Lecture 14: Paging Fall 2018 Jason Tang Slides based upon Operating System Concept slides, http://codex.cs.yale.edu/avi/os-book/OS9/slide-dir/index.html Copyright Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, 2013 "1 Topics • Memory Mappings! • Page Table! • Translation Lookaside Bu$ers! • Page Protection "2 Memory Mapped • Logical address translated not to memory but some other location! • Memory-mapped I/O (MMIO): hardware redirects read/write of certain addresses to physical device! • For example, on x86, address 0x3F8 usually mapped to first serial port! • Memory-mapped file (mmap): OS redirects read/write of mapped memory region to file on disk! • Every call to read() / write() involves a system call! • Writing to a pointer faster, and OS can translate in the background (also see upcoming lecture) "3 Memory-Mapped File • In Linux, typical pattern is to:! • Open file, using open() function! • Optional: preallocate file size, using ftruncate()! • Create memory mapping, using mmap() function! • Do work, and then release mapping using munmap() function! • Kernel might not write data to disk until munmap() "4 mmap() function void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset) • addr is target address of mapping, or NULL to let kernel decide! • length is number of bytes to map! • prot defines what mapping protection (read-only or read/write)! • flags sets other options! • fd is file descriptor that was returned by open()! • offset is o$set into file specified by fd "5 mmap() example part 1 • See man page for each of these functions to find which #include <fcntl.h> header files must be included! #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> • Used here, open() creates #include <unistd.h> the file /tmp/mmap if it does #include <sys/mman.h> not already exist, and sets that #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> file’s permissions to be readable and writable by user! int main(void) { int fd = open("/tmp/mmap", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, • Used here, ftruncate() S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); resizes /tmp/mmap to be 1000 ftruncate(fd, 1000); bytes "6 mmap() example part 2 • is set to starting address void *dest; dest dest = mmap(NULL, of memory mapped region! 1000, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, • 1000 bytes are mapped for fd, reading and writing! 0); if (dest == MAP_FAILED) { fprintf(stderr, • strcpy() will indirectly "mmap() error\n"); modify contents of /tmp/mmap! exit(1); } strcpy(dest, "Hello, world!"); • Changes to /tmp/mmap will be munmap(dest, 1000); cached until munmap() close(fd); flushes the data return 0; } "7 Paging • A process’s physical address space need not be contiguous, as long as there exists a segmentation table! • Avoids external fragmentation! • Avoids problem of varying sized memory chunks! • Page Frame (or just frame): physical memory divided into fixed-size blocks! • Frame sizes are powers of 2, between 512 B and 16 MiB! • On x86-64, frames default to 4096 bytes (212 bytes) "8 Paging • Logical memory divided into blocks called pages (not to be confused with page frames)! • Size of page equal to size of page frame! • OS keeps track of all free frames within its allocation table! • To run a program of size N pages, need to find N free frames to load program! • Page Table: translates logical to physical addresses (that is, pages to frames)! • Every process has its own page table "9 Address Translation • Physical address generated by CPU is divided into:! • Page Number (p): used as an index into page table which contains base address of each page in physical memory! • Page O$set (d): combined with base address to calculate physical address sent to memory unit "10 Paging Example Page Number Frame Number 0x0000 0x1000 0x1000 0x2000 0x2000 0x4300 0x3000 0xA000 • In this example, both logical and physical addresses range from 0 to 232 - 1! • Let the page size (and thus frame size) be 64 KiB (216 bytes)! • Then page o$sets d range from 0 to 216 -1 (lower 16 bits of logical address)! • Therefore page numbers p range from 0 to 216 - 1 (top 16 bits of logical address) "11 More Complicated Paging Example • Let logical addresses be 4 bits (0 to 24 - 1)! • Let top 2 bits be page number (and thus o$set is remaining 2 bits and frame size is 4 bytes) given paging table:! Page Number Frame Number 0x0 0x5 0x1 0x6 0x2 0x1 0x3 0x2 • Then logical address 0xd is physical address 0x9! 1 1 0 1 • p = 3 and d = 1, so address = (2 * 4) + 1 = 9 "12 Page Sizes • Range of logical addresses need not match range of physical addresses! • Example:! • CPU has 32-bit (logical) addressing! • Page size is 4096 bytes, d is 12! • Within page table, each page number can refer to one of 232 frames! • Total physical address space is 244 (within one of 232 pages and 212 o$set) "13 Page Sizes • Calculating internal fragmentation:! • Let page size = 2048 bytes and a process size = 72766 bytes! • Requires 35 pages + 1086 bytes! • Internal fragmentation of 962 bytes (2048 - 1086)! • Smaller frame sizes means less fragmentation, but larger page table (and OS must maintain more bookkeeping)! • Frame Table: data structure maintained by OS of all frames free or in use "14 Implementing Page Table • Each process has its own page table; current process’s page table loaded into memory (either RAM, or entirely in registers if table is small enough)! • Page-table base register (PTBR): points to page table within RAM! • Page-table length register (PTLR): size of page table! • Every address requires two memory accesses: one to page table, then one to final physical address! • Can be sped up via hardware cache, via associative memory or translation look-aside bu$ers (TLBs) "15 Page Table • Every page table entry has% 47 12 11 0 control flags:! Virtual Page Number Page Offset 36 • Valid Bit: If set,% Dirty Valid Physical Page Number then proceed with% Page Table Register memory access;% otherwise raise% exception! 28 • Dirty Bit: Set by hardware% 39 12 11 0 when page is modified! Physical Page Number Page Offset • In simplest case, virtual page number is an index number into page table "16 TLBs • Some TLBs store address-space identifiers (ASIDs) - uniquely identifies each process! • TLBs are generally few! • Example: Intel Skylake has 1536 TLB entries! • When process with correct ASID performs address translation, TLB will contain correct physical address (a TLB hit)! • On TLB miss, hardware looks up physical address within page table, and loads address into TLB for faster access next time! • Some TLB entries can be wired down for permanent fast access "17 Paging Hardware with TLB "18 Effective Access Time • Let ε = time to perform TLB lookup! • Let α = hit ratio (percentage of times that requested page is in TLB)! • If ε = 20 ns, α = 80%, and 100 ns for each memory access, then e$ective access time = ε + α & 100 + (1 - α)(2 & 100) = 20 ns + 0.8 & 100 ns + 0.2 & 200 ns = 140 ns! • More realistic example: α = 99%! • EAT = 20 ns + 0.99 & 100 ns + 0.01 & 200 ns = 121 ns! • During a TLB miss, a CPU with hyper-threading can execute other opcodes "19 Memory Protection • Each page table entry has protection bit(s) indicating permitted accesses (read, write, execute, and others)! • Page tables also have valid bit for each entry:! • Valid: associated page is within process’s logical address space, so is thus legal to access! • Invalid: page not in logical address space "20 Invalid Pages • Violation of protection or valid bits results in an interrupt! • Segmentation fault: dereferencing an invalid page! • NULL is defined as: (void *) 0! • By default, on Linux x86, the lowest legal address for userspace is 65536! • Pages less than virtual address 65536 are marked as invalid! • Reading or writing to those invalid pages causes a hardware interrupt! • Linux kernel sends signal 11 (SIGSEGV) to process "21 Pages and Frames in Linux • Multiple pages could point to same frame! • In Linux, if two programs both use same shared library, then both processes’ page tables will have entry/entries to shared library frame(s)! • Threads share same pages to heap frames and other global values! • A page could refer to di$erent a frame over time! • When process is swapped out and then swapped in, Linux can assign a di$erent frame! • Linux can migrate pages to di$erent frames to defragment memory or for NUMA systems "22.
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