8238 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 6 March 28, 2007 Chris fought to save the lives of hundreds— School system, graduating from Midwood High IN REFERENCE TO THE COOPER American and Iraqi alike. It was from his expe- School. She also attended Brooklyn College’s RIVER 10K BRIDGE RUN riences there that he recently published the prominent Medical Science Institute. She later book, ‘‘Made a Difference for That One: A received her bachelor of arts degree from HON. MIKE FERGUSON Surgeon’s Letters Home From Iraq.’’ Temple University, where she carried a double OF NEW JERSEY As a doctor and surgeon, Chris has wit- major and a minor. In 1999, she was accepted IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nessed a myriad of incidents and battled to to the prestigious University of London in save the lives of countless patients. Even with Great Britain, where she pursued a master of Wednesday, March 28, 2007 all of his experience, Chris was unsure of arts degree. Mr. FERGUSON. Madam Speaker, I rise what he might find waiting for him in Iraq. He Olanike Alabi is currently employed by Local today to honor one of my constituents, Mi- began writing to his wife, Meredith, and family 1199 of the SEIU United Healthcare Workers chael L. Drozd of Hillsborough, New Jersey. as a way to purge the horrific scenes he saw East as an assistant to the president. There, He is dedicating his time and efforts to an im- day in and day out. Chris wrote about every she also participates in a voluntary voter-reg- portant cause. On March 31, Michael will be aspect of the war—from what he was eating to istration program as well as political campaign running in the Cooper River 10K Bridge Run descriptions of the patients he was treating. events. to support the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. One of the most telling letters described his This fund provides financial assistance to Ms. Alabi has received certificates and experience with two young girls whose home Marines in combat and training and to their awards from such organizations as the Family had been fire bombed. Both burned badly, families. Since its inception in May 2004 and Support Resources Group; the Training Chris and the surgical team fought to save through the end of last year, the Injured Ma- and Employment Council (TEC) Brooklyn; the them—unfortunately they lost one. In a twist of rine Semper Fi Fund has provided more than Access Fund, an organization dedicated to fate, Chris also saved the life of a man whom $8 million to our wounded heroes. providing scholarships for students attending he later discovered was responsible for the At 23 years old, Michael has served in the institutions of higher learning; a Great Force bombing of the girls’ home. Army, Navy, and the Marines. Michael is a Partner Award from former Congressman Meredith saved all of Chris’s letters, often senior First Classman who will be commis- Major Owens; a Woman of the Year Award sharing them with their three sons and other sioned as Second Lieutenant in the Marine from State Senator John Sampson; and I have family members. Chris is one of my cousins Corps when he graduates from the Citadel in presented Ms. Alabi with a Community Service and I received a package from his parents May. He is the only Marine representative Award for her outstanding work in the commu- containing some of his letters. I was touched, Cadet from New Jersey participating in the run nity. not only by his description of his experience, and will be running in battle dress uniform, but by the dedication and commitment he Additionally, she has established herself as combat boots, and wearing a 50-pound showed to his own mission. I was proud to a fighter for justice. In June of 2003, after rucksack. discover that, upon his return home, Chris and being fired from her job as the District Man- I’d like to commend Michael not only for his Meredith decided to publish this poignant col- ager for CB No. 2, she filed an Article 78 pro- selflessness and service to our country but lection of letters and use the book as a means ceeding at the Kings County Supreme Court also for his commitment and dedication to to further support members of our military and and was granted a favorable, unanimous deci- such a worthy cause. It is truly inspiring to see their families. sion from a panel of judges at the Appellate a young person like Michael give so much of All of the proceeds from the sales of ‘‘Made Division, 2nd Department in April of 2005. Her their time and energy to help others in need. a Difference’’ will be donated to the Fisher lawsuit resulted in her reinstatement with com- f House Foundation, an organization which sup- pensation and the City of New York issuing ports America’s military and their families in proper procedures for terminating a commu- HONORING GENERAL AND MRS. times of need. Because