THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, MAY 6, 199. FAR FROM HOME A TOKEN GIVEN Just Received: Family Theatre. REAL JAMES F. POST MASAO Ell, W. STAR-- E. SHARP l M USI CA E DIRECTon Men Meet (Continut-i- from Page One.) - Pair of Omaha oo- ior.r.iry in a black German text, of ; ESTATE TOXIO I IT! TONIGHT! On a Honolulu Corner. graceful and slender proportions, with RETT'S illuminated XIV century initials. This Jim Post's Funny Comedy Entitled part of the work alone, owing to the. length of rhe document, must have in- A NIGHT AT THE ARLINGTON. The Exposition Commissioner and a Slgna volved a deal of patient industry. At FOR SA Corps Memter Were Oil the top of the first page appear two peacocks, conventially all -- drawn in Of Associates. their vain glorious pride of gor- - MR. U. J.' OKDWAY, MR. MATT KEEFE, geous plumage, the peculiar iridescence Refined Musical Artist. Popalar Tenor 'Vocalist - . of the breast and the ocelli or eye-lik- e MR. WM. MISS VIOLET 13 ALE, I spots of the tail-cover- ts being faith-- ( HOWARD, here 1 A few elegant lots at UloBtrated Comic Songe Singing and Dancing Conudlenne.... Mr. TJmsted, the commissioner fully reproduced. The birds are .perched of Omaha's Colonial iup t upon Manoa on the road, with MISS MYIPTLE GRAHAM, .1. II. DU HELL, in the interest ju guiuen xaoiei, wnica Celebrated Aeriel Artist, IntroIuciDg the Exposition, when at home is manager is emblazoned the full name of the unsurpassed view and Coon and Italian Specialtlce. pai.ln Klnffs the Western Union Telegraph Com- honorable recipient, and are surround- pro- -- for ed by climate. On line place. He accessories of a pink cloud effect O9O pany's octupus arm of the and poppies. At the foot of the sec- 77.1 TOOLS. Rapid Transit. con- I posed Coming Attractions On arrival of Australia, May io a new company will open. performed such signal service in ond page, and forming the tail-piec- e, No. Easy terms. The Greatest Aggregation of Vaudeville Talent ever seen in Honolulu at one time. nection with the great show of last is a spirited drawing of the sharp-sighte- d nox CJfhce opens at io a. m. 'Phone 540 given assignment dragon, the imperial emblem of 2 Several town lots on Ber year that he was the Cathay some of from time immemorial. to Hawaii. Mr. TJmsted and The beautiful bordering of both of Also, Full Lines of etania Street, Ewa siaa his new friends were standing at the these pages is deserving of special of Geo. Ross. corner of Fort and King last evening mention, as being of a singular and $ One house and lot on H. & Co., when a soldier stopped and projected a unique description. All the details of Hackfeld Ltd. the design are of a distinctly Chinese Leather, Beretania Street. the commissioner, at the neat hand at order and most appropriate to the oc- F- see you, lotus-flow- in different parts of SOLE AGENTS O- same time saying: "Glad to casion, in which the dragon and er 4 Lots Mr. TJmsted. Don't you remember me? figure prominently. The chief Horse and Kewalo Tract. I was one of your operators in Omaha. characteristic of Chinese ornamental Kapiolani Park Addition My name is Kyle." TJmsted was glad art is a fantastic and to a Caucasian's Mule Collars, Kyle sol- eye, somewhat incongruous mixture of Lots, on installments. Portland Flouring Mils to see and explained that the patterns dier was known as one of the swiftest dissimilar and colors, but in 8 Two elegant homes at and "best telegraph operators in the this instance they have been arranged Soap whole of the West. Kyle, a bright in so symmetrical a manner as to pro- Castile Makiki or Punahou young fellow, is in the signal corps duce a very pleasing "tout ensemble." AND A background gold gives school tract. Sperry Flour Col and with eleven other selected men, is of leaf the Hose, aboard the Ohio. He was through the whole an extremely .rich effect. Rubber 10 Lands in Nuuanu valley. In addition to the above there is a campaign in Cuba, worked on the fir- Kaka-ak- o ing line, was sent to Porto Rico, and third and separate page for the signa- 11 Long leasehold at Have just received a large quantity of the following coat-of-ar- ms then stationed at Washington. At the tures. This bears at the head the Rat Traps. with good returns. popular brands: nation's capital Kyle went into a com- of the Judd family whereby, petition, was placed receiving in parenthesis, hangs an interesting bit 19 Only 6 more lots of all first at of history while appears by the Morse code and stood well up in at the foot Car-loa- sizes in