Assyrian Display Bibliography June 10, 2016 Aramaic and Syriac 1. Ktāb-qawlā d-mʻalyúteh Māhāmad nbíyā d-ʼIslām / Benyāmén ʼĀrsānís. Tehrān , 1950. Variant title: Ktāb-qúlā- d mʻalyúteh Māhāmad nbíyā d-ʼIslām The history of the Assyrians in the Islamic Empire during the lifetime of the Prophet Muḥammad. In Syriac and Persian. BP75.29.S97 A77 1950 Syriac 2. Acta martyrum et sanctorum Syriace. Ed. Paulus Bedjan. (Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausg. Paris, Leipzig, 1890-97.) Hildesheim, G. Olms, 1968. Martyrs and Christian saints of the Middle East, the text is in Syriac and editorial matter is written in French. BR1608.N2 B4 1968 Syriac 3. Bible. Gospels. Syriac. 1829. The Gospels in Syriac, printed in the Nestorian characters. London, British and foreign Bible society, 1829 BS2550.Z9 A5 (Orien Syriac); 4. Púšāqā d-ewangeliyon d-Matay (Exegesis of the gospel of Matthew) sím l-qumeṣ Taʼdrus Yaʻqob Malṭí min Púšāqe w-húgāye- d abahātā qadme ; apeqeh l-Súryāyā Yoḥanān Seweʼn d-Bét Qermez. / Malaty, Tadrous Y. Tumba, Sverige : Melki Yilmaz, 2006. BS2575.2 .M2818 2006 Syriac ; 5. Bible. Syriac. 1893. Ktābe qadíše d-dyatiqi ʻatíqtā w-diyatiqi ḥdatā ʻam sahedwātā. Núyark [New York] : Maṭbaʻtā d-Dastā Babelyonāytā d-ʼAmerkā, 1893. Modern Syriac, New Testament. This LC copy has inscription on cover: "Presented to President and Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower by the American Bible Society, 1953." In Syriac, translated from Hebrew and Greek. BS315 .S9 1893 6. Bible. Psalms. Syriac. Ktābā d-mazmúre : túrgāmā min lešānā ʻEbrāyā ʼaṣlāyā l-lešānā ʼAtorāyā ḥādtā (Swārāyā) /b-yad Qašíšā Šmúʼél Denḥā ; ṣúḥṣyā b-yad Qašíšā Fraydon ʼÍsḥāq, The book of Psalms : a translation from original Hebrew into Neo-Syriac (Modern Assyrian) / by Rev. Samuel G. DInkha ; revised by Rev. Fereidoun Es-haq. San Jose, California : Adiabene Publications, [2003] (Book of Psalms)BS315 .S9 2003 Syriac 7. Bible. Prophet Isaiah and the epistles of St. Paul. (Selections in Syriac). Ktāwā da-qeryāne, maʼ egrātā d-Pawlos ʼú šlíḥā d- kāmeqren ba-Ḥúšābe w-ba-ʻeʼde mārānāye b-í šantā kulah : k-dú ṭeksā d-í ʻidtā Súryāytā Ārtdāwksāytā d-Anṭiyúkiyaʼ, The prophet Isaiah and the epistles of St. Paul / mepqí leh m-ú lešānā d-ú ktāwā l-ú lešānā d-ú mamllā Yoḥanan Seweʼn d-Beʼ Qermez m-Zízaḥāyā. Súdertelye, Swéd [Södertälje, Sweden] : Gabriʼíl Yalgen, 2006. BS315 .S9 2006 Syriac 8. Ktābā da-zmāryāte qadíše / ǧúmeʻyā w-múrézā b-Yoʼāš Z. Benyāmén. Chicago : The Assyrian Press, 1935. Hymns and the text of Hymns in Syriac. BV510.S9 B46 1935 Syriac 9. ʼEgaryātā d-Qadíšúteh Mārí Denḥā rbíʻāyā QātolíqāPaṭriyarkā- d ʻIdtā d-Madnḥā- d ʼAtorāye. Chicago, Illinois : Alpha Graphic, 2001. Documents, including a short biography, speeches, and tributes to the Patriarch Dinkha IV, Mar, 1935-2015, as well as a history of the Assyrian Church of the East, and the biography of the Bishops of the Assyrian Church of the East in the 20th century. BX159.D56 E33 2001 Syriac 10. Ktābā- d Maktbānút zabne / sím l-Mārí Míkāʼíl Rabā, Paṭryarkā d-ʻIdtā Súryāytā Ārtādāwksāytā (1126-1199) ; praʻ napqātā da- ḥtāmā Gabrāʼíl Yaʼlgín = Chronicle / by Michael the Great, the Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch (1126-1199) ; sponsring, Gabriel Yalgin. Swéd [Sweden] : The history of the Syrian Orthodox Church from its origins to the 1800s. BX172 .M53 2006 Syriac 11. Tašʻítā d-ḥaye d-Yúḥanān Dúlabaʼní : ʻam ktíbātā ʼḥrānyātā / Píloksínos Yúḥanān Dúlabaʼní ; [edited