w. PriId It Aa W. GIt It, W"atJ.o.t F.... F..... MYWtiIiM Hu No JWetiGa f•• to b. Pcfcr. THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE PODI'I'E AlII) mE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT YOL.16-No.1 IL B. OLDHAM. Publi.her. .GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1940 By Mail, $2.00 per year; Sin~le CopiCl, sCent.- QIUJd4. C~? , 8:rA. P..,. ~nTatiq. • Zouiq OrdiDauee We'~e nua acron two new yeniOlU .f\cIopted At Gratiot of campaip lapel aadgets which were Trembly School ~ilclren Salute Flag 'Draft Confusion Avoided designed and executed by an Eastem Townabip MeetiJJa' hairdreliSer, One u a small ke)' with Gt'atiot TOWllship'. lIew zonin,r ordi. If Voters. Will Regl!lter the lette... WILL propped OD top; the ;,. ~,"'..... --:-~=~ other is (of aU thinas) a red rose with II&ZIcewas llll.lllimollSl" adopted as pub- the letters VELT supportill&' the Item I lished ill a reeelit isalle of The Gt'osse " .,. Before Final Deadline McNary had a little lamb !'omte Review, last Monda" evening at Wednesday, Oetober 16, wiJI be the Who's DIllIe was "Iq 0' muttoa~ a board meeting in Eastwood School Both resbtrafiol1s will be handled b,. last day in which yoters who inteud to And everytime it waned its tall, Several questionl and om)' one ob- the same perlO11Jlel in your commugjt, east a baUot at aatiouat e1eciWD 011 It Sashed a Willkie battOL jeetioa were raised duriaa' tbe eveniaa'a the and a tremendou.s load wiU be thrown Tuesday, November can teeister. diaCtlstiOll. JUltice Edward Kraft gaye 5, UJIOll the reaisttiltioa C1achinery OIl For a Iollg tiJIIe "e've tbouaht that a sbort Ipeech dcfendill&' the ordiaanee Wednesda)', October 16, wiJI also be the that lIa7. Jack Nann (Daab.Navia) was a cood and thcn offered a Dlotion for imme- day when every man between the ages The oaJy wa,. in which the delaYl pilotographer-bat now we know tbat diate adoption. This move was aec~ e! 21 and 35 years oi age must regis- and eot1fnsion cansed by this unhappy' he is "tops. n His photOlP'apbl (whicll ter for the draft, ollded by Justice Edward Root. The eirCllJDstance of dates CIlI be reduced. appeared ill Sunday'. Free PreIs) of unanimOUI vote quickly faDowcd. it by voters Dot waiting until the "ery Mrs. Frederick Y. AJaer, Mn. C. Henry September Water Profit last day to register, Voters can regis. Bub!, Mrs. Harold R. Boya' a.Dd Mra. Initial Drivers' eLL __ I In Gratiot Townahip ter ricbt now, while the hundreds of Carter Sales, were exquisite !ikenesaes ~ draftees cannot. They mltSt register of Ioftly 1oOIciac"A'Omell. If Mr. Navia SeuioD DraWl Exceeda $2~OOO on October 16- c<y&ld mab UI look Jib: THAT, ~'4 Goodly Aumeac:e Grosse Pointe TOWllSbip Cterk Carl elltraizl for HoIInrood &SId take IUm Gratiot Township received n appli- Schwiekart and Cit" of Grosse Pointe cations for water taps duriDi the mOllth along. The lint sess~ Grosse Poiute's Ouk Norbert P. Neff bave iss\Jtci ad of September aDd made a profit of appeal to the e1ectnrs who have IlOt al- And speaking of pictures, IOtDCOfte Dew drivers' .cbool wa s beld last. Tues- $2,045. it was anDOunced Tuesda" by IeDt us three cliPPfnp from local pa- da)' eveniag in the Grosse Poillte High ready registered for vetili&'. to do 10 U Supervisor Ernest Provo. pers, that pictllred three diJferu.t School auditorium. soon as possible, and .a..oid standing in This was the largest profit made duro women wcariag the slIDe cyeniq EIllworth Eo Rockwell, Detroit poacc line OIl the last days for registering. ,own. ing any silll'le month in the township's One was the 1eadillC lady of "The Man official ill charge of the schoo~ pr-e. Electors ma,. register at the To~ history. Provo claims that the water lhip office.. ]5115 Jefferson, bet_ell Who Came To Diau.er," another IUS a sented a BTOUpof interested slides ex. sYStem vri1J shnw • :"!'~~ =-! =:;:!:; ~!':~ !:c:::-. ;;f ~ ... 16u"; ..; ~ ~. m.- ~i'vr~~:;io;:~ wwdd .ud thi: t:&i;d WI&a ii1&lu.lu. iitc:ht alia woci of afe w.. we: $13,000 for.the year Decembet Ilrs. Horace E. Dodge. We hanD't drivi .. ending and at the office of the city clerk, 17150 any idea what tbe sender of the clip- The Hol1Ol' Court of Grosse Pointe 112. Maumee IYCIl1IC, and St. Clair and Neff. from 51 a. Ill. to p. Ill. daily. _ pings upect1 liS to say about it, IID1eas Hiah has prOlllised eo-opcration aud .:30 he hopes well say that Mrs. ooo.e will assip 7oaDI'driftrs to scssioas of • 1 Saturdays from 8:JO a. Ill. to 12 lIOO1l.. looks more attractive in the cown than the sdJool AMERICAN RALLY Voters c:aJl check. thc:ir ..talus by tete.. any of tile others. WeD, aile does. The school meets the phone to ascertaia whether 9r not tbq are rqiJetre~ . of eycry montIL AD ••• ftIla. u-e,., ........ B'dore )'O!l say, "Oh ficJdlqtk:b, •• ~ ia tile A--. ..,.,_ Au additionaJ service it obtainable ill other redpe," read caref1lJly a.Dd we'll. iIniteoI to .... ...., _ the City of Graue PoiDte on Taadll,. bet that you'll add this ~ to yOIII' W ........ ,.. 0d0IIw .. .t ioU Cktober .. and Tuesday, October 15" coUectiOll. It's c!esl«Aed for a two- atALFONT OPENED Po" e-- .t:r..... Cad 1'JIIea tbI cieric'. olke wiD be opu lOUIe, so )'01l'D have to euJarre accord. F....... .m .-..;..-c... ... frosa , to 9 .. ~ ttGMI a.Jf .. t ._ ingl)'. ............ will .. ...... Whea ... ilita to TOte. eIec:ton are Salad: Tbree-qaarter head of beam .....iect ill Crouo PoialeF_ 1If8Cd to chedc 'their cornet TOtinlr of crisp lettlKe,' cut ill fine stript; ~ - ~ ..-.I to ....... booth. Sioee the 1936 presidential eIec. cup of chiem cut ill .tripa; ~ cup of ,.... -:r .......... at II .'deck. tio_; Groae Poia. TOWDship'a YOtiq baked ham cut ill strips; I tablespoon e.- r.to F_ Pi .. ' Broken' Auociation t)reCiDcta haft: ... fartba' .plit up IJI4 of chopped pickle; ~ cap toaaatoes C1It tt....,. F...... p.. o..a... a.n Holds 8anquet the~ __raicIcIIbdirieioa... ItiD UIlf;umliar witIa ill smaU "c:hllJlb," lice <:IIW A. 0. FWtt. Eaai-w II~ !=itIt. aM ~e"'=ral er-' p~~ ::c;a a.Pbie lIII4Icr tbe A :at!:~ of lIWIJ J)l!nOIIJ ....,.. DnuiDa: ODe tah\apooa of -eI:r W ... e-tr ....WPA ~ ~e SenftIe ,~- will n:Ptu for e,ted in the wdfare ClIf (if...-- ~"' ;q;".. ...iJ .'~ ~ , .- ..... tabte!lPOODS of ~; J taWaPCClb • -. w..-;.. --==~..---,.., MIl (If olive oil; 1 teaspoon of worcester. I. 'FoiGte BrOka-J' A......... ,... to ... Ja dte-'~ shire sauce. Milt weD and aerve my = CIl~ aboat ., pests at diD-- ner. isIc of qmUJ;ta, Oat:: Carl ScJnmk,. cold, directly on pbte-1lOt 011 lettuce art bas .. ked -erated valuateen to leaves. To win friends and inftllfllce Rotary Club Awarda Many phases of real estate aJId IIWI7 coatact kiDs at '&iI' ofice. people, add carlic on days when yOIl Gift Books To 31 .'1' ":;#.'.", poiDts-of.view met when representa. expect to do some shopllinlr or CO to All-A Student. .~?"g;'to.;;o tives of banks, insurance compUies, Ii- the theater, Garnish the plate with Pi,rllr~ by &view Staff Pbotogrllpher. quida ting corpora tiODS, th e Grosse Hoa''man~ey quart en of a IolDlto and sliced bard Pointe municipalities aDd the Grosse In recognition of having earned an to give them experiences in de"otion to 8anquet T.. mecI boiled egg. And if you're in the mood, Pointe Board of EducaiWD sat down a11.A report card last semester, the the flag as a symbol gf America de- for all we care. you might add a few with real estate firms specializing in "Huge Suec:eu". follo1Ving students of Grosse Pointe mocracy. snapshots of JuniOl' taken when he 'InS Grosse Pointe properties. Higb School will be presel1ted with gift a baby, NOTHING can spoil the salad The upper grades are reading and Also present were builders operatiug A banquet hdd by the HollSemq.. itself. books b" the Grosse Pointe Rotary discussing the ways in which children in the section, representativel of the Spitzley Cor p 0 r at i 0 11 and GeueraI Glib at an October school assembly. of other countries Ih'e. as compared Home Owners Loan Corporation. Fed- HOIl5eS, Il1cotporated, IaJt Saturday Had yOIl noticed (or don't you care?) Margaret Allard, 9B; James Austin, with their own. Gradually they ",ill eral Housing Administration and the cycmng in the Ulliversity Oub, 14i'1. that I'll Never Smile Again" has lOA; Lucile Barnes, llA; Patricia gTow in .the realization that the united Reconstruction Finance Commissioa. East Jeffersoa. bas been termed :a bap Beckenhauer, 12A; Helen Briggs, lOA; dropped back to third place, after hav- States is one of the few countries in W. Gordou Jolul5tone of Johnltone sllccess by enryOl1e wbo atteDded. ing held 'first place for seven weeks on William Burton, llA; Carole Castri- which all of us enjoy Dlany privileges & Johnstone, president of the associa~ The celebratior. lVas transferred to the Hit Parade. The author of the cum, 7A; Marjorie Chovey, llA; Rich- which are taken as a lQ,alter of course, tion introduced the speakers. Finton the University Oub from the Detroit lOng is a woman lVho had never writ- ard Crane, IDA; Jean Doherty, 7A; but which were hard-earned and dearly 1.. Henk, past-president of Henle-Gar- Yacht Oub, after a brokcn Wliter maia ten one before, but because of the grief Lorraine Everson, lZB; Barbara Ferry, lond by our forefathers.
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