Systematics, phylogeography and multiple origins of morphs in two species complexes belonging to Cistaceae, Helianthemum oelandicum and H. nummularium Soubani, Eman 2010 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Soubani, E. (2010). Systematics, phylogeography and multiple origins of morphs in two species complexes belonging to Cistaceae, Helianthemum oelandicum and H. nummularium. 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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Download date: 08. Oct. 2021 Systematics, phylogeography and multiple origins of morphs in two species complexes belonging to Cista- ceae, Helianthemum oelandicum and H. nummularium Eman Soubani book.indb 1 2010-06-14 10:50:21 Organization Document name LUND UNIVERSITY DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Date of issue Department of Biology October 7th 2010 Plant Ecology and Systematics Sölvegatan 37 Sponsoring organization SE-22362 Lund Author(s) Eman Soubani Title and subtitle Systematics, phylogeography and multiple origins of morphs in two species complexes belonging Systematics,tophylogeography Cistaceae, Helianthemumand multiple oelandicumorigins of andmorphs H. nummulariumin two species complexes belonging to Cistaceae, Helianthemum oelandicum and H. nummularium Abstract The Helianthemum oelandicum complexcomplex showsshows considerableconsiderable morphologicalmorphological variationvariation acrossacross itsits geographicgeographic distribution inin EuropeEurope andandwestern westernAsia. Asia. ByBy combining fourfour primerprimer pairspairs andandfour fourrestriction restrictionenzymes enzymesI I identified nineninecpDNA cpDNAhaplotypes haplotypeswith withdistinct distinctgeographical geographicaldistributions. distributions.Two Twohaplotypes haplotypeswere weremost mostfrequent frequent over most of the range; one in western Europe and oneone inin easterneastern Europe.Europe. Moreover,Moreover, differencesdifferences in haplotype composition were much more stronglystrongly pronounced ininthe thewest-east west-east directiondirectionthan thanin insouth-north south-northdirection. direction. There was no correlation between chloroplast haplotype and morphological variation. Parallel evolution in the There was no correlation between chloroplast haplotype and morphological variation. Parallel evolution in the regional populations produced similar morphologies without necessarily being closely related. The complex on regionalÖland is populationsrepresented byproducedtwo endemic similarand morphologiesallopatric varieties, without differingnecessarilyin beingflowering closelyphenology related. Theand complex on Ölandindumentum. is representedVariety byoelandicum two endemichas anda wide allopatricdistribution, varieties,while differingvar. canescens in floweringis restricted phenologyto small and indumenareas in the- tum.southernmost Variety oelandicumÖland. Only hastwo, a wideallopatrically distribution,distributed, while var.cpDNA canescenshaplotypes is restrictedare todetected small areasin the inpresent the southstudy.- ernmostThe border Öland.between Onlythe two,distributional allopatricallyareas distributed,of these two cpDNAhaplotypes haplotypesin southern are detectedÖland inis thedistinct presentand study.cuts The borderacross extensive,between themore distributionalor less continuous areas of populationsthese two haplotypesof var. oelandicum. in southernThis Ölandborder is distinctcoincides andwith cutsmarked across extensive,differences morein the orfrequency less continuousof hairy populationsand glabrous of var.plants. oelandicumThe phylogenetic. This borderanalysis coincidesof the withITS markedand cpDNA differ- encesrevealed in thepoorly frequencyresolved of treeshairyin andHelianthemum glabrous plants.oelandicum; The phylogenetictaxa were analysispolyphyletic. of the ITS and cpDNA revealed The H. nummularium complex is a morphologically variable species that has been subdivided into several poorly resolved trees in Helianthemum oelandicum; taxa were polyphyletic. SIS61 41 21 subspecies, primarily based on indumentum characters. I investigated five of these subspecies for variation in chloroplast The H. DNAnummulariumand leaf andcomplexpetal isshape a morphologicallyin Europe. The variablehighest specieshaplotype thatdiversity has beenwas subdividedfound in intothe Alpsseveraland subspecies,the