different parts GOLDEN GATE FLOUR, OLYMPIC FLOUR, the Chinese national flag, supported "by A d of heliograph, wigwag, semaphore, con- of most desirable lo-cati- ons SUPERB FLOUR,1 CASCADIA FLOUR, struction, ballooning and a few other small shields with the American and the affairs of the communication and infor- Hawaiian colors respectively, and em- of Kalihi, with C & C FLOUR, GOLDEN LILY FLOUR, mation 'branch. This resulted in the bellished by scroll work in mediaeval Garland Stoves, fine views, macadam- detail to Manila. Kyle says he comes style. Four quotations from the "Con- PORTLAND FLOUR, DAYTON FLOUR, along because he wants to see all of fucian Analects" translated by Dr. ized streets, and water new country Legge and couched in complimentary FROM THE the of his Uncle Samuel. phrases, MICHIGAN STOVE CO. supply from city. These ELDORADO FLOUR The signal corps men of this lot are are ingeniously arranged lots at all prize winners and are fully around the margin, the lettering being we sell lowest equipped. For one thing they have an imitation of Chinese characters, figures in monthly In- seven suits done in gold upon a deep bronze-gree- n of clothes each. Kyle is bordering, great A FEW MORE stallments without in- very much interested in wireless tel- which shows it off to For Sale at Lowest Prices, egraphy. Three weeks ago lie was advantage. The sentences read as fol- terest so as to put them busy all day every day assisting in the lows: "By his justice, all were de- within reach of any- experiments being lighted;" "By his sincerity, he made Secretary Disc Plows. conducted at Fort people repose body who wants a home. Meyer, near Washington. He said the trust in him;" "By his work, for short distances was satisfac- earnest activity, his achievements were lot, im- great," and "By his generosity, he won 17 House and well tory, but he was doubtful about the proved, on macad- I & system ever working for manv miles. all." wide, O Jlil ackfeld 0 9 ltd. Mr. TJmsted said the same thing. The memorial is mounted in a royal amized street in Kalihi, red morocco case, manufactured fcy the just past Hawaiian Gazette Co., and reflects 6 Kamehameha Street Car Strike. credit on the bindery department of rUlil 0. Schools. Price $2,250. - Upon nan There was a small sized that firm. the outside is stamped strike of 1 8 Fine House Lot some of the employes in gilt letters: A. F. J., February IS. of almost HHHH- of the Hawai- -4 t t 1S99, the iatter being the actual date -- 3- of an acre, on good ian Tramways Co. yesterday. Seven of the anniversary. LIMITED. ctroofv 1 in li1 fir 1 of the car drivers presented themselves Throughout the work gives evidence on tit lactuwji iuui .y rfj i4-- Fort and Merchant Streets, OLD OUT' at the office and demanded an increase of much thought, perseverance and Kalihi. with fine view. in wages. They had been getting conscientiousness, and it is to be hoped King Water laid on. Will that the Chief Justice will give and Bethel Streets. sell twenty-fiv- e cents an hour-an- d his wanted permission to have it placed on exhi- cheap. thirty cents. The management refused bition. 19--F- OR A Having disposed of my entire stock of the demand and the men walked out. WILLIAM SAYIDGE, ..RENT Small Dry Goods and Notions to the New hands were obtained to fill the va- Cottage at Kalihi. cant places and the wheels turned 21 FOR SALE A house lot again. Hawaiian Dry Goods Association 100x200 in block 17 on Also a Foot Hall Player. Lehua Avenue, Pearl Among the officers of the "Fighting City. Will be closed out during the next thirty days at Bargain Prices, to Thirteenth" which arrived by the Ohio Real 22- - -- A few of the very choi make room for an entire new stock ordered and to arrive. yesterday is Lieut. Nolan. He was Estate cest lots, of various ES through BC7-PRIC- CANNOT BE DUPLICATED. the entire Cuban campaign sizes, in all Kalihi, Ewa and was mentioned by the correspon- AND side of H. C. Myers, SALE COHHEHGES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19. dents as having been conspicuous for QUEEN BIRTHDAY nc Esq., his bravery. He also enjoys the dis-ti- MWU commanding an Rare chance to get Dry Goods at very low prices. ion of being one of the best foot- unsurpassed view, on Mr. M. G. Silva will assist the new Managers during this sale, ball players in the United States hav- 1819. 1899. Stock Broker fine street with water after which he retires from the business. ing been selected as end for the All from city.
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