BOOKS RECEIVED, AUGUST, 1869. 1. Small pox and vaccination hospital. 11. Annual report of the royal Edin. Medical report for 1868. burgh asylum for the insane for the year 2. Treatise on the diseases of the ear, 1868. Edinburgh : Royal Asylum Press. including the anatomy of the organ. By Pp. 32. Anton yon TrSltsch, M.D., Professor in 12. Lancashire Spring Assizes. Man- the University of Wiirzburg. Translated chester, March 18, 1869. Before Mr. and edited by D. B. St. John Roosa, M.A., Justice Lush and a special jury. Sagar v. M.D., Clinical Professor of the Diseases the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway of the Eye and Ear in the University of Company. Manchester : Cave and Sever. New York. Second American from the Pp. 103. fourth German'edition. New York : Wil- 13. Transactions of the Obstetrical liam Wood and Co. London: Triibner Society of London. Vol. x., for the year and Co. 8vo, pp. 565. 1868. London: Longmans, Green, and 3. A handbook of therapeutics. By Co. I869. 8re, pp. 318. Sydney Ringer, M.D., Professor of Thera- 14. De rusage du perchlorure de fer peutics in the University College, Phy- ~liquide et notamment du perchlorure de sician to University College Hospital. fer dilue dans le croup et dans les autres London : H. K. Lewis. 1869. 8vo, pp. formcs d'angine, par le Dr. E. J. Schaller. 485. Paris : J. B. Baillibre et Fils. eve, pp. 89. 4. Mind and brain, or the correlations 15. The baths and wells of Europe, of consciousness and organization systema- their action and uses, with hints on change tically investigated and applied to philo- of air and diet cures. By John Macpher- sophy~ mental science, and practice. By son, M.D. London. Macmillan and Co. Thomas Laycock, M.D., &c., Professor of 1869. Fcap. 8re, pp. 336. the Practice of Medicine and of Clini- 16. The Bahamas ; a sketch.. By Sur- cal Medicine, and Lecturer on Medical geon-Major Bagot. London : Longmans, Psychology and Mental Diseases in the Green, Reader, and Dyer. Belfast: Henry University of Edinburgh. 2 vols. Crown Greet. 1869. 8vo, pp. 112. 8re, pp. 425 and 49~. 17. St. Andrew's Medical Graduates' 5. Observations on ligature of arteries Association Transactions, 1868. Edited on the antiseptic system. By Joseph by Leonard W. Sedgwick, M.D., hen. Lister, F.R.S., Professor of Surgery in secretary. London : John Churchill and the University of Glasgow, &c. Edin- and Sons. 1869. 8re, pp. 262. burgh : Edmonston" and Douglas. 1869. 18. A course of six lectures on the Pp. 14. chemical changes of carbon. By William 6. Apergu historique snr l'origine et les Odling, M.D., F.R.S., Fuller~an Professor progrbss de l'ovari6teme en Italie. Lettre of Chemistry Royal Institution. London : b, M. le Dr. A.A. Boinet par le Dr. D. Longmans, Green, and Co. 1869. Fcap. Peruzzi, Chirurgien Primaire de Lugo. 8vo, pp. 162. Pp. ]8. 19. On counter-irritation; a theory con- 7. Cases illustrative of the antiseptic structed by the deductive method of in- use of carbolic acid. By Joseph Bell, vestigation. By James Ross, M.D. Lon- M.D., F.R.C.S.E., Lecturer on Surgery, don: John Churchill and Sons. 1869. Assistant Surgeon Royal Infirmary of Pp. 44. Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. 20. Orthopraxy ; the mechanical treat- 1869. Pp. 9. ment of deformities~ delJilities, and defi- 8. Thirteenth annual report of the ciencies of the human frame. A manual. united lunatic asylum for the county and By Flenry Heather Bigg, Assoc. Inst. borough of Nottingham. C.E., Anatomical Meehanician to the 9. St. Thomas's Hospital. Statistical Queen and Prince of Wales, the Royal report. London: John Churchill and Hospitals of Chelsea and Greenwich, &c. Sons. 1869. 8re, pp. 156. Second edition. Revised and enlarged, 1O. Operation of vesico-vaginal fistule with 308 illustrations. London:John without the aidof assistants. By Nathan Churchill and Sons. 1869. Fcap. See, Bozeman, M.D. New York : D. Apple- pp. 641. ton and Co. 1869. Pp. 26. 21. De L'Urticaire, ses causes, sa patho- 432 Books Received. ggnie et son traitment. Par le Dr. Felice service of the army. By Edmund A. de Paris. Paris : J. ]3., Bailli~re et Fils. Parkes, M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Mili- 1869. 8re, pp. 52. tary Hygiene in the Army Medical School, 22. What shall we do with our refuse ? &c. Third edition. London: John Church- A contribution to the discussion on the ill and Sons. 8vo, pp. 640. sewage question. Dy Henry Simpson, 33. Trait6 d'hygi~ne gdngral. Par le I~I.D.