CASS CITY CHRONICLE ,,.,r i,- ..:;.:, -....... r~ VOL. 23, NO. 40.. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1929. EIGHT PAGES. FERTILIZER DEALERSTO the levy for the second year. Th~s P OF PENCE GAVE MEET AT CARO JAN. 21 rLet's Discourage Some of This Second Story g/vrk [ By Albert ~i Reid l , Turn to page seven. CAROD[FBIS LOGALS The following program will be giv- ~ at a meeting of fcrti1"zcr d~alcrz i ;6 )c:'~'. IP{ "'"' W'T'' T,,,... at, Caro on Monday, Jan. 21: CO. RE-ELECTS OFFICERS Ulllia|llL m | ll| 10:00 a. m.--"What Farmers Want To Know about Fertilizer in the Community Club Members Were At the annual election of the Tus- County." Wh Fighting Uphill Game, Cass City Much Pleased by College 10:45 a.m.~" y and How the cola County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., all officers were chosen to suc- Finished Two Behind on President's Talk. Soils Department of the State Col- lege Condget their Experimental ceed themselves. They are: Presi- Tuesday Night. Work", John W. Sims, Soils Special- dent, H. S. Myers, Care; vice presi- Following a satisfying meal served ist. dent, Frank Hegler, Deford; treasur- by the ladies of the Presbyterian Noon. er, Louis Wean, Care; secretary, E. J. Cass City and Care played :a baS- church Tuesday evening,. Rev. Wm. 1:15 p. m.--"The Manufacturer's Darbee, Care. ketball game Tuesday which was Curtis appeared before the Communi- Problems and How They Are Meeting Paul C. Leixon of Mayville was re- typical of the kind of contests always elected a director, and L. D. Haines staged between these two schools, ty Club in the role of song leader and Them", Ove. F. Jensen, ass't, director J surprised himself and the club in the of National Fertilizer Association. J of Tuscola was chosen director to packed full of .thrills from start to harmony he succeeded in extracting 2:15 p. m.---"Recommendations as succeed Guy N. Ormes. The number finish. The maroon and grey lost 26- from the amateur singers of that so- to Kind ~ and Amount of Fertilizer", of policy holders increased the past 24, fighting" one of the most uphill ciety. John W. Sims, Soils Specialist. year 108, the Present membership be- games ever held between the two Cecil Brown, treasurer of the club, 3:00 p. m.--Round Table Discussion ing 4,310. The company suffered fire schools. gave a report of receipts and expen- led by County Agr'l Agent. losses in 1928 amounting to $25,978.- On the opening tip off, Flint scored ditures during his term in that office. Pictures, slides and charts will be 58 in 69 fires. The value of insurance a pretty shot from the foul line and RObt. Warner, president, said that a used to illustrate the talks. written by the ~ company totaled three minutes later was ejected, from speaker on farm topics would be se- $8,891,173. the game on four fouls. The loss cured for the February meeting and was too early in the game to allow at the March gathering of the club the local offense to get started, and the program would be furnished by despite the valiant work of Ruhl, the the faculty of the high school. Mr. i HTS OF L YIN THUMB DIST IC freshman, inserted in Capt. Flint's Warner appointed M. B. Auten and position, the county seaters won. Ca- Glenn Folk@rt as a committee to so- iro showed a pretty defense with Cass licit members for the society for the BAETBALL T UrneYI N[WS RRAORPHS City shooting" at will anywhere from coming year. between the foul and center circles. i • Mr. Curtis introduced Wm, G. Spen- J It was the inability of the locals to Athletic Ass'~ Officials Decide sink these set shots that decided the cer, president of Hillsdale College, as Items Gleaned from Newspaper the speaker of the evening. Mr. Spen- on Feb. 20, 21, 22 and 23 outcome. Exchanges and Other Cass City led at the end of the half cer chose "Friendship" as the subject for County Dates° of his address. He presented his Sources. 14-8 and at this stage looked to win theme in a new light, dwelling upon handily. With the start of the second k \. 