NOVEMBER 1973 THE PROPHECY OF EZEKIEL CHARLES LEE FEINBERG In this extensive work, Dr. Feinberg has provided a valuable, chapter by chapter commentary on Ezekiel. Each chapter in the author's book parallels the same chapter in Ezekiel, with helpful comments and guidance throughout. Vague portions and controversial sections are given extensive treatment, not only offering the author's viewpoint but also expanding upon other possible interpretations. Each chapter begins with a brief outline and background material describing the time in which Ezekiel was writing, his subject in the chapter, and other pertinent information. Complete references and suggestions for additional sources of information give added importance to this seldom studied book. Egypt, Gog and Magog, Palestine, the valley of dry bones, the hidden church age — all receive careful and accurate representation. Ideal not only as a text, THE PROPHECY OF EZEKIEL, is a must for church libraries, pastors, teachers, professors and students of prophecy. This work will no doubt become the standard work in its field. American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. P. 0. Box 1331, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 07632 Please send me THE PROPHECY OF EZEKIEL by Dr. Charles Lee Feinberg. I enclose $4.95 for each copy. NAME ADDRESS C 1 TY/STATE/Z I P Editorial teacher. There was always a guide to words were spoken by God Himself. the correctness of the context. In addition, these words were written D EARLY BELOVED FRIENDS: by God Himself (Ex. 34:1). The name of God discloses His There are four consonants in the He- The Law is righteous, just, and holy character. One of the distinctive fea- brew name for Jehovah-YHVH. How- but it contains one inherent weakness: tures of Israel's faith is great reverence ever, this Name was so sacred that it does not impart either the will or the of God's name. In modern usage one's when it was read it was never pro- power to obey. God the Father wrote name is merely a label, but in the nounced; instead, another name of the Ten Commandments. God the Son Bible usage, a person's "self" was ex- God, Adonai, was substituted. also wrote (Sec John 8:3-11) while pressed by his name. This is especially Later, probably during the early some were condemning a woman who true of God's name. However, since middle ages the rabbis invented a had broken one of these laws. What God's nature is also revealed in His scheme of diacritical marks which were our Lord wrote we can only conjec- name He must have many names. Last added to the letters of the Hebrew THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ture, but He gave not only forgiveness month we introduced our studies of text to indicate the correct pronunci- This plaque is near the top of the but power to overcome. "Neither do I the Names of God to our Chosen ation of a Hebrew word. However, central column of the Knesset Menorah condemn thee: go, and sin no more" People family. This month we will the Name, YHVH, was never pro- in Jerusalem. Its position aptly shows (John 8:11). study one name of God—Jehovah. nounced, instead Adonai was used. First, some facts concerning the the importance of the Law in Jewish FOR WHAT THE LAW The rabbis wrote the vowels of Adonai name "Jehovah." It is by far the most thinking and theology. COULD NOT DO, IN THAT instead. When the translators came to frequently used of the names of God There are two tablets in accordance IT WAS WEAK THROUGH this Name they combined the conso- in the Scriptures. It occurs 6,823 times. with Exodus 34:1. THE FLESH, GOD SENDING nants of YHVH with the vowels of In the Authorized Version it is almost And he hewed two tables of stone HIS OWN SON IN THE LIKE- Adonai and the result was YaHoVaH always rendered LORD in capital let- like unto the first; and Moses rose NESS OF SINFUL FLESH. or Jehovah. Most modern scholars tend ters. (There are exceptions when it is up early in the morning, and went AND FOR SIN, CONDEMNED to pronounce this name as YAHWEH. joined to Adonai. Then it is rendered up unto mount Sinai, as the LORD SIN IN THE FLESH; THAT This pronunciation may or may not be "Lord God" (Adonai Jehovah). Al- had commanded him, and took in THE RIGHTEOUSNESS 0 F correct. We know only one thing and though it is the most frequently used his hand the two tables of stone THE LAW MIGHT BE FUL- that is that the correct pronunciation name of God we don't absolutely know (Exodus 34:4). FILLED IN US, WHO WALK is not Jehovah! its correct pronunciation. The Hebrew NOT AFTER THE FLESH, These ten commandments were language originally had no vowels. The BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT (RO- unique. The rest of the law was given alphabet has 22 letters which are all MANS 8:3,4). The Meaning of the Name—Jehovah to Israel by God through Moses. These consonants. Naturally this presented many difficulties in communication. While we do not know the correct THE CHOSEN PEOPLE is published monthly, September to June, as a medium of infor- For example, take two letters: "B" and pronunciation of the Name, Jehovah, mation concerning the Jews, Israel and the work of the "D." Unless we are given the correct we can be fairly sure of its meaning. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS, INC. vowel we can choose: bad, bade, bed, It is generally regarded as derived 460 Sylvan Avenue • Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 07632 bead, bid, abide, abode, bud, ibid, etc., from the verb "to be," and some CopyrightC 1973 by the American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. Not to he etc., without changing the order of the scholars suggest that it means "I am, reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher. Second Class postage letters. A Jewish lad would be taught paid at Englewood Cliffs, N.J. and at additional mailing offices. was, and will be"—anticipating, the correct word and its pronunciation from the very beginnings of the di- 20 cents a copy VOL. LXXIX NO. 3 • NOVEMBER 1973 $2 a year by his father who was usually his first vine self-revelation to man, the ma- 1 God which is far beyond our under- the listeners thought about our Lord's standing. I AM THAT I AM. God claim. The penalty for blasphemy was has revealed Himself to us in His death by stoning. Name and we shall never, even in Then took they up stones to cast at eternity, exhaust the truths of this him: but Jesus hid himself, and revelation. This is the name of God went out of the temple, going which the rabbis aptly call "the in- through the midst of them, and so effable name." passed by (John 8:59). Just a word of caution! Based on a God Has Revealed Himself in His Son misunderstanding of this Scripture an- God has revealed Himself in His other has arisen. It is often said that Word, in His Name, and in His Son, the Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus, Whose very Name is an abbre- the Lord Jesus Christ of the New viation of Jehoshuah, "The LORD the Testament. We must realize that the Savior. name Jehovah is also applied to God There was a time during the minis- the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. try of our Lord when He also revealed This truth, however, does not in any His name! Our Lord said, "Your father way diminish the truth that when our Abraham rejoiced to see my day and Lord Jesus said, "Before Abraham Michael Angelo's "God's Creation of Adam" was glad" (John 8:56). When did was, I am" He equated Himself with Abraham rejoice to see our Lord's the Jehovah Who revealed Himself to day? I believe that it was when his Moses at the burning bush. He is the jestic title ascribed to Him by the And Moses said unto God, Behold. only son Isaac was returned to him Living One. His enemies could not heavenly host: "Holy, holy, holy, when I come unto the children of and God provided "himself a lamb." stone Him to death. He voluntarily Lord God Almighty, which was, and Israel, and shall say unto them, The However that may be, the people died for our sins at Calvary but He is, and is to come" (Rev.4:8). That God of your fathers hath sent me rejected our Lord's statement: arose from the dead and is alive for- is disputable, however, Dr. Camp- unto you; and they shall say to me, Then said the Jews unto him, Thou evermore. He is, He was, and He is to bell Morgan—in accord with the What is his name? what shall I say are not yet fifty years old, and halt come! views of most Hebrew scholars— unto them? thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto Faithfully yours in His service, used to affirm that it is not part of And God said unto Moses, I AM them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, • the verb "to be," but of the verb, THAT I AM: and he said, Thus Before Abraham was, I am (John "to become," and that "its real sig- shalt thou say unto the children of 8:57, 58). Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. nificance is its revelation of God be- "Before Abraham was, I am." Im- coming what His people need in or- (Exodus 3:13, 14).
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