- ' ,;:i PAGE TWENTY-FOUB FRIDAY^ ifeCEJIBER t, 1966 JHanrti^Btfr lEopttina Hiritlb Average Daily Net Press Run For the Week Ended The WMthcr . Deo. 1, 1956 : »f C. 8U WMtker 1 About l^own IM 12.439 dondy Inter tMlght, little naH li»» miwithly meatinf "'M em ber of the Audit •r. Letr M - $ S r 'Sonday, eliwigy» Manehuter niM Art Awn. will be . Bureau of Circulation cooL occMlennl showers or mta. held on Dec. 12 laetead of r^c. 19, High Sfi-40. baeauee of the approachinir Chriet* f Manche$ter——A City of Village Charm .X maa holiday*. The meeting Will be ' ’ y held aV8 p-m. in the Whiton audi­ VOL. LXXVI, NO. 59 (TWELVE. PAGES) torium. Alfred. Ludwig, well MANCHESTER, GONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19M , . (Cbutlfled Adverttsiflg on Pago 10) PRICE FIVE CE|ltE known Rockville artist, will be guest speaker and will give a de- mtmi^atlon of oil painting. Re- freshmenUi .will be served and the # # # public is cordially invited. Dsughters of Liberty No, 125, LOLI, will hold . their/ Chriitma* party at Cavey’s Restaurant, m i .S. Earth Monday, Dec. 10, at o:30 p.m. Manchester WCrU will hold Us annual Christmas party for White Ribbon Recruits and their mothers. Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Margaret McKinney and Mrs. Judith Larson are co-chairmen of program committee. The Little TONIGHTJrOO f » 9:00 Miles into Spac^ Temperance League will also en­ tertain. Refreshments will, be Sim ijoLdL. disihSL: Mtrved by Mrs. Marion Barrett, ^ A T . 2:0 0 hr5:30 Mrs. Maybelle Fish and Mrs. Ann McKinney. Dag U rg^ Trinity College's annual musical Peak Speed program for the Christmas season will feature, the chi^icl choir and y m v w k m the Christmas Choir of the Pros­ authentic Ivy League Shirt Early Visit pect Hill School for Girls in a OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P. M. Reported at Christmas vespers service at 5 p. m. Sunday in' the college chapel. in stri^ d PETTICOATS To Hungary The public is invited. 4,000 mph V -r > . ^ PLiNTY OF FREE PARKING James R .Carrara, son of Mr. zephyr o^prd Dainty tiered style.s with tricot yoke. _ (REAR OF* OUR STORE) United Nations, N. Y., Dec. and Mrs. James V. Carrara, 44 sirable full circle sweep. Beautiful nylon mar Washington, Dec. 8' (/P)— Prospect St., a studmt at the Uni­ . 'x - Plan to Celebrate 7Hth Wedding^ Date 8 (IP)— U.N. Secretar.v Gen­ versity of Utah; Salt Lake City, quisette. horsehair and lace pattern styles. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson read to Curtis, 4, one of their 141 grrandchildren ns the couple plan eral Dag Hammar.sl<jold ex­ Naval and civilian scientisti has been pledged as a member of Colors: White, red, black. Price In Falrview. Utah, to celebrate their 78th wedding anniversary which takes place Dec. 11. He is 96 pressed doubt toda.v that blasted a 'Viking rocket—; the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and she will be 96 on Dec, 28.- They say: "OUr life together has just been one long, happy honey­ dubbed "the first test rocket St the university. 3 ® > ' moon.” there would be any purpose in his visiting Budapest un­ of the Earth satellite pro- Friend* of WUliara H. Griffin, 90 less he could do so soon. gram”—125' miles idlo the Henry St., will be glad to hear he $2-98 to $8-^8 He did so in a report to the Gen­ air early today,'- I returned from Springfield Hos- Will Get Electric Chair eral Assembly on his efforts to get The Defense Dept. ‘ said the after a recent illness. He NATO Meeting observers into Hungary or neigh­ rocket reached a peak velocity of is recbperating a t the home of Mr. boring- countries and his negotia­ 4,000 mile*, per hour before plung­ and MMN.temuel J'. Walton, 20 tions to go to Budapest himsilf. ing into the Atlantic Ocean about Main St., H^vdville, Conn. Seen Repairing He disclosed that he had written 180 miles from the launching b«a* LaMarca Convicted Au.stria. Czechoslovakia. Romania at Cape Canaveral, Fla. The WomeiT* Auxiliary of St. and Yugo.slavia for permission to Newsmen watched the huge 45- Mary'ii Episcopal Ohurch will meet Western Split send observers to those countries foot rocket, 13th in the dicing at the church Monday evening at for investigation of the situation .series, from a vintage point fouf 7:30. Mrs. William Kloppentarg, Paris, Dec. 8 ',!