M O N D A Y 161st YEAR • NO. 15 MAY 18, 2015 CLEVELAND, TN 18 PAGES • 50¢ Cleveland delegation to attend Thaxton ceremony Dedication will honor the victims from historic Va. train crash By RICK NORTON Resources in commemoration of what —William Marshall, the city recorder Cleveland native and philanthropist dead and to memorialize a tragic slice Associate Editor historians are calling “... one of the and secretary/treasurer for Marshall’s who founded the Allan Jones of history. worst train accidents in Virginia histo- Planning Mill; and Foundation and Check Into Cash, will Ironically, Jones became personally A Cleveland delegation will attend ry,” will begin at 11 a.m. on the site of —John Hardwick, the son of C.L. speak on the train wreck’s local con- involved in the historic marker initia- the Tuesday dedication of an historic the tragedy. Hardwick who founded Hardwick Stove nection. tive in Virginia shortly after marker near Thaxton, Virginia, where Among the Cleveland dead in the and Hardwick Clothes; the latter com- The Jones Foundation is financing Cleveland’s downtown memorial was three prominent Bradley County busi- July 2, 1889, accident — and who are pany would go on to become the the historic marker in partnership with damaged by an errant motorist on nessmen were among 18 train passen- remembered on a memorial monument largest woolen mill in the world by the Virginia Department of Historic April 25, 2014. gers who died in a fiery, storm-related in downtown Cleveland — were: 1929. Resources and Department of “After hearing about the wreck, I vis- crash 126 years ago. —William Steed, a partner with his A Cleveland delegate attending Transportation, the latter of which ited the monument, located at the The ceremony, sanctioned by the brother at Steed’s Pharmacy in down- Tuesday’s observance will be one of worked to find an appropriate location Virginia Department of Historic town Cleveland; three featured speakers. Allan Jones, a for the signage as a way to honor the See THAXTON, Page 4 Inside Today Utility meter project starts Conversion eyed for nine months By RICK NORTON Associate Editor Cleveland Utilities is launching a massive $2.5 million water meter conversion project begin- ning today that is being funded Miller just misses through a low-interest State Braves’ no-hitter Revolving Fund loan package. Administered by the Tennessee Braves pitcher Shelby Miller Department of Environment & was one out away from a no-hit- Conservation in ter before settling for a two-hit win partnership with against the Miami Marlins. The the U.S. No. 2-seed Lee University Flames Environmental open NCCAA World Series play P r o t e c t i o n Wednesday in Mason, Ohio. Agency, the Atlanta is buzzing about LeBron opening phase James and the Cavaliers coming of the SRF to town for the NBA Eastern loan includes Conference Finals. See Sports, $500,000 in principal forgiveness Pages 11-13. — meaning, this portion of the state loan won’t have to be paid back. NCNA planning Technically, CU’s conversion of session Tuesday its fleet of water meters through- out its service territory — which A campaign to organize the totals more than 30,000 — has Northwest Cleveland already been underway. CU Neighborhood Association is crews have gradually been mak- Contributed photos underway. The first big step is ing the conversions to automat- JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT of the Ocoee Region rolled in some high scores at the recent 14th annual Bowl for Education. This year’s being taken Tuesday night when ed-read water meter registers theme was “Stars & Strike Bowl,” and it featured more than 50 teams and 250 bowlers. In Cleveland, the event was held at Leisure an organizational session is being and transmitters in a pilot proj- Time Bowling. In Athens, the bowlers rolled into Classic Lanes. Seen here are just two of the representative teams, Cleveland State held at George R. Stuart ect. Community College and Prospect Elementary School. Also pictured is Mitch Cochran, manager of the BI-LO Food Store at Dalton Pike Elementary School. Read about But now, the conversion to and APD 40 whose company served as presenting sponsor for the festive community event. the details, and why the public is AMR/AMI technology (also invited to get involved, in today’s known as SmartMeters, similar editorial on Page 14. in technology to those already converted in the CU Electric Saluting ‘Stars & Strike Bowl’ Division) is shifting into high gear Forecast because of the approval of CU’s Today’s forecast calls for mostly application for the SRF financing package. Junior Achievement of the Ocoee Region cloudy skies and a 70 percent The low interest rate, coupled chance of showers or thunderstorms, with a high near 81. Tonight calls for See METER, Page 7 continued clouds and a 60 percent fueled up by high energy of high rollers chance of showers or thunderstorms, By RICK NORTON