surrounding primarilylowland basedareas, on indumentumwhereas marginal characters.areas such I investigatedas northern fiveEurope of theseand subspeciessoutheastern for Balkansvariationhad in chloroplastlow diversity. DNAMost andof leafthe commonand petal haplotypesshape in Europe.were shared The highestbetween haplotypesubspecies diversityand showed was foundgeographic in the Alps andstructures the surroundingacross the specieslowlandrange. areas, Leafwhereasand marginalpetal shape areasdescriptors such as northerncould not Europedifferentiate and southeasternbetween subspecies. Balkans hadIt is lowconcluded diversity.that Mostthe poorof thecorrespondence common haplotypesbetween werechloroplast shared betweenhaplotype subspeciesdistribution and andshowedsubspecies geographic structurescircumscription across isthedue speciesto multiple range. originsLeaf andof petalmorphologically shape descriptorssimilar couldmorphs not (groupeddifferentiateinto betweentaxonomic subspe- cies.subspecies) It is concludedin different thatparts the poorof the correspondencedistribution range betweenof the chloroplastcomplex. haplotype distribution and subspecies circumscription is due to multiple origins of morphologically similar morphs (grouped into taxonomic subspe- cies) in different parts of the distribution range of the complex. DOKUMENTDATABLAD enl Key words: HelianthemumHelianthemum oelandicumoelandicum,, H.H. nummulariumnummularium,, cpDNA,cpDNA, morphometry,morphometry, Pleistocene,Pleistocene, geneticgenetic poly- morphism,polymorphism, parallelparallel evolution,evolution, introgression,introgression, postglacialpostglacial migratmigration.ion. Classification system and/or index termes (if any): Supplementary bibliographical information: Language English ISSN and key title: ISBN 978-91-7105-311-4 Recipient’s notes Number of pages Price 178 Security classification Distribution by (name and address) I, the undersigned, being the copyright owner of the abstract of the above-mentioned dissertation, hereby grant to all reference sources permission to publish and disseminate the abstract of the above-mentioned dissertation. June 7th 2010 Signature ____________________________________ Date_______________________ Eman Soubani book.indb 2 2010-06-14 10:50:22 Systematics, phylogeography and multiple origins of morphs in two species complexes belonging to Cista- ceae, Helianthemum oelandicum and H. nummularium. Eman Soubani ACADEMIC DISSERTATION For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Ecology and Systematics, to be pu- blicly defended on October, 7th 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in Blå Hallen at the Department of Biology, Ecology Building, Sölvegatan 37, Lund, by permission of the Faculty of Science at the University of Lund. The thesis will be defended in English. Faculty opponent: Dr. Bente Eriksen Molau, Department of Plant and Environmental, Faculty of Sci- ence, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Lund 2010 Eman Soubani book.indb 3 2010-06-14 10:50:22 A doctoral thesis at a university in Sweden is produced either as a monograph or as a collection of papers. In the latter case, the introductory part constitutes the formal thesis, which summarizes the accompanying papers. These have either already been published or are manuscripts at various stages (in press, submitted, or manuscript) Photo on the front cover is provided by Marie Widén and the photos on the back cover and chapter separator are provided by Björn Widén and the author. Layout: Johan Cedervall © Eman Soubani ISBN 978-91-7105-311-4 Printed by Tryckeriet i E-huset, Lund Eman Soubani book.indb 4 2010-06-14 10:50:22 The thesis is based on the following papers, which are referred by their Roman nume- rals. I Widén B, Hedrén M and Soubani E. Phylogeography of the European rock rose Helianthemum oelandicum complex (Cistaceae) - clear geographic struc- turing of chloroplast DNA haplotypes and multiple allopatric origins of morp- hospecies. Submitted II Soubani E, Hedrén M and Widén B. Colonization, establishment and in- trogressive hybridization between two post-glacial immigration lineages of Helianthemum oelandicum (Cistaceae) on the Baltic island, Öland, Sweden: evidence from chloroplast DNA haplotype and indumentum data. Submitted III Soubani E, Hedrén M and Widén B.
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