DECLASSIFIED • COMMAND CHRONOLOGY JULY 1968 805 571, DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • HEAD:)UAI.TEns III l'iarine AE1Dhibious Foz ce f.Ulitary As sistance Command, Vietnara San Francisco California 96602 3K/frc _ ~~~~l 0i 942 6 8 , b SEP1968 i -- ~ ~(Unclassified upon removal of enclosure (1)) From: Commanding General To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Via: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Command Chronology (U) Ref: Mca P5750.lA H:IFPacO 5750.8 Encl: (1) III ~~F Command Chronology, July 1968 1. In accordance with r~ferences (a) and (b), enclosure (I) is submitted herewith. W. K. WHITE By direction Copy _, of 7 copies ----- 'l; UNCLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • 28/sg 00:11.58 ttl' OCT 181~6 8 t~#-I&."••~ (Unclassified upon removal of enclosure (1» c~.,. ...f....-c. £17 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CG, ill MAF ltr 3K/frc over 5750 Ser: 00194268 ~~~-r ~ of 9Sep68 From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Subj: Command Chronology (U) 1. Forwarded. ~£)~L- W. E. DEEDS By direction Copy to: CG, III MAF DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • HEADQUAt1.TERS III Marine Arnphibious Force Military Assistance Command, Vietnam San Francisco California 96602 COMr.:AND CHRONOLOGY 1 July 1968 31 July 1968 INDEX PART I ORGANlZATIOHAL DATA PART II NAR.~ATlVE Sm,1'lARY PART III SEQUENTIAL LISTING OF SI~~IFICANT EVENTS PART IV SUPPORTING DCC~~ENTS GROUP-4 Enclosure (1)----.-. Downgraded at 3 year intervals; Der!o')siri""rj C1ft0(~12 years. _ SECRET ~ DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ~ - p• £ • • PART I ORGANIZATIONAL DATA i DESIGNATION. COfr'il:ANDER III Marine Amphibious Force Lieutenant General Robert E.-CUSHMAN JR., U.S. Marine Corps lJun67-3lJu168 ACTING COlvV,.IANDER Lieutenant General William J. ROSSON U.S. Army 2-3lJu168 DEPUTY CC1viI\lANDER Major General Rathvon McC. TOr~KINS, U.S. Marine Corps 26May-3lJu168 SUBORDINATE UNITS Provisional Corps, Vietnam (PCV) l'1ajor General Richard G. STIL~"JELL 1 U .5. Army l-3lJu16t1 Third Marine Division Major General Raymond G. DAVIS, U.S. Marine Corps 22May-31Ju168 First Cavalry Division 11a}or General John J. TOLSON, (Air Mob.iLe) U.S. Army 21Jan-3lJu168 lOlst Air Cavalry Division Major General Olinto M. BARS.WTI, U.5. Army l3Feb-18Ju168 Major General i\ielvin ZAIS, U.S. Army 19-3lJu168 Enclosure (1) UN DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED IlliCLAssIFUlD First Marine Divis~on Major General Carl A. YOUNGDALE, U.S. Marine Corps 26Jun-31Ju168 -, .i : First Marine Aircraft Wing MajQr General Charles J. .. ~:...)-~ '\< ~, QUILTER, U.S. Marine Corps __1 22Jun-31Ju168 Major General Charles M. GETTYS, U.S. Army 23May-31Ju168 Force Logistic Command Brigadier General Harry C. OLSON, U.S. Marine Corps 60ct67-31Ju168 Headquarters and Service Company Lieutenant Colonel Hugh C. III r.~arine Amphibious Forcel SCHRYVER JR., U.S. Marine Corps Headquarters Commandant 24Sep67-31Ju168 ATTACHED UNITS Sub-Unit #1, First Radio Lieutenant Colonel James R. Battalion QUISENBERRY, U.S. Harine Corps 23Jan-31Ju168 29th Civil Affairs Company Lieutenant Colonel, Hugo W. NAUSCHUETZ, U. S. Army llApr-31JuI68 7th Psychological Operations l,':aior Donald B. KEl.1PER JR., Battalion U.S. Army 24May-31Ju168 2. LOCATION. 