Committee To Reclistfibute Questionnaire Student Information Study r. To Be Handled Differently A committee of students maHoo would a:Lso anow pre- launched a campaign today d!icti001Js to be made concern- :to rievive the UCI Student ing the f:trture ·e1cionomy a n d Culture Ques1bilonnaire, which pr·ogir:essive direc!tfoins oif the was intti'ated at 1the Conclave. USA, 'and will. aiso r:evieal the UGI s1rudents were asked weaknesses in pre-c 01l l e g e to comp 1 et ,e the ques·biJon- trainmg anid guidance. naiWe diistributed by the So- filach sJtudlent will have a cial Sciences Division con- S'epa:r:alte r,eioord kept 01f him, cerning thei,r political aitti- and ·eiach lti!me the question- tudes, vocational desires and naire is ad ministered, feel!ings on other student-uni- dhanges in ibis atti:tudes will vers~ty re1ationsihips. How- be ndted. Dr. Wallace a n d ever, the resiponse to t h e his associates 1ilnltend to dis- study was so poor that a trilbute the test in the fall gmup olf s-tudenits feels an- and spring for the next four o1lher attempt s h o u 1 d he years. made. The 1same research project Thie res1earch project and ts being conducted at Univer- the g r C> u p are being spon- sity of ica1ifiornia at Santa Cruz. The most sigruificant fact MAKING PLANS - Members of the Irvine Student Culture Committee are planning to re- sored ll>y thre,e non-UCI pro- fessors: Drs. Walte1r WaHace that Dr. Wallace revealed was distribute the student questionnaire. Working on the project · are Sonja Berggren, Leslie the compared response total of Fausett and Terri Boggs. and John Kitsyse, professors of socilalogy 1at Norithwes:tern the two universities. He re- University; and Dennis Mc- ported that whereas Santa Cruz had a 75 per cent reply, llrath, ip1rof:essi0r of sociology at the Universi'ty of Califor- only 17 per cent of the UCI n1a, Santa Gruz. student body took the ques- The commi1ttee and the re- tionnaire. searchers f·2el that the fir.st The student committee wrn attempts to distribute the off er the questionnaire to questionnake f1ai!led because students in a different way. First, students will not need of the 1aick 0£ illlfo.rma t i o n to identify themselves on the prnv~dect the s!tude:nit body albout 1the prioded. ''Dher·efore, questionnaire by filling ii t the group is presenting the their names; registration card numbers will be suffi- research proj1eict in ai di.ff er- ent and factual light. cient. In addition, the ques- In an interview, Dr. Wal- tionnaire will be distributed for four days, and students ~ace rev1 ea~ed the followi n g facts about the ·study. The re- (Continued on Page Four) Weekly Publication of the Irvine Student Press-Sc Copy searchers are oons~dering the gT,owth, developmen;t a n d Vol. 1-No. 7 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA Wed., Dec. l, 1965 student-Facullty cultw:e dur- ing the fjrst ye.airs of exist- Pella:mTo Speak ence. Dr. Wallace and his asso- Dudng Seminar ci~tes Wa7lit to know 1 ~he kinds ''Phenomena Ne·ar Abso- of effec!ts situdent and faculty lute Zero'' is the itopic whi-cih Campus News culture· h a v e on incoming Professor John R. PeUam, s1tudients in terms of chang- dI ilhe' U.C. Irvhw physics de- Don Woodridge, president of Gathering on the stage of on learning new steps and ing artititudes toward v,oca- pal"tment, will discus1s to- the Chapman Coalege chap- Campus Hall, a folk dance perfecting skills. tional cho:i:ces. nighit at 7 p.m. in the Sci- ter of the California Federa- ence Lecture Hall. It will be group meets every Friday English teacher Patty Par- ''Although mo.s1 freshmen t 1 ti:on of y ,01UJllg Democrats, will malee and freshman Barry 'the fir:s1t in a series of month- be the guest speaker at night from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. huve an idea of W1hat they ly s1eminaris con c e r n i n g an Glass will be giving instruc- woufM 111ke to, be when they org1anizati:ona1l meeting of the to learn the techniques of tion to the group. The two "Frontieris · of Re,s1earc'h," UCI Young Democrats, Thurs- f.<>lk dancing. enteir college, mosit change to sponsored hy 1i!he newly or- are donating their time. Miss something 1 e during the day, December 2. Speaking The evening is divided into Parmalee may be reached e s ganized Dean's Cabinet fur on the purposes of this po- colfoge years,'' he :pointed Physical Sciences. three sessions. From 7: 00 to at HY 4-6223 by students who ''We, want to diiscover litical organization, Mr. Wood- 8:00, dancing for begmners are intereisted in knowing out. Dr. Peillaim, fiorme'rly pro- ridge will addres·s all inter- who wish to learn basic steps more about the club. whalt causes the clhaniges.'' fessor olf physks. ait the Cali.