*> Ministers of For Kidnap-Killing in Hungary. miles away. One reported it "rose organist of the Junior Choir/SvUl the North Atlantic Treaty Organ­ ' ."Pending replies . he said. slowly and almoat ailently into the present a Christmas program. R^ ization (NATO) pii.slied into a re­ "I have not been able to arrange air,” leaving "a glowing bright freshments will be served by Mrs. X newed spirit of cooperation by for the dispatch of any observers pink trail" as it picked up speed. events in H ungary next week Mineola. N. Y,, Dec. 8 iJPi A- Island honej-suckle thicket a few William Brennan and her commit­ ju ry of 12 fathers last night con­ miles awsy. to the region.” The launching 8it"> -was the tee. - open w hat may be their mo.st d.v- .Meanwhile, -a U.S. proposal to' Air Force Miaaile Test Center / namic meeting. demned Angelo LaMarra to death Police . found the child's body in the electrio chair for the kid- freeze out the U.N. delegation rep­ (AFMTC) at Patrick Air Force The ses-sion begins Tuesday, Aug. 24, the day after the FBI resenting the Soviet-controlled. Members of the AuxUtary to nap-murder of 32-day-old Peter seized LaMarca. Base, Cape Canaveral. Anderson-Shea Poet, Ho. 2040, are button-down collar! bringing together the mini.slers of Hungarian government ran^infrt The department said the rocket foreign affairs, defen.se and finance Woinlrerger. LaMaraca's brunette wife. opposition toda.v from a grolip of asked to note that the meeting of button-hock! 'the jury found the swarthy auto was fired to test instruments and the Hartford County Council Aux­ of the 15 nation.*.. It will provide Donna. 31, herself the mother of western delegates. They contend gather information to be used later center bock-pleat! IT’S ^OBE the sotting for the first meeting of mpchaniv guilty of kidnaping and two .small children. Collapsed afte r present action shquld be limited iliaries will be held this coming first degree murder. the verdic t. She was carried from in the launching of the Earth satel- . Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in GAR Hall, British. French and American for­ to a rebuke. ^ Itte planned for the 1957-19Sg In­ eign ministers since the Suez cam­ l-iMarca'.s knees wobbled when the courtroom. The Unite<l States scheduled a Rockville. They are reminded to he heard the verdict. Two court IjiMarra's 57-year-old mother, ternational G e.o p h y a ic a I Year bring gifts of 60-cent value. T I M ^ ^ paign which threatened to split meeting with 16 interested nations (IGY). It was built for the Navy ORLON JEWELED the Atlantic Pact organization attendants grabbed him to keep .Vitina, also collapsed. — including Belgium, spearhead of him from sagging to the floor. Tlie jury did not recommend by the Glenn i,. Martin Co. of The daughter born Dec. 3 in And we have a beautiful .«elec-*' wide open. • the moderation group — to dis­ Baltimore. ^ : tion in all the desired styles But the three members, once so The defense built its case around mercy in finding LaMarca guilty cuss the question. Hartford Hospital to Dr. Walter Are you with voguVfiw the Ivy League shirt? a temporarv in.sanity plea. It on both the kidnaping and murder The IGY ia a worldwide coopera­ E. and Mrs. dtutafson, 9 Autumn SWEATER and materials. So cqme see our widely divided with France and The Americans want to push tive research program aim^' at Then meet Shipn Shore’s plth^perfect new edition! Britain on one side and .America claimed tfie 31-year-oid LaMarca charges.- That automatically through a common agreement for St., has been named Heidi l^mne. Narrow woven stripes...a aistom-fine lightweight oxford... collection of luxijribusly warm was a norfnal, hard-working hus­ doomed him to the eleptric chair. finding out more about the Earth Mrs. Gustafson was the former Their Christmas will be even merrier, with a gift on the other, have begun the heal­ action over Hungary's refusal to and the air around iL . in sudsable sharp-stroke coloiv^es 28 to 38. of a slip-on or a cardigan in lovely pastel shades. and cuddly robes made just for ing process so actively that one band and fattiei:;^ until last spring I Trial Judge Marjo Rittoni ached- i admit observers or to give Ham- Ethel E. Wood, daughter of Mr. 'when a burden oY mounting debts I tiled the senteficlh'g for Dec. 14. \ The rocket was launched by 'the and Mr*. Harry J. Wood of this Come Me mony more...broadcloths, ginghams^^rfm 2S8 Sizes 7 to-14. leisure hi^rs. All sizes. highly placed figure fn the organ­ m arskjold a definite answer when hTavy’s project Vanguard: which ization predicted: "It will be the drove him out of his mind. ] The sentence will be subject to I he could go in. town. The infant is their first child. automatic appeal, however, under] supimrts the Earfh satellite pro­ SLIP-ONS ...................................
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