m:-' eS3ifi.5fr r - ' W m '■Vv' ' 7- ‘’4|]l »4f • ■■■ ^ L ^ r i f < • i. l'?r.,: CmCULATION STATEMENT •W ‘.•K* IBEl’WBATOBS The,. aTermge dally circulaUon of 1 'r ■ ■ • . I • •. »i ■ .«V -► JSWr toeJght; Thursday cloudy, THE EVENING HERALD for tlio «■ month of December was 2,580. probably loeal snows; nUMlerate west winds. • ’ '• :z d . Establlaha^t a» a Weekly ll881. VOL mVIL NO 91 Established ds a Seini-Weekiy 188S. MANCHESTER, €(WN. Trj ThP. NeraW'l Pq? 9%le Colump. Gstabllshed as a Dally 1914. tOAY, JANUARY 19, 1918. The coat la 10 cents for 20 words PRICE TWO CENTS X>r leas * ■ ■■■ f r Ji. >1 w vi.r lii ii» )' r >; CENHIUE COVEINIIENrS m WOIIK, IHtCES URGES BAY STATE % EVEI IT. i U II. $. a M n W aMIMEIICEi war prepaiuiions LEGISUTURE TO BUY FOR IVENTION imiERWISE THREA1ENED WITH UTIER E U E B. & M. R. R. SYSTEM Att<ovu«y GtuierHl uf .MaNNachusotts Meetjof'li Tlnrsday Says That it Only Way to Protect Washington, Jun. IG.— The first needed now facilities; collateral Unpaid Intoreat of $225,000 on programs, such as the housing of serious protest against ‘*^ose meth­ $5,000,(MM> Bunds Owned and Re­ and Ff| r4$entalive employees, will bo neglected; dis­ ods” characterizing features of the sume Freight Rate Disciiniiiiatlon tribution of essential materials, such war preparations made its appear­ Favoring Now York (Tty Over Bos­ State as coal, will not be where most need­ BILL MAKES HALF MILLION ance to^ay. It comes from the ton. ed in connection with the war; vast m m (' I ii> United States Chamber of Commerce quantities of material and labor will 21-YEAR OLDS'DR AFT ABLE A and specifically points out that the bo used in unnecessary activities; Boston, Jan. 18— Attorney General COME newest plans announced by the and in general there will be the at­ Henry C, Attwlll today advised the government are tending to decent­ mosphere of confusion which comes state of Massachusetts to get ready Washington, Jan. 16—The Senate buiUllng administration. One of the R. I. Govf ralize war efforts. ' from inability to secure prompt aw- to buy and operate the Boston & »rma Uummittec military affairs committee has Bus-jaets would empower the Shipping clslon.” l\Klay- An adequate central control is de­ Maine railroad system. loy, liOiidcrN, pended its investigation into the'board to take over transportation noc- Rusaell I manded, and the board of directors liUcJc uf Harmony Not Now. Such n step may become Impera­ HUo to Speak. prugnwn of army legislation propar- ossury to carry workmen to ship Wires, Sent on Feh. 4 ,1 9 1 $ , of the chamber make it very plain The report reviews the various tively necessary for the state to pro­ >d by the War department, as well $50,000,000 to moot the eXpenses of that they intend to carry their pro­ steps taken in its investigation and tect the $5,000,000 of Boston & Hartford 1*7:18.— “ In order ns the ('bamborlaln bill to establish building centers. Another provides to German F oreip test to Congress. Strong emphasis shows that at all times there has Maine bonds that it holds and the that they: reporta of the a department of munitions. Among roqulsltlonlng bouses to shelter work­ is put on the seriousness of the sit­ been opposition to concerted action $225,000 of unpaid interest that is work all and take council the most important of tho war de­ men In such centers. The third au­ uation, and it is pointed out that In certain governmental depart­ due, Mr. Attwill declared in his an­ together *||j| Unre procedure.” velopment measures are tho resolu­ thorizes tho president to declare Show Former Premier was the fate of the war may depend on ments. Appointment of the War nual report to the legislature today; So runs ad by Governor tion to make all young men who military zones about shipyards t^o concerted action by all government Industries board is declared to have Attorney General Attwlll declared Holoombi^<^ tpter 44 ot the have attalnwl the ago of 21 since prevent any luterferonco with the as Bitter Against French departments. been a much needed step in the that public ownership of the Boston Public A4 (7, for the meet- registration day— Juno 5— eligible carrying out of the shipping program. The report to the chamber, which right direction, t)ut that body is & Maine doubtless would remove the tng iu tl )iTow and Frl- to the draft and the bill authorizing ConipulMory Footl Having. Government Then as Now was unanimously approved, was pre­ powerless. freight rate discrimination that now day of a ehventJon ot ap- tho change of draft basis. Under Tho Administration prepared to pared after an investigation lasting After referring to the demands eXists in favor of New York and that pointed »m all the 168 the former measure, the