Household of Mary, Duchess of York (from 1685, Queen) 1676-1688 Abell, John Groom of the Privy Chamber occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 200). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Aldworth, William Auditor General app. 19 Jan. 1686 (PRO 30/50/16). Occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 204). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Aprice, Joseph Priest in the Chapel 1685 (Baldwin Diss., p. 182 quoting BL Add. MSS. 10118). No further occ. Aprice, Thomas (Ildefonsus) Priest in the Chapel 1685 (Baldwin Diss., p. 182 quoting BL Add. MSS. 10118). No further occ. Apsley (afterwards Wentworth), Isabella, Lady Woman of the Bedchamber occ. 1676- 1687 (Chamberlayne [1676], p. 205; Add. MSS. 18958, f. 7; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; Add. MSS. 75389; last occ Chamberlayne [1687], p. 202). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Artima, Balthazar Groom of the Great Chamber occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 201). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Ashton, John Clerk of the Council occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 204). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Ashton, Thomas Keeper of the Council Chamber occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 204). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Baillon, --- Organist occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 203). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Banks, --- Page of the Backstairs occ. 1682 (Chamberlayne [1682], p. 236). Vac. by Est. of Mich. 1682 (Add. MSS. 38863). Barry, Edmond Gentleman Usher [Quarter Waiter] occ. 1687 Chamberlayne [1687], p. 200). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Beal (Bale), Samuel Groom of the Great Chamber occ. 1687-8 Oct. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 201; last occ. Dunmore Papers Mss. 65 Series 1, F. 30). Pos. will dated 14 June 1687 (PROB 11/389/42). Bell, --- [Servant - ?Verger] in the Chapel occ. c. 1688 (List of servants with plate, May 1689: CTB IX, 120). No further occ. Bellasis (Bellassyse, Lady Susan Lady of the Bedchamber occ. 1676-1687 (Chamberlayne [1676], p. 205; Add. MSS. 18958, f. 7; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; Add. MSS. 75389; last occ. Chamberlayne [1687], p. 201). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Blance, --- Chaplain occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 203). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Booke, --- Maid of Honour occ. 1679 (Chamberlayne [1679], p. 206). Vac. by 1682 (Chamberlayne [1682], p. 235). Bointon (Boynton), Isabella (from 1674 Countess of Roscommon) Maid of Honour app. c. 1674 (Harris, Transformations of Love, p. 194). Vac. c. 9 Nov. 1674 on marriage to Wentworth Dillon, Earl of Lord Roscommen (GEC). Lady of the Bedchamber occ. 1677-1687 (Chamberlayne [1677], p. 205; Add. MSS. 18958, f. 7; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; Add. MSS. 75389; last occ. (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 201). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Brabant, Thomas Lay Brother in the Chapel 1685 (Baldwin Diss., p. 182 quoting BL Add. MSS. 10118). No further occ. Bromley, Elizabeth Woman of the Bedchamber occ. 1676-1687 (Chamberlayne [1676], p. 205; Add. MSS. 18958, f. 7; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; Add. MSS. 75389; last occ. Chamberlayne [1687], p. 202). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Buckingham, Robert Yeoman Rider occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 203). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Bulkeley, Lady Sophia Lady of the Bedchamber app. 1685 (NDNB). Occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 201). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Bulstrode, Henry Gentleman Usher, Daily Waiter occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 199). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Butler, Thomas, jun. Groom occ. Est. of 6 Feb. 1685 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 9). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Butler, Thomas, sen. Groom occ. Est. of 6 Feb. 1685 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 9). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Carryll (Caryl), John Secretary app. c. 1686 (NDNB). Occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 199; CSPD 1685-1689, p. 23). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Clarke, Mary Maid of Honour occ. 1676-1679 (Chamberlayne [1676], p. 205; Add. MSS. 18958, f. 7, vacated; last occ. Chamberlayne [1679], p. 206). Vac. by 1682 (Chamberlayne [1682], p. 235). Clarke, Timothy Footman occ. Est. of 6 Feb. 1685 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 9). