Film and Video monthly # <• «* ^ # * t * / TS A the I Independent VOL.4 NO.I THE INDEPENDENT is published 10 times yearly by the Foun- AIVF FORUM 4 dation for Independent Video and Film, Inc., 625 Broadway, 9th Floor, NY, NY 10012, with support from the New York MEDIA MAKERS IN BONZOLAND State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the 5 Arts, A federal agency. Subscription is included in member- by Dee Dee Halleck ship to the organization. Editor: Bill Jones BUSINESS by Mitchell Block 7 Assistant Editor: Fran Piatt Contributing Editors: Mitchell W. Block Dee Dee Halleck FRAN SPIELMAN INTERVIEW 9 Sol Rubin by Larry Sapadin and Eric Breitbart John Rice Barbara Turrill Layout & Design: Bill Jones MEDIA CLIPS By John Rice 16 Typesetting: Compositype Studio STAFF MEMBERS: Lawrence Sapadin, Executive Director; Wendy Lidell, Assistant Director; Alan Mitosky, Short Film VIDEO '80 IN SAN FRANCISCO 18 Showcase Project Administrator; Louise Zimmerman, Short by Paul Kleyman Film Showcase Administrative Assistant; John Rice, Media Awareness Project Director; Barbara Turrill. COVER: THE WOBBLIES. Stewart Bird and Deborah Shaffer AIVF/FIVF BOARD MEMBERS: Executive Committee — Eric Breitbart, Treasurer; Pablo Figueroa; The viewpoints expressed herein are not intended to reflect Dee Dee Halleck; Lawrence Sapadin, Ex Officio; Stew Bird; Alan Jacobs, Kathy Kline, Secretary; Jessie Maple; the opinion of the Board of Directors — they are as diversified Kitty Morgan; Jane Morrison, President; Marc Weiss; Matt Clarke, as our member and staff contributors. Chairperson; Julio Rodriguez; Robert Richter. To the Editor, In the interview with me printed in The "recreation." Taking on Leo Hurwitz as my "master" was Independent, some.errors appeared that were probably a meant in the Frank Lloyd Wright sense of "Lieber result of faulty transcription. I am eager to correct the Meister." "Claw" was my fourth completed independent worst of'these:*Leo Horowitz = Leo Hurwitz; Mia Derrin = film, not my first. Maya Deren;. Sydney Myers = Sidney Meyers. At one point Thanks again for the AlVf's friendly support towards I indicated Eagerness for the audience to have its own reac- "Stations of the Elevated." tion to what is presented. "Reaction" came out Manny Kirchheimer PRINCIPLES AND RESOLUTIONS Here presented are the founding principles of the AIVF, followed by new resolutions that were approved by vote last April of the entire membership, at the same time the Board of Directors were elected. Since the addition of any new resolutions constitutes a by-law change, the consent ol the membership was required. FOUNDING PRINCIPLES OF THE ASSOCIATION Be it resolved, that the following five principles be adopted as the Principles of the Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers, Inc. 1. The Association is a service organization of and for independent video and RESOLUTIONS filmmakers. The AIVF resolves: 2. The Association encourages excellence, committment, and independence; it stands for the principle that video filmmaking is more than just a job — that it and 1. To affirm the creative use of media in fostering cooperation, community, involve expression of broad values. goes beyond economics to the human justice in human relationships and respect of age, sex, race, class or religion. 3. the effort of the membership, to The Association works, through combined 2. To recognize and reaffirm the freedom of expression of the independent film practical, informational, moral support for independent video film- provide and and and video maker, as spelled out in the AIVF principles. makers and is dedicated to insuring the survival and providing support for the con- tinuing growth of independent video and filmmaking. 3. To promote constructive dialogue and heightened awareness among the membership of the social, artistic, and personal choices involved in the pursuit of 4. The Association does not limit its support to one genre, ideology, or both independent and sponsored work, via such mechanisms as screenings and aesthetic, but furthers diversity of vision in artistic and social consciousness. forums. 5. video film valuable vital The Association champions independent and as and 4. To continue to work to strengthen AlVF's services to independents, in order expressions of our culture and is determined, by mutual action, to open pathways to help reduce the membership's dependence on the kinds of sponsorship which toward exhibition of this work to the community at large. encourages the compromise of personal values. BOARD NOTES The AIVF Board met on Tuesday, February 3, 1981 at 7:30 pm. for the upcoming Public Television Financing Act legislation The following matters were discussed and are reflected in the in Washington, D.C. full minutes which are available for review at the AIVF office: AIVF Promotes Independent Work — The Board approved Board alternates Robert Richter, Julio Rodriquez and Matt AlVF's offering members a subscription rate for an extended Clarke were appointed to fill vacancies on the Board left by independent film series in New York City being