Five Candidates File for Long Branch Council SEE STORY BELOW Rain Possible HOME Becoming cloudy with chance THEDAILY P/^/OTftT? of rain today and tonight, high In 70s. Cloudy, cool tomorrow. ) Red Bank, Freehold f # I # 71 M M I I # M 1 M M FINAL (See Detills Fagi 2) y Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 69 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1968 TEN CENTS Present Gasoline Tax Would Help Pay Off Issue*- Sterner How Proposed Bond Funds Would Be Used NEWARK (AP) - A region- portation; and $12.5 million for missions to mental institutions would be able to accommodate and improvement of existing made to rail beds and stations applications are received to re- al breakdown of how funds housing assistance. in the .area. 11,400 more college students. state hospitals would further in all but the Shore region. ' duce blighted city areas. from three proposed New Jer- In North Jersey, funds from Central Area In addition, space for some of facilitate treatment of 181 men- The other $440 million would Use Gas Tax sey bond issues would be used, the education proposition Central Jersey would get the area's 219 mentally retard- tally retarded persons in the be used to build and improve An organization formed to if approved by the voters, has would be used to build or im- funds to construct space for ed would be available in Com- area. roadways in all four regions. press for passage of the $640 been released by the Bonds prove facilities at state and an additional 12,300 college stu- munity Mental Health Centers The second bond issue pro- In all, 23 new roads would be million • transportation bond Yes Committee. community colleges and pro- dents and provide facilities to in Camden and Burlington. vides $640 million for trans- built and numerous others ei- said yesterday its campaign The committee said yester- vide space for 24,670 more stu- aid 250 mentally retarded per- Shore Share portation. Of this sum, $200 ther repaired or expanded. will emphasize the fact New Jerseyans already are paying day that North, South and Cen- dents in 1972. sons. These include 16 new The Shore region will get million will be used to pur- The $12 million for housing buildings at Middlesex County a penny extra in gasoline tax tral Jersey and the Shore Construction would also funds to construct an academ- chase 45 high speed electric assistance would be used College, and Community Men- ic complex at Atlantic Com- cars to improve the Penn-Cen- that can be used to pay off area would share in the $990 start on Community Mental throughout the state to gener- million to be raised. Of this, Health Centers in Bergen, Mor- tal Health Centers in Hunter- munity College and complete tral commuter service be- the bonds. $337.5 million would be allocat- . ris, Hudson and Union Coun- don, Mercer and Somerset construction of the Brookdale • tween New York, Newark, ate private investments in Former State Highway Com- ed for education and institu- ties to treat 778 mentally re- Counties. Community College in Mon- New Brunswick and Trenton. urban and moderate income missioner E. Donald Sterner, tions; $640 million for trans- tarded persons waiting for ad- The South Jersey region mouth County. Construction Improvements would also be housing. It will be allocated as (See BONDS, Pg. 2, Col. 4) 25 J9ie in Mexico City Rebellion of Students MEXICO CITY (AP) - The this group of militant stu- An editor for the newspaper One newsman said hundreds the buildings about four hours bloodiest battle yet of Mexico dents. A cleaning out has been El Universal said his reporters of persons were lying in the after the battle began. Hun- City's student rebellion raged made already." told him of soldiers finding 20 plaza after the first volley of dreds of residents already had through the night after a rifle Firing in the area of the bodies in upper stories of the gunfire. fled. shot touched off a thunderous Plaza of the Three Cultures Social Security Hospital, where Throughout the evening, But elsewhere, students crossfire between snipers and near downtown continued spo- snipers had been seen firing. snipers with automatic weap- roamed the streets with .22- army troops at the crowded radically into the early morn- Orders to Crush ons fired from apartment win- caliber automatic pistols and site of an antigovernment ral- ing hours. Soldiers said the Gen. Marcelino Garcia Bar- dows and troops brought ar- Molotov cocktails, setting doz- ly Wednesday. main pockets of student resis- ragan, the defense secretary, mored cars into the battle and ens of buses and cars afire. Police and hospitals report- tance were two buildings in the said he had orders to crush poured machine-gun fire back Garcia said there were ed 25 persons killed, although adjoining Tlatelolco apart- the student uprising at any into the high - rise buildings. deaths on both sides but de- at 1 a.m. a spokesman said ment district. cost. The troops began clearing out clined to say how many. RIFLE BATTERY — Soldiers behind an Army troop transport shoot at students gar. the government's estimate was that 20 persons were kilWd and risoned in nearby buildings In the Tlaltelolco arsa northwest of Mexico City. Army 75 wounded. helicopters meanwhile were firing at snipers on rooftops. (AP WirephotoJ Estimates of those on the May Answer Rusk Charges scene were that more than 100 were wounded and a check of three of Mexico City's hospi- tals showed 72 injured had See Marlboro's Water been treated. Gromjko's Turn Today The International Olympic Committee called a meeting to UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. half .iour talk on the Middle Union "brushed aside" the that the United States would day to discuss the violence and (AP) — It was the turn of So- East conflict. U. S. officials U.N. charter's restraint on "not tolerate the threat or use its possible effect on the 1968viet Foreign Minister Andrei said afterward the. Soviet "the historical tendency of of force against West Berlin." Problem Solution Near summer games, scheduled to A. Gromyko before the U. N. Union's plan for peace in the great nations to abuse the Rusk restated the U.S. posi- MARLBORO — This town- Mr. Ern said the company missioner, sent a telegram to open in the Mexican capital in General Assembly today. He Middle East was in line with rights of smaller nations" and tion on Vietnam and offered to —-ship's-immediate- water prob- will-start, digging theJounda- the^Township, Council calling nine days. hadjhechancelo. answer Sec- the Arabjositipn. aroused ^'apprehension con- stop the bombing of North lem appears to be solved — tion in about two weeks. the shortage "a public health 'No Danger' retary of State Dean Rusk's Gromyko listened to Rusk as cerning Soviet purpose." Veitnam "th"e~miriute'"H'e"can or almost solved. Residents of the develop- hazard." The government spokesman, bid to the Kremlin to pull its the general debate opened yes "When," he asked, "will the be confident that this would presidential press1 secretary Rochford H; Ern, president ments were asked to cut down Council Tuesday night passed troops out of Czechoslovakia. terday, „ sitting impassively Soviet Union, whose interna- lead toward peace." of the Gordons Corner Water on nonessential water use last a resolution calling for a con- Fernando Garza, said of the Gromyko was on the list to through the 37-minute speech. tional relations are subject to He said "all of us should ... Co., said yesterday that the week, when it was revealed ference of the mayors of all Olympics: "There is no dan-speak in the 125-nation assem- Under the rules he could have the United Nations charter, encourage the parties to move company's new 1.4 million gal- that 18 or 20 families in the municipalities served by the ger. All necessary precautions bly's general debate, devoted replied almost immediately. make good on its own repeated resolutely toward a settle- new Monmouth Heights at Gordons Corner Water Co. with have been taken." to policy statements of foreign But he chose to reserve his re- promise by removing occupy- ment" in the Middle East lon water tank should be up n in about two months. Marlboro development had representatives of the New Jer- He said the fighting' began ministers attending this 23rd ply until he came to his turn in ing forces from Czechoslova- through Gunnar V. Jarring of been without any water at all when "one group of students session. But the township's water sey Department of Health and the debate. kia?" Sweden, U. N. special envoy to at various times. Dr. Roscoe the state Public Utilities Com- began firing at another." He Rusk and Gromyko met last Rusk charged that in invad^ "Let us say very plainly and that area. shortage should be alleviated P. Kandle, state health com- night and had an inconclusive, before then, said Mr. Ern, be- mission. added: "The end has come to ing Czechoslovakia, the Soviet simply to the Soviet Union: He also restated the U. S. cause it is a seasonal problem. The road to detente is the road position in favor of various of the charter," Rusk said. measures of arms control. Mr. Ern said daily water use He rejected the Soviet Counting Rusk, four out of in developments in the south- Union's argument that the seven speakers on the first ern part of the town- Keansburg Youths Appeal for Center charter empowers it to inter- day of the general debate ship jumped in the spring and vene by force unilaterally in criticized the occupation of fall and multiplied more than KEANSBURG - It was teen- and Oakwood Place, supported asked whether anything had "I asked the patrolman what Mr.
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