SECTION REGISTER ONE • LX, NO. 32. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1938. PAGES 1 TO 1% , Luden D'Anthony James S. Parkes L. SuffernTailer Count Basie To School Board Building House Properties Sold , Internally Hurt Toastmaster For Present Concert Budget Reduced At Sea Bright Tract Purchased L. Suffern Taller has sold a tract of unimproved land on Honeysuckle % The Sea Bright Investment. Co., In Car Accident Lincoln Dinner hill on the east side of Bellevue ave- At River Street $9,487JTiis Year which owns the Sea Bright Yacht nue, Rumson, to Charles R. Beattle. club, Is bulldlnR a colonial type house The tract comprises about nine acres on Ocean avenue, a short distance Red -tank lUwkat Operated on Young Men's Republican Club to Famed Red Bank Negro Musi- Total to be Raised by Taxation north of the yacht club, as an In- For Developnpiit and adjoins Mr. Beattte's residence Tmwky *t Long Branch Ho*, Hold Annual Dinner-Dance at property on the west, south and east cian to Entertain for Benefit in Borough in Coming Year is vestment. Jeremiah, Incorporated, Is sides. The sale wai made by Wil- the contractor. The house will have pilal for Injuries Which H» Re- Elks' Auditorium February liam B. Hintelnnnn of Rumson. of Westside Y. M. C. A. Thurs- $284,324.14—Saving Due to a living room, with fireplace, a din- ette, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath a Cmah Latt W«elc 12. • •• : : ' ' • ••' •. Mr. Hintelmann also sold for Mr. day Night of Next Week. Surplus. with stall shower. The garage will be of Easts.de Homes Taller, a plot containing three acres, / ~—" attached to the house. The property Freeholder James-S. Parkes Was adjoining Mr. Beattle's property on The Red Bank board of education CABfJioiiy - pf 'William the south, to Frank P. Eldredge of Count Basle and his 15-plece Ne- has private dock and beach facili- d Bank, 1i at Monmouth selected to be toastmaster for the an- gro band will make their first ap- met Thursday night at the home of ties. nual Lincoln's day dinner and dance New Tork. Two One-story barns are Albert S. Miller, board member, and Weis Eitate Property Fac- hoaptUt. Long Branch, on the property and Mr. Eldredge Is pearance at Red Bank Thursday ftue "be underwent an operation to be held by the Red Bank Young night, February S, at 8:30 o'clock approved a, budget which calls for a Men's Republican club Saturday, having plans prepared to alter these net saving of $9,487.62 as compared ing on Four East Rett TuiMday for internal Injuries as the buildings Into a, bungalow for his •when they will present a concert and February 12, M.the Elks' auditorium. dance at the River street school au- to last year's budget in the amount Promotion For mult of an automobile accident a This selection was made at a special own occupancy. to be raised by taxation. Tho total week preyJotSHW "Wont "of Frank ditorium. The entertainment i» un- Bank Streeti Sold For_ 16 meeting of the committees- Sunday der the auspices of the Red Bank to be raised by taxation this year is CH»rcVi itftMLOn RortftJKMM*-** - morning at the Elks' home. As- $254,324.14, while last year's total was Junior Pupils town toirtasMp-Jiear Headden's Cor- Westside Young Men's Christian as- Thit Purpose. semblyman Joseph C. Irwin, chair- sociation. • • $263.81..7d. ner. He trjppwoylnjr, but lie wijl man,' presided. - Graduation For probably be imattle to resume the The saving Is made possible by a To Be Tomorrow management of his butcher store at reduction of $2,000 In the current ex- Red Bank Pupils pense appropriation, a "reduction of p_-_._ \u-u L n . J i Campbell's Junction lot-two week or $2,000. In ttio appropriation for re- "ogram Will be Presented at James A. Curley and so: . ' *' At the time the ace'tdent <oesnrred To Be Tonight 1 Junior be was on his way home In an au- {^.Mii^Ttt."^"?" . «•* ^^ *"«*•• George W. Bray Bayers tomobile with his brother, Btfephen be .paid on bonds and interest, which in Branch Avenue Auditorium Thirty-Four Students to Receive is $32,916.11 for 1938-39, as compared D'Anthony(_who conducia t note at —Diplomas Awarded. Sllddletown village. The ear' was to $51,003.76 for 1937-38. Tho de- Diplomat at Mid-Term Exer- crease was due to s surplus which James A. Curley and George W. stopped on the dirt shoulder of the Promotion exercises for the B-A road while 8(epben D'Anthony went cises at Mechanic Street has been accumulating In the bond Bray, partners in the real estate and and interest account class of the Red Bank Junior high Insurance business under the nam» across to the Chero store to deliver School Auditorium. school will be held tomorrow after- a package. An appropriation of $12,000 was ap- of Curley * Bray, have