US $4.00 CLAN WALLACE SOCIETY WORLDWIDE The Guardian A Publication of the Clan Wallace Society. Est. 1966 WINTER 2011 VOL 45, NO 1 From the Desk of the President Prior to retiring as a professional driver, lace incorporated language defining what much of my time was spent looking down this Society's objectives would be. the road, but on occasion I had to check Among them, the improvement and pres- the side mirrors to see what was “back ervation of objects connected with Scot- there.” Such is the case for this issue of tish History, traditions, and especially our newsletter. First we'll look ahead at those of the Family of Wallace. where the Society is going following a Not all that long after its founding, the modest change of Directors beginning on Clan Wallace Society was represented at January 1st, 2011. Then we'll take a look the Wallace Monument in Elderslie by back on the occasion of the 40 th anniver- Charles B. Wallace in September 1970, sary of then-president Charles B. Wal- speaking of a monument that had lan- lace's speech at Elderslie, Scotland in guished on the site since its beginnings in September of 1970. 1912; how four of the plaster plaques of This summer's nominating process for six intended to adorn the monument had President Bob Wallace and his wife, Lois, Directors produced three nominations to been housed in Paisley Museum; how wish everyone in CWSW a great 2011. fill three openings on the Executive funding was necessary to refurbish the Board. Had any additional nominations monument, cast the plaques in bronze been submitted, an election by Council and have them placed on the monument members would have been required to in the spaces reserved for them so many Ciad Mile Fàilte! choose which of the nominees would sit years earlier. At the close of his speech, Welcome to the CWSW. on the Executive Board over the next the six plaques were unveiled to those in three years. attendance that day in Elderslie. On behalf of Ian Francis Wallace of that Ilk, 35th Chief of Clan Wallace, the Executive Vice President William J. “Bill” That was the first but by no means the President and Board of Directors wel- Wallace of Bend, Oregon is finishing his last effort of this Society to follow objec- come the individuals listed below to the third three-year term of office, as is Di- tives set by the Society's founders. To fellowship of our Society. Fàilte! rector John R. Wallace of South Carolina. this day we attempt to locate projects Thanks for the years of service each of that follow their example. Such efforts you has given to our organization, and have led us to the new Visitors Center at Upgrade to Life Member look forward to your continuing support Culloden; an ongoing contribution to as- Kelly J. Wallace, Middleton, ID of the Society. On January 1st, 2011, sist the Wallace 700 group in Aberdeen; John Thomas Wallace, Sylvan Lake, AB Russ Harper and Ron Heacock, both of more recently to assist in refurbishing the North Carolina, will take seats on the Robert Burns statue in Milwaukee, Wis- New Life Members Board of Directors, to replacing Bill and consin; and this November the ground- William R. Wallace, Grant's Pass, OR John. Gentlemen, thank you for agreeing breaking in Philadelphia for a new statue Sara Martin, Wilder, ID to serve the Society as Directors over the honoring those who immigrated to this next three years. nation from Scotland generations ago. New Annual Members Julie Lane, Lenoir City, TN th Russ and his wife Marcia have been Con- Given that this September was the 40 Teresa Creech, Morgan Hill, CA veners for a number of years, and repre- anniversary of Charles B. Wallace's com- William Edward McNair, Fairfax, VA sented the Society at the Homecoming ments to an audience in Elderslie, my William James Wallace, Interlachen, FL event in Edinburgh last year. Ron and his thought was to ask our editor to print his Adam J. Walls, Chestnut Hill Grove, MD wife Terri are also long time conveners entire speech in this newsletter. His Sue Horsley McCracken, Paris, KY for Clan Wallace Society. We look for- speech can be found on Pages 6 and 7. Andy Watkins, Bogart, GA ward to their joining the Board in Janu- All the best in 2011 and beyond! Susanne Dykes, Belvedere, SC ary. Your president was the third nomi- Nancy Wallace, Kennesaw, GA nee and will begin his third three-year Shawn Hendrickson, Hiawassee, GA term in January. Bob. Robert Barry Wallace, Gardnerville, NV At the founding of Clan Wallace Society in Diana Register, Hephzibah, GA 1966, Charles B. Wallace and Joe P. Wal- Robert B. Wallace, President PAGE 2 THE GUARDIAN WINTER 2011 Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Directors Meeting at Stone Mountain, GA The Annual Directors Meeting (ADM) of the Clan no awards were presented, but four certifi- bookstores, a modest increase in advertis- Wallace Society