, 1942 Foreenst of U. 8. Weather Bnreau to hold the annual outing at the Su,.rem. q.ancell.>r Children Villa liouisa In Bolton on Sunday, Sept. IS. Caiise Trouble 7,530 Orcaslonal light rain this after­ lift this nom ine for noon and tonight; slightly r«>oler ■ ■ mwrtri' By Education Board Member nf toe Audit IE II. wham tiMr will r ' in Interior tonight. Mr. i(nd Mrs. Anthony Pyka of School Boarii Arran^c^ ■urenu of Clreadstions Doane stre^, leave Saturday on a Own4TH of Local Ambii- vacation. They will visit Mr. Transportation ' fo r lancet* Say It Is a Very C^ifeteria. at the High tions, but the trouble that the club Manchester— A City of Village Charm w, wM bom Pyka’s former home in Pennsyl­ would be put to at this time to ICr. and Hra. New Home SectioiiB. vania. 'Serious Business. School I^ Proposed; secure another building or a new (SIXTEEN PAGES) of 5S Camp- location made the plan imprac- VOL. LXL, NO. 287 (Classified .Advertising on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1942 PRICE THREE CENTS IIM. dMaamaa wna Will Save Money an<l cal. Officer and Mrs. John Cavag- First of the problems ,to come At least two local ambulance t PaSon of to the attention of the Board of Other Loeattdns naro of 'Ridge street will leave to­ services have been hoaxed during Aid in War Efforts. morrow by automobile for North Education caused by new home When it waa aeen that thia Carolina where they -will visit developments and the need of the past three weeks and the laU building could not be aecured at Belgian Army Post at Leopoldville in Congo ^ — • Blade Pracaptory. No. ..Bhfore the^ school year at 'Man­ m y i their son who has been trans­ transportation, w-as disposed of eat, a few days ago, is causing a once other locations were sought. win Inaat in Oranga ban to- chester High, M(hich starts next Initiative Wrested ferred from Florida to the Air at a meeting last night w-hen it lot o f coheerh; One ' ambulance It waa reported that there waa German Divisions aaanlne at alght o'clock. Corps in that state. was voted to pay the Perrett and made a long and hurried trip to Wednesday, Is vbry .pld. a drastic space enough in the Franklin Glenney Company $4 a day to change In achool hours ....may be school to seat about 400 persons. transport the. children from the Bolton lake in aniwer to an By having the time divided be­ Van. Jamaa Rolston, of Hazel Members of the Italian-Ameri­ urgent call over the telephone. An­ made. This was consiclered by the atraat, eMtlng yeatarday with Mr. Woodland Park development and tween three groups the High From Axis Forces can Ladles Aid Society will meet other was summoned to an ad­ Board of Education Tast night. and Mrs. Paul Huasey at Cosy other streets in that section. The achool could be taken care of. It at the comer of Center and Win­ cii.stance is one and three-quarter dress in town and liince then two After more than an hour’s dis- was figured that by allowthg those Nook Oottaga on the South Oor- ter streets at 8:30 tonight and more false alarms have been an­ Drive at Stalingrad; miles to the Hollister street cusaion, a change from the pres­ wlio lived near enough to the antry laka landed a four-pound proceed in a body to the Holloran swered without anyone' being near ent two sessions a- day to one con­ tlirae-ounea anall-inouth basa school on roads where there are no school; to go home for lunch there funeral home, 178 Center street, Bobuid R. Wllsoa or kno*ving who sent In the calls. tinued sesaion, aeems likely. There would be no trouble in taking care In Desert Battle which' was aervpd. for dinner last to pay their respects to the late w-alks. There are 54 children en­ A Serious Situation titled to transportation, but ar­ are still matters to be studied, but of the remainder. The enrollment bML IBaa Gertrude Kiaatnan of FeMx Farr. But what makes the owners reports made to the board show, rangements have been made to Roland R. Wilson. 17. of Man­ at the. High School thia year will Hlidiland street was invited to.join chester, .Conn., is anxious to get provoked about the whole thing is ed that the committee that haa the group for dinner. take care of 34 at this price. be under 1,400. 