■.'Sfes r' - t V j m • 2T?> ..’--.V' '• % ^ -i ■:;»?- ■ K i> -tJ^ U\*r *;<'V ?:-ir 1 • H' W>i O O T l l E R U L E PARHIN Mew York Police hspeckor 11 Norse Slain IWorken h Water Trail. RepaUkan Leader Accuses , Strfte KitnndGasPeAat TeDs House Coaimittee![ - Treat; Opponents of Soldiers Pattol City \ AslExploiionlillsEiiie How the Radicals Work Sp^riing a FOiboster; Is Shift-W ire 800 F ^ h This Country. Cairo, Egypt, Jtfly 17.— (A P )-^ t The fbrarar Egyptian, mlnlater of Certam He Has Majority. justice, Gharably Pasha, p ro c e e ^ The foreign consuls, in Alexandria to Alexandria today to defend their | Ikdergronnd — Hen in New York, July 17. — (AP) — have notified the governor tta t they Washington, July 17.— (A P )—A interests. Tactics Imputed to Communisto will view with great anxlely any leaders in conducting strikes, in­ j petition seeking the cloture rule to Odier Drifts Have Narrow abut off debate on the London naval reduction of the military forces ' Prline Minister MacDonald an­ timidating workers and destroying I stationed at present in Alexandria. treaty was circulated in the Senate nounced in the House of Commons property of the employers were de­ Everything is quiet In Alexandria Escape. scribed to the special House Com­ today by Senator Watson, the Re­ Lbndoh yeste^y two bat- today, according te tbe reports tlaahipa had been dispatched to munist investigating committee to­ publican leader, after Senator Camp Mitchell, Calif., July i t ' received here. Alezandria for the protection of day by Inspector John A. Lyons, in Johnson, Republican. California, had (A P )—^A gas explosion UUed ajsraiL Inhabitants of Giza, near Cairo, life and property endangered by cor. mand of the New York City refused to enter any agreement for tire shift of 12 men in a tunnel of a limitation of debate beginning have Invited Nahas Pasha to deUv? the disorders there. ' Police Radical Bureau. er a speech there, but no date has the Hatch Hetcby project, San next Tuesday. been fixed for his viMt* - A t tha aante.time reports' from Lyons explained he had in charge The necessary 16 names were Aleiumdiia huBcated that the streets Frandaeo’e munidpal water a f ^ quickly enrolled. Watson had ex­ Confirmation hs4 bien recelveo- the industrial and bomb squads of here that the following members of were being patrolled by aoldieni to early today. pressed confidence that the neces­ prevent the recurrence of clashes Shiglneere said a natural Gra the force. sary two-tUrds majority could be the Alexandria committee of the During the past four years, he Wafd have been arrested: between police and Wafdlat stxlkera. pocket probaUy had been struck-'m obtained to invoke the rule, al­ Three Wafdlat newspapers were the bormg and the gas accidentally said, Communist leaders had fo­ though some of the treaty advocates Abd Elfattah el Tawl and Hassan mented numerous strikes among Sourour, both of .whom, are-depu­ suppressed for having encouraged ignited. •V i\ are opposed to the cloture. disoMdiraee and mutiny against The tunnd drops straight down­ the shoe, fur, needle, ^ n , marine I f introduced today the petition ties. Ahmed Morslbadr «nd Bl: Say- transport and dental ’ laboratory ed Kara. ^ autberities.- ward' more than 800 feet from the workers, as well as suit makers, would be automatically voted upon surface and then branches into a window cleaners and musicians. Saturday. I f adopted, each Senator drift to the east and one to the would be limited to one hour of de­ west. Those UUed were in the rapt Mass Picketing bate on the treaty thereafter. TREE SITTER drift. Thirteen men in the west The Communists, he said, used Watson consulted treaty advo­ OUR STATE GAINS drift, which goes down about L900 mass picketing and surrounded cates to determine when to offer the IN NEW PERCH feet, were badly shaken and some i^ops to coerce and intimidate Because 14-ycar-o!d Harry Wool- (doture petition. Senator- Reed were gasrad but aU were brcnight workers into joining the Commim- sey "hates girls just like cats" he urged him to offer it at once. TUs to the surface. None was sedoudy ist imion. Mobs armed with sawed stabbed to death—by his own con­ would limit debate after 1 o’clock NEW CONGRESSMAN ©■wner Objects and Boy’s Man­ The ill-fated monoplane K of New Haven and its c r ^ here^are pic­ ager Removes Him on hurt. off pool cues invaded the shops,’ he fession—attractive Anna Miller, Saturday, if adopted. tured before the start o f ^ r attem pt^ Two bodies were recovered al­ said, and attacked the workers, de­ above, who was a nurse in the Offer Beservattons Field Lone island, to Buenos Aires. Forced to abandon their ci^ t Branch to Another Loca­ most immedlatdy but the gra fknv stroyed machinery and merchandise home of his wealthy psuents at Meanwhile, the opponents were cause’ of a rapidly dwindling fuel supply and inability to see Iraid