~ Lend. Manchester : Powlson and Dr. Adolphe Motard, avec figures inter- Sons. 1868. 8re, pp. 20. ealees duns le texte. Paris : J. B. Bail- 23. Etude sur les maladies gtelntes et li~re et Fils. 1869. Two vols. 8re, pp. les maladies nouvelles pour servir g l'his- 876 and 824. toire des gvolutiens sgculaires de la patho- 34. Traitd de paldontologie vdgdtale ou logic. Par Charles Anglada, Professeur la flore du monde primitffdans ses rapports de Pathologic Medicale a la Facult6 de avec les formations ggologique et la flore Montpelli~r. Paris: J. B. Baillibre et du monde actuel. Par W. Ph. Schimper, :Fils. 1869. 8re, pp. 646. Professeur de Geologid a la Facult6 des 24. Bulletin of the ~ew York Aca- Sciences et Directeur du Muss~e d'histoire demy of Medicine. New York : Bailli~re naturelle de Strasbourg. Tome premier. Brothers. 1868. RoyalSvo, pp. 308. Paris : J. B. Ballibre et Fils. 1869. 8re, 25. De la virulence et de la spgoificitd pp. 738. de la tuberculose. Par le Dr. J. A. ViUe- 35. Traits de paldontologie vdg~tale. rain, Professeur ~ l'gcole du Val-de-Gr,~ee. Par W. Ph. Schimper, &c. Atlas de Paris: Victor ~/iasson et Fils. 1868. 100 planches lithographi(is premiere et 8re, pp. 32. deuxieme livraisons avec 50 planches. 26. Nouveaux 61dments d'anatomie Paris: J. B. Bailli~re et Fils. 1869. ehirurgicale. Par Benjamin Anger, Chir- Quarto. urgien des H6pitaux. Ouvrage illustre 36. A treatise on syphilis. By Walter de 1079 figures intercal~es dans le texte J. Coulson, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to the et accompani6 d'un atlas de 12 planches. Lock Hospital, and to St. Peter's Hos- Paris: J. B. Bailli~re et Fils. 1868. ital for Stone and Urinary Diseases. Crown 8vo~ pp. 1056. ondon : John Churchill and Sons. 1869. 27. Newcastle - upon - Tyne Borough 8vo, pp. 373. Lunatic Asylum. Fourth annual report~ 37. Diaphoresis ; a powerful aid in the 1868. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Daily,four- arrest and removal of human disease, and hal office. 1869. thereby prolonging life. By Chas. Clarke, 28. A case of aphasia. By H. Grainger M.A., Cantab., &c. London: John Stewart~ M.D. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Churchill and Sons. 1869. Pp. 16. M. and M. W. Lambert. 1869. 38. On neurotic cutaneous diseases, in- 29. A treatise on the transport of sick cluding erythem~. By Henry Samuel and wounded troops. By Deputy Inspec- Purdon, M.D., Physician Belfast Hospital tor-General T. Longraore, C.B.~ Honorary for Diseases of the Skin. London: H. Surgeon to Her Majesty, Professor of K. Lewis 1869. 8vo~pp. 116. Military Surgery in the Army ~edical 39. Lectures on clinical medicine, deli- School, &c. London: Her Majesty's vered at the HOtel Dieu, Paris. By A. Stationary Office. Clones and Sons, 14, Trousseau. Voi. second. Translated by Charing-cross. Alex. Thom~ Abbey*street, John Rose Cormack, M.D. New Syden- Dublin. Crown 8vo, pp. 514. ham Society. 1869. 8re, pp. 630. 80. On the connexion between chemi- 40 Suggestions for rendering medico. ca~ constitution and physiological action. mental science available to the better Part 1. On the physiological action of the administration of justice and the more salts of the ammonium bases derived from effectual prevention of lunacy and crime. strychnia, brucia, thebaia, codeia, morphia, By T. Laycock~ &c.~ Professor of the and nicotia. Dy Dr. A. Crum Browne Practice of Medicine, &c.~ in the Uni- and Dr. Thomas R. Fraser. Transactions versity of Edinburgh. Lewes: G. P. of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 1868. Bacon. Pp. 14. 4to, pp, 53. 41. The treatment of snake bites. A 31. Cholera in the east~ from the com- paper read before the Victoria Medical mencement of European connexion with Association. By Dr. Berncastle. Mel- it. By John Macpherson, M.D., Inspec- bourne: SamuelMullen. 1869. tor-General of Hospitals Her Majesty's 42. Researches into the action of mer- Bengal Army (retired list). London : T. cury, podophylline, and taraxacum on the Richards~ 37, Great Queen-street. 1869. biliary secretion, being the report of the 32. A manual of practical hygiene, pre- Edinburgh Committee of the British Me- pared especially for use in the medical dical Association. :By John Hughes Ben- Fig. 7. Osteitis engaging the lower part of the Femur of Robert S The bone was very soft in the dark red portions of the section. Blood was extravasated in these situations. .
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