AFI RVSM DATABASE CURRENT AT 04 Jun 2021 ICAO Acft Type Reg. No. Operator Acft Op ICAO RVSM Yes/No RVSM Approval Date Operator Country B772 D2TED TAAG DTA Yes 23/09/2008 Angola B772 D2TEE TAAG DTA Yes 23/09/2008 Angola B772 D2TEF TAAG DTA Yes 23/09/2008 Angola B773 D2TEG TAAG DTA Yes 01/11/2011 Angola B773 D2TEH TAAG DTA Yes 01/11/2011 Angola B773 D2TEI TAAG DTA Yes 25/06/2014 Angola B773 D2TEJ TAAG DTA Yes 10/05/2016 Angola B773 D2TEK TAAG DTA Yes 15/02/2017 Angola B737 D2TBF TAAG DTA Yes 23/09/2008 Angola B737 D2TBG TAAG DTA Yes 23/09/2008 Angola B737 D2TBH TAAG DTA Yes 23/09/2008 Angola B737 D2TBJ TAAG DTA Yes 23/09/2008 Angola B737 D2TBK TAAG DTA Yes 19/12/2011 Angola C750 D2EZR Angolan Air Operator DCD Yes 18/02/2009 Angola E145 D2FDF AeroJet IGA Yes 23/07/2018 Angola C560 D2EBA AeroJet IGA Yes 29/07/2009 Angola E145 D2EBP AeroJet IGA Yes 29/08/2013 Angola C550 D2EPI EMCICA IGA Yes 30/11/2016 Angola F900 D2ANT Government of Angola IGA Yes 05/11/2014 Angola GLEX D2ANG Government of Angola IGA Yes 23/04/2008 Angola GLEX D2ANH Government of Angola IGA Yes 04/12/2017 Angola C550 D2GES Humbertico IGA Yes 19/12/2017 Angola E135 D2FIA SJL Aeronautica IGA Yes 08/02/2019 Angola C680 D2EPL Socolil-Aeronautica SOR Yes 28/03/2018 Angola B737 D2EWS Sonair SOR Yes 07/12/2010 Angola B737 D2EVW Sonair SOR Yes 07/12/2010 Angola B721 D2ESU Sonair SOR Yes 13/09/2006 Angola BE40 A2WIN NAC Botswana NAC Yes 29/04/2011 Botswana BE40 A2DBK FT Meat Packaging Processing IGA Yes 13/05/2011 Botswana GLEX OK1 Botswana Defence Force BDF Yes 21/10/2009 Botswana C550 A2BCL BCL BCL Yes 06/10/2011 Botswana H25B A2MCB Kalahari Air Services IGA Yes 23/01/2013 Botswana B722 XTBFA Government of Burkina Faso IGA Yes 12/04/2007 Burkina Faso E170 XTABS Air Burkina VBW Yes 29/12/2017 Burkina Faso E170 XTABT Air Burkina VBW Yes 29/12/2017 Burkina Faso E190 XTABV Air Burkina VBW Yes 27/06/2019 Burkina Faso E190 XTABY Air Burkina VBW Yes 27/06/2019 Burkina Faso E190 XTABZ Air Burkina VBW Yes 27/06/2019 Burkina Faso B752 D4CBP TACV. S.A TCV Yes 20/05/2004 Cabo Verde B752 D4CCG TACV. S.A TCV Yes 15/03/2019 Cabo Verde GLF3 TJAAW Government of Cameroon IGA Yes 23/08/2007 Cameroon B763 TJCAC Camair-co CRC Yes 01/04/2011 Cameroon B737 TJQCA Camair-co CRC Yes 01/04/2011 Cameroon B737 TJQCB Camair-co CRC Yes 01/04/2011 Cameroon F900 TJTRI EQUA 2C EKC Yes 01/12/2014 Cameroon F100 TUVAA Government of Ivory Coast IVY Yes 30/06/2003 Cote d' Ivorie GLF4 TUVAD Government of Ivory Coast IVY Yes 18/01/2017 Cote d' Ivorie GLF5 TUVAE Government of Ivory Coast IVY Yes 17/10/2016 Cote d' Ivorie A319 TUVAS Government of Ivory Coast IVY Yes 20/01/2017 Cote d' Ivorie F28 TUTIW Air Ivoire VUN Yes 30/06/2003 Cote d' Ivorie F28 TUTIX Air Ivoire VUN Yes 30/06/2003 Cote d' Ivorie F28 TUTIY Air Ivoire VUN Yes 30/06/2003 Cote d' Ivorie B735 TUTSC Air Ivoire VUN Yes 20/10/2010 Cote d' Ivorie B735 TUTSD Air Ivoire VUN Yes 20/10/2010 Cote d' Ivorie B735 TUTSE Air Ivoire VUN Yes 20/10/2010 Cote d' Ivorie A319 TUTSA Air Cote D'Ivoire VRE Yes 27/03/2021 Cote d' Ivorie A319 TUTSB Air Cote D'Ivoire VRE Yes 28/03/2017 Cote d' Ivorie A319 TUTST Air Cote D'Ivoire VRE Yes 03/02/2020 Cote d' Ivorie A319 TUTRC Air Cote D'Ivoire VRE Yes 30/06/2017 Cote d' Ivorie A320 TUTSS Air Cote D'Ivoire VRE Yes 13/04/2017 Cote d' Ivorie A320 TUTSV Air Cote D'Ivoire VRE Yes 09/07/2019 Cote d' Ivorie A322 TUTSW Air Cote D'Ivoire VRE Yes 22/11/2018 Cote d' Ivorie B737 TNAHI Trans Air Congo TAC Yes 21/11/2005 Congo B732 TNAIM Trans Air Congo TAC Yes 07/02/2001 Congo B732 TNAIN Trans Air Congo TAC Yes 18/02/1997 Congo B733 TNAIZ Trans Air Congo TAC Yes 26/05/2005 Congo B733 TNAJJ Trans Air Congo TAC Yes 21/08/2012 Congo B735 TNAKH Trans Air Congo TAC Yes 25/09/2020 Congo B722 9SCBA Government of DRC IGA Yes 10/05/2016 Democratic Republic of Congo B721 9SCDC Government of DRC IGA Yes 10/05/2016 