1-31 July 1968, East Danang, Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam. 3. STAFF OFFICERS. ~ Deputy CG, Air Major General Charles J. QUILTER, U.S. Marine Corps 22Jun-31Ju168 Enclosure (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ~ Chief of Staff BrIgadier General Earl E. ANDERSa~, U.S. Marine Corps 2lD-ec67-3lJu168 _., ,:,;,.. ;;",,-:;, ~r~~~puty Chief of Staff for Brigadier General Edward M• . ..:,.;..~,\"~·Opera tions FLANAGAN JR., U.S. Army """",~- - ~ ~:~;~3T 20Feb-30Ju168 Deputy Chief of Staff Colonel Duane L. FAW, U.S. Marine Corps llAug67-3lJu168 Deputy Chief of Staff, Colonel 1,,~ichael EOSTELLER, Duel Blade - -U.S-. 1>~arine Corps H'lar-3lJu168 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-l Colonel Paul F. PED2RSEN, U.s. Marine Corps l6Ju167-llJu168 Colonel 1.~aurice ROSE, U.S. Marine Corps l2-3lJu168 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 Colonel Herbert L. BECKIlJGTON, U.S. ~arine Corps 29Feb-28Ju168 Colonel Ray N. JOENS, U•.;:).f'" !.,arlneM • Corps 29..;3lJu168 v~ Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3 Brigadier General Jacob GLICK, U.S-. Marine Corps 2Hlay-3lJu168 Deputy G-3 Colonel Thomas L. RANDALL, U.S. Marine Corps lMar-3Ju168 Colonel William K. ~4ITE, U.S. Marine Corps 4-3lJu168 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 Colonel Rex O. DILLOW, U.S. Marine Corps 3Jun67-3Ju168 Enclosure (1) ~ UNCLASSifiED . DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 1Ii2 7 Colonel Lawrence C. NORTON, U.S. Marine Corps 4-31Ju168 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5 Lieutenant Colonel Elmer J. ZORN, U.S. Marine Corps 6Apr-31Ju168 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-6 Colonel Alfred M. CORDES, U.S. Marine Corps 16Apr-31Ju168 Psychological Operations Officer Colonel Michael J. DUNBAR, U.S. Marine Corps ISep67-31Ju168 Force Supply Officer Colonel Frederick A. QUINT, U.S. Marine Corps I Ju167-21Ju168 Colonel Alfred C. TAVES, U.S. Marine Corps 22-31Ju168 Force Legal Officer Colonel Duane L. FAW, U.S. Marine Corps 30Ju167-31Ju168 Force Engineer Colonel Kenneth R. BLAND, U.S. Marine Corps 22May-31Ju168 Force Adjutant Major Deward E. SHELTON, U.S. Marine Corps 2Aug67-3IJu168 Assistant Chief of Staff, Major Earle G. PORONTO, Comptroller U.S. Marine Corps 7Mar-24Ju168 Lieutenant Colonel Daniel J. FORD, U.S. Marine Corps 25-31Ju168 Enclosure (1) UNClASS1F1E~ DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED -- 4 .:,. CT Combat Information Bureau (CIB) Colonel Karl E. FASER, U.S. Marine Corps lAug67-28Ju168 Colonel Paul M. l"'lORIARTY, U.S. Marine Corps 29-31Ju168 Officer-in-Charge, COG Lieutenant Colonel Russell E. BLAGG, U.S. Marine Corps lAug67-20Ju168 Lieutenant Colonel James H. h~CLEAN, U.S. Marine Corps 2l-31Ju168 Food Services Officer Lieutenant Colonel Billy D. BRIDGES, U.S. Marine Corps 9Sep67-31Ju168 Force Chaplain Captain Ralph W. BELOW, U.S. Navy 110ct67-31Ju168 Force Surgeon Captain John H. STOVER.B., U.S. Navy l2May-31Ju168 Force Dental Officer Captain William L. DARNELL JR., U.S. Navy l-31Ju168 Force Motor Transport Officer Major Joseph N. EGGELS TON , U.S. Marine Corps 9Mar-3lJu168 Force Ordnance Officer Colonel Ralph D. CAlL, U.S. Marine Corps 6Sep67-31Ju168 Protocol Officer Lieutenant Colonel James H. IvlACLEAN , U.S. Marine Corps 28Jun-18Ju168 Major Robert E. GIBSON, U.S. Marine Corps 19-3lJu168 Enclosure (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED.- vlSpecial Services Officer Colonel John H. DOERING, U.S. Marine Corps 250ct67-l7Ju168 Colonel Ronald [.I. PLATT, U.S. Marine CorDs l8-3lJu168 " Embarkation Officer Lieutenant Colonel John F. GOULD JR., U.S. ~,:arine Corps lFeb-3lJu168 Force Inspector Colonel John E. HAYS, U.S. Marine Corps l3Jun-31Jul USMC Liaison Officer, MACV Colonel Edward L. FOSSillA, U.S. Marine Corps 3Aug67-9Ju168 Colonel Richard C. -BROWNING, U.S. Marine Corps lO-3lJu168 USt~ Liaison Officer, 7thAF Colonel i1ichard C. 3RU;JNH·IG, u.s. ~arine Corps 3Aug67-3lJu168 LiSr.IC Liaison Officer, RCKl.1C Lieutenant Colonel Lewis J. BACl-lER, U.S. r:arine Corps 24Jun-3lJu168 Stoff Secretary Captain Thomas C. SULLIVAN, U.S. Marine Corps 22Jun-31Ju168 r----- . Enclosure (1) UNCLASSIFIED 1IIIIiIiiiir- DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED .. SECRET • • 4. Average Monthly Strength. July 1968 a. III Marine Amphibious Force Headquarters OFFICERS EN"LISTED USMC USN USA USAF USMC USN USA USAF H&SCo, Hq III MAF 13 ~ --0 -0- ·330 7 () 0- Hq Staff, III MAF 198 9 0 0 433 8 0 0 SU#l, 1st RadBn 16 0 0 0 309 0 0 0 CAG's -38 0 0 . ·0· 1913 104 0 0 29th CA CO, (att) 0 0 42 0 0 0 79 0 7th PsyOpsCo (Sup) 0 0 27 0 0 0 90 0 b. III 1-Iarine Amphibious Force OFFICERS ENLISTED USMC USN US! U~AF USMC USN USA USAF ~ 437 ~3 2"3 78273 3010 'b'355133 ENCLOSURE ( I ) SECRET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED SECRET • -----PAqT II • a. General. During Julv 1968 III Iv:a:,:,inc: Al;1')hib:5.ous Foree Headquarters Vl'dsloc::ted in East Danang, Repu~lic of Vietnam. The average-personrrel strength :1&S 15£,223 an aver2ge of 3,146 over the previous month. b. Activiti9s. III 11AF continued to be guided by ca~~s~v~CV Letter of Instruction (LOI 3-66) dated 30 t:arch 1966 in pursuit of III I.iA.F objectives for July 1968.- 2. gVERALL EVALUATION. a. During the month of July allied forces continued operations to deny enemy units entry into the ICTZ, to destroy enc:my forces in ICTZ and to deny the enemy the use of supply bases and staging areas for attacks. b. Hostilities remained at an unusually low level as the enemy continued to avoid contact, possibly conserving his forces for a tl new ttAutumn Offensive • c. A series of relatively heavy a t t ecks by fire on major allied installatiai1s in the Dananq TAOR during the last rJeek of July caused only light damage and casualties and ,,';as not followed up by large scale ground attacks. d. III ~~ units continued to maintain maximum pressure on the enemy. Although contqct with major enemy units was infrequent, serious casualties were inflicted on the enemy and large quantities of weapons and equipment captured. - e" III MAP initiated two new Eiajor unit operations during July, POCAEd~TAS FOREST (16 July -) and EAGER YN~KEE (9-16 July) utiliz­ ing the 7th Fleet's SLF BRAVO. f. In all, III I\~AF units conducted a total of fourteen maj or unit operations in the ICTZ accounting for 3700 enemy KIA. ENCLOSURE. (i) SECRE-r DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED SECRET • BART III • SEQUENTIAL LISTINGS OF SIGNIFIC.4NT EVENTS, JD'!.Y 1968 1. SUl,'iMPuqy OF OPERATIONS. (The following four operations had moderate to significant contact).
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