bought for" proved to defray the cost of replac noon at 2:30 o'clock in the Junior development for home sites a largsi Lucien D'Anthony remained In the high school auditorium on Branch tract of land in East Red Bank.' automobile. A few moments later a Thirty-four Red Bank high school Ing worn-out equipment in the boiler students will receive their graduation room of the junior high school and avenue. Thirty-nine pupils will be fronting on four streets. The prop- < , car owned and driven by Edward. the manual training appropriation graduated Into the senior high erty was. purchased from the Sego Beele of Brooklyn skidded on the! certificates tonight at the mid-term exercises to be held at the Mechanic was increased $1,600. Tho appropria- school. Trading Co., which Is owned by the , arid crashed Into the car of . tion this year is $4,000, while last A program In form of a class meet- heirs of Mr. and Mrs. Slgmund Eis- , D'Anthony. The latter, was thro street school auditorium, starting at 8:15 p'clock. year it was $2,500. The extra funds ing entitled; "The Final Class Meet- ner. » "^-~*. i *, i out. He felt sore from the fill, arc to take care of opening a house Ing, February CIBBS of 1938," will be he did not regard the Injury"** Baccalaureato services were held The land has frontages of 300 feet Sunday night at the Trinity church and factory on Catherine street as a presented. Ajex Beichek, class presi- on Wallace street, 150 feet on Me- lous and he returned home. vocational project for River street dent, will give the welcome address; Improvements to The next morning he suffered so with Rev. Herbert's. Craig, pastor, chanic street, 240 on Spring street conducting the service. iTonight Rev. school pupils. Sarah Porter, <jjass secretary, will and about 150 fett on' each side of much pain that a doctor vvas sum- The current expense account for give tho class history; Forrest Ja- moned and It was found that he was William B. Spofford, rector of Christ Port Monmouth Wets place. The lost named street church, Mlddletown, will be guest 1938-39 Is $192,408 as compared to cobus the class motto, Rose Botta- waa constructed In 1928 and it «** Injured internally. His store at garo-the class-wHl,-and-Mrs.-AdE-A. speaker. His-tupio—wfll- bo,— !Ch»l- -*l85,3o8-fo- -1937-38, -anti the- repair* TBsas™throiigrr~lrie (center" of ine> Camjbeirj, Jnnnilnn haji h«-n rlnaurl and replacements appropriation for Crandall, principal of the Junior high Community Church temporarily. lenge of 1938." school, will make the presentation of tract. The property was on the map* the doming year is $13,000, while last ket for $19,000 But was sold lor less/ Harold A. Hendrickson, president • COUNT BASIE. year it was $15,000. diplomas. '"•'•' JAMES a PARKES. ' of the Red Bank board of education, Work Made Possible by Reason than that amount. -will present the diplomas. Robert Count Basle, a native of Rod Bank, The class orchestra composed of of Money Raised by Ladies' School Budget A large advance sale of tickets was Franlc JWorden, president of the Jan-, is beinn - brought - here through the Charlea Senlon, -Willialn-VanPelt,-.El- reported-by-William Klatsky,-alttTa uary class, 1938, will give the wel- efforts of Dr. James W. Parker, chair- Rumson Juniors mer VanBrunt, Ray jtaldln, Mortgn Societies and Donations Made sell-out was predicted before the come addressi Goorge DeLorenzo, man of the .wosmao Y. M. a, A.', Greonblatt and EMwalpa Gslso will At Eatontown evening of the" affair. Tickets are the mantle oration; Harry Irving play. Sarah Porter will entertain by Friends. limited to 250. Raymond Lippincott, and the board of directors. Count with a piano selection^'.' Greenwood, presldent'-of the June Basie or William/ as he was known To Stage Show music chairman, announced, that he Class, 1938, will give the response; The officers of the 'ajpss are Alex The Port Monmouth Community Shows Increase had obtained Charles Gotachalk and in his schooldays, Is & son of Mr. Mary Ann Cannavo, will make the and Mrs. Harvey Basle of 229 Me- Third Annual Entertainment and Beichek president, Jospph SchnilU church has been improved and redec- his orchestra to play for danolng presentation of a gift to the school, vlco president, Sarah'iJPortcr secre- orated. This was made possible by after the dinner. Mr. Parkes, chair- chanic street. He was born at Red tary and'*Henry Q» Mto treasurer. Board Hold* Adjourned Meeting and Arthur Washington Mayhew, Bank, studied music here ainco he Dance Saturday Night, Janu- tho ladles societies of the church and man of entertainment, stated that he Tho clasB colors aie JAvy and light the donations of friends.
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