Nit-p(-10 . AUG. OVER 15 CTS. LECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER SCIENCE AND INVENTION REG. U.S. PAT. OFU AERIAL MONO-FLYER OF THE FUTURE SEE PAGE 228 LARGEST CIRCULATIONwww.americanradiohistory.com OF ANY ELECTRICAL PUBLICATION E E Ä CERTIFICATED ELECTRICIAN YOUNG MEN The country needs more trained, graduate electricians. Thousands have gone into the Govern- LISTEN ment service and there is such an unusual demand for competent electrical men that I am making a wonder- ful offer at this time. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTU- NITY! I want to send you my splendid offer now. Don't hesitate because of age or experience. Young men, boys and old men must now fill the gaps and keep business going. DO YOUR PART. Pre- pare yourself for a real position, by my Home Study Course in Practical Electricity. I am Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering Works. I have trained thousands of men and can help you better than anybody else. We also have large, splendidly -equipped shops where you can come at any time for special instruction without charge. No other correspondence school can give you this. SPECIAL OFFER: Right now I am giving a big, valuable surprise that I cannot explain here, to every student who answers this ad. Write today! X46 °-_° to X100 °_° a Week Go after some real money. Qualify for one of the thousands of splendid positions open. All you need to start is a few months snappy, prac- tical instruction from a competent engineer. Come to me -NOW. I'll give you my personal care to ensure rapid and efficient progress. My course is intensely practical. It is highly condensed, simplified, up -to -date and complete. I am so sure you will make a splendid success in this study, that I will Guarantee Under Bond to return to you every cent paid for tuition, if you are not entirely satisfied when you receive your Electrician's Certificate granted you as a gradu- ate of my school. FREE Lessons and Outfit FREE Send me the Free Outfit Coupon at once. Do it now! For a limited period I am making a slashing cut in the cost of tuition, and giving each new student a grand outfit of Electrical Tools, Material and Instruments -in addition-Abso- lutely Free. I will also send you -free and fully prepaid -Proof Lessons to show you how easily you can be trained at home to enter this great profession, by means of my new, revised and original system of mail instruction. Use this "Free Outfit" Coupon ACT PROMPTLY CHIEF ENG. COOKE, Dept. 28 Get the full benefit of this great offer. Send the 441 Cass St., CHICAGO, ILL. Coupon or a postal for free information without delay. Do it before my free offers and guarantee are withdrawn. SIR: Send at once -fully prepaid and entirely free -complete now- particulars of your great offer for this month. CHIEF ENGINEER COOKE Name Chicago Engineering Works Address DEPT. 28 441 Cass Street CHICAGO, ILL. You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter' when writing to advertisers. www.americanradiohistory.com A August, 1918 ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER 217 BOT RADIO AND MORSE Your Government is calling for experienced wireless operators and telegraphers. Many schools have been opened where special instruc- tion is given qualifying young men to ac- cept such positions in the army and navy with advanced rank and increased pay. You Can Learn at Home in Your Spare Time Combination Wireless- Telegraphy OUTFIT will soon make you an accomplished operator. Teaches Light and Sound Signals, both Radio and Morse. Outfit con- sists of exceptionally fine Telegraph Key, Buzzer, 3 Binding' Posts, Lamp, Lamp Socket and Control Switch -all mounted on a highly finished base. Two outfits can be operated at considerable distance apart for sending and receiving practice. PRICE OF COMPLETE OUTFIT $2 WITH WIRING DIAGRAM, CHART AND FULL. INSTRUCTIONS T 50 Shipped to You Anywhere, All Charges Prepaid This Same Outfit Without Lamp $2.00 Or your dealer can secure it for you. Order to -day. Descriptive circular and catalog of celebrated Knapp Motors and Electrical Specialties from 10c up mailed free on request. KNAPP ELECTRIC & NOVELTY CO., 523 W. 51st St., New York City 1111111111IIIII1111111111111111111111111IIIIII11111111111111111111111IIIIIIuIIIIs11111n1III11I11IIL : Feldman "Geyser" Electric Water Heater :1 :a :a INSTANTLY : a The Hot Bath Is Ready Continuous Flow of Water : as Desired. Always Ready i You only pay for electricity as used. All water a that passes through the heater is thoroughly ster- i a ilized. The Feldman "Geyser" is perfectly in- a sulated and is absolutely safe, no danger of short i circuiting or electric shock. i Cold to Hot Water by Merely Turning Handle a a Both the water and the current act together and both controlled by the movement of the faucet a handle. To secure hot water turn handle to the i left, for cold water turn to the right, at the center a both the water and current are shut off. a The Supreme Court has decided that we control the ab- solute right to the manufacturing of Feldman "Geyser" a Electric Water Heater. Others take warning, as we will Our new, special 110 volt electric water heater will also soon be same. ready and on the market. Will be ideal for use where connection prosecute any infringing on Write us today to to ordinary socket on regular lighting system is desired. Requires send you full information. no extra wiring. WATCH FOR IT. s a Feldman Mfg. Co., Inc., 1500 Times Building, New York pu1111111111! 