members of the mili- nity board employee. In June of 2004, she MICHAEL L. OATES tary and their families are stationed worldwide filed a New York State Division of Housing and must often travel great distances for spe- and Community Renewal (DHCR) proceeding HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN cialized medical care, Fisher House Founda- against a Brooklyn-based property owner and OF TENNESSEE tion donates ‘‘comfort homes,’’ built on the was successful in the venture in March of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2005. grounds of major military and VA medical cen- Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ters. These homes enable family members to She continues to be featured as a public be close to a loved one at the most stressful speaker at events celebrating women’s his- Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Speaker, I times—during the hospitalization for an unex- tory, school graduations, chemical depend- would like to take a moment today to honor pected illness, disease, or injury. ency programs, and college fairs, and as a the service of BG Michael L. Oates as he As a husband, father, doctor, surgeon, and moderator for political debates, some of which leaves the 101st Airborne Division, Air As- Air Force Major, Chris has touched countless were most recently aired on Manhattan Neigh- sault, and the Fort Campbell community. He lives—exemplifying the very spirit of Xavier’s borhood Network (MNN). She was recently has been selected for promotion to Major educational mission and I cannot think of a elected as the state committeewomen (district General and will soon take on even greater more fitting recognition than the Saint Francis leader) of the 57th A.D. challenges and responsibilities as he assumes command of the 10th Mountain Division, Light Xavier Award. It is with great pride that I rise Finally, her primary interests include public Infantry, in Fort Drum, NY. This new assign- today to join all of those gathered to join his service, international affairs, labor, industrial ment is further evidence that General Oates is wife, Meredith, his parents, Dr. Paul and Ei- relations and education. She enjoys reading, among the most capable and trusted officers leen Coppola, family, friends, and Xavier High writing and traveling. Her church, organiza- in our Army today. School in congratulating Dr. Christopher tional board and memberships include: Em- In early 2005, General Oates was at the Coppola on this very special occasion. manuel Baptist Church in Brooklyn, Board for forefront as the Screaming Eagles returned to f the Education of People of African Ancestry, Iraq, taking control of four volatile provinces. the Community Advisory Board of the Cum- A TRIBUTE TO OLANIKE T. ALABI The Division would later gain responsibility for berland Diagnostic and Treatment Center, training Iraqi forces in two additional provinces League of Women Voters, Schomburg Center and would participate in security operations in HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS for Research in Black Culture, Church Women Baghdad itself. The 101st was given a series OF NEW YORK United, Inc., and a host of other local and civic of difficult missions, and performed each of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES organizations. them well. Wednesday, March 28, 2007 Madam Speaker, I would like to recognize General Oates was also instrumental to the Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Ms. Alabi and all of her hard work and the continuing transformation of Fort Campbell. to pay tribute to Ms. Olanike T. Alabi, who is precedents she has set. Soldiers returning from service in Iraq were the proud daughter of immigrants who came Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to greeted by new training facilities, new infra- to the United States several decades ago. She join me in paying tribute to Ms. Olanike T. structure, new barracks, and first-class hous- is a product of the New York City Public Alabi. ing for their families. VerDate Nov 24 2008 15:07 Apr 16, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E28MR7.000 E28MR7 emcdonald on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with BOUND RECORD March 28, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 6 8239 A deployment leaves behind thousands of CELEBRATING THE 125TH ANNI- credit to himself and the United States Air family members who must daily confront the VERSARY OF THE GARFIELD MA- Force. stress and hardship of having a loved one at SONIC LODGE f war. Barbara Oates has been a cornerstone of Fort Campbell’s efforts to take care of these CELEBRATING THE 136TH HON. JOHN E. PETERSON ANNIVERSARY OF KERNERSVILLE families. I have great admiration for her lead- OF PENNSYLVANIA ership and value her friendship.
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