001$0 44mara 4mmz>. @ggigg BROADCASTS NEWS the hour Every hour on 2:25-5Baseball: Dodgers vs. GiantsWHN. through n P. lif 1:154:30Prime Minister Clement A. Attlee: "TheIndiar from 8 A. M. bulle- TIMES. Question," from LondonWEAF, WJZ, WOR. NEW YORK news WMCA-570 tins 8-8:30Comedy Show: Can You Top This?WOR. over 8-8:30The Jack Carson Show: With Louise Albritton,Arthm TreacherWABC (Premiere). 24 in C Morning WHN 8 : 45-WNYC, 8:05-9Symphony Hall: MozartPiano Concerto No. 5:00-WABC 55-WOR, WJZ, 8: 09-1VOR MinorWQXR. b: WLIB 8:30-9Billie Burke Show: With Florence Lake andJohn 6:30-IVOR. WMCA, 9: 00-WABC, WNEW WQX/Z BrownWEAF. 00-WEAF, WOR, Van '7: 9: 30-WNEW WYNC, 8:30-8:45Theatre Time: With George Freedley; John WABC. 55-WLIB 9: WQXR Druten, GuestWNYC (Premiere). WOR, 00-WEAF, MIN 10: 7: 15-WMCA, 9-9:30Variety: Nora Martin, Fred Martel, Songs; Leonar W111CA, WQXR 7: 30-WEAF, 30-WNEW WQXR 10: Sues, TrumpetWEAF. WNEW, 55-WLIB WABC 10: 45-WJZ, 9-9:30Play: "Man Trap," Beryl Vaughan, Harry EldersWJZ WMCA 00-WOE, WOR, 11: 00-WEAF. WNYC, WQXR 9-9:30The Frank Sinatra Show: Pegg Lee, SongsWABC. WABC, WMCA, WMCA, 30-WJZ, WQXR 11: 9:30-10Play: "Mr. District Attorney,Jay JostynWEAF. WNYC, WNEW 8. 30 -WEAF, 9:30-10Forum: "When He Conies Home," Bernard Davis WQXR 55-WLIB, WNEW 11: H. A. Pickens, Dr. Robert GoldensonWMCA. WMCA, 10-11Musical Quiz: Kay Kyser's Musical CollegeWEAF. Afternoon WOE WQXR 12: 00-WEAF, WILICA, WOR, 3: 30- 10-10:30Human Adventure: "Fight to Conquer Smallpox' 12: 30-WEAF, WNEW WNE1V WOR. WJZ. 45-WNYC 3: 12: 45-WHN 10-10:30Play: "David HardingCounter-Spy"WJZ. 55-WLIB 55-1VLIS 12: WMCA, 00-WOR, 10-10:30Great Moments in Music: Jean Tennyson, Soprano 00-WJZ WMCA. 1: , 1VQXR WQXR Robert Weede, Baritone; Jan Peerce, TenorWABC. WLIB, 15-WJZ /:30-1VABC, WEN, 4: 10:30-11Play: "Crime Photographer," Staats CotsworthWAB( 25-WABC 4: WNEW MICA. 30-WJZ 45-WEAF 4: 11:30-12CMH Play: Gen. Jonathan Wainwright, Guest; Staat 1: , WNEIV Cotsworth, NarratorWEAF. 55-WLIB 55-WLIB 00-WOR, WJZ. 4: 5: 00-WMCA, WMCA, WNYC, Where there is no listing for a station the preceding WQXR WQXR 30-WMCA., 5: program is on the air 2: 30-WNEW WNEW 55-WLIB 2: 55- WLIB 00-WMCA, 5: 3: MORNING Evening 8:30-WNEW WOR, 6: 00-WEAF, NYC WABC, 9: 55-V, 5:00-WABCNews; Variety Music WOEJack Berch, Songs WJZ, 00-WMCA, 10: 5:30-WEAFRecorded Music WJZBreakfast Club Variety WAWA, WQXR WQXR WABCReveille Sweetheart WABCNews Reports 6: 25-WQXR 15-WOE WJZ, 10: 5:45-WORFarmers' Digest WMCAN. Y. Times News 6: 30-WOR. 10: 30-WMCA. 00-WEAFFarm News WNYCMasterwork Hour WNEW WNEW 45-WEAF. WJZGalen Drake WHNGloom Dodgers (To 1) 6: 45-WHN WNYC 10: WQXRNews; Albert Grobe WABC, WIT/IRadio Newsreel won, 00-WEAF, WLIB WNEWRecorded Music 9: 03-WMCATalkIsabella Beach 55-1VABC, 1: WABC. WJZ, WJZ, 6:30-WORNews: Sun-Up Society 9:05-WQXRB-LineAngeline DOughert 00-WOE, WQXR WABCArthur Godfrey 9:15-WORMusic and Talks WHN, WEVD. 05-WJZ 1: WMCAMusic and News WABCArhtur Godfrey Show WQXR 10-WABC WMCA 1: WNEWNews: Recorded _Music WLIBYour Morning Guest 7:15 -WEA F. WOE 15-WEAF. C:45-WNEWStorles of the Bible WQXRKeyboard Stylist 7: 30-WAICA , WEVD 30-WNEW 9:30-WEAFAdelaide Hawley. Talk WNEW 1: 7:00-WEAFNews; Variety Musicale , 55-W1.1B WORFoodAlfred W. McCann 45-WEAF, WHN 7: WORNews; Musical Clock WOR. WMCAmusic Box Variety 00-WEAF. 55-WLIB WJZEd East Variety Show 