July 2020 Newsletter of the PCC Rokita Capital Group and affiliated companies Samotnia – my place in the Giant Mountains Into the Unknown The story of – more than – one house PCC CHEM NEWS Editor: Typesetting: Editorial Team Maciej Trubisz Hiram Advertising Agency phone 71 794 2448, e-mail: [email protected] www.hiram.pl contact details ul. Sienkiewicza 4, 56-120 Brzeg Dolny Publisher: PCC Rokita SA, seated at ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 4, 56-120 Brzeg Dolny, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Wrocław – Fabryczna in Wrocław, 9th Commercial Division of the National Court Register (KRS) under number: 0000105885, Tax Identification Number (NIP): 9170000015, National Business Registry Number (REGON): 930613932, BDO 000052553, share capital PLN 19,853,300.00, paid in full. Table of Contents/July 2020 8From life of companies After work 4 Modernisation of tanker wash on the home straight 12 Samotnia – my place in the Giant Mountains 6 PCC Autochem with an even better SQAS result 14 Dream big. Travel far. Live life to the fullest. in the transport sector 16 Into the Unknown 8 Intermodal: a proven solution in uncertain times 19 The story of – more than – one house 10 Intermodal is primarily all about rail connections, but not only... 6 12 14 From life of companies PCC Chem News Modernisation of tanker wash on the home straight 4 July 2020 From life of companies Until now, the wash had one full-size and one supporting washing stand. By the end of August, another full-size stand, equipped with five washing heads, will have been built. Also, the current washing stand will be modernised and adapted Modernisation to hold not only typical tank-containers, but also unusual tankers, including those with large tank capacity. Additionally, an automated station for washing large, portable IBCs and other types of containers will be erected. The modernisation will result of tanker wash in the possibility to wash three tankers at the same time. on the home straight CC Autochem’s decision to port companies are required to comply make it possible to wash tanks without modernise the wash stems with numerous regulations, for exam- exposing people and the environment to from the increased demand ple: they have to ensure safety and keep any negative effects. for this type of services. In- the tanks impeccably clean and sterile. stallation of modern wash- To avoid contamination, any residue left When the modernisation process is fin- Ping devices will make it possible to carry behind by the transported substances ished, the efficiency and capacity of the out comprehensive cleaning services in or foodstuffs should be removed thor- wash will increase significantly, which a more efficient and quicker manner. oughly. Therefore, washing facilities will result in reduced waiting time for must be very effective. The tank should the washing services. Plus, the use of It is the only wash in Lower Silesia with be checked for cleanliness before each top-class washing devices will facilitate an ECD certificate – a document con- loading to ensure it does not contain reduction of heat emission as well as wa- firming compliance with international residues or odours left behind by the ter, steam and electricity consumption. quality standards. The wash handles previous load. tankers, tank-containers and containers Łukasz Moroziuk for chemicals and fuels transportation. Tank cleaning must be carried out by Wash Manager specialised washes equipped with appro- PCC Autochem Regular cleaning of tankers is extremely priate equipment – if only because of important when it comes to tanks in frequently transported substances that Izabella Zalewska which hazardous substances are trans- are hazardous to people and the envi- Board Adviser ported. For this, you need specialised ronment. The PCC Autochem wash has on Social Communication equipment and qualified staff. Trans- state-of-the-art, high-tech devices that PCC Rokita 5 From life of companies PCC Chem News PCC Autochem with an even better SQAS result in the transport sector The end of January saw an SQAS assessment take place at PCC Autochem. The two-day audit confirmed the company's activities comply with CEFIC guidelines in the transport sector in 87% – A RESULT THAT EXCEEDS THE EUROPEAN AVERAGE BY AS MUCH AS 14% CC Autochem has been sub- the growing requirements of the system. vious one by 2%, which is a gratifying jecting the quality and safety The latest changes in the SQAS evalu- reward for all the work put into prepara- of its services in the trans- ation form were introduced in 2019, so tion for the audit. port module to SQAS audit now, for the first time since that mo- in a three-year cycle continu- ment, employees had the opportunity to By using the standard evaluation ques- Pously since 2005. At that time, it was the face new and much more detailed guide- tionnaire, the