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Cockain, (Cokayne, Cotkayne), George Page of Honour occ. 1682-Est. of [Jan. 1685] (Chamberlayne [1682], p. 236; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; last occ. Add. MSS. 75389; nl Chamberlayne [1684], p. 234). Vac. by 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 209). Coleman (Colman), Edward Secretary app. 1673 (NDNB). Occ. 1674-1676 (Chamberlayne [1674], p. 235; last occ. ibid. [1676], p. 205). Dismissed late 1676 (NDNB). Vac. by 1677 (Chamberlayne [1677], p. 203). Constable, Thomas Priest in the Chapel app. by 1688 (Baldwin Diss., p. 182 quoting BL Add. MSS. 10118). No further occ. Corridere (Corridore, Corrydore), Giovanni Page of the Backstairs occ. Est. of Mich. 1682-1687 (Add. MSS. 75388; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75389; last occ. Chamberlayne [1687], p. 200). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Cornwallis (Cornwallies), Katherine Woman of the Bedchamber occ. 1676-Est. of Jan. 1685 (Chamberlayne [1676], p. 205; Add. MSS. 18958, f. 7; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; last occ. Add. MSS. 75389, but nl Chamberlayne [1682] and [1684]). Vac. by 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 202). Cotton, Benjamin Coachman occ. Est. of 6 Feb. 1685 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 9). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Crane, William Gentleman Waiter occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 200). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Cranmer, Sir Caesar Wood, alias Equerry occ. 1679-1687 (Chamberlayne [1679], p. 207; CSPD 1685-1689, p. 378; Add. MSS. 15897, f. 9; last occ. Chamberlayne [1687], p. 202). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Croftes (Craftes, Croft), William Page of the Backstairs occ. 1682-1687 (Chamberlayne [1682], p. 236; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; Add. MSS. 75389; last occ. Chamberlayne [1687], p. 200). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Crump, Richard Porter to the Chapel occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 204). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Davise, Peter Groom of the Great Chamber occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 201). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Dawson, Margaret Woman of the Bedchamber Occ. 1676-10 June 1688 (Chamberlayne [1676], p. 205; Add. MSS. 18958, f. 7; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; Add. MSS. 75389; Chamberlayne [1687], p. 202; present at birth of Prince of Wales 10 June 1688: Add. MSS. 26657; Add. MSS 33286 quoted in P.M. Thornton, The Stuart Dynasty, p. 455). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. De Humili, Bernard Lowicke Priest in Chapel 1685 (Baldwin Diss., p. 182 quoting BL Add. MSS. 10118). No further occ. De la Colombière, Claude Chaplain 1675-1678 (Baldwin Diss., p. 179). Rem. Sept.1678 (Ibid., p. 132) Delane (de Laine), Peter [Gentleman Usher] Quarter Waiter occ. 30 Mar. 1686-1687 (CSPD 1685-1689, p. 445; last occ. Chamberlayne [1687], p. 200). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Desatre, --- Cook occ. 1682 (Chamberlayne [1682], p. 236). No further occ. Dixon, George Groom of the Presence Chamber occ. Est. of Mich. 1682-Est. of [Jan. 1685] (Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; last occ. Add. MSS. 75389). Page of the Presence Chamber occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 200). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Donovan (Donevalt), Cornelius Page of the Backstairs occ. Est. of Xmas 1677-1679 (Add. MSS. 18958, f. 8; Chamberlayne [1679], p. 207; last occ. at City feast 26 Dec. 1679: Minute Books of City Chamber cited in A. and E. Strickland, Lives of the Queen’s of England 4th ed. VI [1852], p. 105). Vacated Est. of Mich. 1682 (Add. MSS. 75388). Vac. by 1682 (Chamberlayne [1682], p. 236). Donner, Walter Coachman occ. Est. of 6 Feb. 1685 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 9). No further occ. Pos. vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Dormer (alias Huddlestone, Hudleston), John Priest in the Chapel 1685 (Baldwin Diss., p. 182 quoting BL Add. MSS. 10,118). No further occ. Dufour (Defoy), --- Page of the Backstairs occ. Est. of Xmas 1677-1687 (Add. MSS. 18958, f. 8; Add. MSS. 38863; Add. MSS. 75388; Add. MSS. 75389; last occ. Chamberlayne [1687], p. 200). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Duvall, John Equerry occ. 1679-1682 (Chamberlayne [1679], p. 207; last occ. ibid. [1682], p. 236). Vac. by 1684 (Chamberlayne [1684], p. 234). East, Thomas Groom of the Privy Chamber occ. 1687 (Chamberlayne [1687], p. 200). Vac 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Elliot, Katherine nee Windham Woman of the Bedchamber occ. 1676-1679 (Chamberlayne [1676], p. 205; last occ. ibid. [1679], p. 206). Vac. by 1682 (Chamberlayne [1682], p. 235). Ellis, Philip Priest in the Chapel 1685 (Baldwin Diss., p. 182 quoting BL Add. MSS. 10118). No further occ. Fisher, John Coachman occ. Est. of 6 Feb. 1685-8 Oct. 1687 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 9; last occ. Dunmore Papers Mss. 65 D92 Series 1, Box 1, Folder 30 as “Chairman”). Vac 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Flanden, Peter Footman occ. Est. of 6 Feb. 1685 (Add. MSS. 15897, f. 9). Vac 11 Dec. 1688 on abdication of James II. Fortrey, Katherine (Catherine) Maid of Honour occ. Est. of Xmas 1677-1687 (Add. MSS.
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