The Space Congress® Proceedings 1982 (19th) Making Space Work For Mankind Apr 1st, 8:00 AM The Moon-Gateway to the Universe Joseph A. Angelo Chairman, Space Technology Program, Florida Institute of Technology Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/space-congress-proceedings Scholarly Commons Citation Angelo, Joseph A., "The Moon-Gateway to the Universe" (1982). The Space Congress® Proceedings. 6. https://commons.erau.edu/space-congress-proceedings/proceedings-1982-19th/session-8/6 This Event is brought to you for free and open access by the Conferences at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Space Congress® Proceedings by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE MOON - GATEWAY TO THE UNIVERSE Dr.Joseph A.Angelo,Jr. Chairman, Space Technology Program Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, Florida 32901 ABSTRACT A decision to exploit the extraterrestr­ have constructed a history of the Moon ial frontier gives man an infinite dating back to its infancy. Because physical and resource environment in the Moon has no oceans (i.e. free which to continue human development and water) and no atmosphere appreciable growth. The off-planet expansion of the erosion has not occurred there. The human resource base will be highlighted primitive materials that lay on its by several key technology steps: (1) the surface billions of years ago are in development of reusable space transpor­ an excellent state of preservation. tation systems, such as the Space We know that the Moon was formed some Shuttle; (2) the establishment of manned 4.6 billion years ago and differenti­ space stations; (3) the development of ated quite early - perhaps only 100 space-based industries; (4) the creation million years after accreting (ref 6 & of lunar bases and permanent manned 7). Tectonic activity ceased eons ago settlements; and (5) the full exploita­ on the Moon. The lunar crust and tion of lunar and possibly asteroid mantle are quite thick, extending resources. The Moon and its potential inward to more than 800 kilometers* role as man's gateway to the Universe The deep interior of the Moon is still is discussed. Included are a summary however unknown. It may contain a of lunar facts, the history of lunar small iron core at its center and probes and exploration, and a look at there is some evidence that the lunar Shuttle Era lunar base applications. interior may be hot and even partially molten (ref 7). Moonquakes have been measured within the lithosphere and INTRODUCTION interior - most being the result of tidal stresses. Chemically, the Earth The Moon is Earth's only natural satel­ and the Moon are quite similar,though lite and closest celestial neighbor. compared to Earth the Moon is depleted Relative to its primary, it is extremely in the more easily vaporized materials. large and the Earth-Moon system might be The lunar surface consists of high­ regarded as a "double planet". [See lands composed of alumina-rich rocks Table 1]. (ref 1, 2 & 3) Not too long that formed from a globe-encircling ago the Moon was only an inaccessible molten-sea, and maria made up of celestial object - but today, through volcanic melts which surfaced about the technology of the Space Age, it has 3.5 billion years ago. However, become a "planet ft to visit, explore and despite all we have learned in the eventually inhabit. past two decades about our nearest celestial neighbor, lunar exploration The Moon was the first planetary body has really only just begun. Several surveyed by spacecraft (ref 4) [See puzzling mysteries remain, including Table 2]. From evidence accumulated by an explanation for the remnant magne­ the early unmanned missions (e.g. tism measured in the rocks despite the Ranger, Surveyor and the Lunar Orbiter absence of a lunar dynamo - and the spacecraft) and by the Apollo Program origin of the Moon itself. (ref 5) [See Table 3] lunar scientists 8-14 To initiate the further exploration of our Solar System. The first phase of the Moon, we can first send sophisti­ planetary development began with the cated machines in place of men. For origins of life on Earth and will cul­ example, an unmanned lunar orbiter minate with the full use (and eventual could circle the Moon from pole-to-pole depletion) of the terrestrial resource remotely measuring its chemical compo­ base. A third phase of planetary sition, gravity, magnetism, and radio­ development, migration to the stars activity. This Lunar Polar Orbiter (ref 9 & 14), must await the successful mission would continue the scientific exploitation of our own star system. tasks started by the Apollo Program and would produce extensive maps of the This extraterrestrial expansion of the entire lunar surface. Other robotic human resource base will be accompani­ spacecraft, like the Soviet Luna-16 and ed by several key technology steps in Luna-20 landers, could be used to the next few decades: (1) the develop­ return small soil samples from previ­ ment of reusable space transportation ously unvisited regions such as the far systems, such as the