Corella 2003, 27(3): 81-€4 I-ARGEMORTALITY OF SHORT-TAILEDSHEARWATERS PUffiNUS tCNUirOStriSIN AUSTRALIAN AND NEWZEALAND SEAS IN OCTOBER2OOO IRYNEJSKIRA NatureConservation Branch, Depa mentof PrimarytDdusaies, Water and Environment' PO Box 44, Hobar!,Tasmania 7001 Reeived: 1l February2002 A majormortality of Short-tailedShearwaters Puffinus tenuirosttis occurred in Octoberand November2000 as the biids returnsdto thek breedingcoionies in southernAustralia. Beachwashed birds were found along the eastcoast of Australia,from 4OOkilometres no(h ol Brisbaneto southernTasmania, and westto New Zealand. Autopsiesshow€d that the most iikelycause oi deathwas starvation.This lack of food was probauydue to large-scalevariation in watercurrents as the majormortality coincided with unusuallywarm east coasl Australian se; surhcetemperatures. Such large mortalities are naturalirregular occurrences among Short-tailed Sh€arwaters, but theirimpact on the populationis difficultto gauge. INTRODUCTION RESULTS The Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris ts Beach counts regardedas Australia's most abundantseabird (Serventy et al. 1971). It is a trans-migratory seabird that only breeds New South Wales in southernAustralia and migrates to the far Northern First casualties were reported in early October. On 1l Hemisphere in the ausfal winter. The shearwatersretum October 2000, 80 beachwashedbirds were counted along a to Australian waters from September, and it is not 500 metre stretch of beach near EurunderieLagoon, Myall uncommon to see carcassesbeachwashed (Reid 1999). On Lakes. Live birds in an emaciatedcondition were still being occasion,large mortalities occur that have invoked attention washed ashoreduring the count. Also on the same day, 60 sincefirst reportedin l85l (North 1898;Hindwood 1940, shearwaterswere tbund on the beach at Mungo Brush, i949; Iredale 1930; Serventy 1941, 1,943,1967). oppositeBroughton Island, (Ian McAllan, pers.comm.). The In October and November 2000, dead birds were found previous day there were no shearwatersat either location. from 400 kilometres north of Brisbane to southern The major mortality probably occurredon the central and Tasmania, and west to New Zealand. In this paper I north coasts (Table l). The highest number of dead birds describe this large mortality, look at possible underlying was recorded near South West Rocks north of Port causes and assessthe impacts on the breeding of Short- Macquarie, with 1820 birds per kilometre over 4.5 tailed Shearwaters. kilometres on 25 October 2000, which was the largest mortality of shearwatersalong that section of coast for at METHODS least ten years (Ken Shingleton,pers. comm.). South of Countsof beachwashedShort tailed Shearwaters were made alotrs. Sydney to BatemansBay, the count was 64 birds per Ausrrahan maroland,Tasmanicn and Ne\r Zealand beaches.I small kilometre over 1.5 kilometres near Bawley Point south of sample of birds was also collectcd for autopsy in Victoria. Ulladulla, and 74 birds per kilometre over 2 kilometres of beach Depot Beach, also (Lindsay The percentage of burrows occupied by a shearwater in mid at south of Ulladulla and December compared to lhe total counted, or burrow occupancy, was JaniceSmith, pels.comm.). compared between years. Burrow occupancy has b€en modtored since 1997 as part of the long-term Short-tailed Shearwater management Victoria programme in Tasmania (Skira 1996) on several colonies io the In Mctoria it was reported that '100s of short-tailed Fumeaux Group (40"S, 148"E, situated off north,east Tasmania). One of the counts is in December duriog the incubarion period. Egg laying shearwaters washed up on the eastern Port Phillip Bay in Short-tailed Shearwaters is synchrooor.tsbetween years and occurs beaches'(Ruth Connell, pers. comm.). between 20 November and 3 December (Serventy 1963). In cach colony, counls follow the melhods described in Skira and Wapsrra (1980) and Tasmania are done along thrce 100 x 2 metres lransects on the same transect lin€s as in previous years. Breeding data was also garhered from the small Large mortalities were noticed approximately one week Shon-hiled Shearwater colony (up to 100 pairs) otr Fisher Island in the after that in New South Wales. Beach counts were spread Fumeaux Group, as part of a study that began in 1947 (Scrvcnry 1977). across Tasmania and gave a rate as high as 420 birds per To study the oceanographicinfluences on shearwaters,east Australian kilometre (Table 2). Similar large mortalities occurred on current sea surface temperature data were obtained fmm the Australian beacheson the west coast (Ocean Beach) as for the east Oceanographic Data Centre websile (www.aodc.gov.au). coast (Clifton Beach). 