1088 COPEIA, 1993, NO. 4 . 1984. Zeiforms as primitive plectognath perialis(Luvaridae), with a phylogenetic analysisof fishes. Am. Mus. Novito. 278:1-45. the Acanthuroidei (Pisces). Smithsonian Contrib. ROSEN,N. 1912. Studieson the Plectognaths.I. The Zool. 485:1-79. blood-vascularsystem. Arkiv fur zoologi (Stock- holm) 7:1-24. DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL BIOLOGY, FACULTY OF STORK,H. A. 1932. Zur Homologiefrage der Te- SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF MALAGA, 29071 leostierpseudobranchie.Zool. Jahrb. (Anat.) 55: MALAGA, SPAIN. Submitted 25 June 1991. 505-554. Accepted 24 Sept. 1992. Section editor: G. TYLER, J. C., G. D. JOHNSON, I. NAKAMURA, AND B. R. Ultsch. B. COLLETTE.1989. Morphology of Luvarus im- Copeia, 1993(4), pp. 1088-1091 New Species of Aparasphenodon(Anura: Hylidae) from Southeastern Brazil JosE P. POMBAL,JR. Aparasphenodonbokermanni is described from the coastal rainforest of south- ern Sao Paulo, Brazil. The new species is characterizedby its ridged and straight canthus rostralis and large finger and toe disks. T REEFROGS of the genus Aparasphenodon occur in the coastal region of southeast- ern Brazil and the upper Orinoco Basin of Ven- ezuela (Trueb, 1970a; Frost, 1985). The genus is characterized by the following features: skull longer than broad; snout narrow and acuminate in dorsal view; canthal ridges distinct, anteriorly concave; surface configuration of dermal roof- ing bones consisting of a reticulate network of ridges in low relief and prominent patterns of radial ridges (Trueb, 1970a). The species pres- ently allocated to Aparasphenodon are A. vene- zolanus (Mertens) and A. brunoi Miranda-Ribei- ro (Trueb, 1970a; Frost, 1985). Herein, I describe a new species of Aparasphenodon from southeastern Brazil. Specimens used for the description or ex- amined for comparisons are in Museu Nacional do Rio deJaneiro, Brazil (MN); Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Uruguay; (MNHN); Museu de Historia Natural, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil (ZUEC), and Werner C. A. Bokermann Collection, Brazil (WCAB). Web- bing formula notation follows Savage and Hey- er (1967). Measurements are in millimeters. Abbreviations used in the description are SVL (snout-vent length), HL (head length), HW (head width), IND (internarial distance), ED (eye diameter), IOD (interorbital distance), END (eye-nostril distance), TD (tympanum diame- ter), THL (thigh length), TBL (tibia length), Fig. 1. Aparasphenodonbokermanni n. sp., holo- and FL (foot length). type, ZUEC 6604, dorsal view. ? 1993 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists POMBAL-NEW APARASPHENODON 1089 B A im 10 mm C D Fig. 2. Aparsphenodonbokermanni n. sp., holotype, ZUEC 6604. (A) Dorsal and (B) lateral views of head; ventral view of (C) hand and (D) foot. Aparasphenodon bokermanni n. sp. Fig. 1) with a straight, ridged canthus rostralis; vomerine tooth row straight; choanae oriented Holotype.-ZUEC 6604, adult female, collected obliquely; large finger and toe dsks. atVerde, theEstao Rio da at the Rio Verde, Estacao EcologicaEcolgica da Juria-Jureia- The icanthus rostralis ofis Itatins (approximately 24?30'S, 47?15'W, at sea straight Aparasphen- level), Municlpio de Iguape, Estado de Sao Pau- odon bokermann distinguishes this species from lo, Brazil, 4 Jan. 1988, by C. Ramos-Azevedo. A bruni, A venezolanus, Argenteohyla siemersi (Mertens) and Corythomantisgreeningi Boulen- Diagnosis and comparison with other species.-A ger, all of which have concave canthi rostralis large, robust species (holotype 71.1 mm SVL; (Carvalho, 1941; Trueb, 1970a, 1970b). The 1090 COPEIA, 1993, NO. 4 new species differs further from C. greeningi by Remarks.-The new species represents the the presence of ridges on the canthus rostralis; southern-most record for the genus Aparasphen- although present, the ridges are indistinct in C. odon. Sazima and Cardoso (1980) recorded A. greeningi.Aparasphenodon bokermanni differs from brunoi at Ubatuba on the northern coast of the Trachycephalus atlas and T. nigromaculatus in State of Sao Paulo (approximately 23?30'S, having a head that is longer than broad, rather 45?07'W). The Estaiao Ecologica da Jureia-Ita- than broader than long or as long as broad, as tins was visited monthly during 1988; in about it is in Trachycephalus (Trueb, 1970a). Apara- 240 h of field work, only one specimen of this sphenodonbokermanni is uniform in color, where- frog was found at night, on a rock in the margin as A. venezolanus is mottled (Paolillo and Cerda, of the Verde River. The area is at sea level, in 1981). Last, the new species differs from Argen- the southern coast of Sao Paulo State. The teohyla siemersi and Aparasphenodon brunoi by coastal rainforest (Atlantic Forest), mangroves, having proportionally larger adhesive digital and the scrubby "restinga" vegetation are found disks (Trueb, 1970b; pers. obs.). in the area of the Rio Verde. The area also harbors a high density of terrestrial and epi- robust; head lon- Description of holotype.