organized by the resignations of Vice President Robert Gardner and Chair- First Run Features, an independent film distribution man Jack Willis. cooperative. The Board also approved making AlVf's mailing list available to members to publicize screenings. Executive Director's Report — It was reported that the new contract negotiated by the Independent Anthology filmmakers Board Considers Legal Action Against CPB — The Board and CPB would be issued shortly in writing by CPB. The proj- discussed the question of whether AIVF should bring legal ects are currently in production under the terms agreed to by action to compel CPB to provide "substantial funding" for the Filmmakers' Committee and CPB on December 31, 1980. independent work, as required by the 1978 Telecommunica- tions Act. Executive Director Sapadin agreed to prepare a It was further reported that the current membership drive has memorandum on some of the legal issues. been producing several new membership applications each day. The Independent Gets a New Section — The Board agreed that The Independent should better reflect the internal policy AIVF Votes Support for Coalition to Make Public TV Public — discussions of the Board and among AIVF membership. The AIVF Board affirmed its support for the work of the Coali- Accordingly, a section will be established for the presentation tion and voted to provide the Coalition with space at AIVF, of position papers and letters on policy questions, along with along with other "in kind" AIVF services, the scope of which AlVf's Principles and Resolutions, Board Minutes and a will be worked out by the Coalition and AIVF. description of the Association. Financing Act Advocacy Gearing up — Media Awareness Proj- The next Board meeting is scheduled to be held on March 3, ect Director, John Rice, reported that an Action Committee 1981. Members are welcome to attend and participate. would be formed to develop strategy and prepare testimony BOARD MEETINGS are held monthly at AIVF, 625 Broadway, 9lh Floor and are "The NEH . has stretched the concept of humanistic open to the public. The AIVF/FIVF Board of Directors encourages active member- research to pay for classes in films on the struggle of ship participation and welcomes discussion of important issues. In order to be on women the agenda contact Jack Willis, chairperson, two weeks in advance of meeting at office workers to improve their lot ... The Expansion Arts 921-7020. (212) Program of the NEA — described as a "point of entry" to The next two meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, APRIL6 MAY 4 minority, blue collar, and rural cultures — plainly has more Both will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. Dates and times, however, are subject to last political than esthetic significance. Such policies undermine minute changes, so please call (212) 473-3400 confirm. to the meaning of Arts and Humanities. They should be reversed." —The New York Times AIVF SCREENING COMMITTEE "Total federal giving to the arts now constitutes a total of one half of 1% of the national budget — which is to say, enough RECONSTITUTED money to run the Pentagon for eight hours." AIVF is currently reconstituting its Screening Commit- —The Boston Globe tee. If you have a film or video piece that you would like considered for public screening by AIVF, please send a one-page description of the piece: title, format (film/ video), running length, color or b/w, subject matter and style. Since an important purpose of an AIVF screening Now more than ever we need the strong advocacy that AIVF can provide. Help is to encourage serious discussion of independent make the AIVF truly representative of your interests. Come to the annual membership meeting! work, as well as to have fun, please include any ideas Nomina- tions for new board members will be accepted followed by a that you may have for a discussion relating to your discussion of the future of arts funding under the Reagan work. administration. If you wish to become an active member of the Screen- Wednesday, March 25, 1981 at AIVF, 625 Broadway, 9th Fl., ing Committee, please let us know by writing or calling NY, NY 10012. the AIVF office, (212) 473-3400. AIVF Forum As independent video and filmmakers, we are entering But volunteer committees are by nature inefficient and a difficult and challenging period. Many of the tradi- confusing. It proved increasingly difficult for a growing tional funding sources for independent work are rapidly shrinking, while the costs of production continue to and maturing AIVF to house committees accustomed skyrocket. to relative autonomy. With volunteer committee members claiming to speak for the organization, the Independents are being confronted by many difficult question of how AIVF would be represented in public questions of policy and practice, upon which their abili- became crucial. ty to survive as independents depends. Under the leadership of Alan Jacobs, AIVF grew in Now, more than ever, we must join together for mutual stature and reputation.
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