7: WJZ. WABC, WNEWNews; The Handy Man WMCA, 00-WOR, WABCNews; Arthur Godfrey 8: 1VLIBMelody Playhouse WMCA, WQXR WMCABand Music WQXR WHN 55-WEAF, WQxRPop Concert 12: WNYCNews; Sunrise Symphony 8:15-WJZ WABC, 45-WEAFDaytime Classics 1: 00- WJZ, 30-WLIES WHNRecorded Music WNEIVDenver Darling. Songs 8: WMCA 45-WEVD WNEWRecorded Music I 8: WLIBTalkEstelle Sternberger 50-WHN WLIB 55-1VABC, WLIBTune-Up Music 8: 9:55-WLIBNews: Concert Music oo-woR WMCA, 00 -WOR, WQXRNews Reports 10:00-WEAF Robert St. John 9: 7:05-WQXRHeadlines and Harmonies WORNewsHenry GladStone WQXR 7:15-WAICANews Reports WJZMy True story WAVE SHORT WHNNews; Music Shop WABCVallant LadySketch BY 7:30-WEAFDon Goddard WMCAN. Y. Times News TimeMegacycles WMCARise and Shine Music WNYCConsumer News Eastern WNEIVNews; Recorded Music WNEWMake-Believe Ballroom LONDON WQXRNews; Breakfast Symphony WQXRNews; Recorded Music M.-15.31 9:00 A. M.- 5:45 P. 7:45-WEAFThe Hometowners, Songs 10:03-WAICAMusic Box Variety 9.82. 7.20 M.-9.64, M.-12:30 A. WJZ, WABCNews Reports 10:15-WEAFLora Lawton 5:45 P. WMCAHelp Wanted Repeater IVORBessie Beatty Show PARIS M.-15.24 M.-11:00 A. 50-WJZThe Fltzgeralds WABCThe Light of the World 8:30 A. M.-11.73 6:30 M.- 8:30 P. 7:55-WLIBNews Reports WNYCTreasury Salute P. M.-11.84 M.-10:45 P. 9:00-WEAFWorld News Round-UP 25-WJZIt Really Happened 9:00 P. WORNews; Prescott Robinson 10:30-WEAFRoad of LifeSketch MOSCOW WARDNews Reports WJZHymns of All Churches M.-11.26 M.-11:00 A. WA1CAN. Y. Times News WABCRomance of Evelyn Winters 7:26 A. P. M.-11.27 WNYCNews: Music Album WNYCBBC Morning News 9:00 P. M.-10:20 WLIBYoung People's Church WNEWNews; Recorded Music MELBOURNE 01.-11.71 WQXRNews; Breakfast Symphony WQXRComposer's Corner M.-12:45 P. 11:00 A. M.-15.31. 5:03-WAICAReal Estate Round-Up 10:45-WEAFJoyce JordanSketch M.- 1:00 A. 8:15-WEAFJack Arthur. Songs WJZThe Listening Post 11:00 P. WORBreakfast. Dorothy and Dick WABCBachelor's Children BERNE M.-15.87 P. WJZWhat a Man!Chaplain Win- WNYCRecorded music 3:20- 3:50 M. 7.35 field Burggraaff 10: 55-WLIBNews; Recorded Music 9:30-11:00 I'. WABCPhll Cook, Music 11:00-WEAFFred Waring Show MANILA WORNews; Prescott Robinson WAICAUnity ViewpointTalk 9:30 M. M.-9:15 A. WNYCHelp Wanted Ads; Music WJZBreakfast With Breneman I 6:00 A. M.-11.64 A. M.-8:15 A. 25-WNYCConsumer's Guide WABCAmandaSketch 7:30 8: 30-WEAFNews: Charles McCarthy WMCAN. Y. Times News WNYCNqWS Reports WJZNancy Craig, Talk WQXRConcert Music WQXRNeWs Reports HarumSketch WABCMissus Goes A-Shopping 45-WEAFDavid 11: 11:03-WMCAMusic Box Variety Ken Say? With WMCANews; Recorded Music 11:05-WQXROther People's Business WORWh at Did I WNEWNews; Recorded Music M. C. Powell, News WLIBMorning Overture Alma DettInger WIZTed Malone. 11:15-WORTello-Test Quiz Stories 1: 35-WNYCMusic Album WABCSecond Husband WABCAunt Jenny's Manners 8:45-WEAFTalkRod Hendrickson WMCAZeke WNYCMuslcal Souvenirs Health De- WABCTalkMargaret Arlen WNYCThis Is Your 11: 30-WEAFBarry CameronSketch Peterson WNYCNews: New York Today WORTake It Easy Time partmentDr. Jerome WMCAZeke Manners WLIBMusical Quiz WJZGiloert Martyn: News Songs 55-WORCli f Edwards, WHNNews Reports 11: WABCA Woman's Life Music 8: 55-WOR. WJZNews Reports WL1BNews: Luncheon IA:LIBNews; Household Hints WMCANews; Vocal Varieties 9:00-IVEAFEd East and Polly WNEWNews; ,Recorded Music