Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83694-4 — The Biological Universe Wallace Arthur Index More Information INDEX Page numbers in italic include illustrations. 55 Cancri e, 241, 251 artificial intelligence, 39, 318 astrobiology, xi, xiii, 49, 186, 220, acellularity, 51, 215–217, 310 225, 227, 236, 332 Across the Universe, 277 astronomical unit, 138, 143, 153, 231 adaptation, 73, 97 atmosphere adaptive radiation, 50 Earth, 58, 239–242 algae exoplanets, 250–254 brown, 9, 39, 68, 196, 311 Mars and Venus, 242–243 green, 68, 83, 196–197 spectroscopy, 246–250 proto-, 71 Titan, 243–246 red, 68 autonomy (from environment), 19, ALH 84-001, 162 310, 316 Alpha Centauri, 144, 155, 228, 280, Autospermia hypothesis, 135, 174, 298 208 amino acids, 19, 173–174, 212, 237, autotrophy, 71 246 ammonoids, 110, 121 bacteria, 9, 13, 38, 60, 68–69, 75–77, anaerobic metabolism, 76–77, 181, 80–81, 92–94, 105, 175 241 beardworms, 93–94 anatomy, 218 Bell Burnell, Jocelyn, 44, 281 Andromeda, 23–24, 148, 235, 290, Berkeley SETI Research Center, 280 302 Betelgeuse, 29–31, 30, 42, 296, 298 angiosperms, 48 Big Bang, 173, 288 animals Big Ear telescope, 272 on exoplanets, 200–201 bilateral symmetry, 313, 323, 324 origin, 195–199, 198 binary systems, 47, 143, 155, 192 apes, 8, 127, 218 Bio-Region hypothesis, 135, 147, appendages, 98, 322 183–184 archaea, 9, 68, 76, 79–80, 94, 105, biodiversity, 7, 9, 91, 153, 168 175 biogeography, 64 archipelago, 15 bioluminescence, 77, 258 Arecibo message, 262, 275, 276, biomarker, 236 278–279, 281, 298, 330 biomes, 65, 67, 101 arthropods, 93, 105–108 biomineralization, 106, 108 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83694-4 — The Biological Universe Wallace Arthur Index More Information 340 Index biosignatures, 226, 236–238, 249, CHEOPS, 222 252, 299 Chicxulub, 179 biosphere, 55–69, 64,82–83, 91, chimpanzee, 8, 130–131, 220 148–149, 218–219, 308–309 chlorophyll, 73–76, 74, 254 bivalves, 93, 108–110 chloroplasts, 74 blind watchmaker, 133 civilizations, 186–187, 261–265, bonobo, 8 269, 329 brain, 39, 112, 118–119, 134, Cocconi, Giuseppe, 268–271, 273 313–314, 319–323, 327 Common Earth hypothesis, 1, 50, 201 size, 122, 131, 324 consciousness, 124 Breakthrough Initiatives, 279–281, continental drift, 62, 65 330 Copernican biology, 302, 309 Breakthrough Listen, 279 Copernican principle, 292–294, 300, Breakthrough Message, 280, 282 302, 309 Breakthrough Starshot, 228, 280 Copernicus, 27, 287, 293, 332 Breakthrough Watch, 280 coral reefs, 177 prizes, 280 core (Earth’s) broadcasting civilizations, 187, inner, 57 261–265, 282, 317, 327 outer, 57, 171 brown dwarf, 142, 148 coronagraph, 253 buoyancy, 102 Cosmic Call, 277–279 Burgess Shale, 205–206 cosmological principle, 290–292, 302–303 Cambrian explosion, 106, 205 Crab Nebula, 295 Cambrian period, 106, 109, 182, craters, 47, 61–62 197, 198, 206 crows, intelligence of, 122, 124–126, carbohydrates, 19, 108, 116 220, 323 carbon, 209–214 crust (Earth’s), 61–64, 64 carbon chauvinism, 203, 213–214 Cryogenian period, 69, 180–181, carbon dioxide, 73–75, 151, 239, 198, 199 241, 250 cryovolcanoes, 304 absorption spectrum, 248 crystal, 211 carbon monoxide, 