through tion. soon drove rescuers to the use of in carrying on their strikes. Ridgewood, N. J. The boy is held offering their reservatio-#:. Sena­ heavy rain clouds, the pUots, Randy Enslow (le ft), Jamw But In Other States Predic­ miwks. Use Stench Bombs in jail at Morristown, N. J. charged tor I ^ e , chairmaL of -the naval t e D ^ d Garland P. Reed, Jr., (right), took to parrahutes and land^ Niagara Falls, N. Y., July 17 W. J. raimey o f Hartford, Wis., During one strike last year,^ he with murder. He led state troop­ committee, gave notice he would in­ bSW near Bostwlck, Ga. The plane dived 600 feet into the , s^ e brush. Fans, N. T., , July ndio was reported among those in said, stench bombs were thrown in ers to a spot in the mountains troduce a reservation to stipulate tions Are Upset By Rfr- mica tree MCter, the east drift, later wra found at cafeterias and many windows were where, he admitted, he killed Miss that the American Navy ^d not today without he surface. He did not go to wont smashed and the loss in material, Twfliftr with a himtlng - knife and abandon its policy of a right to Isslnr hla status in the nation­ on the shift as scheduled, his place he said, reached hundreds -of thou­ threw^hifr body over a cHff. ' build whatever class of ships desir­ wide'eontest The transfer w laving been taken by Patdeh' sands o f dollars. tors .today declared the boy insane.. ed within the tonnago limitations. K FLIERS EAGEH' iwiuu neeaisary when a neigh-. Gallagher. The police inspector told storiJs A fifth reservation to the treaty bor'who owned the tree called Hurled 50 Feet. o f sabbotage and decided that was offered by Senator Johnson to Washihgtra^ the p(flics to have him removed. amend Article 18 to permit the Dan Tranar, eUp man working at many old manufacturers had been probable upset by Congressional ra^ N ick’* manager eummoned a the bottom of the shaft, wra hurled forced out of business through Com­ YOBTeFOl AVIATOR United States to build at any time apportionment calculations, was in­ ground crew of 20 men and cut 60 feet by the explosion but wra not munist activities. Most of the during the life of the pact the last a branch from a tree aeroes the wUeved cdticaUy hurt R. A. Communist strike leaderSt, kc said, three of the 18 eight-inch gun dicated today as, a result of the gtrest. The ground crew held cruisers. Under the treaty the TrompozynsU, who wra near Tra­ long criminal records. They DIES OF DiJURIES 1930 state census enumerations the briaeh w ^ e Nick climbed nar, also was badly shaken. resorted to f^ke. demonstrations to United States would build only 15 On Way To New York Where &-Amba8ndor.GeranI Just it and then hoisted it back xA the cruisers before 1986, when thus far completed. Charles > O’MaUey, who ascended stampede workers into their organi­ While it cannot be dstermtoed tixlo the new tree. to the surface just before the ex- zation, he contended, adding, how­ the treaty expires. Nick’s sixty-stzth hour pass- In the first speech of the day, They WiD Try To Get A Retonicd From Hiirope exactly viiich states will lofs iloskm, esen^ed the fate o f jbif co- ever, that persons of foreign extrac­ * * batt’o^Jmadth. He tion were most susceptible to their Fradc GoUsborpogJi Passes Hale said defeat of the treaty would •rossmsn sini’ vflfloh vrtll Milfl be ftdlowed b j TBlotber conferettoe an AssoiigtediPrsra f w - away fropi, tha influence. New/liiihBie.1 V shaft wtien ths ground quivered oett as pro^db^in pllation Shows, aumdsnt. froai tlw Mast. Ths shaft beicbsd Ingtxtti agreement. ’ have Under the Hew "Rork state laws, Ifeaiwhile, he rald, France and enumeration to flv s Indica­ a great column of smoke. Lyons said, it has been difficult for Italy'' ooedd "find time to adjust Monroe, Ga., July 17.— (A P .)— NSW York, July 17.—(AP.)— Englneede Story. scimFor ISibiiri James W. Gerard, ambassador to tion of the probable cnanfSS. C. R. Rankin, engineer in charge, the police to obtain convictions by their differences and a treaty pro­ Balked by a fuel shortage which juries. JurlM, he said, were re- Germany under ITesldent ■ Wilson, Statoe Tha* Inae • ■aid the men had been working in a viding for real limitation of arma­ Some states which were .not flf- R E P O R U ) MISSING luctant .to convict the disturbers ments, with the interests of the caused the abandonment of the expressed the beUef today vqwn bis serpentina formation of earth yes­ because they felt that the strikes BenUngUm, yemaoot JUy 17.— United States truly safeguarded, monoplane K of New Havens, throe return from France that "a new ured among the probable lorart aw terday and had fCtuid no trass of constituted merely another labor (A P )—Oh Us 20th birthday, Frank can and will be negotiated if such war is brewing between Italy and indicated to have lost Final gas.
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