WW-P’S FREE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER WWPINFO.COM WEST WINDSOR Letters to the Editor 2 & PLAINSBORO WW Considers November Municipal Elections 11 High School Field Lights Debated 14 Procaccini Hearing Continues 16 High School Sports 18 Police Reports 33 Classifieds 35 NEWS ISSUE DATE: JANUARY 22, 2010 NEXT ISSUE:FEBRUARY 5 Court Decision Jeopardizes People In The News Junction Redevelopment by Cara Latham reversible — nor is it a victory for Vinekar, South ’05, InterCap. “The court has the right Finds Her Mission ew Jersey Superior Court under certain circumstances to en- Judge Linda Feinberg has large the time period for filing” an In Haitian Quake Ngiven West Windsor 30 objection of a redevelopment des- days to provide documentation ignation, which was done by Fein- t was late morning on January from the planning board redevel- berg in this case, explained West 15 when Kavita Vinekar, 22, opment review process so she can Windsor Planning Board Attorney Ianswered the phone — yet determine the “sufficiency” of the Gerald Muller. “We don’t agree again — in her Plainsboro home designation. that was appropriate.” and assured the caller that she was The ruling was part of a lawsuit The township had argued that safe. She wasn’t in Haiti when the filed by InterCap Holdings chal- InterCap had missed the deadline earthquake hit. lenging the redevelopment zoning. for challenging the redevelopment About 30 minutes later, the sce- “The court’s designation, nario played itself out again. “No, initial reaction . which was made I’m safe. But, thanks for calling . is that the Re- Allowing InterCap to in 2005, and that and asking,” she said. development challenge the designa- it could not wait Vinekar, a 2005 High School Study on which tion ‘creates the possi- to make a chal- South graduate, missed the earth- the in need des- bility that the designa- lenge while also quake, but the news of the disaster ignation was participating hit close to home — in fact, it oc- based is ripe tion will be invalidated, fully in the de- curred in a country she has called with constitu- which would in turn veloping the re- tional infirmi- home since June, when she left the nullify the redevelop- development United States to pursue an interest ties,” said Fein- plan, which was in global health. And despite news berg. ment plan.’ adopted in of the disaster and the panic and “We are 2009. InterCap fear it has created, Vinekar re- pleased that the filed when it was unhappy with the turned to Haiti on January 18. court has recognized the merits of plan, in which it wanted to produce While many people have been Helping Haiti: Though our case,” said InterCap’s Steven 1,440 units, the township argued. compelled to help with earthquake Kavita Vinekar, above Goldin, a West Windsor resident. Muller said West Windsor offi- recovery efforts, Vinekar will be “As always, we remain open to a and right, was not in cials are evaluating their next resuming work as a medical mis- settlement with the Township, pro- move. “Right now, given the sionary combating the pre-existing Haiti when the earth- vided those discussions are based court’s ruling, we have to go to tri- problems that plagued the country: quake hit, she returned on economic reality for the future al,” Muller said. “We’re going to diseases, political unrest, and lack to the island nation six of the area surrounding the Prince- have to make a decision on of clean water and medical care. days later, on January ton Junction Train Station.” whether we’re going to do that or Goldin declined to elaborate on “I can’t even fathom this,” she 18, to resume her work take steps to have it reversed.” said of the earthquake. “I was what he is looking for in a potential as a medical mission- Either way, the ruling has seri- settlement. ous implications for West Windsor Continued on page 7 ary there. However, West Windsor offi- cials say Feinberg’s ruling is not ir- Continued on page 11 DAY-BY-DAY INPLAINSBORO & WEST WINDSOR For more event listings visit South Girls Basketball. At Hamil- www.wwpinfo.com. ton West. 7 p.m. Drama Bedside Manners, Off-Broad- Friday street Theater, 5 South Green- wood Avenue, Hopewell, 609- January 22 466-2766. www.off-broadstreet.- com. Comedy. $27.50 to $29.50. 7 p.m. Band Festival Concert On Borrowed Time, Actors’ NET, High School South, 346 635 North Delmorr Avenue, Mor- Clarksville Road, West Windsor, risville, PA, 215-295-3694. www.- 609-716-5050. www.ww-p.org. actorsnetbucks.org. Paul Os- Grover Middle School and High born’s drama. $20. 8 p.m. School South bands. Free. 8 p.m. Fetch Clay, Make Man, Berlind Theater at the McCarter, 91 Uni- School Sports versity Place, Princeton, 609-258- 2787. www.mccarter.org. Drama For WW-P school sports infor- based on a bond between heavy- mation, call the hotline: 609-716- weight fighter Muhammad Ali 5000, ext. 5134, www.ww-p.org. (Cassius Clay) and Hollywood ac- South Boys/Girls Fencing. At tor Stepin Fetchit. 