AFTERNOON WNYCString Music 12: 00-WEAFClyde Kettell WJZJohn B. Kennedy WNYCString Music WORNewsWilliam Lang WABCTwo on a Clue WQXRNews; Symphonic Matinee NVJZGlamour Manor WMCAN, Y. Times News 4:03-WMCARay Smith. Songs WABCKate Smith Chat; News WNYCNews Reports 4:15-WRAP. WJZ. WOKprime Minis- WMCAN. Y. Times News WLIBThis Is America ter Clement R. Attlee. the Indian WNYCMusic at Work WQXRNews; Concert Must° Question, From London WNEWVariety Show 2: 03-wMCARecorded Music WNEWDenver Darling, Songs WQXRNews; Luncheon Concert 2:05-WNYCSyMphonic Matinee 25-WABCNews Reports 12: 03-WMCAL-Jerry Lawrence Records 10-WHNDick Gilbert 4:30-WEAFLoren7o Jones 12: 15-WEAFTalkMaggi McNellis 2:15-WEAFToday's Children WOKFood and Home Forum WORRichard Maxwell WORJane Cowl WJZReports From Abroad WABCBig Sister WJZEthel and AlbertSketch WABCFeature Story 12: 30-WEAFNews from the Pacific WABCPerry Mason WMCANews; Popular Music WORNewsHenry Gladstone WQXRTreasury Salute WNEWNews; Recorded Music WJZNews; Women's Exchange 2:25-WHNBaseball: Dodgers vs. Giant4:45-WEAFYong Widder Brown WABCHelen TrentSketch 2:30-WEAFWomen in White WJZHop Harrigan WNE1,VNews; TalkRichard WiIliS WOKQueen for a Day WABODanny O'Neil, Tenor 12: 45-WEAFJerome Orchestra WJZThe Fitzgeraids WNYCBBC Reports WOKThe Answer Man WABCRosemary 4:55-WLIBNews Reports WABCOur Gal Sunday WNEWNews; Variety Music 5:00-WEAFWhen a Girl Marries WHNNews Reports WLIBSouth of the Border WOKUncle Don 1:00-WEAFEstella Karn;Mary Mar- WQXRRequest Program WJZTerry and the Pirates garet McBride 2:45-WEAFHymns of All Churches WABCWaco on Parade WOKMealtime Melodies WABCTena and TimSketch WMCAN. Y. Times News WJZH. R. Baukhage WLIBWe See by the Papers WNYCRecorded Music WABCLife Can Be Beautiful 3:00-WEAFA Woman of America WHNSports Extra WMCAN. Y. Times News WORMartha Deane Program WLIBCandielight and Silver WNYCMissing Persona Alarm WJZBest Sellers: A Lion Is in the WQXRNews; Wings of Song WHNFor Women Only Streets;Brett Morrison, Narrator 03-WMCARecorded Music wNEWLove Poems WABCTime to Remember 5:15-wEAFPortia Faces Life . WLIBClifford Evans WMCAN. Y. Times News WORSupermanSketch WQXRNews; Midday Symphony WLIBMarch of Music WJZDick Tracy 1: 03-WMCARecorded Music WQXRNews; Request Music WHNDick Gilbert 1:05-WNYCCDVO Series 3:03-WMCARecorded Music WNEWHollywoodPaula Stone 1:15-WORJack Bundy's Album 15-WEAFMa Perkins WQXRToday in Music WJZConstance Bennett. Talk WABCRecorded Music 5:30-WEAFJust Plain Bill WABCMa Perkins WLIBSouth of the Border WOKCaptain Tim Healy's WNEWJudy Lang, Songs 3:30-WEAFPepper Young's Family WJZJack ArmstrongSketch WLIBAfternoon Serenade WOKRambling With Gambling WABCClinarron TavernSketch 1: 30-WOKtopez Orchestra WJZLadies, Be Seated WMCANews Reports wJzGalen Drake WMCANews Reports WNYCCarmel Abel, Soprano WABCMargaret Macdonald WNYCScience Talk WNEWNews; Recorded Music WalCAThe Captain Tim Healys WNEWNews; Variety Music WQXRGreat Artists WNYCRecorded Music 3:45-WEAFRight to Happiness 5:45-WEAFFront Page Farrell WHNNews; Music WABCFour Clubmen Quartet WOKTom Mix Adventures WNEWNews: Recorded Music WMCARecorded Music WJZTennessee Jed WLIBEddy Brown Ensemble WNYCNews WABCSparrow and the Hawk 1:45-WRAFMorgan Beatty, News 3: 55-WLIBNews: TeatimeMusic WIVICAJerry Baker, Songs WORJohn J.
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