Democratic Republic of Congo GLF4 9SCGC Government of DRC IGA Yes 10/05/2016 Democratic Republic of Congo B701 9SCLK Government of DRC IGA Yes 10/05/2016 Democratic Republic of Congo CL60 9SCRD Government of DRC IGA Yes 10/05/2016 Democratic Republic of Congo H25A 9SGAK Air Katanga IGA Yes 07/09/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo H25A 9SGYF Air Baraka IGA Yes 04/06/2011 Democratic Republic of Congo A322 9SASB Compagnie Africaine d'Aviation Operator CAA Yes 05/02/2018 Democratic Republic of Congo A322 9SALU Congo Airways CGA Yes 24/06/2016 Democratic Republic of Congo A322 9SAKD Congo Airways CGA Yes 24/06/2016 Democratic Republic of Congo B733 9SABJ Gomair IGA Yes 07/09/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo B733 9SCGD Gomair IGA Yes 02/11/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo DC86 9SAJG Transair TAC Yes 01/07/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo DC87 9SAJO Transair TAC Yes 01/07/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo B722 9SAVS Serve Air IGA Yes 06/04/2013 Democratic Republic of Congo B722 9SASS Serve Air IGA Yes 03/10/2013 Democratic Republic of Congo B722 9SAVV Serve Air IGA Yes 15/09/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo B722 9SAVN Serve Air IGA Yes 05/10/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo B722 9SAVZ Serve Air IGA Yes 05/10/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo B733 9SAHJ Serve Air IGA Yes 20/04/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo B733 9SALG Serve Air IGA Yes 08/07/2017 Democratic Republic of Congo H25B TNAJE EQUAFLIGHT SERVICE IGA Yes 17/09/2018 Democratic Republic of Congo B721 J2KBA Government of Djibouti IGA Yes 15/08/2009 Djibouti FA7X J2HPV Ivory Jet Services IGA Yes 05/04/2018 Djibouti B737 3CEGE Gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial GGE Yes 19/11/2009 Equatorial Guinea F900 3CONM Gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial GGE Yes 07/04/2018 Equatorial Guinea GLF5 3CLLX Gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial GGE Yes 28/05/2013 Equatorial Guinea FA50 3CLGE Gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial GGE Yes 10/04/2016 Equatorial Guinea B772 3CMAB Gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial GGE Yes 23/06/2017 Equatorial Guinea E145 3CMAC Cronos Airlines CRA Yes 04/07/2017 Equatorial Guinea B762 E3AAQ Eritrean Airlines ERT Yes 27/07/2004 Eritrea E145 ETAUT Walya Airways EAW Yes 22/02/2018 Ethiopia A359 ETATQ Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 28/06/2016 Ethiopia A359 ETATR Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 15/08/2016 Ethiopia A359 ETATY Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 20/11/2017 Ethiopia A359 ETAUA Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 28/04/2017 Ethiopia A359 ETAUB Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 26/06/2017 Ethiopia A359 ETAUC Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 20/10/2017 Ethiopia A359 ETAVB Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 06/02/2018 Ethiopia A359 ETAVC Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 20/04/2018 Ethiopia A359 ETAVD Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 18/05/2018 Ethiopia A359 ETAVE Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 12/08/2018 Ethiopia A359 ETAWM Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 21/06/2019 Ethiopia A359 ETAWN Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 21/06/2019 Ethiopia A359 ETAWO Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 10/06/2019 Ethiopia A359 ETAWP Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 13/12/2019 Ethiopia A359 ETAYA Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 11/06/2020 Ethiopia A359 ETAYB Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 11/06/2020 Ethiopia B752 