Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & University Archives The Eastern Echo 1922 The orN mal College News, February 17, 1922 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.emich.edu/student_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "The orN mal College News, February 17, 1922" (1922). EMU Student Newspaper: The Normal News & The Eastern Echo. 610. https://commons.emich.edu/student_news/610 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & The Eastern Echo by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TH F.c------- _____--_ ORJ\'\i\L COLLEGE NEWS ·Llbrar, Ii S N VOLUME 19 YPSILANTI,BASKETBALL MICHIGAN, TEAMFEBRUARY 17, 192.2 NUMEER 19 NORMAL-BOWLING GREEN ,vINS FROM ADRIAN WEDNESDAY SET AS ·FINAL D[BATE NEXT THURSDAY1 ITNABJ.>s 1,0 ,.,,�,s1m SA'ru11. DAY FOR AURORA PICTURES DAY AND LOSE TO l{ALA· 1 l\JEN 1UEE'r OPPONENTS IN OHIO, IN1 ERESTING ASSEM­ l\lAZOO NORMAL HANS KINDLER TO AP­ UNLIJ{E PREVIOUS YEA.RS, 'l'IME WHILE GIRLS' TEAM ffE. EXTENSION NOT TO BE BATES HERE RLV WEDNESDAY PEAR AT ANN ARBOR MADE TIUS YEAR The Normals advanced one step nearer the M. I. A. A. championship LEND TEAMS S'l'UDENT.S OF NOIUIAL SPEAR IN when they defeated the Adrian Col­ VAlUOUf,; 'CELLOIS'l' WILL PLAY RUMORS TO CON­ mmALI•' Oli' 'l'JCE S'l'UDENT lege team at the gymnasium Friday A'r CONCERT OF DETROIT YOUR SUPPORT Rl�UEJ<' FUND evening, 51 to 11. "Doc'' McCul­ SYMPHONY TRARY FALSE lough's men started out strongly, making twenty points before Adrian ll[atliiesou, Hey mnn aiul Klemm er 011 I,r You Want Your Picture in the A very "peppy" program was pre­ cag,ed a basket. The first half ended ThE, fourth conceit by the Detroit iUrn's 'l.'eam; Misses Humphrey, sented to the students of the Nor­ 36 to 6, In the .second period the Symphony Orchestra in Ann Arbor Annual, You Must Have It H:uma, 1U1Jer ou Women's mal at assembly Wednesday by the Normal substitute team took the will take place in Hill Auditorium, Taken Now people who had charge of the meet- floor. This quintet held the Adrian Monday evening, February 20, at aggregation to five pcints while mak­ which time Ossip Gabrilowitsch and Thursday evening, February 24, is _ing. After several yells a,nd the col­ Rumors are occasionally heard ing sixteen points for the Normal. his band ·of players will give another the date set for the dual debate be- . about the campus to the effect that lege song speeches were made by O�borne accounted for thirteen M. beautiful program. The work of this tween Bowling Green and Michigam an extension of time must inevitably members of the student body uphold­ S. N. C. points; W.i!Jiamson and Dil­ illustrious grou.p of mus,icians is so State Normal College. At that time be made for the making of Aurora ing the Student Relief Fund. Mir. lon were next with Len points each well known among music lovers that the girls' debating team, compos.ed pi.ctures, proof of which is based on Heyman spoke of the need of finan- and Davidson followed with eight. it is unnecessary to comment upon of the Misses H11mphrey, Hanna and the experience of previous years. c.ial aid for students of Central Dowa.s of Adrian leJ his team in their excellence. The members of Hiller, will meet the opposing team Shouid such ai rumor come to your Europe. Miss Hutton turned appar­ scoring, with five points to his credit. the orchestra have been brought to­ at Pease Auditorium. The men's attention it should be discredited, as ent necessities, such as "Frost-Bites," In the preliminary to the Adrian gether from all over the world and team, Messrs·. Mathieson, Heyman and there can and wiH be no extension cigareUes and "movies" i.nto terms game the Normal Res,erves won from leading players have been engaged Klc'!n_mer, will debate at Bowling of time. Your sitting must be made of food and apparatus for a needy the St. Josephs of Detroit, 23 .to 9. from the great orchestras which have Green on the same evening. The before the date set, Wednesday, Feb­ European student. The liberal sub­ Draper of the Reserves was the out­ been before the country for many , Normal Colleg,e is out to w,in both ruary 22, and all proofs must b'e re­ scriptions made by other . colleges standing star of the game, making years. Earnestness, seriousness of contests. To do this it must have the turned by the following Saturday. were enumerated by Olive Waggoner, 17 of the Normal's points.. purpose and virility of