8182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 29 States to sponsor such conference; to the Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee headed by Representative Appropriations~ WooDRUM of Virginia; to the Committee on Appropriations. 4079. Also, Senate Joint Resolution No. 29, relative to me­ 4097. By Mr. WELCH: Joint Resolution No. 29, of the morializing Congress regarding the national-park system in California Senate, relative to memorializing Congress regard... California; to the Committee on Appropriations. ing the national-park system in California; to the Committee 4080. By Mr. FAY: Memorial of the Board of Estimate on the Public Lands. of the City of New York, memorializing the Congress of the 4098. Also, Joint Resolution No. 28, of the California United States to delete from the 1940 relief bill the provisions Senate, relative to Eel River flood control and channel recti­ which would reduce the appropriation for public works to fication; to the Committee on Flood Control. $125,000,000 and which would cause other deprivations; to 4099. By Mr. VOORHIS of California: Petition of Mr. the Committee on Appropriations. S. Howard Leech, of Baldwin Park, Calif., and 147 others, 4081. By Mr. HALL: Petition of sundry citizens of Long comprising various lines of business, trades, and professions, Island, members of Local 43, U. F. W. of A., urging enact­ stating that every qualified American citizen 60 years of age ment of House bill 960, extending civil service and classifica­ and over should receive as a matter of right and not of tion; to the Committee on the Civil Service. charity a monthly pension, annuity, or dividend, of a suf­ 4082. Also, petition of sundry citizens of Long Island, ficient amount to enable that citizen to have sufficient buy­ N. Y., urging enactment of House bill 5620, the so-called ing power to purchase good food, good clothing, have a com­ General Welfare Act; to the Committee on Ways and Means. fortable home, and to enjoy the common necessities an.d 4083. By Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY: Petition of the comforts of life; and requesting that House bill 5620, whit~h Board of Estimate of the City of New York, urging Congress is known as the General Welfare Act, be reported out to the to delete from the 1940 relief bill the provisions which floor of the House for a full and free discussion; to the would reduce the appropriation for public works to $125,- Committee on Ways and Means. 000,000 and which would cause other deprivations; to the 4100. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Paul K. Blakkan, of Committee on Appropriations. San Francisco, Calif., and others, petitioning consideration 4084. By Mr. MICHAEL J. KENNEDY: Petition of the of their resolution with reference to House bill 6470, Works American Manufacturing Co. of Brooklyn, N. Y., urging Progress Administration appropriation; to the Committee on passage of Philippine legislation now before the House Com­ Appropriations. mittee on Insular Affairs, provided it contains a provision 4101. Also, petition of the city of Cleveland, Ohio, petition­ limiting all imports of Philippine-made cordage and twine ing consideration of tbeir resolution with reference to Works ·to 6,000,000 pounds annually; also supporting the Welch Progress Administration legislation; to the Committee on amendment relative to allocation; to the Committee on In­ Appropriations. terstate and Foreign Commerce. 4085. Also, petition of the Asbestos Workers' Local No. 12. favoring the relief bill and also the Starnes bill, providing SENATE for the increase of funds for Public Works Administration; THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1939 to the Committee on Appropriations. 4086. Also, petition of Justus D. Doenecke & Son, Inc., The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the Brooklyn, N. Y., opposing the Bloom neutrality bill; to the following prayer: Committee on Foreign Affairs. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who hast appointed 4087. Also, petition of the National Grange, expressing our times and the bounds of our habitation, who openest for opposition to Senate bill 2009, pertaining to the regulation of us doors which no man can shut, and who searchest out all transportation by the Interstate Commerce Commission; to the hidden things of men: Help us in these moments of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. dedication, as we cast ourselves on Thee, to realize the great­ 4088. Also, petition of Iowa Bankers' Association, protest­ ness which is ours as children of the highest. ing against the inclusion of bankers under the terms of the Give us ever true discernment for the hour, that we may Wage a.nd Hour Act; to the Committee on Labor. seek freely the day's truth and compass heartily the day's 4089. Also, petition of the New York Board of Trade, favor­ duty. In the examination of great questions, keep us serene ing enactment of Senate bill 1871, known