and corporate partners who share these She added, “It’s a great milestone for with a low around 67. Tuesday Associate Editor causes on behalf of area youth: Financial Junior Achievement of the Ocoee Region should be partly sunny, but a 40 per- CPD slates literacy, entrepreneurship and work as we celebrate 50 years of serving stu- No one rolled a perfect game, but the readiness. dents in Bradley County. Our goal was to cent chance of rain is included in the stars aligned just perfectly as Junior forecast, along with a high near 82. In Cleveland, the high rollers mowed have 50 teams and our local businesses ceremony Achievement of the Ocoee Region kept its down the pins at Leisure Time Bowling. did just that. Not only did they fill the Tuesday Night should be partly eye on the educational ball at the recent In Athens, the rolling host was Classic lanes with 50 teams, they helped raise cloudy, with a low around 61. for Maples 14th annual Bowl for Education. Lanes. funds for Junior Achievement’s pro- Sunset today: 8:40 p.m. Dubbed this year with the theme “Stars “The support from our local businesses grams.” Sunrise Tuesday 6:34 a.m. & Strike Bowl,” the annual fundraiser — was phenomenal,” according to Melanie On hand to kick off the evening of Wednesday one held in Cleveland and one in Athens Connatser, president of the local JA affili- bowling in both cities was Mitch Cochran, — included more than 250 bowlers, a ate which supports school systems in five manager of the BI-LO Food Store at Index By TONY EUBANK crowd of companies represented by some counties, including Bradley and McMinn, Banner Staff Writer JA-favored rollers, and a slew of sponsors as well as Monroe, Meigs and Polk. See BOWL, Page 4 Classified................................16-17 Cleveland Police Department Comics...........................................8 officers on Wednesday will be Editorials......................................14 joined by multiple area law Horoscope......................................8 enforcement MINI Pages.................................5-6 agencies in Obituaries.......................................2 observing the Longtime roofer Randy Parris Sports.....................................11-13 third anniver- TV Schedule..................................9 sary of the Weather........................................10 death of patrol- retires; business closes doors man Justin D. Maples. By LARRY C. BOWERS prospects failed to materialize. Around Town At age 35, Banner Staff Writer Instead, Parris elected to close Maples died in PERSONALITY the doors. Jimmy and Melissa Strickland the line of duty The integrities of the father Despite this difficult decision, reserving the perfect camping spot Maples in a single- are often handed down to the ROFILE Parris took steps to see that for the summer ... April Johnson vehicle acci- son, which is what happened in P Parris Roofing clients, and son canning some wonderful strawber- dent while responding to a call for the Parris Roofing and Sheet David, were taken care of. ry jam and sharing with a neighbor backup from a fellow law enforce- Metal business over the past 60 In a recent interview, Parris He found a company in ... Kambry and Matt Kennedy dis- ment officer. years. emphasized that he attempted Carthage (the Rackley cussing how much fun beach “We are inviting area law Owner-operator Randy Parris to keep the Parris Roofing name Company) which took over his vacations can be ... Lisa Ellis very enforcement agencies, along with has closed the highly successful foremost in the local business client list, and is handling proud of her son Jacob for his our community, to recognize this business his father started in community, but was unable to much of the roofing business in recent accomplishments. solemn day beside the Maples 1955, but only after years of do so. the community. David is now family and the Cleveland Police instilling confidence and rela- He said he felt he had some- employed by Rackley as their Department,” according to a tionships with clients in one who could take over Parris media statement issued by Evie Cleveland, Bradley County and Roofing, and run it like it has Randy Parris the surrounding area. been in the past, but these See PARRIS, Page 4 6489076 75112 See MAPLES, Page 7 2—Cleveland Daily Banner—Monday, May 18, 2015 www.clevelandbanner.com OBITUARIES (USPS 117-700) Periodical Postage Paid at Cleveland, TN 37320-3600 Post Office POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Banner, P.O. Box 3600, Cleveland, TN 37320-3600 Anita barone Published at 1505 25th Street, NW (P.O. Box 3600) Clyde D. rothwell in Cleveland, TN 37320-3600, daily except Saturday Anita Arlene Barone, 49, of Clyde D. Rothwell, 81, of and Christmas day by Cleveland Newspapers, Inc. Dalton, Ga., died Sunday, May Harrison, died on Friday, May 15, Phone (423) 472-5041.
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