Worldwide was held at Stone cates were presented to Board members. ing budget for FY 2011, and funds for tent Mountain, Georgia, October 15, 2010. Here are Rewards program brought in $3,396.00 for expenses at Stone Mountain. the proceedings: the year, totaling more than $26,026.90 B. Election of Officers: Officers and Pro- since inception of the program. gram Directors for 2011 are: Robert B. Directors Attending: H. International Projects Report: John Wallace, President; Larry Slight, Executive Robert Bruce “Bob” Wallace, President Wallace discussed current and future pro- Vice President; Donna K. Wallace, Secre- William J. “Bill” Wallace, Executive V-P jects, including the Wallace statue at Dry- tary; Lisa Donant, Treasurer. Lisa Donant, Treasurer burgh, Scotland, and a potential program C. ADM for 2011: Memphis TN, with or with- John R. Wallace for musical instruments in Appalachia for out the Games. Jean R. Wallace children. D. Web Site: Add a page to the site for the James L. Wallace I. Membership Survey: Darrell Wallace sale or trade of Clan Wallace or Scottish Darrell L. Wallace conducted a random survey of 30 Council items. A draft web page will be written and Charles Wallace members, receiving a 40% response. At the reviewed by the CWS attorney prior to Larry Slight current rate of new Council members vs the being made public. Proxies held for: rate of attrition for current Council mem- E. Membership Proposal: Discussion of a Donna Kay Wallace and Elmer Inman. bers, the number of Council members is proposal to change membership categories expected to continue declining over the related to the earlier discussed Membership MEETING OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2010 next decade. Survey results, to be reviewed by the CWS J. Special Reports: Larry Slight discussed attorney. Opening: The President called the meeting to the status of Open Actions dating from the F. International Projects for 2011: John order at 9:11 AM, Friday, October 15, 2010. 2009 ADM in Estes Park, Colorado. Most Wallace discussed maintenance for several actions have been completed, and several ongoing projects; new Immigrants Memo- Minutes from 2009 Meeting: Accepted. are ongoing. rial in Philadelphia; funding for a CWS Treasurer's FY 2010 Report was presented K. Advisory Director for Canada: Larry Award for Fergus Games; and funding for and approved. Slight presented for Dorothy Knight. The Scottish Heritage program at Lyon College, Society has gained seven new members in Batesville, AR. Reports. Canada. Also discussed was the Wallace- G. International Project for the Future: burg Mural, Tartan Day in Canada nearing Review of a book on Sir William Wallace All reports, statistics, and cost figures were for reality, and information on Games in Al- published in French written by Beatrice Fiscal Year October 1, 2009 – September 30, berta. Balty. Past Director Tom E.S. Wallace of 2010. Nova Scotia will review, comment, and A. Election Committee: No report – Nomi- Close of Meeting, Sine Die. make recommendations regarding the nations equaled the number of Open Direc- translation and publishing. tor Positions. MEETING OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 H. Loaner Convener Kit: The Convener B. Membership Chair: Charles Wallace re- Chair will assemble a loaner kit for conven- Opening: The President reopened the meeting ported 63 new members: 58 Annual, 5 Life, ers to use on an emergency basis. at 12:35 PM, Friday, October 15, 2010. and two Life members upgraded to Council. I. 2012 Calgary Gathering: Bob and Lois Ten Annual members renewed this year. Certification of New Directors: Russ Harper Wallace took a preliminary look at Calgary C. Newsletter Manager: Lisa Donant pre- and Ronald Heacock were certified as new Direc- and Canmore over the Labor Day weekend, sented for Elmer Inman. The Society is tors. including reviewing hotel properties. A mailing out 62 newsletters each issue, while committee was named to continue the email distribution accounts for the remain- New Business. process: Bill Wallace, Lisa Donant, and John T. Wallace. der. A. Annual Budget for FY 2011: Placement D. Convener Affairs: Jean Wallace reported of Society ads in magazines available in new Conveners Bob and Lois Wallace. Dick Close of Meeting, Sine Die. and Jean have connected with Robert Crawford to set up next year in Memphis, making an- other Crawford-Wallace con- nection. E. Secretary's Report: Lisa Donant presented for Donna Wallace. Mailings for the year included the Annual President's Letter and nomination forms for the Board of Directors elec- tion. F. Documents/Publications- Maitland Papers: Marcus Jim Wallace reported that there is an interest from Dr. Philip Smith, author of “Tartan for Me,” in working on translation of the Maitland Papers.
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