by, Eliyo DereandTomas Isik]. Dolapönü, Hanna, 1885- / Biography of Yuhanon Dolabani, Sweden: Assyrian Youth Federation in Sweden; Assyrian Federation in Sweden, 2007; The history and Assyrian Orthodox Church and the biography of the Bishops in Turkey, focusing on the life of Yuhanon Dolabani. BX179.D65 A3 2007 ; Syriac 12. Tašʻítā ʻatíqtā w-ḥadtā- d melat ʼAtor-Kaldāytā : 2,000 šene men qādm Māran hal 1921 men bātar Mšíḥā / ktíbtāw-búṣentā b- qašíšā Šmoʼél Dāwíd (David, Samuel (Chaldean Priest); The Assyro-Chaldean history / edited and printed in the Neo-Chaldean language by Rev. S. David, Chaldean Priest . Šekāgo [Chicago] : [publisher not identified], 1923. The History of the Assyrians and Chaldean Catholics. DS59.A75 D38 1923 Syriac 13. Ktābā d-mardútā d-Súryāye / syam Abraham Gabriʾyel Ṣawmā / Ṣawmī, Ibrāhīm Kibrāʾīl, 1913- Bṿenas Aires : Maṭbaʻta Suryaita, 1967-<1990> Aramaic Music, History and Civilization DS94.6 .T73 1967 Syriac 14. Dmā zlíḥā : gúnḥe wa-šarbe maḥšāne da-šní 1915-1918 / Qarahbaš, ʻAbd Mšíḥā Naʻmaʼn, 1903-1983. Augsburg : Assyrische Demokratische Organisation, 1997. Ottoman era Armenian & Assyrian massacres. DS195.5 .Q27 1997 Syriac 15. Lulianos der Abtruennige; Syrische Erzaehlungen Hrsg / by Von Johann Georg Ernst Hoffmann. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1880. The History of Julian, Emperor of Rome, 331-363. The text is written in Syriac with a German introduction. DG317 .I95 1880 Syriac 1 16. Zmírātā d-Lilyānā = Zmiratha d'Lilyana / kúnāšā w-núhāré b-yad Dāníʼél Dāwíd d-Bét Benyāmén. (Benjamin, Daniel D.) United States. 2009. Assyrians marriage customs and rites in the mainly Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraqi as well as Iran's west Azerbaijan and the eastern Anatolian provinces of Turkey. GT2695.A87 B46 2009 Syriac 17. Ínúmā Éliš : sṭúrtā d-brítā Atúr - Babilít / drāšā w-púšāqā, Gabríl Iremyā Gíwergís. Denmark , 2001. Enuma Elish : The Assyrian- Babylonian myth of creation. PJ3771 .E518 2001 Syriac 18. Gilgamesh in Syriac. Tašʻítā d-Gelgameš malkā d-ʼÚrok / maʻbrānútā, Lilyaʼs Šaʼhín. Jönköping : Assyriska Tryckeriet, 2005. Ancient Near Eastern literature and mythology. PJ3771.G5 S97 2005 Syriac 19. Tašʻítā d-Aḥíqar / syāmā, Qúryaqos Yoḥānān Barṭalíyā / Barṭallī, Quryāqūs Ḥannā,1949- Dahūk, ʻIrāq : Dār al-Mashriq al- Thaqāfīyah, 2007. Ahikar. Assyrian Folktale in Syriac & Arabic. PJ5209.A43 B37 2007 Syriac 20. Túrāṣ mamllā d-lešānā Súryāyā /b-yad Qašíšā Yawsep d-Bét Qelāytā (De Kelaita, Joseph) A grammar of the Syriac language by Rev. Joseph De Kelaita. Chicago, Illinois : Al-Itekal Bookstore, 1999. Originally published in Mosul, Iraq 1929 with title: A grammar of the Aramaic language. PJ5419 .D45 1999 Syriac 21. Ḥavre nukhraye gaṿ leshana Atoraya / be-yad Giṿargis Agase. (Aghassi, Givergiss) San Hozi [Calif.] : Akadimye Atorite, [1985] Foreign words in Assyrian language. A survey of words and phrases from regional and Western languages that have entered the modern Syriac language. PJ5483 .A36 1985 ; Syriac 22. Lexicon Syriacum : voces Syriacas Graecasque cum glossis Syriacis et Arabicis complectens : ex multis operis scientificis biblicis et philosophicis compilatum saeculo X / auctore Hassano Bar-Bahlule ; [edited by] Rubens Duval. Amsterdam : Philo Press, 1970. An early dictionary of etymology in the Syriac language in Syriac and Latin as well as other regional languages, Arabic, Persian, Greek. PJ5489 .H3 1970 Syriac 23. Tašʻítā d-seprāyútā ʼAtúrāytā /b-yad, Piʼra Sarmas (Sarmas, Pera). Tihrān : Sāzmān-i Farhangī-i Javānān-i Āshūrī, 1962-1970. Literary history of Assyrians in 3 volumes: v. 1. Literary history of Assyrians; v. 2. Accadian and تهران : سازمان فرهنگى جوانان آشورى- ا Syriae; v. 3. Modern Assyrian. "Assyrian Youth Cultural Society Press" in Iran PJ5601 .S37 1962 Syriac 24. Lišānā d-yimā-- Atúr : ktābā qadmāyā qā qaryāne gúre /b-yad Kúreš Benyamín. Tehrān, Írān , 1985. A text book of the Syriac language, Modern for children. PJ5801 .B467 1970 Syriac 25. Meltā b-lešānā ʼĀtorāyā / The Verb of the Assyrian language / Ashitha, Odisho M. Baghdād :al-Maghrib, 2000. The Grammar and Verbs in the Assyrian language. PJ5802 .A84 2000 Syriac 26. Ktābā d-túrāṣ mamllā w-qeryānā- d lešānā Ārāmāyā - ḥadtā : Kaldāyā Súret lešānā d-Kaldāye da-mdínātā w-qúryā- d Nínwe b-Bét Nahrín : ktābā trínā /b-yad Qašíšā Míkāyil Bazí. The advanced handbook of the modern Aramaic : Chaldean language - Sourath, the dialect of Nineveh, Mesopotamia : Volume II / by Fr. Michael J. Bazzi. El Cajon, Ca. : St. Peter Chaldean Catholic Church, 2002. PJ5802 .B39 2002 Syriac 27. Journal of Assyrian academic studies. Des Plaines, IL : Fund for Modern Assyrian Studies, [1997]- Variant title: Herge Akadimaye Atoraye; Assyrian Periodicals published in United States. In English & Syriac. DS59.A75 J68 Syriac, Set 1 28. Bet Nahrain. Published in Turlock, CA, <1974-1975>; in Modesto, CA, <1984-2000>: Variant title: Bet Nahrain Monthly or the Bet Nahrain journal <1983-2000> Assyrian Periodicals published in United States. Chiefly in English and some Assyrian. DS59.A75 B48 29. Hujådå. Södertälje : Assyriska Riksförbundet i Sverige (Sweden), Began in 1978. Alternate title: Ḥūyūdū. Assyrian Periodicals published in Sweden. Chiefly in Swedish; some Arabic, Syriac, and Turkish. DS59.A75 H85 Syriac Religion 30. Christians in Persia: Assyrians, Armenians, Roman Catholics and Protestants /Robin E. Waterfield. London : Allen and Unwin, 1973. 31. Ninevah and its remains: with an account of a visit to the Chaldæan Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or devil-worshippers; and an inquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians / Austen Henry Layard. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1852 32. Syriac and Arabic documents regarding legislation relative to Syrian asceticism / Edited, translated and furnished with literary historical data by Arthur Vööbus. Stockholm : Etse, 1960. 33. A charter of protection, granted to the Nestorian church in A. D. 1138 / Muktafī II, Caliph. Manchester : The University Press, 1925. 34. Chronique de Michel le Syrien, Patriarche Jacobite d'Antioche (1166-1199) / Edited and translated into French by J.-B. Chabot. Bruxelles : Culture et Civilisation, 1963. 35. Bar Hebraeus. Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Aboul'faradj dit Barhebraeus. Dixième base: De la résurrection / Texte syriaque édité pour la première fois avec traduction française par Élise Zigmund-Cerbü. Turnhout: Brepols, 1969. 2 36. Twin rivers bibliography : Assyrian, Chaldian & Syrians past & present / compiled & edited by Francis K. Khosho. Springfield, Ill. : Khosho, 1987. 37. The Assyrian national directory in the United States of America. [Chicago] : Assyrian Natinal Association, n.d. 38. Bible. English. Lamsa. 1985. The Holy Bible from the ancient Eastern text : George M. Lamsa's translations from the Aramaic of the Peshitta.
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