-Body phytic bromeliads. Although the water of the than broad; snout its ger long, shape slightly Rio Verde is frequently clear, brackish waters rounded in dorsal view and truncate in lateral may move upstream during tidal floods (Guix view nostrils directed can- (Fig. 2A-B); laterally; and Lopes, 1989). thus rostralis with straight ridges; loreal region concave; eye large; tympanum large, nearly ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED rounded; distinct supratympanic fold; skin of dorsal surfaces of the skull co-ossified with un- Aparasphenodonbrunoi: MN 247 (holotype); WCAB 12446 (juv.); ZUEC derlying bone; tongue small, notched behind; 1969, 2758-2759, 2767, 3724-3725, 8167. Argenteohylasiemersi: MNHN vomerine tooth row straight, between and an- 5425; WCAB 3379, 3389. Corythomantisgreeningi: ZUEC 3907, 4004, 4124. Trachycephalusatlas: WCAB 30711, 33939 (paratype); ZUEC 3747, teromedial to the choanae; choanae small, 3915. T. nigromaculatus: ZUEC 2892-2894. slightly elliptical and oblique. Forearm robust, arm slender; fingers long and robust, each bear- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ing a single, rounded subarticular tubercle; pal- mar tubercle single, large and nearly elliptical; I thank C. Ramos-Azevedo for collecting the numerous small supernumerary tubercles; fin- holotype; C. F. B. Haddad, I. Sazima, and two gers lacking webbing; finger disks large, nearly reviewers for critically reading the manuscript; elliptical; thumb disk smaller than those of oth- J. Somera for the line drawings; and M. Gordo er digits, the diameter of disks of digits II and for help with field work. W. C. A. Bokermann, III nearly equal to diameter of tympanum (Fig. A. J. Cardoso, U. Caramaschi, and I. Sazima 2C). Legs moderately slender; foot with large, kindly allowed me to examine specimens under elliptical inner metatarsal tubercle; single, their care. Financial support was provided in rounded subarticular tubercle on each toe; small part by CAPES (PICD program). supernumerary tubercles; webbing formula, I2+-2-II2--3+III2--3+IV3+-2-V; toe disks LITERATURE CITED large, nearly elliptical and slightly smaller than A. L. 1941. Notas sobre os Co- finger disks (Fig. 2D). Dorsal texture smooth; CARVALHO, generos e Miranda belly, underfaces of thighs, and anal region rythomantisBoulenger Aparasphenodon Ribeiro. Pap6is Avulsos Zool. 1:101-110. glandular, throat weakly grained. FROST,D. R. (ed.). 1985. Amphibian species of the world. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas. Colorin the dark preservativeof holotype.-Dorsum GuIx,J. C., ANDR. M. LOPES. 1989. Occurrence of brown, head blackish-brown; arms and legs Hylageografica Spix and Bufocrucifer Wied tadpoles brown; disks dark brown; sides of body with in brackishwater environments in theJureia region cream spots; belly and throat grayish-brown; (S5o Paulo, SE Brazil).Amphibia-Reptilia 10:185- throat with grayish-brown spot. 192. PAOLILLO, O. A., AND J. CERDA. 1981. Nuevos hal- de Measurements the 71.1; HL lazgos Aparasphenodonvenezolanus (Mertens) of holotype.-SVL en el territorio federal Ama- 22.5; HW 21.2; IND 3.9; ED 6.0; IOD 9.2; END (Salientia, Hylidae) zonas, Venezuela, con anotaciones sobre su biolo- 11.3; TD 4.3; THL 34.1; TBL 34.0; FL 29.7. gia. Mem. Soc. Cien. Nat. La Salle 41:77-95. SAVAGE, J. M., AND W. R. HEYER. 1967. Variation name honors A. Etymology.-The specific W. C. and distributionin the tree-frog genusPhyllomedusa Bokermann for his contribution to the knowl- in Costa Rica, Central America. Beitr. Neotrop. edge of the Brazilian anuran fauna. Fauna 5:111-131. POMBAL-NEW APARASPHENODON 1091 SAZIMA, I., AND A. J. CARDOSO. 1980. Notas sobre a . 1970b. The generic status of Hyla siemersi distribui:ao de Corythomantisgreeningi Boulenger, Mertens. Herpetologica 26:254-267. 1896 e Aparasphenodonbrunoi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Amphibia,Hylidae). Iheringia, Ser. Zool. 55: DEPARTAMENTO DE ZOOLOGIA, UNIVERSIDADE 3-7. ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS, 13081-970 CAMPI- L. 1970a. of TRUEB, Evolutionary relationships NAS,SAO PAULO,BRASIL. Submitted 25 June casque-headed tree frogs with co-ossified skulls 1992. Accepted 30 Sept. 1992. Section edi- (FamilyHylidae). Univ. of KansasPubls., Mus. Nat. Hist. 18:547-716. tors: D. Cundall and F. Irish. Copeia, 1993(4), pp. 1091-1096 Effect of Sexual Behavior on Oocyte Development and Steroid Changes in Trichogastertrichopterus (Pallas) GAD DEGANI The development of oocytes and plasma steroid level in the asynchronic (male- dependent), multispawning female Trichogaster trichopterus, and steroid levels in the plasma of the male, were studied through the five stages of the reproductive cycle: prebreeding,
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