42, 249–250 cultural inheritance, 328 carbonate–silicate cycle, 170–171 Curiosity rover, 151, 263 cartilage, 112 cyanide, 241, 245 Cassini, 164–165, 263 Cyanobacteria, 68, 76–77, 82, 181 Cell Centrality hypothesis, 203, 217 cytoplasm, 102, 214–217 cellulose, 116 cytoskeleton, 103–104 cephalization, 313–317 cephalopods, 93, 109–110, 121–124, dark matter, 19, 24, 26, 43, 207 322–323 Darwin, Charles, 4, 15, 17, 65, 91, 97 Chelyabinsk, 178–179, 195 definition of life, 10–13, 38–40, 217, chemosynthesis, 77–79, 94, 148 308, 310 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83694-4 — The Biological Universe Wallace Arthur Index More Information Index 341 developmental stages, 215–217 exocomets, 146 dexterity, 322–323, 324 exomoons, 146 differentiation (of planets), 304 exoplanets. See under individual disease, 329 exoplanet names disparity, 4, 205 naming system, 229 DNA, 18, 21, 199, 210–213, 212, 246 exoskeleton, 105–108 dolphins, 129 extinction. See mass extinction domains of life, 9–10 Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), Doppler effect, 227, 270 249 Drake, Frank, 186–194, 263, 271, extremophiles, 20, 93–95, 175, 200 275, 279, 281 eyes, 122, 134, 259–260, 266, 322 Drake equation, 186–194, 263 fast radio bursts (FRBs), 273, 296 earthworms, 90–92, 116, 319 Fermi paradox, 297 eccentricity, orbital, 145–146, 156, fingers, 112, 122, 322–323 225–228 first contact, 329–332 echinoderms, 98, 132–133, 197, 321, flare stars, 172, 192, 228, 279 323 food chain, 79–80, 90, 305 ecological niche, 87–88, 89,91 food web, 75, 80–83, 90, 305 ecosystems, 77–81, 177, 305 fossil record, 106, 121, 179, 182, 197 Ediacaran biota, 182, 199 frequency, radio, 257 Ediacaran period, 198, 199 fungi, 9, 91, 196, 312 Einstein, Albert, 255, 329, 332 fusion, nuclear, 47, 141–142, 157, 207 electrons, 173, 207, 213–214, 248, 270 Gaia, 318 elephants, 127–129 galactic habitable zone, 166, 302 embryo, 112, 215, 217 galaxies Enceladus, 20, 95, 164–166, 218 elliptical, 24, 148, 287 endoskeleton, 107, 111 irregular, 287 energy, 75, 77–79, 92, 218, 305–306 spiral, 23–24, 27–28, 286, 289, and entropy, 82–83 294 in ecosystems, 79–82 Galileo (spacecraft), 165 spectroscopy, 248–249 Galileo Galilei, 22 entropy, 82–83, 305–306 gamma rays, 255, 269, 296 enzymes, 237 genetic code, 212 Eukarya, 9, 68, 79, 120 geology, xiii, 62, 304–305 eukaryotic cell, 9, 103, 159, 311 germanium, 309 Europa, 20, 95, 164–166, 218 glaciation, 180–181, 198 European Space Agency, 139, 277 Gliese 581, 278–279 evolutionary process, 13, 99, 119, glucose, 73–79, 116 134, 170, 195–201, 206, 326 gorilla, 8, 127, 130 evolutionary tree, 4, 6, 8, 40, 119, Gould, Stephen Jay, 205–206 121 gravitational waves, 296 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83694-4 — The Biological Universe Wallace Arthur Index More Information 342 Index gravity, 53, 101–103, 111, 116–117, James Webb Space Telescope, 223, 143, 227 253 Great Oxygenation Event, 68, 76–77, jellyfish, 39, 115, 118, 132, 313, 323 181–182, 241, 297 greenhouse effect, 161–162, 164, 171 Kepler, Johannes, 27 greenhouse gas, 181 Kepler-186 f, 225–226, 229, 232, 251 Kepler-452 b, 232–234, 297 HabEx, 235, 249, 252, 254 