July 31, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H6677 BARBARA BOXER of California, who wrote the dolphins, and I know there are many outside not object, I would like to say to my original dolphin protection law in 1990 and Congress who will be watching this study, too. friend from New York, sometimes at who has stood up to those on both sides of I expect that those who will engage in the 700 knots you have to make a split sec- the Rio Grande who have sought to weaken study will utilize scrupulous scientific stand- ond decision, and in this case, I think that law. ards, and that the recommendations that result it has worked out for the best. We vigorously opposed an immediate from the study will be scientifically sound rath- As I was standing before, I learned of change in the Dolphin-safe label, as was er than motivated by political or trade consid- a problem that existed and made a de- sought by Mexico and by the Administration, erations. cision. As a matter of fact, I had rose because there is a great deal of concern with- Lastly, let me say that those of us who will at the other time with the reservation in the scientific community that the kind of be called upon to cast votes in the near future to allow the gentleman and the gentle- fishing sanctioned by this bill will cause seri- on fast track trade authority or on the expan- woman from New York to make their ous harm to dolphins. We insisted that an im- sion of NAFTA and other trade agreements talk in support of the issue. The issue partial scientific study be conducted to deter- would do well to study the history of this legis- at hand had nothing to do with Betty mine whether, as asserted, it is now possible lation. If there ever was a question that envi- Shabazz, and I rise in full and strong to fish with purse seine nets and not harm dol- ronmental and labor standards should be in- support of the gentleman from New phins. cluded as integral components of such agree- York and the gentlewoman from New I am therefore pleased to see that on this ments, not as side agreement afterthoughts, York and for what they are trying to key point, we have been successful by requir- this legislation provides a clear example of do in this. ing a three-year study on the impacts of chas- why such provisions should be incorporated. Mr. Speaker, under my reservation, I ing and netting on dolphin populations. Neither This legislation is the result of foreign gov- yield to the gentleman from New York I nor the scientists I have consulted are com- ernments telling American consumers and the [Mr. RANGEL]. fortable with an automatic change in the U.S. Congress that weÐand only weÐmust Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I thank meaning of ``dolphin safe'' after only 1 year of weaken our domestic product labeling laws the gentleman from California [Mr. study unless the Secretary determines that because of this international agreementÐan CUNNINGHAM] for allowing his name to chasing and netting dolphins has a significant agreement, I might add, that not one person in be included among the Members of adverse impact on the animals. this Congress had any role in drafting or ap- Congress that take this time before we The scientists tell us that these dolphin pop- proving. Trade and foreign demands are the adjourn to pay great tribute to a great ulations should be growing at 4±6 percent an- engines of this legislation; sound science, American. I recognize that the gentle- nually, and that anything else should be con- mammal protection, consumer information all man's objections had nothing to do sidered a significant adverse impact. I assume are being sacrificed on the almighty altar of with the life of this great woman, and the Secretary will base his decision on objec- free trade. I appreciate the fact that the gen- tive, independent scientific advice and not suc- This goes far beyond the issue of tuna and tleman is removing that objection. cumb to political pressure. dolphins. It goes to the issue of who makes Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, I However, this bill now contains new lan- the laws and the rules that govern this country withdraw my reservation of objection. guageÐnot previously reviewed by the House and our constituents. Do we make decisions The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there and not subject to any hearings in either based on fact and science, or on the demands objection to the request of the gen- House or SenateÐwhich, in my view, sets a of foreign economic competitors? tleman from New York? dangerous precedent for the future of eco-la- The best reason to vote for this legislation There was no objection. beling. is that, should this shaky compromise fail, a The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- The language of this bill appears to exempt far worse version is waiting in the wings and lows: the government-defined ``dolphin safe'' label undoubtedly will pass. In fact, there is some H. RES. 183 from FTC standards on truth in labeling. This indication that the Mexican Government is al- Whereas the Nation honors Betty Shabazz language prohibits American citizens from ready looking to weaken even this com- as a wife, mother, educator, and advocate for suing the federal government over the accu- promise. civil and human rights, women, and the racy and truthfulness of the label that purports So, I thank Senator BOXER and Senators poor; Whereas Betty Shabazz, through her life to signify ``dolphin safe'' tuna. BIDEN and SMITH for their efforts to make this The bill technically allows the use of labels and deeds, has been an inspiration to people bill less onerous, and I pledge to work with around the world; other than the government label, which I sup- them in the coming year and a half to monitor port, but then contains a plethora of provisions Whereas Betty Shabazz was a woman of the study that will determine how the label is strength, resilience, perseverance, and grace and restrictions designed to ensure that com- to be written in the future. who overcame the greatest of challenges; peting labels will be all but impossible to use. Mr. ABERCROMBIE. Mr. Speaker, I Whereas Betty Shabazz was born Betty This bill requires the Secretary to make a withdraw my reservation of objection. Sanders in Detroit, Michigan, on May 28, determination on whether the use of other la- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there 1936; bels is ``substantially undermining the con- objection to the request of the gen- Whereas Betty Shabazz met and married servation goals of the International Dolphin tleman from New Jersey. the controversial activist and leader El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) in New York Conservation Program,'' and to then rec- There was no objection. ommend to the Congress how to ``correct such in 1958; A motion to reconsider was laid on Whereas on February 21, 1965, while preg- problems''. It also contains a provisionÐadded the table. nant with twins, Betty Shabazz and their to the last minute at the insistence of tuna f four daughters witnessed Malcolm X's assas- companiesÐmaking it a violation of the Fed- sination; eral Trade Commission Act to ``use a label in HONORING THE LIFE OF BETTY Whereas Betty Shabazz exhibited her resil- a campaign or effort to mislead or deceive SHABAZZ iency and determination as a single mother, consumers about the level of protection af- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I ask raising and educating her six daughters, forded to dolphins under the International Dol- unanimous consent that the Commit- Attallah, Qubilah, Ilyasah, Gamilah, and phin Conservation Program Act.'' twins Malikah and Malaak; tee on Government Reform and Over- Whereas Betty Shabazz found the time to To my knowledge, no other provision of law sight be discharged from further con- become certified as a registered nurse, and to contains such extensive limitations on the right sideration of the resolution (H.Res. 183) later earn bachelor's and master's degrees of the American consumer to know the im- honoring the life of Betty Shabazz, and and, finally, a doctorate in education admin- pacts of their purchases on the environment or ask for its immediate consideration. istration from the University of Massachu- anything else, and I am extremely uncomfort- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- setts; able about setting this precedent at a time tion. Whereas Betty Shabazz joined the adminis- trative staff of Medgar Evers College in when eco-labeling or other labeling efforts are The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there under tremendous fire from global big busi- Brooklyn, New York, rising to high posi- objection to the request of the gen- tions; ness, without hearings or time to determine tleman from New York? Whereas, while preserving the public mem- the exact extent of these limitations. b 1730 ory of her late husband, Betty Shabazz I intend to remain very engaged over the earned a reputation of her own, as an educa- next 18 months as we undertake the study to Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, re- tor, public speaker, and advocate for women, determine the safety of purse seine nets on serving the right to object, and I will education, and civil and human rights; H6678 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 31, 1997 Whereas on June 23, 1997, Betty Shabazz the following standing committees of the Texas benefitted from her love of edu- succumbed to injuries suffered in a tragic House of Representatives: cation and children as well as her great fire; To the Committee on Banking and Finan- work at the Medgar Evers College and Whereas Betty Shabazz personified the cial Services: Robert Weygand of Rhode Is- her great work with Coretta Scott roles of wife, mother, and professional land.
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