ETAJS Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 22/01/2002 Ethiopia B752 ETAJX Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 22/01/2002 Ethiopia B763 ETALH Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 25/09/2000 Ethiopia B763 ETALJ Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 24/11/2003 Ethiopia B763 ETALL Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 08/05/2003 Ethiopia B737 ETALK Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 24/11/2003 Ethiopia B737 ETARB Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 17/04/2014 Ethiopia B737 ETARD Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 18/03/2014 Ethiopia B738 ETAOA Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 08/11/2010 Ethiopia B738 ETAVM Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 30/06/2018 Ethiopia B738 ETAVI Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 23/09/2018 Ethiopia B738 ETAVJ Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 16/11/2018 Ethiopia B738 ETAVK Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 30/12/2018 Ethiopia B738 ETAVL Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 26/08/2018 Ethiopia B738 ETAVM Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 30/06/2018 Ethiopia B738 ETAVX Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 06/03/2019 Ethiopia B738 ETAWC Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 27/03/2019 Ethiopia B738 ETAYL Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 23/03/2021 Ethiopia B738 ETAOB Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 17/11/2010 Ethiopia B738 ETANZ Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 25/10/2010 Ethiopia B738 ETAPF Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 18//11/2011 Ethiopia B738 ETAPK Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 11/04/2012 Ethiopia B738 ETAPL Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 21/06/2012 Ethiopia B738 ETAPM Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 15/11/2012 Ethiopia B738 ETAPO Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 01/11/2012 Ethiopia B737 ETALM Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 08/12/2005 Ethiopia B737 ETALN Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 08/12/2005 Ethiopia B738 ETAQM Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 31/05/2013 Ethiopia B738 ETAQN Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 27/06/2014 Ethiopia B738 ETAQO Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 17/05/2015 Ethiopia B738 ETAQP Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 29/06/2015 Ethiopia B738 ETAQQ Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 31/07/2015 Ethiopia B738 ETASJ Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 26/10/2014 Ethiopia B738 ETATV Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 16/08/2016 Ethiopia B763 ETALO Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 21/08/2004 Ethiopia B763 ETALP Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 22/06/2005 Ethiopia B763 ETAMF Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 30/05/2007 Ethiopia B763 ETAMG Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 29/06/2007 Ethiopia B763 ETAQG Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 04/06/2012 Ethiopia B763 ETAWQ Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 31/05/2019 Ethiopia B772 ETANN Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 17/11/2010 Ethiopia B772 ETANO Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 14/12/2010 Ethiopia B772 ETANP Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 25/01/2010 Ethiopia B772 ETANQ Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 20/04/2011 Ethiopia B772 ETANR Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 30/07/2011 Ethiopia B772 ETAPS Ethiopian Airlines ETH Yes 19/09/2012
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