28 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. March 10, 1982 Baby wins V- if, G.E. REBATE 2-WAY SAVINGS • G^E. M A IlS n'^R E B a t II Smith is firmly Old pro Keon GENERAL ELECTRIC sparks Whalers two contests .GENERAL ELECTRIC .GENERAL ELECTRIC in charge of GOP ▼ X g e n e r a l e l e c t r ic ' REBATE ON... m m REBATE ON... ' r e b a t e O N ... ’REBATE ON... ... page 13 G.E. 1200-Watt G.E. ‘Surge of Steam‘ G.E Deluxe Model G.E. 2-to-IO Cup ... page 3 ... page 9 ‘Pow^r-Pro’ Dryer Steam and Dry Iron Toaster-Oven Drip Coffeemaker Sunny skies, Manchester, Conn. mild Friday Thurs., March 11, 1982 Single copy 25c , ......... ....' ' ' -. ’.;V' — See page 2 I CaMcrRag.Price.............. ,.2 8 J 7 CaMor Rag. Prtca.................... 17.97 CaMor Rag. P lica...................................2SJ7 CaMor Rag. Price.................................4 2 ^ 7 C aldorSalaPrica.................................13.70 C aM or S al# P ric e ................................... 19.7C) C aM or Sola P ric e .................. ............... 3 2 .7 0 CaMor Sale Price...................................19-70 Mf r. MalHn Rabata ........... ....................2.00* M(r. MalHn Rabata.................................. 3 .0 0 * Mir. MaIMn Rabata.................................. 3 .0 0 * Mfr. MalHn Rabata............. YOUR 7 0 YOUR YOUR H C 7 0 FINAL C O S T ................... l l a f W FINA LC O ST ......................1 B o 7 0 R N A L C O S T .......... 2 9 . 7 0 FINALCOST ................... l O a f W Volunteer work upheld Has 4 heats and 2 speeds (or perfect Surge of steam gets out deep-down Unit shuts off & door opens when Has on/off signal with Indicator plus styling results. Includes concen­ wrinkles I Water-window and fabric toast is donel Also top-browns and keep-warm feature to protect line trator (or spot-drying ease. #PRO-5 guide for proper Ironing. #F316BL bakes. Model #T-03B coffM flavor in every cup. #DCM9 -Saa daili lor dalalla onaH ralialaHama. Teacher gripe denied violation of the contract, which "The Board of Education did not no credit, attendance was not taken,^ By Susan Plese violate either Article V, section G or and participation was voluntary. We Herald Reporter prohibits the teaching of more than five classes per day. Article I, section A of the contract gave the arbiters a list of 15 reasons POLAROiO <$un \ ^ In a decision made public this Eleven teachers were involved in between the parties when it allowed why the experience differed from w I' morning, Peter Blum of the the loosely structured program, the teaching of a sixth class at one of the regular classroom.” instant Color Cantors American Arbitration Association which began seven years ago. In the junior high schools." Deakin called the decision "im­ Our unit in Hartford ruled in favor of the return for their volunteer duty, they Deakin explained that Article V portant” in terms of contract defini­ 49.60 Keg. S0.97 Manchester Board of Education in a were excused from cafeteria defines the nature of a class as when tion. "The gray areas are now 8uiR-ln RaMi tires with every shot to biMrd with class action grievance filed last fall monitoring, study hall, or library any student or group of students is defined. Both sides have natural light for the best possible coMr— .^ooRNikii'lluii by the Manchester Eklucatlon supervision. regularly scheduled to meet a benefitted.” evsrytime..4Mitomatlcailyf Association. According to Wilson E. Deakin, teacher for purposes of instruction. frpe. IMIy 8e< A ,-,3Jie grievance claimed that Illing assistant superintendent for per­ "We’re not denying that instruc­ "The teachers can continue teaniers, who had volunteered to sonnel, the decision, dated Tuesday, tion went on,” he explained, " but it rendering their services. It’s •POLAROID Time-Zero Color FHm wonderful when people volunteer — -■? work with gifted students for one was received in the mail this mor­ was not a part of .the curriculum, it .......................................1 2 J $ . -SNl#/® SijSlW® - class period a day, were acting in ning. The dne-sentence letter said. was not graded, students received it’s fantastic.” •POLAROID HHHi^Speifl 600 PHni PteeMtM ....— r I V-AiT ................................. 1 3 .4 5 : : OORWMtNMtde^ d)9l J.1IIH.'S \ ..