Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 2-12-1997 Arbiter, February 12 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at archives@boisestate.edu. i l ~ .t. r ( 4 f ~ iJ )/ "\ , •, I I ; , I I .! I ; 'I, ~. ____________________ ------WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY12,1997 THEARBITER with merit or performance shall be prohibited." "Silence on the part of the university on issues of Administration should ad intolerance for sexual minorities or anyone else tends to The wording does not define sexual orientation as an indicate complicity and tacit agreement. We sincerely irrelevant factor. If that wording had been added to the on amended anti- hope that this is not the position of Dr. Ruch and his current policy, who would decide what an irreleva~t fac- discrimination policy administration." tor is? It matters little now, as nothing was ever decided The amendment continued to collect dust for several on. This week, five years will have passed since the orig- Last week, ASBSU senators passed Resolution 8, months, until it was replaced with another. inal amendment was sent to the President's Office. As which would include sexual orientation in BSU's anti- In fall 1995 the senate passed Resolution 3 as a Dan Tidrington wrote to end his letter two years ago, discrimination policy. There must have been an reminder that "it is still our responsibility to "Dr. Ruch, we cannot wait forever." odd feeling of deja vu in the Senate Forum So m e provide a viable anti-discrimination that day. Resolution 8 represents an western higheredu- clause relevant to every individual ongoing stuggle to convince the BSU cation institutions which . and group on campus." Editorials reflect the opinions of The Arbiter's sec- administration to protect gay stu- • have.incl~de.d.s~xu.alo.rientat~o.n The following spring tion editors. dents just as it protects everyone tn the" ami-discrimination policies: President Ruch, along with else. 20 campuses of California State University COUnselAmanda Back in 1992 the ASBSU University, all 9 campuses of University of Horton, struggled Senate passed Resolution 30 to California, Colorado State University, with Affirmative IIJillD~@ encourage the late BSU Oregon State University, Portland State Action Director ~~~~~_..l..2···UL"';:21/fr.z:;E!!gijll!lJl!·.·il.1liiiiiiiiiiiiiii President Larry Selland to inl- University, University of Arizona, Betty Hecker on . e ']ijH*iRhr&1fuEZ;;~;0'· · cude sexual orientation with the University of Montana, University of how to word the "plnlon cheaters give Generation X a worse name. list of other protected groups in Oregon, University of Utah, amendm~nt. the university's anti-descrimina- University of Washington, According to. tion policy. Washington State University ASBSU Senate min- Years passed. Nothing was done. and Id h St t utes from its Feb. 6, a 0 a e 1996 . "~h Thanksgiving break may gain an extra day. U. meeting, I e On Feb. 15, 1995, The Arbiter pub- niversity. University (Ruch and Horton) lished a letter from Dan Tidrington, the presi- is reluctant to use the wording 'sexual . dent of BGLAD, who made a passionate plea to orientation' but chooses to protect rights in President Ruch for a response. other ways. They (Ruch and Horton) worked A trip to Baja. Tidrington wrote, "An amendment to the University- on alternate wording to be approved by the wide non-discrimination statement specifically address- Affirmative Action office." ing sexual orientation has been sitting on Dr. Ruch's This alternate wording to protect people . 8~illBQQtenanny desk at least since November of 1994, and yet the Art students donate work to benefit AlDS. who are gay, lesbian or bisexual reads, "It is administration has failed to enact the amended non-dis- the policy of Boise State University that mak- crimination statement. ... ing decisions relating to education, employ- "We wonder if Boise State University values its com- ment, or access to programs, facilities or ser- Gymnasts set record; women's basketball munity members who are sexual minorities, and if so, vices on the basis of irrelevant factors or per- wins 2. why it does not support us .... sonal characteristics that have no connection The Arbiter is the official student newspaper of Boise State University. Its mission is to provide a forum for the discussion of issues impacting the campu~ and the community. The Arbiter's budget consistsof fees paid by students of BSUand advertising sales. The paper is distributed to the campus and community on Wednesdays during the school year. The first copy is free. Additional copies cost ~ER S1 each, payable at TheArbiter offices. • FIRST COpy FREE -, .' .'