as the Hatch b"ll, and calm, and make us ever mindful of the fact that kindness to prevent pernicious political activities; to the Committee on is strength and candor is the courage of the soul. Make us the Judiciary. able to go whither our sense of right would lead us; and grant 4090. Also, petition of the Dairymen's League Cooperative that in the stormy days of manhood's striving, as in the Association, Inc., pertaining to public hearings for producers shadowed peace of sunset's glow, we may cherish in our souls and others affected by House bill 6316, known as Schulte milk visions of the things that shall be hereafter, when all of bill; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. life's tomorrows shall be sunlit with Thy love. We ask it in 4091. Also, petition of the Social Service Employees' Union, our Saviour's name. Amen. U. 0. P. W. A., of New York City, urging enactment of the THE JOURNAL Wagner-Rogers bill; to the Committee on Labor. 4092. Also, petition of the Paul Revere Sentinels of New On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, York City, opposing enactment of the Bloom neutrality bill; the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. · day, Wednesday, June 28, 1939, was dispensed with, and the 4093. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the New York Board Journal was approved. of Trade, Inc., New York City, favoring the passage of the CALL OF THE ROLL Hatch bill <S. 1871); to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. MINTON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. 4094. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. State of New York, concerning the enactment of the Hatch The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Senators answered to their names: 4095. Also, petition of the American Manufacturing Co., Adams · Burke Frazier Hayden Brooklyn, N.Y., favoring the passage of the Philippine legis­ Andrews Byrd George Herring Ashurst Byrnes Gerry Hill lation limiting all imports of Philippine-made cordage and Austin Capper Gibson Holman twine to 6,000,000 pounds annually; to the Committee on Bailey Clark, Idaho Gillette Holt Insular Affairs. Bankhead Clark, Mo. Glass Hughes Barbour Connally Gf'een Johnson, Callf. 4096. By Mr. MERRITT: Resolution of the Board of Barkley Danaher Guffey Johnson, Colo. Estimate of the City of New York, respectfully memorializing Bilbo Davis Gurney King Bone Donahey Hale La Follette the Congress of the United States to delete from the 1940 Borah Downey Harrison Lee relief bill the objectionable provisions as proposed by the Bulow Ellender Hatch Lodge 1939 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8183 Logan Norris Schwellenbach Tydings PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Lucas Nye Sh1pstead Vandenberg McCarran O'Mahoney Slattery VanNuys The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a petition of McKellar OVerton Smathers Wagner sundry citizens of the State of Kansas praying for the adop- - Maloney Pepper fltewart Walsh Mead Pittman Taft Wheeler tion of a policy by the United States of nonparticipation in Miller Radcliffe Thomas, Okla. White foreign aggression, and also that the shipment of munitions Minton Reed Tobey Wiley Murray Reynolds Townsend and supplies to Japan for use in military operations in China Neely Russell Truman be stopped, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Mr. MINTON. I announce that the Senator from Wyo­ Relations. ming [Mr. ScHWARTZ] is detained from the Senate because of He also laid before the Senate a petition of sundry citizens illness. of New York City, N. Y., praying for the enactment of the The Senator from South Carolina [Mr. SMITH] is absent so-called Wagner-Van Nuys-Capper antilynching bill, and because of illness in his family. also praying for a prompt investigation of recent lynchings The Senator from Michigan [Mr. BROWN], the Senator by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which was referred to from Arkansas [Mrs. CARAWAY], the Senator from New the Committee on the Judiciary. Mexico [Mr. CHAVEZ], and the Senator from Minnesota [Mr. He also laid before the Senate a telegram in the nature LuNDEEN] are necessarily detained. of a petition from the executive board of the Women's The Senator from Texas [Mr. SHEPPARD] and the Senator Sewing Project Local, Workers Alliance, of San Francisco, from Utah [Mr. THoMAs] are absent on important public Calif., praying for the enactment of the bill <S. 2507) to business. provide a program for the relief of unemployment by afford­ Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Oregon ing opportunities for employment upon a public-works pro­ [Mr. McNARY] is absent because of illness. gram to persons unable to secure private employment, which The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-six Senators have an­ was referred to the Special Committee to Investigate Unem­ swered to their names.
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