A.D. 1517 泷ӟ᪠盓 笠๖ Hawai’iki 臺 灣 य़ᑇ • 嬄泷ଂ㾴 泷 ॡ ᐰ ᶪ 28:18-20 18 肍 坋 蝱 獮 㬵 牧 䌘 犢 㮉 藯 物 ॠ Ӥ 瑿 ӥ ಅ 磪 ጱ 稗 ຢ ᮷ 搓 妔 ౯ ԧ 牐 ಅ 犥 牧 ֦ 㮉 ᥝ ݄ 牧 ֵ 苭 ࿆ ֢ ౯ ጱ 槹 19 盆 牧 ॲ ᆿ 牏 ৼ 牏 肜 覄 ጱ ݷ 妔 犢 㮉 碞 ။ ҁ ֢ 物 妔 犢 㮉 碞 ။ 牧 稳 ෝ ᆿ 牏 ৼ 牏 肜 覄 ጱ ݷ ҂ 牐 獡 ౯ ಅ 玾 ߁ ֦ 㮉 ጱ 牧 ᮷ 硽 懺 犢 㮉 螞 20 Ӯ ኴ ጱ ک ਝ 牧 ౯ 疰 ଉ 膏 ֦ 㮉 ݶ ࣁ 牧 ፗ ๛ ԧ 嬄 泷 䨗 8:38-39 (CUV) 38 因 為 我 深 信 無 論 是 死 , 是 ⽣ , 是 天 使 , 是 掌 權 的 , 是 有 能 的 , 是 現 在 的 事 , 是 將 來 的 事 , 39 是 ⾼ 處 的 , 是 低 處 的 , 是 別 的 受 造 之 物 , 都 不 能 叫 我 們 與 神 的 愛 隔 絕 ︔ 這 愛 是 在 我 們 的 主 基 督 耶 穌 裡 的 。 Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord 嬄泷 Reformation in Switzerland Strassburg • 瑞士 Switzerland Jikji, "Selected Teachings of Buddhist Sages and Son Masters", the earliest known book printed with movable metal type, printed in Korea in 1377. Bibliothèque Nationale de France Book printed by Korean metal moveable type (invented A.D. 1234) Gutenberg’s design for moveable type By Willi Heidelbach, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=154912 Reformation in Switzerland Strassburg • 瑞士 Switzerland Strassburg ••Basel 巴塞爾 瑞士 Switzerland Greek New Testament Manuscripts P52 Fragment of Gospel of John 18:31-33 (Jesus on trial before being crucified) A.D. 100 - 150 ~70 years after Jesus died and rose again ΟΙ ΙΟΥΔΑΙΟΙ ΗΜΕΙΝ ΟΥΚ ΕΞΕΣΤΙΝ ΑΠΟΚΤΕΙΝΑΙ ΟΥΔΕΝΑ ΙΝΑ Ο ΛΟΓΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΙΗΣΟΥ ΠΛΗΡΩΘΗ ΟΝ ΕΙ- ΠΕΝ ΣΗΜΑΙΝΩΝ ΠΟΙΩ ΘΑΝΑΤΩ ΗΜΕΛΛΕΝ ΑΠΟ- ΘΝΗΣΚΕΙΝ ΙΣΗΛΘΕΝ ΟΥΝ ΠΑΛΙΝ ΕΙΣ ΤΟ ΠΡΑΙΤΩ- ΡΙΟΝ Ο ΠΙΛΑΤΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΦΩΝΗΣΕΝ ΤΟΝ ΙΗΣΟΥΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΙΠΕΝ ΑΥΤΩ ΣΥ ΕΙ O ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΙΟΥ- ΔΑΙΩN Hebrew Old Testament, Book of Isaiah Scroll — Jesus read one and said the OT prophecies were talking about Jesus 㬵 Isaiah written around 700 B.C. John Calvin 凟͇1509-1564牧ဩ㾴疍硽硬ᶐ疑͈ے 瑞士 Geneva 盓㾴 Reformation in Germany ॡ䨗 3:11ے 11䷱ 磪 Ӟ 㮆 Ո 覎 茐 ဩ ࣁ ᐟ ᶎ 獮 圸 嬝 牧 蝡 ฎ ก 氥 ጱ 牪 ࢩ 傶 妿 Ӥ 藯 牧 嬝 Ո ኞ 牐 מ ࢩ Galatians 3:11(NIV) 11 Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because “the righteous will live by faith.” Wittenberg University Koa-á-hì 稧՚瞁 Hokkien Language Arias, 1600’s Manila, Philippines 95 Theses October 31, A.D.1517 Diet of Worms A.D.1521 Luther on trial before the Emperor ॠԆ硽 膏 च硽 Roman Catholic versus Protestant 1. Pope 硽ጳ 2. Mary 肜ྮ 3. Church Tradition v. Bible 硽䨝㯽翄膏肜妿 4. Justification 圸嬝 ( ॡ 䨗 2:16 (CUV ے 16 碪 Ꭳ 螇 Ո 圸 嬝 犋 ฎ ࢩ ᤈ ဩ 牧 Ԋ ฎ ࢩ ԧ च 肍 坋 牧 מ 肍 坋 च 牧 蝫 ౯ 㮉 犖 מ Galatians 2:16 16 know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus [ 苭ݘ繧Ꭺ傶౯樄 ] 礍螲牧܈Ԇ獮牧ݝ磪狅姴ک獋ಋ绚绚 ᩮ蛪穩Ԇ搓蔬๐牧篷狅覎磭Ԇ௮㵖牧 竾犜牐ع坟ॷᛗၚဣෟ牧穩Ԇ။౯ Rock of Ages “Nothing in my hands I bring Simply to thy cross I cling Naked come to the for dress Helpless I cry out for grace Foul, I to the fountain fly Wash me Savior or I die” 稧 ग़ 盅 䨗 5:21 (CUV) Ӥଂ ֵ ᮎ 篷 耻 ጱ 牧 磦 ౯ 㮉 21 ౮ 傶 耻 牧 অ ݞ ౯ 㮉 ࣁ 犢 愊 ᶎ ౮ 傶 ᐟ ጱ 嬝 牐 