action char­ support of the entire student body. Organizations using composite and Mr. Threadgould ·earnestly made acterizes the efforts of each indi­ On Thursday evening every loyal sup­ group pictures are requested to ar­ the ,point that no college student cain vidual. The'ir united efforts produce porter ,of hi.s Alm.a Mater wiH be at range with one of the local photog­ afford to, lose the opportunity to The Michigan State Normal team results that are almost beyond com- Pease Auditorium to help the Nor­ rnphers to have these pictures take p,art . i n an undertaking not lost to Western State Normal at prehension. mla.1 team win the v.ictory. Let us mounted. Individual pictures should 1 a.lone charitable but of great mate­ Kalamazoo Saturday by a score of 34 show the team we'•re behind them. On this occasion another world­ be collected from each member of rial benefit to the present genera­ to 16. Kalamazoo had li'ttle trouble Let's go! famed soloist new to Ann Arbor will the organization and turned over to tion. Henry Melloche talked on in finding the basket while "Doc's" be heard-Hans Kindler-who car:ie the ' hotographer employed for this "How to Give" ,and .aroused no small men were not so fortunate. The first P to this country a number of years work. This mount should then be amount of enthusiasm when he told half ended 18 to 9 in favor of YPSILANTI PLAYERS ago from Holland as a member of left at the Aurora office. According of the proper method of opening the Sp,aulding's men. Throughout the the Philadelphia Orchestra and whose second period the Western Normals AT AUDITORTU1'f pocket-book. ab ilities soon gained such recognition were able to double the score of M. that he was obliged to discontinue . N. C. and were leading by eighteen S bis· efforts as an ensemble player and The Ypsilanti Players, a group of GIRLS' AT 'n at .the end of game. :��,��!j:pt�eff�� peoP'le of this ci'ty well' known for Lne1r worh in Litde Theater activi­ ��;4'11il·f!t�·�,�1�:! ties, will give a program before NoT­ The fi,rst athletic -- �etft �-tMfJ:4(!-� ".,-liJfillif�:�;, I-�� mal students and citizens of Ypsi­ the girls of the college who. are ape­ will play · the well-kttown -��di� Remember that despite any- rtiiftbr lanti at Pease Auditorium Wednes� cializing in high. school and those by d' Albert on this occasion. to the contrary, the individual pic­ day, March 8. The Players have their taking the grammar and primary Kindler's career has been remark­ tures for the class groups must be own Li ttle Theater on Huron street, courses will take place Friday even­ able not onlt musically but from the The Normal basketball team will made before Wednesday next. where they give their programs to ing, February 24, in the gymnasium, standpoint of a well bred gentleman. go to Mt. Pleasant Friday where they BURTON D. WOOD, a limited number of people. In or­ Students specializing in Physical He is free from those particular meet the Central State quintet. On Business. Manager. der that a larger number of citizens Education wi ll coach the various mannerisms which often dwarf the Saturday "Doc's" squad plays Alma and students may have the oppor­ events which are as follows: Basket­ artistic accomplishments of those on the latter's floor. Alma last year tunity of hearing them they have ball, Volley Ball, Newcomb, High who have won ·fame. keipt M. S. N. C. from winning the consented to present· a number of Jump, Broad Jump, Stunt Race, Med­ lN'fERSOCIETY BAS­ M. I. A. A. championship and will The program as a whole is one new and interesting plays at the icine Ball Relay and Basketball Re­ attempt to d11plicate the feat this which should be of great interest not auditorium. The Men's Union de­ lay. It is not necessary to have had KETBALL S'fANDING year. McCullough is confident,, how­ only to music lovers in particular serves t,h,e credit for bringing this any previous training except Basket­ ever that the team will return home but to the masses in general. talented group of men and women ball in order to enter the meet. J with the "bacon." W L Ave. to us. The Ypsilanti Players, who Practices will be held Saturday Arm of Honor..________________ 6 0 1.000 have aippeared !before upon the audi­ morning as follows: CONTEMPORARY CLUB Kappa Phi ALpha_··-··--···-···5 1 .833 torium stage, need no introducti on ·!J:OO�Basketball and Volley Ball.
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