nation's throw its whole-hearted support to — Statement by German i since last June, by a committee made of capital and industry generally it would develop the port of Boston. towns in. fighting strength can be increased tho Ponierono-Lever bill, prepared by up of Wadill Catchlngs, chairman. to have authority centralized; to the The Attorney General declared The tff\ out that al- by 500,000 mou. Under the latter, the Food Administration, to carry President of the Sloss-Sheffleld Iron naming of the war council, and to that a permanent receivership for though' t( iveraary of the much of the dissatisfaction over un­ compulsory food conservation Into Office Also Given Ont Steel company; John H. Fahey, the taking over the railroads the re­ thQ Boston & Maine seems inevita­ entry of .*4 States into the equal quotas apportioned to the va­ every home. Stubborn fighting, Homer L. Ferguson, president of the port continues; ble. In that event the state ought war “ wje are but rious states will be eliminated. rivalling that over the first food con­ W'ashlngton, Jan. 16.— Two tele­ Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry "No statutory authority has been to go in and bid on the property at launehedii ^great undertak- The committee still has several trol bill passed last summer, was lug w) Dock company; Lewis A. Pierson asked for the War Industries board the receivers’ sale in order that the keome the duty phases of army affairs to Investigate, promised over the measure because grams dealing directly with former of Con|i| chairman of the. board of the Irving nor has the Council of National De­ prjee realized will be sufficient to arform. In fur- but it is determined to make use of of its ultra-revolutionary character. Premier CaillauX and sent by former nishing National Bank; and Harry A. Wheel­ fense been given by statute authori­ guarantee the state a complete re­ ilu and money information obtained up to the pres­ The bill, however, la receiving strong Ambassador Count von Bernstorff to for thh*: proaecution. er, vice-president of the Union ty power to do more than investi­ turn on Its unsecured $5,000,000 of ent time as an argument for the legis­ backing from the element in Con- the German government were made Trust Company. gate and report. The numerous Boston & Maine bonds, Mr. Atwlll In my the governor, lation most pressingly needed. It is •‘It wtl| gress which believes that balfway j by the State department today. Centralize Re.spoiislbiIity. scattered and independent activities said. at this time, expected that many of the measures moasures w^lll not longer suffice to to cohtef It was as a result ot these tele- “ Failure of the Nation to be in connection with the procurement Mr. Attwill also declared that if id means.” will be laid before the Senate with a guarantee America an adeQuate food guided by the fundamental principle ot war supplies and material have any relief is to be given the street The open prompt- recommendation of early passage supply. grams, copies of which were furnioh- that centralized responsibility, and not been brought under one control, railways it should be by a reduc­ ly.'Alij lorrow fore- within the neXt few days. The period of investigation on French government by Secre- noon it dontrol is needed for the success ot nor has any agency been constitutei tion in taXes rather than by an In­ tha House ot Three New Measures. rallroad situation also neared an end tary of State Lansing, that the ar- B»pt any enterprise,” says the statement, and made responsible for directing crease in fares. He declared taht State oapitol, Meanwhile the Senate commerece today, and indications were that the arrest of the French former premier “ will bring about unintentional in­ the gOjVernment’s war-time industri­ the state should have, represents^ from all the committee, profiting by the informal re-draftlng of thQ bill to carry out took place a day or so ago. terference with vitally important- al activities. tlves upon the boards of directors iliWai activities, Lion it obtained in its shipping in­ the ideas ot the committees having The two telegrams were sent by ch as. that in connection "Your committee believes that the and that all profits in excess of a of the vestigation. prepared three important it in charge would begin at an early Bernstorff to the German. tereriVl. <|f- g; there will be pro- failure to be guide4 by the funda reasonable amount should be tarneA ovnr to m^asure^ to < strengthen the ship- date. flee on February 4, 1915|,. \> .ThjMir iitiaoIplS v that pentXgl trsMury. fto.instruc- tone Indicates that CaillauX teriy opposed to the J^etjick;^ ' Meht.
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