The Acts of the Diocese of Grahamstown 2016 as revised by the Synod of the Diocese. Printed by DUPLI-PRINT, Grahamstown 56 1 2 55 Table of Contents Page Bishops of the Diocese of Grahamstown 2 List of the Sessions of Diocesan Synod 3 Chapter I Defini%ons 5 Chapter II Diocesan Synod 7 Chapter III Elec%on of a Bishop 10 Chapter I, Elec%ons and Appointments 11 Chapter , Diocesan Co.ncil, Boards, Departments and Archdeaconry Co.ncils 17 Chapter ,I Ac/.isi%on, Ten.re and 0anagement of Ch.rch Property 30 Chapter ,II The Stat.s of the Clergy 3 Chapter ,III Lay 0inisters 35 Chapter I1 Pastoral Charges 32 Chapter 1 ,estries, Parish Co.ncils and other Parochial 0a3ers 38 APPENDI1 Stat.tes of the Cathedral Chapter 53 INDE1 58 54 3 Bishops of the Diocese of Grahamstown 1853 6ohn Armstrong 1852 7enry Co3erill 1871 Nathaniel 6ames 0erriman 1883 Allan Becher 8ebb 1899 Charles Edward Cornish 1915 :rancis Robinson Phelps 1931 Archibald 7oward C.llen 1959 Robert Selby Taylor 1925 Gordon Tindall 1929 Bill Bendyshe B.rne3 1975 Kenneth Cyril Oram 1987 David Patrick 7amilton R.ssell 005 Thabo Cecil 0akgoba 008 Ebenezer St 0ark Ntlali Suffragan Bishops 1989 Eric Pike 1993 Anthony Thembinkosi Bonga 0dletshe 1998 Nceba Bethlehem Nopece 00 Thabo Cecil 0akgoba 4 53 Index Sessions of Diocesan Synod Ac/.isi%on, Ten.re and 0anagement of Ch.rch Property @@@@@@@@@@@@...30 Bishops of the Diocese of Grahamstown@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@@. Deed of Cons%t.%on and Stat.tes@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..@. 53 UNDER HENRY COTTERILL, DD, 2nd BISHOP Of Elec%on and Installa%on@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..@.. 55 1820 Grahamstown 1823 Grahamstown Of the Chapter@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.@. 55 1827 Grahamstown 1829 Grahamstown Of the OBce of Archdeacon@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 52 Of the OBce of Chancellor @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 52 UNDER NATHANIEL JAMES MERRIMAN, DD, 3rd BISHOP Of the OBce of Dean@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 52 1873 Grahamstown 1872 Grahamstown De$ni%ons @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 5 1880 Port Elizabeth Diocesan Co.ncil, Boards and Departments@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 17 Archdeaconry Co.ncils @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 9 UNDER ALLAN BECHER WEBB, 4th BISHOP Diocesan Boards@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 5 1885 Grahamstown 1888 Grahamstown Diocesan Co.ncil@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 17 189 Grahamstown 1895 Grahamstown Diocesan Departments@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 8 Diocesan Organisa%ons@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3 UNDER JOHN GARRAWAY HOLMES, MA, DEAN AND VICAR-GENERAL Diocesan Synod@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 7 1898 Grahamstown Close of the Session@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 9 Cons%t.%on@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 7 UNDER CHARLES EDWARD CORNISH, DD, 5th BISHOP Order of Proceedings@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 8 190 Grahamstown 1905 Grahamstown Preliminaries to a Session of Synod@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 7 1909 Grahamstown 1911 Grahamstown Elec%on of a Bishop@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 10 1913 Grahamstown Elec%ons and Appointments@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. 11 Appointment of Certain Diocesan OBcials@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 15 UNDER FRANCIS ROBINSON PHELPS, MA, DEAN AND VICAR-GENERAL Elec%on of Advisory Commi3ee@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 13 1915 Grahamstown Elec%on of Lay Representa%ves to an Elec%ve Assembly@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 Elec%on of Lay Representa%ves to Diocesan Synod@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 11 UNDER FRANCIS ROBINSON PHELPS, DD, 6th BISHOP Elec%on of 0embers of Diocesan Boards@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 15 1917 Grahamstown 1918 East London Elec%on of Representa%ves to Provincial Synod@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 13 1919 Port Elizabeth 19 1 Grahamstown Lay 0inisters@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. 35 19 King 8illiamCs Town 19 3 D.eenstown Pastoral Charges@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. 32 19 5 Grahamstown 19 2 Port Elizabeth Sessions of Diocesan Synod@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3 19 7 Grahamstown 19 9 East London Stat.s of the Clergy@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. 3 Of Archdeacons@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.. 35 UNDER EDMUND KEITH BLUNDELL, MA, DEAN AND VICAR-GENERAL Of Clergy@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3 1931 Grahamstown ,estries, Parish Co.ncils and other Parochial 0a3ers@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 38 Books and Registers@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. 