Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Treasury § 9.113 (8) The boundary proceeds in a (iv) Then southward and eastward straight line northwesterly (across the along Highway 71 until it crosses Rock Kentuck quadrangle) to the confluence Creek. of Plum Orchard Run and Stonelick (v) Then northeastward along Rock Creek in the town of Plum Orchard, in Creek to Petit Jean Creek. Jackson County, WV. (Kenna quad- (vi) Then generally northeastward rangle) and eastward along Petit Jean Creek (9) The boundary proceeds in a until it becomes the Petit Jean River straight line northwesterly (across the (on the Russellville map). Ripley quadrangle) to the Baltimore (vii) Then generally eastward along and Ohio Railroad crossing of State the Petit Jean River, flowing through Highway 87 in the town of Evans, in Blue Mountain Lake, until the Petit Jackson County, WV. (Cottageville Jean River joins the Arkansas River. quadrangle) (viii) Then generally eastward along (10) The boundary proceeds in a the Arkansas River to Cadron Creek. straight line northwesterly (across the (ix) Then generally northward and Mount Alto quadrangle) to the bench- northeastward along Cadron Creek to mark at 674 ft. elevation in the town of the place where it is crossed by U.S. Flatrock, in Mason County, WV. Highway 65. (Beech Hill quadrangle) (x) From there northward along (11) The boundary proceeds north- Highway 65 to its intersection with Ar- westerly in a straight line (across the kansas Highway 16 near Clinton, Ar- Cheshire quadrangle) to the beginning kansas. point. (xi) From there following Highway 16 generally westward to its intersection [T.D. ATF–226, 51 FR 11913, Apr. 8, 1986] with Arkansas Highway 23 in Brashears, Arkansas. § 9.112 Arkansas Mountain. (xii) From there southward along (a) Name. The name of the Highway 23 to the Madison County- viticultural area described in this sec- Franklin County line. tion is ‘‘Arkansas Mountain.’’ (xiii) Then westward and southward (b) Approved maps. The appropriate along that county line to the Madison maps for determining the boundary of County-Crawford County line. the Arkansas Mountain viticultural (xiv) Then westward along that coun- area are two U.S.G.S. maps, titled: ty line to the Washington County- (1) Russellville, Arkansas, 1:250,000 Crawford County line. series compiled in 1954. (xv) Then westward along that coun- (2) Fort Smith, Arkansas-Oklahoma, ty line to Jones Fork (on the Fort 1:250,000 series, 1978. Smith map). (c) Boundary—(1) General. The Arkan- (xvi) Then southward along Jones sas Mountain viticultural area is lo- Fork until it joins Frog Bayou near cated in northwestern Arkansas. Start- Winfrey, Arkansas. ing at the point where Frog Bayou con- (xvii) Then generally southward verges with the Arkansas River, near along Frog Bayou, flowing through Yoestown, Arkansas (or the Fort Smith Lake Shepherd Springs and Lake Fort map), the boundary proceeds: Smith, to the starting point. (2) Boundary Description. (i) South- [T.D. ATF–235, 51 FR 34205, Sept. 26, 1986] westward along the Arkansas River to Vache Grasse Creek. § 9.113 North Fork of Long Island. (ii) Then southeastward and south- (a) Name. The name of the westward following Vache Grasse viticultural area described in this sec- Creek to the place where it is crossed tion is ‘‘North Fork of Long Island.’’ by Arkansas Highway 10, near Green- (b) Approved maps. The appropriate wood, Arkansas. maps for determining the boundaries of (iii) From there westward along the ‘‘North Fork of Long Island’’ Highway 10 to U.S. Highway 71. (Note: viticultural area are 5 U.S.G.S. maps. Highway 10 is the primary highway They are entitled: leading to Greenwood to Hackett, Ar- (1) Wading River, N.Y., 7.5 minute se- kansas.) ries, scaled at 1:24,000 edition of 1967. 201 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:03 May 16, 2013 Jkt 229107 PO 00000 Frm 00211 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\229107.XXX 229107 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR § 9.114 27 CFR Ch. I (4–1–13 Edition) (2) Riverhead, N.Y., 7.5 minute series, Great Gull Island, Plum Island, and scaled at 1:24,000, edition of 1956. Shelter Island) in the Townships of (3) New York, N.Y.; N.J.; Conn., U.S., Riverhead, Shelter Island, and 1:250,000 series, scaled at 1:250,000, edi- Southold. tion of 1960, revised 1979. [T.D. ATF–240, 51 FR 36398, Oct. 10, 1986] (4) Providence, R.I.; Mass.; Conn., N.Y., U.S., 1:250,000 series, scaled at § 9.114 Old Mission Peninsula. 