- ested students at 7: 30 p.m. and techniques is presented. A:ccording to Mis:s Parma- By dete001ining in~l]uences, fiomiia lll!sititute of Technolo- in NS-1435. Students who have Fr<>m 8: 00 to 10: 00 open danc- lee, everyone is invited fo the rese~Cih group feels that gy and director of the low questions or who would like ing allows students to make the dance meetings:, ,and it can establish a 'S'atisfac!tory temperartur1e labor a t o r y to attend may contacl Andy reques·ts for dances they wish those who attend need not model m belhiavior for college there, is an internait:ionally Lachman, 833-5374. to do. From 10:00 to 11:00 have previous folk dancing students and apply the knowl- recognfaed :authority on phys- the advanced group works experience. edge to fu1tme· university edu- ical phenomena ait low tem- The Ne.wman club, a group cational systems. '.Dhe infor- peratures. sponsored by Catholic col- lege students, will hold an organizationa1 meeting Sun- Operation Thanks Gets Help day, December 5. 'Dhe pro- More than 300 signatures, signed and donated $40.00 in griam, Which w.iJ1 · folllow a as well as $106.55, were col- cash. Twenty students vol- 6:00 p.m. Mass, will be pre- lected for "O per at i on unteered to circulate more se1nted at Our Lady Queen of petitions during their free Angels Church, 2046 Mar Thanks" at the University of hours. Vista, Corona del Mar. This California, Irvine. The proj- According to Miss Spake, is directly across from Oo- ect, which was started by the program is "to boost mo- rona 1del Mar High School. students at Pepperdine Col- rale of US troops in Viet- Guest speakeifs will discuss lege, was instigated at many nam; to help change the low the organization of the New- of the college campuses in opinion which our soldiers in man club and the possibil- Southern California. Vietnam hold toward Ameri- ity of starting a 'branch at The informal movement in- can college students because UCL volved the signing of a letter of recent demonstrations; and thanking United States sol- to show our deep apprecia- Students who .are interiest- diers in Vietnam for their ser- tic"1 ::i t Th ~inkc;: gi vin q; t;'l.e, ed in forming ,a UC Irvine vice and donation of food when Americans traditicnal- Forensic Society are invited and clothing to an impover- ly 6ive <ll2 1 1ks fo r th::r mmy to a meeting on December ished Vietnamese village. blessings.'' 7, at 7:30 in FA-2117. "Operation Thanks" was Funds collected will be initiated at UCI by Amanda used to purchase holiday The Activm:ies ·committee Spake, a freshman English foods, packed in boxe~ bear- has planned an after-game major from Anaheim, and ing the names and addresses dance December 4· in the her dorm roommate, Miss of studelI!ts who signed let- Commons. With music from Paula Snowden, who is a ters or petitions. Soldliers who a ld.ve band, the event will freshman social science ma- receive the boxes may write last until 1:00 a.m., and C·ais- jor from Long Beach. to the donors. ual dress is all tha:t is re- Miss Spake repoTted that F,ood and clothing will also I.AST MINUTE CHECK - Looking over signed petitions col- qooed. The 1admiss1iion fee within the fir.st few hours go to the South Vietnamese will be 50 ·cents with a :regis- after posting the petition at village of Le May. Marines lected for "Operation Thanks" are Chairwomen Paula trativn card and 75 cents a table in Gateway Plaza, there are trying to help loyal Snowden and Amanda Spake. More than 300 signatures witlhout. more than 50 students had villagers. and over $100 in cash were collected at UCI. Page Two SPECTRUM Wed., Dec. J; 1965 Freshmen Year: REFLECTIONS All letters to the editor must be signed and may be addressed to David Cooksey, 102 E. Loma, Internal Conflict UC Irvine, Newport Beach, California. · The ,optimum effoct of_ one's freshman year at coUege should be a shocking into a state of pers · o~­ Tu the Editor: al awareness. F:or foo many the fire 1shman y·ear IS I would like to vo'ice strong exception to the merely a cantinuat1on of high school attitudes and premise of Andrea Graham'.s euitorial of Novem- ber 24.
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