50 UNDER ARCHIBALD HOWARD CULLEN, DD, 7th BISHOP Books of Reference@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 5 193 Grahamstown 1935 King 8illiamCs Town Chapelries@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 38 1932 Grahamstown 1938 D.eenstown Ch.rchwardens and Chapelwardens@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 38 1950 Grahamstown 195 Port Elizabeth Ch.rchyards@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 51 1955 East London 1952 Port Elizabeth 0on.ments@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. 51 1958 Grahamstown 1950 East London Parish Co.ncils@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 39 195 Grahamstown 1955 Port Elizabeth Services @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 5 1952 Grahamstown 1958 East London Table of :ees @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.. 5 ,estry@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 38 52 5 UNDER ROBERT SELBY TAYLOR, MA, 8th BISHOP Stat.tes of Chapter 1920 Port Elizabeth 192 D.eenstown 1925 East London Revised by the Chapter and approved by the Bishop, 07 0ay 012 the members of the Chapter beingI UNDER GORDON LESLIE TINDALL, BA, 9th BISHOP 1922 Grahamstown 1928 Port Elizabeth The ,ery Reverend Andrew 6ohn 7.nter, Dean of the Cathedral 1929 Grahamstown EFDivisionG Synod) The Reverend Canon Doctor 8illiam Robert Domeris, Cathedral Chancellor and Canon Theologian The ,enerable Robin Patrick 0.rray, Archdeacon of Albany UNDER BILL BENDYSHE BURNETT, MA, 10th BISHOP The ,enerable 8illiam 0ziwamandla :obosi, Archdeacon of Alice 1970 Grahamstown 197 East London The ,enerable 0ark Spyker, Archdeacon of East London East The ,enerable P.mzile Penrose 0p.mlwana, Archdeacon of East London Central UNDER KENNETH CYRIL ORAM, BA, AKC, 11th BISHOP The ,enerable Jamile Theophil.s Dlanjwa, Archdeacon of Scenery Park East London 1975 Grahamstown 1977 East London The ,enerable Lorraine R.sch, Archdeacon of East London So.th 1979 D.eenstown 198 Grahamstown The ,enerable Esther Nomathamsan/a 0hlana, Archdeacon of East London 8est 1985 Grahamstown The ,enerable 6ames :rederick R.sch, Archdeacon of KiddCs Beach East London The ,enerable 0ziwoLolo Doda, Archdeacon of King 8illiamCs Town East UNDER DAVID PATRICK HAMILTON RUSSELL, MA., PhD, 12th BISHOP The ,enerable Professor Peter 0t.ze, Archdeacon of King 8illiamCs Town 8est 1988 East London 1991 Grahamstown The Reverend Canon Lawrence 0l.lami Nzwana, BishopCs ELec.%ve OBcer and Chaplain 1995 East London 1998 East London The Reverend Canon Cynthia Nan 8ebbstock 001 East London The Reverend Canon Simphiwe 0agLwalisa The Reverend Canon B.bele Theophil.s 0aweth. 0fenyana, Canon Administrator UNDER THABO CECIL MAKGOBA MA, 13th BISHOP The Reverend Canon L.lama 0tanjiswa Ntshingwa 005 East London 007 East London 0rs Stephanie Lee, Lay Canon 007 East London 0rs Nontsikelelo L.belwana, Lay Canon 0rs Nontobeko 0oletsane, Lay Canon UNDER EBENEZER ST MARK NTLALI BA Hons., 14th BISHOP Professor Pa.l 8alters, Lay Canon 010 East London 013 Grahamstown 012 East London 6 51 Stat.tes of Chapter Parishes of the Diocese of Grahamstown GRAHAMSTOWN ARCHDEACONRY ALBANY ARCHDEACONRY Grahamstown The Cathedral CAP. III Bath.rst St 6ohn the Evangelist Grahamstown Christ Ch.rch OF THE OFFICE OF DEAN Port Alfred St Barnabas Grahamstown St Bartholomew The OBce of the Dean of the Cathedral, as Cap.t N.merale, shall be, in s.bordina%on to the Port Alfred St Pa.l Grahamstown St Philip Bishop, Sidb.ry St Peter Grahamstown St Clement 1. To maintain in the Cathedral the solemn worship of Almighty God, the preaching of the ALICE ARCHDEACONRY Grahamstown St A.g.s%ne 8ord, and the administra%on of the Sacraments and other rites of the Ch.rch. Alice St Bartholomew KING WILLIAM'S TOWN EAST ARCHDEACONRY . To have the c.re of so.ls in the Cathedral Parish, and r.le over all ministers of the Cathedral 7ogsback EChapelry) whether Clerks or Laics, and the general control of all ministra%ons in the said Ch.rch. Berlin St Katherine St 0a3hewNs 0ission King 8illiamNs Town 7oly Trinity 3. To eLercise Archidiaconal f.nc%ons within the limits of the Cathedral City and Parish. 0dolomba St L.ke 5. To preside, in the absence of the Bishop, at Cathedral Chapters. KIDD’S BEACH ARCHDEACONRY St.3erheim 7oly Name 5. On the voidance of the See, pending the formal appointment of a ,icar-General, to admin- KiddCs Beach St 0ary and St Andrew St.3erheim St Barnabas ister in conj.nc%on with hisM her Chapter the spirit.ali%es thereof, and to maintain disci- Ncerha St David pline according to the Canons of the Ch.rch of this Province. Jeleni St Pa.l Tsholomn/a St Barnabas Jwelitsha St 6ohn and St Chad The Dean, when presiding, will have a cas%ng vote in addi%on to hisM her own vote in any /.es- P.mlani St 0ary %on whereon the Chapter is e/.ally divided. ChapelriesI KING WILLIAM’S TOWN WEST ARCHDEACONRY Ndevana St StephenP Potsdam St 6ohnP 0ncotsho St Thomas OF THE OFFICE OF CHANCELLOR Breidbach All Saints Dimbaza 7oly Trinity The OBce of Chancellor shall be, in s.bordina%on to the Bishop, SCENERY PARK ARCHDEACONRY Ginsberg St Andrew 1. To have charge of the Diocesan Theological St.dents and the oversight and direc%on of their Scenery Park Bernard 0izeki Peddie St 6ames st.dies. 0ooiplaas St 6ames . To enco.rage eBcient teaching of the Ch.rchNs faith in schools and colleges thro.gho.t the Gwaba St 6ohn Diocese and to be available for advice on ed.ca%onal ma3ers. WINTERBER ARCHDEACONRY
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