<MUe.tn6to«ftypi—^ ^ 6 < - <■ News analysis O IF T D 0 m a Ladies’ Classic Blazer Jackets How sludge mess happened .Linen-looks or cotton O O corduroy. Lined & unitned. J J III J w 5-15 & 8-18. Our Rag. 29.99 f a f c - a W By Alex Girelli the district, and met with him and Wajes made a series of that the contractor began spreading •Ladles’ Shirts and Blouses, Rag. 8.99 — 6 .7 4 City Editor DEP representatives. recommendations, attaching a it in at the landfill. The proposal that came out of number of conditions to acceptance The present public works director, How did Manchester get involved their conversations was that the dis­ of the ash. Giles modified, and George Kandra, began on Jan 4. X in the Mattabassett mess and will it trict had about 160,000 cubic yards of revised a couple of them and passed Kandra is reluctant to comment 100% Cotton Navy Denim Skirts come out of it smelling clean? ash it wanted to get rid of and 2,000 the recommendation up the ad­ on the wisdom of any decision made Pre-washed in snap-front b k Some pieces are missing from the cubic yards of what is inelegantly ministrative line to General before he came to Manchester, v or 2-pocket wrap styles. / / / Manager Robert W.eiss. “Hindsight is wonderful,” he says. & 5/6-15/16. OurRag. 10.99 .............. I ml I sewage sludge-disposal story, but called grease, grits, slum, and the beginning of seems clear and in­ slime.” One of the tUng Giles says he He says it is unfair to draw any con­ nocuous, Giles said today he and Frederick remembers setting as a condition clusions from the fpets he has now There was no li^ication in the eat*- ■Wajes, then hi^w ay superinten­ was that for evgry cubic yard of tjie .about decisions made when those Men’s Easy-Care Dress Shirts ly stages that the story would Ibad to dent, were concerned about how undesirable''‘^ggssi” there be 80 facts, .were not at hand. • a i i p s i I Solid colors, long sleeve. _ ^ ^ the unprecedented reprimand this good the ash was for a cover cubic yards of ash. Among the unpleasant facts, one Perma-press poly/cotton. / J J week of General Manager Robert B. material for the landfill. Giles last recollection is of appears to be that the proportion of 14V4-17,32-35.0urReg.9.99 . # ,\J\J Weiss by the Board of Directors, the As a result ofHhat concern Wajes speaking about the proposal at a “ggss” is higher than the town harshest official criticism be has took a couple of town trucks and a Board of Directors’ meeting in July. bargained for. Herald photo by Tarquinlo received in his 17 years of managing loader to the Mattabassett site in Giles left town employ on July 10. Another is that the staffs of the Manchester town government. Cromwell and brought back some of town landfill and the Mattabassett Men’s Taiiored Dress Pants ALAN LAMSON, town planner, Deputy Mayor Barbara B. Weinberg pauses during a walk .....^ It began last June when a the material. district have made operational down Main Street to clean trash out of a planter. .......... -ii^m Poly/cotton blends in newest. ^ ^ ^ representative of the Department of It was spread on slopes at the became acting director on July 6 changes to make the be^t of the spring colors. Coordinating 1 LJ and remained in that post until Jan. eUVUipiTA U«itd Antiaeid ;.;i ^ belts. 29-40. Our Rag. 21.99 . I W a W W Environmental Protection ap­ landfill as an experiment, and it situation. I a 9 l r proached Jay Giles, who was then appeared to be acceptable, said 2. WajeS, meanwhile, remained on THESE ACCOMMODATIONS, •Dress a Casual Socks, Reg. 1.11 to 1.43 .. .8 3 C director of public works for Giles. I Manchester. The DEP man was “Somewhere along the line” Giles as highway superintendent. He was in the absense of any tight formal working with the Cromwell-based ^id. today, it was mentioned that not considered eligible to compete agreement, are what have angered Weinberg, Kandra Mattabassett Sewer District, which there niight be 4,000 yards of the for Giles’ post. He left town employ Mayor Stephen T. Penny and the ‘Romantic Look’ Spring Biouses on’ Jan. 22. Wajes, now with Board of Directors. Solids, plaids and stripes. ^ ^ needed to expand its plant. An ac­ “ggss” instead of 2,000. cumulation of ash (processed At the Mattabassett site most of Northeast Utilities, is on jury duty Weiss, while he accepts respon­ Embroidered & ruffle trims. and could not be contacted today. ■ sibility for bad communications, S,M ,L & 32-38. Our Reg. 11.99 . .. L J . f sewage sludge) was in the way of the slime was segregated, but some check Main walks I.' the expansion. might have been mixed in with the sees a problgm deciding when a S H i IT WAS IN mid-winter, the cold matter is .one for administrative Giles was introduced to Gregory ash in such a way that the amount months that discourage odors, when Spring Skirts with Fit and Fiair Abrahamian, executive director of could not be determined carefully.
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