81 SkTa: Mortality of Short{ailed Shearwaters Corella27(3) TABLE T New Zealand Coun6 of beachwashedShorltailed Shearwaters in northemNew South Wales,October to November 2000 (NarelleSwanson pers. "o.-.j. ii Many dead birds were found spread along areasof New Sawtellr2 TuckersRock; 3 Boambee; 4 North Beach:5_Bonville; 6-Cofis Zealand'scoast. Fishers saw birds dead at sea,and the ones Jetty;7 Sturu Pointi 8 Mooneei9 Emerald; 10 WoolgootgaBeach; li on beacheswere very emaciated poor WoolgoolgaHeadland). and in condition (Henrik Moller. pers. comm.). The toral counr of Beach Number/km beachwashedbirds reported for all the beacheswalked was almost I 000, with 523 20 Ocl I 3.0 I 800 600 of them from Invercarsill and the bottom 21 Ocl 2 0.2 r00 500 end of the Sourh lsland, and the remainderlrom 3l Oct 3 6.0 2 000 333 all aroundthe North Island(Phil Rhodes,pers. comm.). I Nov 4 8.0 I 600 200 Burrow occupancy 5 Nov 5 0.05 300-500 15 Nov 6 1.0 200 ,7 200 The percentage of burrows occupied comoared to the 15 Nov 0.15 300-500 total. in December2000, varied betweencoionies bv as 16 Nov 8 3.0 430 t43 much as 20 per cent (Table 3). Variation also occuned 16 Nov 9 1.0 168 168 between years. For example, on Big Green and East 17 Nov IO 3.0 454 l5l Kangaroo Islands, in December 2000, burrow occuDancv l? Nov ll 1.0 160 t60 was down by 20 per cent comparedto December1999. These two islands are within 5 kilometres of each other. On all colonies monitored, burrow occupancy was greater TABLE 2 in December 2001, one year after the major mortality. Countsof b€achwashedSho(-tailed Shearwaters in Tasmania,October to Novcmbrr2000. rl WaubsBay. 2 EagtehawkNeck: .] Richirdson,4 TABLE 3 S\ anwick:5Callen s, o Lrghrhouse:? Bellerive: g Cliftonl s E3eteha\ak Percentageof Short-tailedShearwater burrows occupied during the Neck:I Mirrion:l0 Roaring:ll SrfelyCove: 12 CremornellJ Hopc: mcubationperiod in Decemb€roo somecolooies in theFumeaux C;oup. 14 SevenMilei 15 Ocean;16 Carlton; 17 Cressy;18 Lufra; 19 pirares Bay.20 himroseSand!: 2t RoariDS: 22 SlopingMain:21 Baylelsl 24 Island 199',7 1998 1999 2000 2001 Coonellys Marsh:25 SusanBay; 26 Taroona;2? Fortescu€). GreatDog 57.',| 56.8 6l.3 54.5 Dale Beach Little Dog Y 65.4 50.2 ',73.3 Leogrh tkm' Number found Number/km '71.3 60.8 Little Green 46.6 58.9 12.a 18Oct I '70.3 0.5 20 40 Big Creen 661 6't.l 48.0 78.0 20 Oct 2 3.0 230 78 East Kangaroo 64.5 62.4 65.0 4s.0 80.4 20 Oct 3 2.0 t20 60 Fisher 55.6 45.0 58.0 40.8 6',7.2 20 Ocl 4 60 40 22 Oct 5 2.0 l 55 Fisher Islantl coLony 24 Oct 1.0 50 50 25 Ocr 'l 1.0 52 52 The percentageof burrows occupiedcompared to the total 26 Oct 8 2.0 507 259 during incubation in December 2000 was 4l per cent 26 Oct 2 2.0 202 l0l comparedto 58 per cent in 1999-2000,45 pei cenr in 26 Oct 9 4.O 167 1998-1999.50per cenrin 1997-1998and 48 per cenl in 26 Oct l0 t.0 8l 8l 1996-1997. Another measure of the effect of mortalitv is 26 Oct 1l I 9 9 recruitmentinro a breedingpopulation. Data from Fiiher 2'l Ocl 8 2.O 260 I30 Island show that 10.1 per cent of the shearwaters 2l Ocl t2 1.0 180 180 breedingin 2000-2001had neverbeen previously 21 Ocl l3 5.0 4',70 94 recordedon Fiiier Island (Table4). 2'7 Ocr 10.5 3 350 319 In the 20012U)2 breedingseason, 16.4 per cent 29 Ocl l5 20.o 200 l0 of the shearwaterswere new birds to the island.and since 29 Ocr t6 250 100 the 1982-.1983breeding season, mean annualrecruitment of 30 Ocr t6 2.5 250 100 new breedingbirds has been 6.8 a 1.7 per cent (j2SE). 30 Oct t1 0.5 15 30 30 Oct l8 I 200 200 30 Ocl l9 2.0 50 25 TABLE 4 Annualpercenlage 30 Oct 20 L5 t20 80 recruitmentof newbreeding Short tailed Shearwarers intothe Fisher Island populatioo from December 1982 to 30 Ocl 2l 1.0 20 20 December2001. 30 Oct 22 3.0 100 34 New Breeding New Breedinq I Nov 23 3.0 300 100 Year Brrds(per cep year Birds{per ceni) I Nov 5 0.5 210 420 2001 16.4 1991 I Nov 24 1.0 14 74 2000 l0 I 1990 't.'7 2 Nov 25 1.0 38 38 )999 9.0 1989 8.5 3 Nov 26 1.0 3 3 I998 7.2 1988 9.9 7 Nov 27 0.5 59 118 t99',7 5.8 198? 13.4 ll Nov 2 2.0 2l 1996 1.4 1986 7.3 t995 3_8 ll Nov l0 4.0 46 t2 r985 5.7 1994 4.1 1984 0.9 ll Nov 22 1.0 89 89 1993 1983 12Nov 27 0.5 8.0 6 1992 2.2 t982 September,2003 Sklra.
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