. NAMED BEST FOUR-YEA~ NON·~AILY TABLOID IN THE NATJON . 1910UniversityDrive,Boise, Idaho 83725 THE STAFF Editor in Chief Kate Neilly Bell Business Manager Chris Adams News Editor Asencion Phone -(208l345·8204Fax- (2G8)385-~198 Ramirez Hootenanny Editor Josh Casten Sports Editor Amy Butler H,ealth/Beauty /Fashion Editor Ariel Spaeth Out of Doors Editor Clint Miller E.mail· ••- .•.orbiter@)c.lav~n.idbsu.edu Opinion Editor KellyMillington Online Editor Mike Moore Art Director Jonathon H. Smith Photo Editor Kara Brown Ad Designer Brenda Zipfel Advertising Manager Matt . ~~1~;}~~~~4~cv~1'idbsu.edu Potte.nger Local ~dvertising Sales Sean P. Murphy Staff Writers Erin Burden, Angela .News:,News@d~v~nJdbsu.edu Colellck, J~rod J. DiCk,Mary Doherty, Matthew Haynes, Erica Hill, Mark Holladay, Seth Jaquith, Dan RobbinS, Mark Taylor Columnists Melissa Albert, Damon Hunzeker, Jennifer Ledford l~!t~r~!~~!~f~~~(~~~~'doven.idbsu.eduP.hotographers Ronny J. Grooms, Rick Kosarich, Shawn Records Cartoonists EricEllis,Brent Enterfainnient:Arts@c!avenJdbsu.edu Ir!sh Computer ~ystems Administrator Mark Holladay Circulation Emic Figueras, Uuis Al'tS<and. Figueras Reception Yvette Bryant, Katy Petty Editorial Adviser Peter Wollheim Business Adviser William Hart 'BITER o'the Week .:;:;g,'r Thisweek's 'Biter ofth; Week is Brenda Zipfel, our advertising designer. The ads she designs look great and are always the right size, which is greatly appreciated by those of us who paste up the paper on Sunday nights. .' I"~,"_-..iI!I,.,_!',!iI._III"III.II. ~~"'''-----------1II!II'''1II!l.•41111,..1I!I.. ''.,.-.1IIII!I1IIII-''~--------------- __ ....._w_"'!!05!,.... __ ~~~~~ .~------, ,=.:,,, r, ~,,,:.;:,,,,,.,...,.,.,.,,., _______________________ OPINION3 THEARBITER WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1997 hasn't subsided. But I'm somewhat consoled, because I in the middle of the 0 in OJ.-just one of the many suddenly realized I know precisely what I was doing things he's done to make him my favorite murderer. My favorite when OJ. Simpson led the LAPD on that famous slow- He was found liable on all counts in the civil trial, speed chase. I was ditching his shoes in a garbage can. and perhaps that should diminish his status as my murderer Incidentally, if you're going to lead the LAPD on a favorite murderer. But it doesn't because he handled it 70-mile chase, remember to speed. Come on, pick it up. so well. He walked into court every day with a crowd of by Damon M. Hunzeker The cops are used to it. What was that 40 miles per hour unemployed folks yelling, "Killer! Butcherl Freak! crap? You suck!" OJ. simply waved and smiled. Then, during the trial, he was accused of owning a pair of the shoes Maybe this national obsession with OJ. is a waste of that left footprints at the crime scene. He said, "I time, but I'm not ashamed. For nearly a year, I was I used to be jealous of the generation that remem- wouldn't wear those ugly-ass shoes." That cracks me recumbent upon the couch, starting with the criminal bered exactly what they were doing when JFK was shot. up. In a way, my trial. I subscribe to the Kato Kaelin newsletter. Hell, I By the way, what the hell are Bruno Magli shoes, jealousy even bought the Lance Ito lunch box. anyway? Isn't Bruno Magli a professional wrestler? Or /l \) But you have to admire a guy who basically decapi- maybe he was the guy Pop eye used to fight. ! ~ tates two perfectly good people, drops his glove at the murder scene, walks to his Bronco leaving a trail of Anyway, now that OJ. is financially destitute and \/~./\ with a severely tarnished reputation, people are wonder- I ~ , bloody footprints, gets in the Bronco, smears his \ I bloody hands all over the console, throws away his ing what he'll do next. I don't know, but I have a sug- 'f: : I clothes arid the knife, drives home, takes a shower, gestion. " I I " \ ! ; shoots a few golf balls in his backyard, takes a He needs to get back into acting. So I think he should II ,"II, limo to the airport, flies to Chicago, gets arrested kill Michael Richards, the guy who plays Kramer on for the murders, spends about a year in the Seinfeld. Then, when they hold auditions for someone to l /\ '; hoosegow, writes a book, gets acquitted on all replace Richards in the Kramer role, OJ. should seize \{, I 1 charges, goes home, makes a video on how to kill the day. He would be perfect for the part. Imagine this' )1 . ! people, and then hosts a few benefits for battered scene: George, Elaine, and Jerry are standing in Jerry's women at his house.
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