1:250,000, edition of 1947, revised 1969. (a) Name. The name of the (5) Hartford, Conn.; N.Y.; N.J.; Mass., viticultural area described in this sec- U.S., 1:250,000 series, scaled at 1,250,000, tion is ‘‘Old Mission Peninsula.’’ edition of 1962, revised 1975. (b) Approved maps. The appropriate (c) Boundaries. The boundaries of the maps for determining the boundaries of proposed viticultural area are as fol- the ‘‘Old Mission Peninsula’’ lows: The North Fork of Long Island viticultural area are 2 U.S.G.S. Quad- viticultural area is located entirely rangle (15 Minute Series) maps, scaled within eastern Suffolk County, Long at 1:62,500. They are entitled: Island, New York. The viticultural area (1) Elk Rapids, Mich. (1957); and boundaries consist of all of the land (2) Traverse City, Mich. (1957). areas of the North Fork of Long Island, (c) Boundary. The boundary in Grand New York, including all of the main- Traverse County, Michigan, consists of land, shorelines and islands in the all of Peninsula Township, excluding Townships of Riverhead, Shelter Is- Marion and Bassett Islands. In addi- land, and Southold. tion, the viticultural area takes in a (1) The point of beginning is on the small portion of Traverse City Town- Wading River, N.Y., 7.5 minute series, ship. U.S.G.S. map at the northern boundary (1) The beginning point is on the Tra- of the Brookhaven/Riverhead Township verse City, Mich., U.S.G.S. map at the line on the Long Island Sound (approxi- shoreline of the West Arm of Grand mately 500 feet east of the mouth of Traverse Bay at Section 1, Township 27 the Wading River); North, Range 11 West (T27N, R11W), ap- (2) The boundary goes south on the proximately 500 feet due west of the Brookhaven/Riverhead Town line for intersection of two unmarked light- approximately 6.5 miles until it meets duty roads (approx. 750 feet north of the Peconic River approximately 1 Bryant Park); mile east of U.S. Reservation (2) The boundary proceeds north 19 Brookhaven National Laboratory; miles along the western shoreline of (3) Then the boundary travels east on the Old Mission Peninsula until it the Peconic River (Brookhaven/ reaches the lighthouse near Old Mis- Riverhead Town line) for 2.7 miles until sion Point at the north side of the Pe- it meets the Riverhead/Southampton ninsula on the Elk Rapids, Mich., Township line on the Riverhead, N.Y., U.S.G.S. map, Sec. 23, T30N, R10W; U.S.G.S. map; (3) It then proceeds south for approxi- (4) It then goes east on the mately 19 miles along the eastern Riverhead/Southampton Township line shoreline of the peninsula to the south- for 4.2 miles until it reaches an area east portion of an unmarked light-duty where the Peconic River widens north road (known locally as Eastern Ave- of Flanders; nue) at Sec. 6, T27N, R10W on the Tra- (5) Then the boundary proceeds east verse City, Mich., U.S.G.S. map. The to Orient Point then west along the unmarked light-duty road is located shoreline, beaches, islands, and main- immediately north of Northwestern land areas of the North Fork of Long Michigan College on the shoreline of Island, described on the ‘‘New York’’, the East Arm of the Grand Traverse ‘‘Providence’’ and ‘‘Hartford’’ U.S.G.S. Bay; maps until it reaches the Brookhaven/ (4) The boundary travels west along Riverhead Township line at the point the unmarked light-duty road (known of beginning. These boundaries consist locally as Eastern Avenue) for approxi- of all the land (and isolated islands in- mately one mile until it meets an un- cluding without limitation, Wicopesset marked north/south light-duty road at Island, Robins Island, Fishers Island, Sec. 1, T27N, R11W; and 202 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:03 May 16, 2013 Jkt 229107 PO 00000 Frm 00212 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\229107.XXX 229107 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR.
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