BIBLIOGRAPHY I. Primary Sources Albee, Edward. The Zoo Story. The Death of Bessie Smith . The Sandbox . New York: Coward-McCann, 1960. Albee, Edward. The American Dream. New York: Signet Books , 1961. Albee, Edward. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Harmondsworth: Penguin 1968 Albee, Edward. The Ballad of the Sad Café . New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1965. Albee, Edward. Tiny Alice. New York: Pocket Books, 1964. Albee, Edward. A Delicate Balance. New York: Pocket Books, 1967. Albee, Edward. Box and Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung . New York: Pocket Books, 1970. Albee, Edward. All Over. London: Jonathan Cape, 1972. Albee, Edward. Seascape. New York: Atheneum, 1975. Albee, Edward . Listening and Counting the Ways . In Edward Albee: The Plays in Three Volumes . Vol. 2. New York: Atheneum 1991. Albee, Edward. The Lady from Dubuque . New York: Atheneum, 1980. O’Neill, Eugene. “Hughie.” The Plays 1932-44 . New York: Atheneum, 1991. Pinter, Harold. The Caretaker . London: Methuen, 1987. II. Secondary Sources 1. General books Bigsby C. W. E. A Critical Introduction to Twentieth Century American Drama . Vol. 2. Cambridge UP, 1984. Bigsby, C.W.E. Modern American Drama 1945-2000 . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000. Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory . An Introduction . Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1984. Esslin, Martin. The Theatre of the Absurd . Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1980. 71 Kernan Alvin B., ed. The Modern American Theatre. A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. Parker, Dorothy, ed. Essays on Modern American Drama: Williams, Miller, Albee and Shepard . Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1987. Wellek, René and Austin Warren. Theory of Literature. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1973. 2. Monographical books on Edward Albee Amacher, Richard E. Edward Albee . Rev. ed. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1982. Bigsby, C. W. E., ed. Edward Albee: A Collection of Critical Essays . Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1975. Debusscher, Gilbert. Edward Albee; Tradition and Renewal. Brussels: American Studies Center, 1967. Hayman, Ronald. Contemporary Playwrights: Edward Albee . London: Heinemann, 1971. Hirsch, Foster. Who's Afraid of Edward Albee? Berkeley: Creative Arts Book Company, 1978. Kašparovská, Hana . Social Relevance in Arthur Miller and Edward Albee . Diploma thesis. Brno: FF MU, 1978. Kolin, Philip C., ed. Conversations with Edward Albee . Jackson and London: UP of Mississippi, 1988. Kolin, Philip C. and J. Madison Davis. Critical Essays on Edward Albee . Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. Mann, Bruce J., ed. Edward Albee: a casebook . New York and London: Routledge, 2003. McCarthy, Gerry. Edward Albee . New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987. Paolucci, Anne. From Tension to Tonic: The Plays of Edward Albee . Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois UP, 1972. 72 Roudané, Matthew Charles. Understanding Edward Albee . Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1987 Roudané, Matthew C. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf: Necessary Fictions, Terrifying Realities . Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1990. Rutenberg, Michael E. Edward Albee: Playwright In Protest . New York: Drama Book Specialists, 1969. Stenz, Anita Maria. Edward Albee: The Poet of Loss . The Hague: Mouton, 1978. Wasserman, Julian N., ed. Edward Albee: An Interview and Essays . Houston, Texas: U of St. Thomas, 1983. 3. Essays in books Adler, Thomas P. Review of “Counting the Ways”. Educational Theatre Journal . Oct. 1977, 407-8. Rpt. in Kolin, Philip C. and J. Madison Davis. Critical Essays on Edward Albee . Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986. Albee, Edward. “Which Theatre is the Absurd One?” The New York Times Magazine 25 Feb, 1962. Rpt. in The Modern American Theatre. A Collection of Critical Essays ed. by Alvin B. Kernan. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. 170-175. Anderson, Mary Castiglie. “Ritual and Initiation in The ZOO Story .” Wasserman, Julian N., ed. Edward Albee:An Interview and Essays . Houston, Texas: U of St. Thomas, 1983. Baxandall, Lee. “The Theater of Edward Albee.” Tulane Drama Review 9.4 (Summer 1965). 19-40. Rpt. in The Modern American Theatre. A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Alvin B. Kernan. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. 80-98. Casper, Leonard. “The Expense of Joy in the Persistence of Mystery.” Edward Albee: An Interview and Essays . Ed. Julian N. Wasserman. Houston, Texas: U of St. Thomas, 1983. Cohn, Ruby. “The Verbal Murders of Edward Albee.” Dialogue in American Drama . 73 Bloomigton: Indiana UP, 1971. 137-40. Rpt. in Kolin, Philip C. and J. Madison Davis. Critical Essays on Edward Albee . Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986, 146-9. Driver, Tom. ”What’s the Matter with Edward Albee?” The Reporter Jan. 2, 1964. Rpt. in The Modern American Theatre. A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Alvin B. Kernan. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967, 99-103. 4. Interviews: 1965 Rutenberg, Michael E. Edward Albee: Playwright In Protest . New York: Drama Book Specialists, 1969. (includes 2 interviews, from 1965 and 1968, at the end of his book) 1966 Flanagan, William. “The Art of the Theatre IV: Edward Albee: An Interview”. Paris Review 10 [Fall 1966] Rpt. in Kolin, Philip C., ed. Conversations with Edward Albee . Jackson and London: UP of Mississippi, 1988. 1968 Rutenberg, Michael E. Edward Albee: Playwright In Protest . New York: Drama Book Specialists, 1969. (includes 2 interviews, from 1965 and 1968, at the end of his book) 1980 De La Fuente, Patricia. “Edward Albee. An interview.” Rpt. in Kolin, Philip C., ed. Conversations with Edward Albee . Jackson and London: UP of Mississippi, 1988. 1981 Wasserman, Julian N., ed. Edward Albee: An Interview and Essays . Houston: U of St. Thomas, 1983. 1985 Roudané, Matthew C. ”A Playwright Speaks: An Interview with Edward Albee.” In Kolin, Philip C. and J. Madison Davis, ed. Critical Essays on Edward Albee . Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986 1988 Kolin, Philip C., ed. Conversations with Edward Albee . Jackson and London: UP of Mississippi, 1988. 1995 Bigsby, C. W. E. Writers in Conversation . Vol. 1. Norwich: E.A.S. Publishing, 2000. 1999 Mann, Bruce J., ed. Edward Albee: a casebook . New York and London: Routledge, 2003. 74 2002 Drukman, Steven. “Edward Albee: Who's afraid of controversy? Not this playwright - The Writing Life – Interview.” March 2002 . Gale Group . 20 Sep 2004. <http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1285/is_2_32/ai_83450560>. 2002 Morris, Steven Leigh. “Laughing in the Dark. The Education of Edward Albee“. Bill Pullman Website . 14 Mar 2002. Bill Pullman Website . 15 Apr 2005. <http://www.billpullman.org/goat/laweekalbee.htm>. 5. Internet articles Ardolino, Frank. „Nugent and Thurber's The Male Animal and Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?“ The Explicator . Washington: Winter 2003.Vol. 61, Iss. 2; pg. 112, 3 pgs. 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