Space Shuttle; (2) side and the poles. the establishment of manned space stations, such as the proposed Space Then, when man himself returns to the Operations Center (SOC), in low-Earth- Moon, it will not be for a brief moment orbit (LEO) and eventually in geosyn­ of scientific inquiry as occurred in chronous orbit or elsewhere as needed the Apollo Program, but rather as a in cislunar space; (3) the development permanent inhabitant - building bases of space-based industries; (4) the from which to explore the lunar surface, creation of lunar bases and permanent establishing science and technology settlements; and (5) the full exploi­ laboratories, and exploiting the lunar tation of lunar and possibly asteroid resource base in support of humanity's resources. The Space Shuttle repre­ extraterrestrial expansion (ref 8). sents the U.S . commitment to the first step in extraterrestrial expansion. Firm national decisions for space HUMAN1ZAT10N OF CISLUNAR SPACE stations and lunar bases are essential in the creation of a cohesive and Human development at the start of the coherent program of cislunar develop­ Third Millennium will be highlighted by ment for the benefit of all mankind. the creation of man's extraterrestrial civilization. Man's progress depends on challenge and growth. As we enter MOON BASE APPLICATIONS the next millennium, expansion into space offers an untapped, almost limit­ Many lunar base applications, both less resource base for human progress scientific and industrial, have been (ref 8 & 9). Despite contemporary addressed in the technical literature doomsday predictions that exaggerate since the Apollo Program (ref 15, 16, the Earth's finite resource condition 17 & 18). Some of these concepts and increasing population density, include: (1) a lunar scientific labor­ technical progress can continue atory complex; (2) a lunar industrial through the use of extraterrestrial complex to support space-based manu­ resources (ref 8, 10 & 11). The key, facturing; (3) an astrophysical obser­ of course, will be the skillful exploi­ vatory for Solar System and deep space tation and "humanization" of space - an surveillance; (4) a "fueling" station evolutionary process in which mankind for cislunar cargo vehicles; (5) a learns to use cislunar space to improve nuclear waste repository for the very the quality of life for those on Earth, longlived radioisotopes (i.e. the (ref 8, 9 & 12) The dynamic growth of transuranic nuclides) originating in mankind depends on an ever expanding terrestrial nuclear fuel cycles; and "open world" outlook -— its opposite, (6) the site of innovative political, the "closed world" philosophy leads to social and cultural human developments- evolutionary stagnation (ref 9 & 13). essentially rejuvenating man's concept Simply stated, a decision to exploit of himself and his ability to change the extraterrestrial frontier gives man his destiny. All of these lunar settle­ an infinite physical and resource envir­ ment concepts are quite interesting and onment in which to continue- human devel­ worthy of additional contemporary study, opment and growth. especially in light of the renewed We now have acquired the technical interest in space that the Shuttle has foundation for initiating the second stimulated. phase of planetary development-expan­ sion of the human resource base within 8-15 This paper will limit detailed discuss­ ideas, techniques, products etc. The ion to the use of lunar resources in existence of "another human world" support of space-based industries. The will obviously create a permanent choice is predicated by the fact that "open world" philosophy for human the true stimulation for permanent lunar civilization. Application of space settlements will most probably arise technology, especially lunar base- from the desire for economic gain - a derived technology, will stimulate a time-honored stimulus that has driven terrestrial renaissance, leading to an much terrestrial development. increase in the creation of wealth, the search for knowledge and even the Contemporary space systems studies creation of beauty by all mankind. involve the definition of major future Our current civilization - as the large space systems in such areas as first to venture into cislunar space communications, manufacturing and energy and to create permanent lunar settle­ for which the "stock" or building mater­ ments - will long be admired not only ial must be transported from the Earth's for its great technical and intell­ surface to space for fabrication, con­ ectual achievements but also for its struction and final assembly. These innovative cultural accomplishments. studies identify the major cost impact Finally, it is not too remote to of transporting large quantities of speculate that the descendants of the materials from Earth and the potential first lunar settlers will eventually environmental impact of large numbers become the interplanetary then star- of heavy lift launch vehicles ascending faring portion of the human race.
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