Black Hills National Forest Historical Collection, 2016 Accession - Custer Office Series V. Photographic Materials FS File Estimated Location Description Known Dates Code Dates 1930s Dust Bowl Photographs & Related Newspaper 2016A FC42.D3.F49 1640 1934-2006 Clipping 2016A FC42.D3.F50 1640 Miscellaneous Historic Photographs 1874-1969 Badlands, Rosebud Reservation, Farm Island 2016A FC42.D3.F52 1640 1919-1936 photographs 2016A FC42.D3.F54 1640 Cambria Unit - V Ranch, Black Hills photograph 1936 Graves of 2 Custer Expedition Soldiers, Inyan Kara 2016A FC42.D3.F56 1640 Mtn in background, photograph Proposed South Fork of South Rapid Camp Ground 2016A FC42.D3.F60 1640 1926 photograph Proposed Stover (Slover?) Camp Ground 2016A FC42.D3.F61 1640 1926 photograph Proposed Location of Y.M.C.A. Camp in Connection 2016A FC42.D3.F63 1640 with the Proposed Glendale Military Academy, 1911 Pennington County 2016A FC42.D3.F68 1640 Cone Drying photograph 2016A FC42.D3.F70 1640 Northern Hills District photographs 1900-1948 2016A FC42.D3.F71 1640 Miscellaneous photographs 2016A FC42.D3.F74 1640 Bottle & Maker's Mark negatives 2016A FC42.D3.F76 1640 Leland D. Case photographs 1976-1977 2016A FC42.D3.F77 1640 Burn, Bear Gulch East negatives 1985 George Ashmun Collection: Key to Negatives; 2016A FC42.D3.F79 1640 2008 Background Information George Ashmun Collection: Hanna from North Pond; 2016A FC42.D3.F80 1640 Long's Ranch; Miscellaneous; Inside Pump Station. 1902-1908 Negatives George Ashmun Collection: View from Hotel; Ocumpaugh Cabin, Elmore; Spruce tree; Elmore; 2016A FC42.D3.F81 1640 1903-1904 Group at Schoolhouse, Elmore; Sawyers horse. Negatives George Ashmun Collection: Valley from Ditch; 2 2016A FC42.D3.F82 1640 Pump Station from House; East Side from Ditch; 2 1902-1908 Hotel. Negatives George Ashmun Collection: Otis & Anna Linn's 2016A FC42.D3.F83 1640 1907 Wedding, Pactola, So. Dak., May 7, 1907. Negatives George Ashmun Collection: Set of 4; Snow Scene 2016A FC42.D3.F84 1640 1904 May 26/04 Annie Creek. Negatives 2016A FC42.D3.F85 1640 George Ashmun Collection: Morris Long. Negatives 1902-1908 2016A FC42.D3.F86 1640 George Ashmun Collection: Pactola. Negatives 1907 George Ashmun Collection: Lead & Deadwood 2016A FC42.D3.F87 1640 1902-1908 Views. Negatives George Ashmun Collection: 2 Long's Camp; 2 Mr. & 2016A FC42.D3.F88 1640 1902-1908 Mrs. Long; Our House; Linn's Tent. Negatives George Ashmun Collection: Panel of Rocks; Panel of Anna; Hanna from Rock on East; Below Hanna from 2016A FC42.D3.F89 1640 1902-1908 Rock; Up Long's Gulch; Group on Steps; 2 Views from East Hill. Negatives 2016A FC42.D3.F90 1640 George Ashmun Collection: Unidentified. Negatives 1902-1907 George Ashmun Collection: 4 short films taken on 2016A FC42.D3.F91 1640 rocks back of station; Hanna Hotel; 3 views Sunday 1902-1908 May 06 Farnan's Cabin George Ashmun Collection: Original envelopes in 2016A FC42.D3.F92 1640 1902-1908 which negatives were stored Rapid City: Historic buildings, 1972 Flood, Ellsworth, 2016A FC42.D3.F93 1640 Portraits. Photographs and negatives. 2016A 1640 Cathedral Spires, Harney Range - glass lantern slide FC42.D2.I17.E5 2016A 1640 Wall of the Badlands - glass lantern slide 1912 FC42.D2.I17.E6 2016A 1640 Inspiration Peak, Badlands - glass lantern slide FC42.D2.I17.E7 2016A 1640 Wolf Mountain, Badlands - glass lantern slide FC42.D2.I17.E8 2016A After clean-up along Cameron Pass road, Routt - 1640 FC42.D2.I17.E10 glass lantern slide View looking east showing open grass land with 2016A 1640 sparse brush covers in distance and wooded hills, FC42.D2.I17.E11 erosion, Yavapai Co., Arizona - glass lantern slide 2016A 1640 Sinks, Popo Agie, Washakie N.F. - glass lantern slide FC42.D2.I17.E13 2016A 1640 Mauviece Rocks - glass lantern slide FC42.D2.I17.E20 The Rifles, a good fishing place, Black Hills N.F., 2016A 1640 Spearfish Canyon near Elmore S. Dak. - glass lantern FC42.D2.I17.E22 slide Cyclone area on Harney from which logs were cut 2016A 1640 and sawed for camp construction F-12 - glass FC42.D2.I17.E25 lantern slide Harney National Forest - taken to show the recent 2016A FC42 1640 appearance of the 1933 cyclone devasted area on D2.I17.E27 the west side of Harney - glass lantern slide 2016A Many Different Species of Flowers are found in the 1640 FC42.D2.I17.E28 Black Hills - glass lantern slide 2016A 1640 Beaver Dam, Black Hills - glass slide 1940 FC42.D2.I17.E50 2016A Before You Leave Your Camp Fire, Pour Water on it 1640 FC42.D2.I17.E51 or Bury it. Be Sure it's Out. U.S. Forest Service - slide Wooden Box Containing 95 Glass Lantern Slides and 2016A FC42.D3.I18 1640 3 Plastic Slides 2016A FC42.D3.F138 1640 Inventory of Slide Box (FC42.D3.I18) 2016A FC42.D3.F53 1850 Mystic CCC Camp F-1 photographs 2016A Sheep grazing on the High Country in the Snowy 2230 FC42.D2.I17.E9 Range, Medicine Bow - glass lantern slide 2016A Cattle grazing along Spring Creek, Harney National 2230 FC42.D2.I17.E23 Forest - glass lantern slide Camp & Picnic Ground Furniture & Improvements 2016A FC42.D3.F65 2330 1934-1936 photographs 2016A Medicine Wheel on top of Medicine Mt., Big Horn 2360 FC42.D2.I17.E12 Mts., Bighorn N.F. - glass lantern slide 2016A FC42.D3.F94 2400 Timber Management & Industry slides 