'About 10 per Fight Hits Suburbs that the shortage of gasoline and been considering the plan since Combine.! Action J)rive tO Get Petition Is PiTSrntod into action as he nears the end o f cent of those would pot have to his "boot■■ training period at th* the need for tires is of grave con- early laat Spring, favors It. use the- cafeteria. Aitienran and Royal _ , e a ww The marriasre of Mias Roaella Jntm Lee Smltb The> petition was presented -to cern and needless trips to answer Manchester United States Marine Corps re­ It will not be possible to make Dismissed at 8 p. m. Kuala, of S9S North Main street, the schfiol. superintendent by resi­ cruit depot at Parris Island; 8. C. a false alarm do not make the the change in time for the open­ Air Forces and British PrintS o f All dents of the new development who If the change was made It V'on Bock !\lak|rlg' Ef­ to Joseph Olraitis will take place Date Book John Lee Smith, Supreme Chan­ Wil.son is the son of Mr. and aituation any too good. As one ing of the school next week, but Mechanized1 ^ ( 1 ___ •____I ITUnits_•r Saturday morning at 9 o’clock In cellor of the KnighU of Pythias of .showed that there were 11 chil­ Mrs. Harrison Wilson. 139 Oak owner said this morning; if the necessary equipment can would mean adjustment of the i r i e r t “ Type fort to Capitalize on St. Bridget's church, with recep­ the United States and Canada and dren five years of age; 10 of six; street, Manchester. He attended "We will continue to answer be secured to set up a school cafe­ time for starting achool sesalonB, lieves Pressure on tion following in Liberty hall, Q<k- Tonight Commander-in-Chief of the Uni­ four of seven; five -of eight; four these calls. It’s our duty. But I teria. arrangementa will be made and 8:30 was suggested. This Is Renewed Strait* to Rii**ian- Wedge* DHven into Carnival at K. of C. grounds. Manohe.stcr High School and was Combat Unit way street. form Rank Knights will be the of nine: five of 10: five of It; six employed as a textile worker bv doubt very much if the general to serve lunches to some 1,200 would mean that achool would be South . End o f ^Line. Main street, opposite Cambridge of 12 and five of 13. Some, of the public realizes that in many caaea, (lt.4niis.sed for the day at 2 o'clock. ,Held Black Sea Coast; Defen.He*; Red* Regain street. guest of the l^thians of Con­ Cheney Brothers prior to his en- children and a one sc.sslon sched­ Chapman Court. Order of Ama­ necticut at a dinner to be given bo.vs and girls ride bicycles and Jl.stment in the Marine Corps where an accident is Involved, ule will follow. This would give an opportunity to Hobbs to Draft Legisla- Fighting (Continuing Special meeting. Zoning Com­ would not have to be transported, there is no compen.sation. Without the teachers and the older pupils Cairo, Sept. 4.-—(JP)— Com­ Now Formed Some . Ground North­ ranth, will hold its first meeting mission, Municipal Building at 8. in his honor at the Hotel Barnum May Cost Only 83.000 af the new aeaaon tomorrow eve­ In Bridgeport on September 9 at leaving '34 that would be takVn rotlon I cah safely say that At the Joint School Board meet­ to engage In much needed war bined action by the U. S. tion to Require Fin^ On Taman Peninsula; ------ ■ ' west of City; Cost Meeting of Zoning Board of Ap­ care of by the bus. The bus will it coats us about WOO to operate ing held In ‘June a resolution was work. It would-also save on light ning at 8 o’clock in the Masonic peals, Municipal Building at 8. 7:00 p. m. Mr. Smith was elected Army Air Force*, the R.A.F. gerprinting of Every Temple. A social time with re- first pick up children in the Oak­ Cotton Coinplotes these ambulances for the protec­ presented asking that the town and heat, the latter being a biR Advance by Land To- Army Officers Predict O f Slight Nazi Ad- Tuesday. September 8 at the Supreme Lodge seasion of and hard-hitting British fMahmenta in charge of Mrs. Lau­ the Knights of Pythias held )n- land district and after bringing tion of the public.
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