Galatians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Soli Deo Gloria ॠԆ硽 Counter-Reformation Council of Trent, A.D.1545 - Jesuits, A.D. 1534 Jesuits ࣁ෭ ဂ认 葍໒葦 Scottish Reformation: John Knox • Universal Public Education - Scotland became the most literate nation in Europe • Economics: Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations • Foundation of Democracy Samuel Rutherford: ဩ 㾴ሴ Lex, Rex A.D. 1644 A.D. 1685 —- Margaret Wilson, age 18 By John Everett Millais Abolition of Slave Trade John Newton: “Amazing Grace” 艰葦 Netherlands Dutch East India Company Ship (replica) Formosa under the Dutch • First missionary came in 1624. In less that ten years, by 1635, the catechists and two missionary pastors had learned the Siraya language and had 700 converts * The Dutch also began importing Hokkien to do rice field agriculture. 承 Local Language Preservation • Development of writing systems for languages • Translation of the Bible into local languages • Preservation of the languages • Development of a local identity - Education in literacy so people can read the bible… - Leads to local leadership and push for democracy Gospel of Matthew in Siraya Language of Tainan A.D.1661 republished 1888 Siraya and Chinese Land Contracts 1700s 裾聲䨝㯽硽ॊࣁݣ傀 The Presbyterians in Taiwan…. The first missionaries … • George MacKay - first missionary in north Taiwan. He started many churches in I-lan. • William Campbell - researched the records of the Dutch, wrote many history books on Taiwan • James Maxwell - first printing press • Thomas Barclay - translation of the Bible into Taiwanese First Printing Press in A.D.1880 in Tainan - Taiwan Church News in 1884 ܖݣ ݣ承 Nursing Textbook in ጮ扖ਁ 虁ቘ硽ᑀ䨗 Taiwanese Taiwan Catechism Westminster Shorter Catechism 1960s Back to the Reformation It is estimated that almost one million Protestants were publicly put to death in the 30-years between 1540 and 1570. From the year 1540 to 1570 "it is proved by national authentic testimony, that nearly one million of Protestants were publicly put to death in various countries in Europe, besides all those who were privately destroyed, and of whom no human record exists" (J.P. Callender, Illustrations of Popery, 1838, p. 400). Catholic historian Vergerius admits gleefully that during the Pontificate of Pope Paul IV (1555-1559) "the Inquisition alone, by tortures, starvation, or the fire, murdered more than 150,000 Protestants." A.D. 1866 A.D. 1895 Missionary in Korea… Robert J. Thomas (from Wales) died on the Taedong River trying to get Chinese-language Bibles to Pyongyang Korea If you wanted to summarize the message of Protestants in one Bible verse: 夹ᘆᐰᶪ 3:16 ݣ ̿ࢩ傶Ӥଂ疥加ኞጱৼ 承 նמ搕搓Ӯ樌牧憎舙 笠 ጱՈ牧bē ဂ亥牧䨝茐 ਁ ೲ珌کၚ牧նዢӮ樌 Kám-siā Tak-ê̍ 牦 眤蘛蝛㮆牦 藨蘷聅㾴犋ݶጱ肜藫℄㯽翄 4:00-2:00 ܌ӥ (م) 12/16 กଙӞ์ ́ 藨蘷 肜妿 ͂抓纷 .
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