1939-1951 2016A FC42.D3.F95 2400 Timber Industry, Fire Suppression slides 1951 2016A FC42.D3.F96 2400 Timber Industry slides 1939-1951 Timber Management & Industry, Fire Suppression 2016A FC42.D3.F97 2400 1931-1940 slides 2016A FC42.D3.F98 2400 Timber Management & Industry slides 1938-1951 2016A FC42.D3.F99 2400 Timber Management & Industry slides 1938-1951 1930s- 2016A FC42.D3.F100 2400 Timber Management slides 1940s Timber Management: Diseases & Pests, Growth 2016A FC42.D3.F101 2400 1940-1948 Studies slides Young, thrifty tree, kind to be left in N.F. sales for 2016A 2400 second cut and reseeding purposes, Black Hills N.F. - FC42.D2.I17.E21 glass lantern slide 2016A 2400 After thinning F-11, Harney N.F. - glass lantern slide FC42.D2.I17.E24 French Creek Sawmill Photographs: J.P. Durst 2016A FC42.D3.F51 2430 1890-1910 Sawmill, Scott Durst, Duane McVey 2016A FC42.D3.F75 2430 Sawmills & Yards: photographs and list 1941-1948 2016A Tie Drive looking up stream, Washakie N.F., 2430 FC42.D2.I17.E14 Wyoming - glass lantern slide 2016A Overgaard's Sawmill, Harney National Forest S.D. - 2430 FC42.D2.I17.E16 glass lantern slide 2016A Horton Gulch Landing, State Creek Sale, Mystic, 2430 FC42.D2.I17.E17 South Dakota - glass lantern slide 2016A Driver Burling Log in Pond … Slate Creek Camp, 2430 FC42.D2.I17.E18 Black Hills N.F. - glass lantern slide Manner in which small streams can be driven by 2016A allowing logs which "hang" on rocks to lay, forming 2430 FC42.D2.I17.E19 wings on Slate Creek above camp, Black Hills N.F. - glass lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Expensive Forage, McVey Burn - 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E29 glass lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Constant Supervision - Crew 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E30 Foreman, McVey Burn - glass lantern slide Tree Planting Slides: Tamp Roots Firmly in the 2016A 2470 Bottom of the Hole. Log Gives Shade - glass lantern 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E31 slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Five min. "break" every hour - 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E32 glass lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Safety First, Keep Hoe Heads 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E33 Tight - glass lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Remove Tree with Care - glass 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E34 lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Empty Burlap to be Refilled - 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E35 glass lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Planting Crew and Foreman - 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E36 glass lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Every Few Days... - glass lantern 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E37 slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Field Tree Shelter - glass lantern 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E38 slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: West along Osage Power Line, 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E39 Center of 1950 Planting Area - glass lantern slide Tree Planting Slides: Porcupine Damage, Increasing 2016A 2470 Damage from Den Sites, McVey Burn 1950 - glass 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E40 lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Hauler Preparing Bundles - 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E41 glass lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Hole should be 10" Deep, Keep 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E42 Hoe Handle Low - glass lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Keep One Hand on Tree - glass 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E43 lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: New Bundles Brought Up - glass 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E44 lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: To Dig Hole - Keep Hoe Handle 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E45 Horizontal - glass lantern slide Tree Planting Slides: Porcupine Damage, Heavy 2016A 2470 Utilization of Key Species, McVey Burn 1950 - glass 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E46 lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Final Packing of Tree - glass 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E47 lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Another Ready-Made Bundle - 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E48 glass lantern slide 2016A Tree Planting Slides: Project Foreman Discusses and 2470 1950 FC42.D2.I17.E49 Demonstrates Methods - glass lantern slide 1972 Black Hills Flood: List of Aerial (Oblique) 2016A FC42.D3.F102 3530 1972 Photographs 1972 Black Hills Flood: Grader Park Road #348 aerial 2016A FC42.D3.F103 3530 1972 photographs 1972 Black Hills Flood: Iron Creek Road #345 aerial 2016A FC42.D3.F104 3530 1972 photographs 1972 Black Hills Flood: Lakota Dam aerial 2016A FC42.D3.F105 3530 1972 photograph 1972 Black Hills Flood: Grizzly Bear C.G.
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