8 p.m. Princeton Day. 4 p.m. Nelson Illusions, Kelsey Theater, South Ice Hockey. At Hamilton Mercer County Community Col- West. 4 p.m. lege, 1200 Old Trenton Road, 609-570-3333. www.kelsey- North Boys/Girls Fencing. Law- theatre.net. Magic, theater, mys- renceville. 4:15 p.m. tery, and comedy presented by 609-397-0275. www.nickelodeon- Stick ’Em Up: Stephen Szemis of West Windsor, cen- North Boys Basketball. At Tren- Jeff and Lynn Nelson, and their nights.org. Screening of “Ameri- ter, with mobsters, from left, Michael Mitgang of ton. 5:30 p.m. daughter, Sharii. $16. 8 p.m. can Artifact.” Meet the director, Merle Becker. $10. 7 and 9:15 West Windsor, Maddie Schmidt of Monmouth Junc- North Girls Basketball. Trenton. 7 p.m. tion, Skeyler Paparteys of Crosswicks, and Katrina p.m. Film Acme Screening Room, Lam- Meni of West Windsor, in ‘Bugsy Malone Jr.,’Janu- South Boys Basketball. Hamilton bertville Public Library, 25 West. 7 p.m. Continued on page 20 ary 29 through 31 at Kelsey Theater. South Union Street, Lambertville, 2 THE NEWS JANUARY 22, 2010 JoanJoan Eisenberg Eisenberg Office:RE/MAXJoan 609-951-8600Joan Greater Eisenberg Eisenberg Princeton x110 Office:RE/MAXMobile:609-306-1999Princeton 609-951-8600 ForrestalGreater Village Princeton x110 Mobile:[email protected]:Princeton 609-951-8600 Forrestal x 110Village www.JoanSells.comMobile:609-306-1999 Views & Opinions [email protected]: 609-951-8600 x 110 Jeremax@aol com www.JoanSells.comMobile:609-306-1999 [email protected] To the Editor: with all stakeholders regarding the Owner/Sales purposes, processes, and proce- Associate VILLAGEVillage G GRANDErande V VALUESalues Don’t Let Schools dures of the review, as well as These Wonderful Homes are Located in West Windsor in the Village Grande Active when the report would be made Adult Community. The Exceptional Clubhouse Includes Indoor and Outdoor Pools, Be Political Football public, be open for discussion, and Tennis, Recreation Rooms, Exercise Rooms, and Social Rooms. The Community is Close to Major Roads, Shopping & Commuter Train. possible future actions we could he WW-P Board of Education consider. Tmust cut millions of dollars to At the announced public meet- Richard K. Rein West Windsor: 2 Bedroom, reach the state-mandated CAP, as Editor and Publisher 2.5 Bath, + Loft, Upgraded & ing in early December, an execu- neutral. Eat-in Kitchen w/hard- well as to present a reasonable bud- tive summary of the report was Cara Latham wood flooring. Vltd Living get to the public, acknowledging presented to the Board and the au- News Editor Room & Dining Room, 1st Flr the current financial crisis facing Office, Family Room leads to dience present. At that time, four Lynn Miller Sunroom addition. Loft area w/ the citizens of our community, elected legislators –– State Assem- Community News Editor 2nd Bedroom and Full Bath. state, and nation. Extra crown moldings, re- blypersons Lin- Brian McCarthy cessed lighting, added window To do so we have da Greenstein trimmings. Premium location undertaken a re- and Wayne De Craig Terry backing woods and facing ‘Rather than help de- Photography treed island on cul-de-sac. view of every Angelo, State $369,000 NEW LISTING program, service, velop rational options Senator Bill Ba- Vaughan Burton and operational to reach a financial roni, and Con- Sara Hastings component of the agreement, [legislators] gressman Rush Production West Windsor: 2 Bedroom, 2 school system. Holt –– took a Full Bath, Hardwood flooring Our overarching spoke out against future Diana Joseph-Riley in Entry, Living Room, Dining partisan position Martha Moore Room and added Sunroom. goal in making consideration of regarding the fu- Eat-in Kitchen with bright these severe cuts Account Representatives breakfast room. Living Room alternative models.’ ture options open Bill Sanservino features gas fireplace and is to do the least to the Board of Dining Room w/crown mold- harm to direct in- Production Manager ing and bay window. Double Education. French doors lead to structional and Rather than helping to bring the Lawrence L. DuPraz 1919-2006 Sunroom and large deck support services for all of our stu- Great Location backing Board, employee groups, and citi- Founding Production Adviser woods. $280,000 dents. zens together to develop rational NEW LISTING Euna Kwon Brossman The review of the custodial- options to reach a financial agree- Jack Florek, Bart Jackson maintenance program looked at ment that equitably shares the costs West Windsor : 2 Bedroom, 2 cost effectiveness, quality of work, of our operation, they spoke out Pritha Dasgupta Full Bath home, has large eat- Jennifer Bender in Kitchen and an adjacent appropriateness of the operational against any future consideration of sunny breakfast area with a structure, comparison to similar alternative models that could in- Phyllis Spiegel slider to an expanded patio.
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