University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-21-1916 Tucumcari News Times, 09-21-1916 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 09-21-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/147 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. $ f) Largest Circulntic" f . 4 Advertisers Know Where to d Paper In uu""1' M-- Ttews 4 Place Their Ads 4 Quay ffhe ffueitmeari 0 ft AND TUCUMCARI TIMES VOL. xiv. TUCUMCARI, QUAY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMHER 21, 1916 NO. 32 First Annual Cowboys General Round-up- , October 3d, 4th and 5th $2500.00 in Cash Prizes DEVELOPMENT OF THE FAMILY TROI'DLES HEARD "STAKED" PLAINS COUNTRY SPECIAL EVENTS HY .1 1'DGE McELROY MONDAY CONTRACT LET DEMOCRATS ORGANIZE Ten years ago one could go from Justice McElroy's court was busy Tucumcari souMi to the cap-roc- k, dis- Monday afternoon when a Spanish girl tant twenty-liv- e miles along a crooked was brought before the judge to an- trail. Perhaps there were at that BEST TALENT IN swer to a charge of striking another FOR $41,900.00 time three small houses to be seen Spanish lady during a dance Satur- A WILSON-MARSHALL in the distance. After making the, day night. It was evidently a case of ascent of about seven hundred feet U.S. TO BE HERE jealously on the girl's part and the TO MR. ROGERS in elevation from the valley to the Judge released her after obtaining the upper edge of the cap-roc- k along a promise that she would not do it tortuous and steep trail, there open again. The CLUB IN TUCUMCARI before you, far and wide, the PJains I Some of the best bronco riders in Later a case was heard wherein a contract for the erection of the country. the world will enter the contests in the mother, who lives at, Mosquero, was school buildings in Tucumcari was let It was known to all students of First Annual Cowboys' Roundup to lie trying to force her l daugh Inst week to Contractor Rogers of Mitchcl'.s geography as the Staked held in Tucumcari, October II, !, 5. ter to return home, lho girl was Texns. His bid was several thousand loWObt 1111(1 A number of the faithful withered to voters who lived in other states Plains. One could drive fifty miles The executive committee has arranged uniill fnr nn i.f bi.r n,r,. but nhi. , dollars Under the tlOXt BK at the Court House Monday night in and were to move here within the next in almost any direction and not be an additional event, to be known as a not desire to return home ns she said oon n0 funds arrive In exchange response to an invitation from County two years. Continuing he said that able to discern anything on the hori- Ladies' Drone Riding contest, with a the surroundings were undesirable, for the bonds Mr. Rogers will start on Chairman John Hriseoo, to organize Quay county had a right to do the zon. How truly gratifying it is today purse of $100.00. The mother employed an attorney to i work, perhaps the grade building Wilson-Marsha- il1 town- - 11 Wl11 -- a ll Club in Quay coun- same thing. If it was right for the re- to return to that same locality and Prairie Lillic Allen has wired that assist her in recovering the services thc enBt Irl of ty. "The meeting was called to order publicans to vote dead ones, it was observe vast changes iul materia she will come and enter this contest. of the child, but Judge McElroy, in I luirl oht rooms and will be construcl-accordanc- e by Chairman Hrihcou anil temporary right for the democrats. Mr. Sanchez" wealth and personal comfort. She recently won the world's cham- with his viewpoint of the of ro' A local man will over-se- e chairman and secretary chosen, C. II. recommendations were somewhnt on Highways are opened on section pionship title for lady brouc riders in situation was obliged to withhold per- - I Inc work and the contract must bo Alldrcdgo and .lames Driscoo. respect- thcjnirlcsqiie order, but he was talk- lines, fenced and traveled. Perhaps New York City in the Stampede, and manent decision until other matters followed. This will give Tucumcari ively. ing in plain EnglNh and there is no there is not a section of laud in fifty Sept. 7th, of this year, won the South- were carefully looked intc. two uxcellent buildings. Six other t 'II. I lfl. .Mr. Alldrcdgo in a short address doubt about some of these methods miles drive that is now without a western championship ut Garden City, I contractors stiumiucu imis uui mcy eulogizing President Wilson and (iov. being used in districts of solid politi- tenant or improvements. Kansas. Her husband, Slim Allen, al- MRS. I. C. HARNES DIES wore $8,000 to $15,000 higher than McDonald told of the splendid achieve- cal faith. There is never an hour that you do so, will be here. He is famous as a Mrs. I. C. Karnes, who was stricken Mr. Rogers. He has recently com- ments and progressive measures chal- After taking up matters of minor not meet a number of farm wagons bronc rider, fancy roper, and steer with paralysis several months ago and pleted buildings in Texas which were lenged by these fearless leaders. He importance a motion to adjourn was on the road to the market, and auto- bull-dogge- r. has been an invalid ever since, died similar to these and feels aure thero then told of the purpose of the meeting in order. The date of the next meet- mobiles touring to and fro to call on Thad Pippon, who broke the world's Monday at the family residence near will bo nothing in the way to complete and asked for harmony of all factions ing was Vet for next Monday night at a neighbor for business or pleasure, record five seconds in the relay race thc High School. them within a few months exactly ac- in behalf of Democracy. It was then H:()() o'clock when a large crowd Is or some one speeding from Doston or at Las Vegas will enter the Relay race The remains were shipped to Iowa cording to specifications. suggested that he appoint committee expected to be in attendance as mat- New York to San Francisco. in Tucumcari. His time at Liib Vegas where she formerly lived and where Thc schools are crowded to over- on organization and one on constitu- ters of importance will be taken up. No one may despair for want of was two miles in four minutes, live her people now reside. Mr. Dames ac- flowing with students now and if it tion and by-law- s, which he did as fol- good water to drink, or for his auto seconds. A contract has been closed companied the body and will remain were not for scarcity of houses in the lows: IT SURE RAINED supplies. There is a wealth of hos- with "Hugger-Red- " to bull-do- g steers there a short time before returning city, there would hardly be stnnding Constitution and Hy-Ln- D. .J. Talk about it rainin' in New Mex- pitality among this people and toward ench day from the hood of an auto- to Tucumcari. He is as yet uundecided room in some of the grades. The real Finegnn, Felipe Sanchez y Hnca. and ico, but Monday afternoon about four strangers, which is not dissembled. mobile. Hugger-Re- d is well known all whether ho will remain a resident of estate men turn away prospective clt-ze- C. C. Davidson. o'clock it sure did rain. The main In some instances I tarry to note over Cowboy Land ns an expert rider, Tucumcnri or not. every dny. It is necessary for Permanent Organization A. E. streets looked like rivers and (Jaynell the equipment on the farm, the num- roper and bull-dogge- r. Texas Jack, Mrs. Darnes is one of thc first ladies them to hunt other towns in which to C. E. Hunter and Ira E. Furr. street was ii'iout bank full. While it ber of horses and cattle, and the qual- another famous bronc buster, h.'u sent of Tucumcari. She together with her live and school their children. This These committees will report next will not do much good for crops be- ity; also the farm machinery, plows, word that he will be here. husband, owned considerable of the situation will not continue, long ns meeting night which will be Monday, cause is only reached a mile or so each drills, cultivators, headers, barges, The Amarillo Concert Hand has land on which Tucumcari not stands, good houses are always in demand and Sept. un. direction from town, it vas sure need- wheat-binder- s, s, been engaged to bring good rents, thus corn-binder- etc., and furnish the music and she always liked to live here. She an investment C. C. Davidson was called upon to ed on the streets and the recently found in some instances they equalled during the Roundup and those who are was stricken with paralysis several in cottages, bungalows or modern res- make a speech.
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