Kepler-7 b, 224 habitability factors, 168–185 Kepler-90, 47 habitable zone, 150–167, 156, 185 Kepler Space Telescope, 33, 251 habitats, 51, 65–66, 84–100 King Carbon hypothesis, 203, 214, 309 Harvard spectral classification, 141 kingdoms of life, 9–10 Hawking, Stephen, 187, 279, 330 heritable variation, 307, 316 Lake Vostok, 59 Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, 46 language, 118, 323 heterotrophy, 70–71 Laniakea, 290 historical contingency, 205, 209 laser, 279 horizontal gene transfer, 5, 6,41 LGM signal, 44, 281 hot Jupiters, 44, 225, 238, 250 lichen, 14, 82, 85 Hubble Space Telescope, 58, 234 life Hubble Ultra-Deep Field, 286 definition, 10–13, 38–40, 217, Huge hypothesis, 283, 314–317, 315, 308, 310 319, 327–329 origin, 19–21, 40, 49, 69, 94, Huxley, Thomas Henry, 317 173–175 Huygens, 164 life cycles, 214–215 hybridization, 5–6, 6,41 light years, 25, 32, 138, 234, 288 hydrocarbons, 151, 245 lignin, 116 hydrothermal vents, 77–80, 92–96, limestone, 106, 170 173, 176 Linnaeus, Carl, 7, 9 liquid, 150–153 ice ages, 180–181 Lone Signal, 278–279 impactors, 61, 179 luminosity, 45, 46,140–142, 157–160 infrared, 249, 252–253 LUVOIR, 235, 249, 252, 254 inheritance, 10, 38 insects, 14, 66, 70, 90, 105–107, 217, magnetic field, 57, 145, 171–172, 292 258, 311, 314 main sequence, 45, 46 intelligence, 118–134, 324 mammals extraterrestrial, 268–282 evolutionary radiation, 50, 128 intelligent designer, 318 intelligence of, 121–122 intelligent universe, 318–333 miniature, 321 interstellar medium, 36–37, 42–44, mirror mark test, 126–129 270 phylogeny, 128 inverse square law, 298 Marconi, Guglielmo, 220, 261 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83694-4 — The Biological Universe Wallace Arthur Index More Information Index 343 Mariana Trench, 56, 63 Moon, 47, 61, 99, 169, 172, 237, 243 Mariner, 242 moons, 47, 99, 139, 145–147, Mars 163–166 atmosphere, 145, 242–243 morphology, 17, 218, 237 habitable zone, 154 Morrison, Philip, 268 life on, 160–163 Morse code, 266, 274 meteorites from, 232 Morse message, 274 mass extinction, 26, 69, 110, Mosaic hypothesis, 1, 49, 174, 191 179–183, 197, 205 mutation, 15, 18 Maxwell, James Clerk, 255, 260 mediocrity principle, 309 NASA, 139, 164, 225, 235, 254, 286 membranes, 309–310 natural selection, 10–11, 15–19, autonomy, 309–310 132, 184, 206, 225, 307–309, defining life, 12 313, 325 extraterrestrial life, 217 and intelligence, 134 photosynthesis, 74 nautiloids, 121 Mendel’s laws, 307 nervous system, 39, 324 metabolism, 19, 38, 76–77, 151–152, neutral theory, 16 305, 309 neutron star, 44, 281 anaerobic, 76–77, 181, 241 niche, ecological, 87–88, 89,91 metallicity, 35–37, 166, 207–208 nitrogen, 37, 48, 58, 106, 173, 207, meteorite, 19, 62, 162, 179, 232, 237 210, 239, 242, 244–245, 249 methane nucleic acids, 19, 116, 203 absorption spectrum, 248 nucleosynthesis, primordial, 35, 207 exoplanet atmospheres, 250 nucleus greenhouse gas, 241 of atom, 270 Mars, 243–246 of cell, 214 Titan, 243–246 nutrients, 75, 78 with oxygen, 250–251 microbial life, 49, 187–195, 200, observable universe, 283, 287–290, 222, 263–265 293–294,
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