11111111111uu111111111111111 11111u111uulu11111au11 1111111111111111u1111u111uI11111111u11111u11111 1111111111II111luu1u11IIIIII11111111I1111III11I111111I111111IE1111NIIIIINuNWO II11 1 You benefit by mentioning the "Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers. www.americanradiohistory.com 218............ ELECTRICAL.................. EXPERIMENTER August, 1918 EXPERIMENTERS! ATTENTION!! "ELECTRO" LOUD -TALKER We present herewith two little instruments for which enamel wire for five ohms, standard with our Detectiphone. we have had a long and persistent demand. This instrument -works best on four dry cells, and par- This outfit has been gotten up solely for the Experi- ticular attention is called to the fact that in order to work, menter and for this reason we are selling it "Knocked the loud- talker requires a fairly heavy current and for that e Down." In other words, the instruments come all ready reason thick wires must be used for connecting the trans- for you to assemble, all the parts, screws, nuts, washers, mitter with the loud- talker. If this is not done, the voice etc., being furnished. Complete directions how to assemble will be weakened considerably. If no heavy wire is at accompany each set. With a pair of band, more batteries must be used pliers and a screw -driver, the outfit to compensate. can be readily put together in less USES: This instrument can be used to than twenty minutes. transmit phonograph music from one room to another; used as a Detectiphone; as a Radio The most important point is that Amplifier; as a telephone extension (by plac- spool comes ing the regular telephone receiver against the the telephone receiver sensitive transmitter with the loud- talker); already wound complete, and the for salesmen to talk "through" window Experimenter will, therefore, not (Loud -Talker outside in street, microphone transmitter for salesmen, need to wind his own spool. talking into same) ; for restaurants for talking to the chef, and a hundred other uses. Many young experi- The outfit when assembled com- menters are developing a lucrative business prises a highly sensitive CARBON selling this appliance to various merchants GRAIN MICROPHONE with carbon at a good profit. diaphragm of exactly the same type Outside of the two instrument parts, one is with our $15.00 Detecti- three -foot cord Is furnished with sensitive as used microphone as shown; instructions, etc., are phone. (See our Cat. No. 19.) furnished. No. AEK204 "Electro" Loud -$1 The receiver is a special low re- Talker Outfit Parts "Knocked sistance double pole type with the Down," complete 50 difference that no magnet is used No. CEK205 "Electro" Loud - for the reason that the Talker Outfit, same as above in the same except that it is already as- A function of this instrument is elec- sembled and tested at factory $V< tro-magnetic, the same as all loud - Set complete .50 talking phones. Shipping weight 2 lbs. The spool is wound with special Immediate Shipments _ S. O. S.!! A REAL ELECTRIC Learner's Telegraph Outfit for 25c Prepaid In the 15 years of its ex- amm If the telegraph does not STRONG istence our company has ELECTRO Come up to expectation never offered such a bar- MAGNET F - == willwl cheerfully r e f u n d gain as the present one. money. Boys order 6 to 25 Just think of it, a real of these instruments. Sell t` - like hot cakes to friends electric learner's telegraph outfit with which to learn for 30 to 40 cte. each. So the code or to telegraph to small can be slipped into INICKEL BINDING POSTS WOOD BASE J pocket. LEARN THE your friend six blocks e. away, for 25 cts.!! Impos- -as. CODE DURING SPARE sible -you say. Quite so. TIME. TELEGRAPH OP- We do sell them at cost, ERATORS ARE SCARCE. but we do it solely to get you acquainted with us and UNCLE SAM NEEDS THOUSANDS. place our wonderful catalog in your hands. And if Important. As this telegraph is sold at cost, we this telegraph pleases,leases, you will orderd othero er ngs reserve the right to decline your order (by refund- from us. This telegraph has a red -lacquered wooden ing the money) unless you order one of our free base, strongg electromagnet, nickel binding posts, Cyclopedia Catalogs at the same time.
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