system provides useful 6th company in Poland to have such an lines in practice. Preparing the PCC Au- feedback on the strengths and weakness- assessment carried out. Over the past 15 tochem team for this year's SQAS audit es identified during in the assessment years, the company has carried out sub- was therefore quite a challenge. Despite process. The end result of the audit is sequent reviews of its procedures and that, the team managed to raise the bar a detailed report specifying the percent- employed solutions to adapt them to and achieve a result higher than the pre- age of compliance with the guidelines 6 July 2020 From life of companies and summarising individual areas of the The system is based on activity stand- companies, on 1st April the authority to company's operations. ards and procedures advocated for com- use its measures was extended, making panies from the chemical industry, as them available to the entire community Companies from the TSL sector, which well as those cooperating with it, which of chemical companies being SQAS cooperate with the chemical industry on have been developed in an international members (unlike before, when this privi- a daily basis, more and more frequently forum. These standards are to be not lege applied to producer members and have to face the need to adapt to the in- only economically, but also socially ef- companies that purchased the extend- creased standards imposed by the mar- fective, as well as have a positive impact ed functionality package only). This ket. This trend is particularly noticeable on the natural environment. The SQAS change will make it possible to compare in such areas as global security and the system largely uses the procedures of one’s own company’s report with the re- improvement of operating conditions various systems, but it makes them more sults of other companies as well as pro- and its impact on the environment. Par- specific to the industry requirements of vide an opportunity to fully assess the ticipants in the logistics chain must en- the manufacturers, increasing the num- performance of subcontractors, washes, sure that their operations are carried out ber of controlled elements depending on warehouses, etc. It will also later allow in a safe and controlled manner. It was the rank of the area. It is therefore a very for a better assessment of suppliers and exactly for this purpose that in the mid- precise assessment tool in the hands of may also in future be used as a tool for 1990s, the European Chemical In- logistics chain participants. remote audit of suppliers. dustry Council (CEFIC) established SQAS, i.e. Safety (of conducted opera- Recently, aiming at promoting the use tions) and Quality (of rendered services) of the SQAS database as much as pos- Ilona Tabaka-Dąbrowska Assessment for Sustainability. sible, CEFIC has introduced a new Specialist, Management functionality to it. Being convinced that Representative for QMS this would be beneficial for the assessed PCC Autochem Industry Range of scores per section 1. Management System and Responsibility 100% 2. Risk management 100% 3. Human Resources 100% 4. Site Emergency Preparedness ans Response 100% 5. Performance Analysis and Management Review 83% 6. Management of Subcontractors 79% 7. Equipment 79% 8. Behaviour Based Safety 100% 9. Management of greenhouse gas emissions 40% 10. Security 86% 11. Control of operations 88% 12. Specific types of Transport Services NOT ASSESSED 13. Site Inspection and Site Operations 91% 14. Handling practices of Food products NOT ASSESSED 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% european average PCC Autochem 7 From life of companies PCC Chem News Intermodal: a proven solution in uncertain times Despite the difficult situation on domestic and foreign markets, our trains continue to run according to the regular connections network. 8 July 2020 From life of companies e strive to ensure re- Running regularly for 15 years! gular and timely door- -to-door delivery Both This year marks the 15th year since intra-European and the first intermodal connection was Asia-Europe launched – precisely on 11th August Wconnections are carried out without 2005 the first PCCI train, loaded with interruption. 88 containers, set off on a journey from Brzeg Dolny to the Port of Świnoujście. Not only do we maintain regular con- nections, we are constantly looking for The current situation around us may further development opportunities and delay the celebration of the 15th anni- trying new directions to provide our cus- versary a little bit, but... We encourage tomers and partners with the best ser- you to follow our FB profile: https:// vice possible. We will inform all those pl-pl.facebook.com/pccintermodal, as we interested about the new connections as are preparing a contest for you on this they come to be.
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