GATT BIBLIOGRAPHY: SECOND SUPPLEMENT June 1955 - June 1956 GATT Secretariat Villa Le Bocage Falais des Nations Geneva Switzerland August 1956 MGT/103/56 MGT/103/56 Page 1 GATT BIBLIOGRAPHY: SECOND SUPPLEMENT INTRODUCTION The GATT Bibliography was first published in March 1954 and covered the period from 1947 to the end of 1953. The First Supplement, which was published in August 1955, listed the books, pamphlets, articles and peri­ odicals, newspaper reports and editorials and miscellaneous material in­ cluding texts of lectures, which were noted during the period from January 1954 to June 1955. A number of items falling within the earlier period, but not recorded in the original Bibliography, were added. This Second Supplement ccTors the period from June 1955 to June 1956 and also includes some items which were not recorded in the original Biblio­ graphy nor in the First Supplements It should be noted that the section of the original Bibliography dealing with the Text of the General Agreement has not been brought up to date because this material together with other official GATT publications, is fully dealt with in the List of Official Material relating to the Gener­ al Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, obtainable free of charge from the secretariat. The eighth edition of this List was issued in June 1956. MGT/103/56 Page 2 1950 Tullar kontra frilistning. Aktuella tullfragor infdr Torquay. Svensk Utrikeshandel (Stockholm) 1 June 1950. 1951 o Tredje gangon GATT. Torquaykonferensens facit pë. gott och ont. Svenak Utrikeshandel (Stockholm) 1 May 1951. 1953 Checklist of selected publications relating to the Unitod States tariff and commercial policy and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trado. September 1953. 6 p. U.S. Tariff Commission, Washington. 1954 Aschingor, F. Das klinftige Regime der Zahlungs-und Handelsrestriktionen: die Revision der GATT-Regeln. Neue lurcher Zeitung (Zurich) 25.0ktober 1954. Jensen, J. GATT-revisionen. Tidsskrift for industri (K^benhavn) 15 November 1954. January 1955 Flogel, S. Zasjedanje GATT -au Zenevi. Robni promet (Zagreb), January 1955. Die internationale wirtschaftspolitische Entwicklung und die_Stellung der Schweiz (Konvertibilitët, Handelsliberalisierung, GATT) /discussion at the 197th meeting of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Zurich, 28 January 1955? MGT/103/56 Page 3 Ocherednaia sessiia stran - uchastnits Obshego Soglasheniia o Tarifakh i Torgovle. Vneshniaia torgovlia (Moskva) ianvar 1955. Outlook for the GATT. Economic weekly (Bombay) 26 January 1955. February 1955 Erhardj L. The GATT: international clearinghouse' of trade policies. Pakistan economist (Karachi) 25 February 1955» March 1_9_55 Det nya GATT-avtalot. Am^rsvarldon (Stockholm) 31 March 1955. Faniel, R.H, Les accords gouvernementaux sur les matières premières et la stabilisation de l'économie.. Revue dos sciences économiques (Liège) mars 1955e Ford, E. British African territories' role in world trade; contribution to solution of the dollar problem< African world (London) March 1955. /Based on the GATT report,/ GATT into OTC. Economist (London) 12 March 1955. Jacchia, E. Accordi (e compromissi) alia conferonza per il GATT. Mondo economico (Milano) 26 marzo 1955. Nytt GATT - nya kompromisser. Svensk Utrikeshandel (Stockholm) 31 March 1955. Report to the Secretary of State by the Chairman of the United States dele­ gation to the ninth session of the Contracting Partios, held at Geneva, 28 October 1954 - 7 March 1955, Introduction and Part I (53 pages) and Part II (42 pages). /Part I it a survey of the Review of the Agreement. Part II describes the'regular business of the ninth session. Mimeo­ graphed. No date, no reference number./ Uno studio del GATT sullo rolaziom trà situazione oconomica interna ed importazicni dall?ostero negli Stati Uniti. Rassegna economica, (Roma) marzo-aprile 1955, MGT/103/56 Page 4 April 1955 GATT-aftalen revideret. Tidsskrift for industri (Kjzfoenhavn) 1 and 15 April 1955. The GATT and the OTC. The national voter (Washington) 1 and 15 April 1955. GATT in a new guise. Monthly bulletin, Empire industries association and British Empire league (London) April 1955. The GATT to-day. External affairs (Ottawa) April 1955. The ninth session of the GAIT. Economic bulletin, commercial bank of Greece (Athens) April 1955. La nona sessione del GATT. Relazioni internazionali (Milano) 2 aprile 1955. El nuevo GATT y la Qrganizacion de cooopracion comercial. Mercado do valores (Mexico) 4 abril 1955. Results of GATT review, India's st-^.dpoint explained. Journal of industry and trade (New Delhi) April 1955, The revised tariff and trade agreement. ¥orld wool digest (London), 27 April 1955. May_1955 Adhésion ovurrtualle de la Suisse au GATT et participation de notre pays à la prochaine conférence douanière. (Circulaire aux sections do l'Union suisse du commerce et de l'industrie» 3 mai 1955.) Bielak, S. Genewska sesja GATT, ^ycie gospodarze (Warszawa) 17 May 1955. GATT review. Current_-iotes on international affairs (Canberra) May 1955. General iigreement on Tariffs and Trade, World alliance news letter (New York) May 1955. Liboralisierung fur wen? Zu don Krgeonissen der neunten GATT-Tagung. Aussenhandel (Berlin) 26,Mai 1955- Lyubimov, N. Tariffs and trade. .News (Moscow) May 1955. Mostin, A. L'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Revue de l'agriculture (Bruxelles) mai 1955, hLrï/i.03/56 Page 5 Ninth session of the GATT: Pakistan's proposal accepted. Pakistan review (Lahore) May 1955. La nouvelle organisation du GATT. Nea oikonomia. (Athènes) mai 1955. /Text in Greek.7 La novena reunion de las partes contratantes del GATT. Revista de la bolaa de comercio (Montevideo) 31 mayo 1955. La reforma del GATT. Revista, Banco de la Republica (Bogota) mayo 1955. La revision del Acuèrdo general sobre aranceles y comercio. Revista, Banco nacional do Cuba (La Habana) mayo de 1955. Wyndham White, Eric. Les realisations du GATT. L'Europe naissante (Rome) mai-juin 1955. Yoshida, M. America's foreign trade policy and the GATT. Kokumin-keizaizasshi (Kobe) May 1955. /Text in Japanese/ June 1955 Barkway, M. GATT revised. International .journal (Toronto) No.3, Summer 1955. The Eighth report of the United States Tariff Commission on the operation of the Trade Agreements Program. Published by the United States Tariff Commission (Washington). Juno 1955. /Contains an extensive chapter in which each of the proposed amondments to the GATT, resulting from the review of the Agreemont, is analyzed. In addition, there is an analysis of the structure and functions of the OTC. Another chapter examines the developments during the period under review (July 1954- - June 1955) re­ lating to the general provisions and administration of the GATT. In this section practically every action taken or decision reached by the Contrac­ ting Parties is analyzed.7 Hoffman, Michael L. GATT drafts flexible plan for reductions of tariffs. New York times, 25 June 1955. Das neue GATT - Portschritt oder RUckschritt? Wpohenberiqhfc» Deutsches Institut fUr Wirtschaftsforscnung (MUnchen) 10. Juni 1955. La neuvième séance du GATT. Nea oikonomia (Athènes) juin-juillet 1955. ^Text in Greek.7 Partners in world trade - the goal of the GATT. U.S. Department of State (Washington). Publication 5879, commercial policy series 148, June 1955. MGT/103/56 Page 6 Protocolli di modifica dell'.«.c cor do générale. Parti contraenti, noria sessi­ ons. Ministero del commercio don l'cstero, Direzione générale per i piani degli scambi Con l'estero o per gli affari doganali. Giugno 1955. /Contains tho texts, in parallel columns, of the current and of the re­ vised General Agreement in the French language, and the Protocols oponod for signature at the end of the ninth session. 91p.7 Resolution of the American Bar Association disapproving the bill H.R. 5550 which authorizes the U.S. President to accept membership in the Organiza­ tion for Trade Cooperation, 23 June 1955. Mimeographed, 6 p. Revision of the GATT. Information service, National farmers' union (London) Juno-July 1955„ Speech by the Minister for trade nnd customs on the White Paper on GATT. Canberra. 2 June 1955„ Mimoographod, 17p. The story behind GATT. Fa ;ts about the GATT and the OTC. Published by the American Tariff League (New York) summer 1955, 63p. Les travaux de la neuvième session d^ GATT . Bulletin, Conseil national du patronat français (Paris) juin 1955, Villars, J. La conférence du GATT. Cahiers internationaux (Paris) juin 1955. July 1Q55 L'accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Vie économique et sociale (Anvers) juillet-septembre 1955. Analysis of tariff concessions exchanged by India with cthor contracting parties. July 1955. Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry. 143p. /appendices I-VII contain statistics regarding imports and exports in Î948--49, 1952-53 and 1953-54 of items covered by concessions exchanged at Geneva.. Annecy and Torquay,? Kover, J.FC L'activité va reprendre à Genève pour la ry/ision des tarifs douaniers. Le^..ondo (Paris) 17 juillet 1955c Luke, R.E, Sonderaitzurg des G.\TT? Ausnahme-Antrage sollen umgehend be- handelt werden. Volkswirt (Frankfurt) 2., Juli 1955. Russian trade gesture - Havana Charter idea revived. The Times (London) 15 July 1955, Thibodeaux, B.H„ The foreign trade policy of the United States. Depart­ ment of State bulletin (Washington/ 18 July 1955. MGT/103/56 Page 7 August 1955 Analysis of the United States Trade agreements Extension Act of 1955. United States Council of the International Chamber of Commerce. Now York. August 1955. 12p, /Examines the powers of the President to reduce tariffs under the above ^.ctjj Anderson, R.W.C., Assistant director, Associated chambers of manufactures of Australia, Canberra. The GATT experiment. An observation on some of the amendments agreed to by member countries at the ninth session of the GATT. November 1954 - March 1955. 3 August 1955. /Mimeographed, 8p_j7 Béguin, Bernard. Le Japon entre au GATT-club. Journal de Geneve, 12 août 1955. Considérations sociales sur l'accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Labor (Bruxelles) juillet-août 1955. GATT and India's gains and losses.
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