2:~ half, Jewell, Caro center, caged two the several qualities of friendship and At a meeting of officers of the illustrating them with new ideas that Otto A. Ctough, a former Care gro- difficult shots from the side court and Tuscola County Athletic Association Green knotted the count at 14 all a made his talk a most profitable one. ~Tuesday evening, the dates chosen for cer, dropped dead at his home in that The address was outstanding among village Tuesday morning of heart dis- minute later. From here on, it was a the county basketball tournament at see-saw battle, marred with much those presented at the club's gather- Care were Feb. 20, 21, 22 and 23. All ease. He is survived by the widow ings and several members expressed and two sisters. rough play, and finding the locals ~_~:games will be played in the evening. just two points short at the final the opinion that it was the best that i Preliminary games come on Wednes- Eighty men will be members of the had been given before the society in cast, "Womanless Wedding," a play whistle. • day and Thursday nights, Feb. 20 and The work of Brown and McCul- many months. 21, On Friday evening, it will be de- to be produced by the local talent at Brown City on Jan. 22 and 23. lough was outstanding in the iocal of- termined which schools will hold the highway first. Will they get it ? Will Theme, "Outlook for Harvest." The Palms elevator was visited by fense with Edgerton. playing a NEW TEAMS AND SCHED- championships in Class C and Class they ? Prayer meeting Thursday evening burglars who stole one bag of clover "whMe" of a defensive game. Fling D, and on Saturday night winners in ULE FORVOLLEYBALL Suppose on the othe r hand, that the at 7:30. " seed 'and five sacks of flour. Entrance was out before fairly tested , but it Classes C and D will compete for the merchant, the hotel man, the banker Boy Scouts, 1:30 p. m., Saturday, at in the building was made through a looked to be his big evening after the county championship. On this last and the broker join with the farmer gym. window. first play. Bohnsack showed improve- Twelve teams will contest for hon- night, runners-up in the championship in boosting his business. Suppose the ors in the series of volleyball games ' AT FArMErS' WEE[ Roy. L. A. Townsend is the new ment over the last g~ame and R~tht and games of Friday evening will contest farmer and the merchant in the in- Owendale and Grant Methodist pastor of the Bad Axe Baptist church. Dennis, green mend showed lots of of the Business Men's League the for the possession of a banner. A terior town join with the fellow on Episcopal~Rev. Fred H. Townsend, Mr. Townsend has been pastor of the promise,. next three months. The following is a trophy witl be awarded champions in the shore in bringing tourists to the Visitors at M. So Co Feb. 4-8 Pastor. Meldon Crawford, Ass't Pas- Loomis Park church at Lansing since P~geon scheduled to play here Fri- list of the members off.the teams and Class D, another trophy goes to the shore. Suppose the shore towns and Plan 1922. day night sent word late that after- the schedule of games: school that is champion in Class C, Many Entertainment tor. the interior towns agree on working Features. 1 Owendale ~Sunday worship, 10:00 Unionville, Care and Sebewaing noon they would not come on account Team 1 G. McIntyre, R. Wood, H. and one will be awarded to the county for the extension of their road im- l a. m. Sunday School, 11:00 a. m. high schools have all received notice of the storm and drifted roads. Dickinson, F. Hutchinson, M. Lorent- champions. provements according to a systemat- Grant--Sunday worship, 11:30 a. that they are being retained on the Gagetown's team kindly consented to zen. There will be in the neighborhood ic plan. If we work together and pull University of Michigan accredited list fill the date for a practice game and Team 2 F. Reid, F. Pinney, Me- of ten games in this series during the together this way, we cannot fail to Entertainment and instruction each m. Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Ep- of high schools. the crowd was not denied the pleasure Arthur, J. West, A. Kinnaird, L. Tu c- !four nights. Probably four schools get results that we can ~iot possibly have a plaee on the program for Far- I w°rth League, 8:00 p. m. strange coincidence was that of of a good ~contest that ,night by ~ey............ will be entered in Class C and six in obtain by pulling against each other. mere' Week at Michigan State Col- hearts.C°me to'the church to warm your the birth and death rate for Vassar Pigeon's eancellation. Team 3 McCullough, B. Benkel- Class D. Drawing for places will be You've seen a team of good horses in logo, February 4 to 8. during the year of 1928, as reported Cass City entertains Owendale here man, Stratten, Peterson, J.
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