Prager Schriften zur Zeitgeschichte 10 Prager Schriften zur Zeitgeschichte und zum Zeitgeschehen 10 und zum Zeitgeschehen 10 Michal Reiman Michal Reiman About Russia, Its Revolutions, Reiman Michal Its Development and Its Present The author analyzes modern Russian established terror as an instrument for About Russia, history from a new perspective. Due to social reorganization. WWII revealed the the ideological heritage of the XIX and XX necessity of a correction of these devel- century, the social settings of the socio- opments, but the events of the Cold War Its Revolutions, political history of the USSR (1917-1945) circumvented any further considerations. have not been fully identified. Detailed examination of ideological and political Its Development concepts shows that the revolution of 1917 became not a middle class, proletarian The Author movement, but rather a plebeian one. The Michal Reiman lectured at the College of and Its Present misjudgment by the new power enabled Political Science in Prague and was Pro- growth but caused tremendous losses of fessor at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political human lives and material damages. So- Science at Freie Universität Berlin and at cialization of economy and strict central- the Institute for International Studies at ization led to a new social structure and Charles University Prague. About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its Development and Its Present and Its Development Its Revolutions, Its Russia, About ISBN 978-3-631-67136-8 Prager Schriften zur Zeitgeschichte 10 Prager Schriften zur Zeitgeschichte und zum Zeitgeschehen 10 und zum Zeitgeschehen 10 Michal Reiman Michal Reiman About Russia, Its Revolutions, Reiman Michal Its Development and Its Present The author analyzes modern Russian established terror as an instrument for About Russia, history from a new perspective. Due to social reorganization. WWII revealed the the ideological heritage of the XIX and XX necessity of a correction of these devel- century, the social settings of the socio- opments, but the events of the Cold War Its Revolutions, political history of the USSR (1917-1945) circumvented any further considerations. have not been fully identified. Detailed examination of ideological and political Its Development concepts shows that the revolution of 1917 became not a middle class, proletarian The Author movement, but rather a plebeian one. The Michal Reiman lectured at the College of and Its Present misjudgment by the new power enabled Political Science in Prague and was Pro- growth but caused tremendous losses of fessor at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political human lives and material damages. So- Science at Freie Universität Berlin and at cialization of economy and strict central- the Institute for International Studies at ization led to a new social structure and Charles University Prague. About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its Development and Its Present and Its Development Its Revolutions, Its Russia, About About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its Development and Its Present PRAGER SCHRIFTEN ZUR ZEITGESCHICHTE UND ZUM ZEITGESCHEHEN Herausgegeben von Michal Reiman, Miroslav Kunštát und Jiří Vykoukal BAND 10 Michael Reiman About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its Development and Its Present Bibliographic Information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de. Library of CongressAn electronic Cataloging-in-Publication version of this book is freely Data available, thanks to the support Names: Reiman,of libraries Michal, working author. with Knowledge Unlatched. KU is a collaborative Title: About initiativeRussia, its designed revolutions, to make its de highvelopment quality andbooks its Openpresent Access / Michal for the Reiman. public BibliographicDescription:good. Frankfurt Information More am information Main published ; New about York by the the : Peter Deutsche initiative Lang Edition, andNationalbibliothek links [2016] to the | Open Access Series:version Prager can be Schriften found at zurwww.knowledgeunlatched.org. Zeitgeschichte und zum Zeitgeschehen, ISSN 1861-163XOpen Access: ; Band The 10 online | Includes version bibliographical of this publication references is published and index. on Identifiers:www.peterlang.com LCCN 2016027098| and www.econstor.eu ISBN 9783631671368 under the (print) international | ISBN 9783653064735 Creative Com (e-- Librarybook)mons License of Congress CC-BY-NC-ND Cataloging-in-Publication 4.0. Learn more on Data how you can use and share this Names:Subjects:work: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. Reiman, LCSH: Soviet Michal, Union—Politics author. and government—1917-1936. | Soviet Un- Title:Bibliographicion—Politics About Russia, and Information government—1936-1953. its revolutions, published its de byvelopment the | Soviet Deutsche Union—History—Revolution, and itsNationalbibliothek present / Michal Reiman. Bibliographic1917-1921—Influence. Information | Stalin,All published versions Joseph 1878-1953—Influence.of by this the work Deutsche may contain Nationalbibliothek | Sovietcontent Union—Social reproduced BibliographicDescription: Frankfurt Information am Main published ; New York by the : Peter Deutsche Lang Edition, Nationalbibliothek [2016] | Series:conditions—1917-1945. Prager Schriften zur | Revolutions—Socialunder Zeitgeschichte license from und thirdaspects—Soviet zum parties. Zeitgeschehen, Union—History. ISSN | So- 1861-163Xcial change--Soviet ; Band 10 Union—History. | IncludesPermission bibliographical | Social to reproduce structure—Soviet references this third-party and index.Union—History. content must be obtained from these third-parties directly. LibraryIdentifiers:| Political of culture—Soviet Congress LCCN 2016027098| Cataloging-in-Publication Union—History. ISBN 9783631671368 | State-sponsored Data (print) | ISBNterrorism—Social 9783653064735 as- (e- book)Librarypects—Soviet of Congress Union—History. Cataloging-in-Publication Data LibraryNames: Reiman,of Congress Michal, Cataloging-in-Publication author. Data Names:Subjects:Classification: Reiman, LCSH: LCC Soviet Michal, DK268.4 Union—Politics author. .R45 2016 | andDDC government—1917-1936. 947.084—dc23 LC record | Sovietavailable Un- at Names:Title: About Reiman, Russia, Michal, its revolutions, author. its development and its present / Michal Reiman. Title:ion—Politicshttps://lccn.loc.gov/2016027098 About Russia, and government—1936-1953. its revolutions, its development | Soviet Union—History—Revolution, and its present / Michal Reiman. Title:Description: About Russia, Frankfurt its revolutions,am Main ; New its de Yorkvelopment : Peter Lang and Edition,its present [2016] / Michal | Reiman. Description:1917-1921—Influence. Frankfurt am| Stalin, Main Joseph ; New 1878-1953—Influence.York : Peter Lang Edition, | Soviet [2016] Union—Social | TheDescription:Series: monograph Prager Frankfurt Schriftenhas been am zurpublished Main Zeitgeschichte ; New with York the und support : Peter zum Lang of Zeitgeschehen, the Edition, Faculty [2016] of ISSNSocial | Sciences, Series:conditions—1917-1945. Prager Schriften zur | Revolutions—Social Zeitgeschichte und aspects—Soviet zum Zeitgeschehen, Union—History. ISSN | So- CharlesSeries:1861-163X University Prager ; Band Schriften in Prague,10 | Includes zur Research Zeitgeschichte bibliographical Development und referenceszum Schemes, Zeitgeschehen, and programm index. ISSN P17 - Sciences 1861-163Xcial change--Soviet ; Band 10 Union—History. | Includes bibliographical | Social structure—Soviet references and index.Union—History. 1861-163XIdentifiers:of ;Society,LCCN Band 102016027098| Politics, | Includes and ISBNbibliographical Media 9783631671368 under the references Challenge (print) and | ofISBN index.the 9783653064735Times. (e- Identifiers:| Political culture—Soviet LCCN 2016027098| Union—History. ISBN 9783631671368 | State-sponsored (print) | ISBNterrorism—Social 9783653064735 as- (e- Identifiers:book) LCCN 2016027098| ISBN 9783631671368 (print) | ISBN 9783653064735 (e- book)pects—Soviet Union—History. Reviewers: book)Subjects: LCSH: Soviet Union—Politics and government—1917-1936. | Soviet Un- Subjects:Classification: LCSH: Prof.LCC Soviet DK268.4a.D. Union—Politics Dr. Milan.R45 2016 Průcha | andDDC (Freie government—1917-1936. 947.084—dc23 Universität Berlin)LC record | Sovietavailable Un- at Subjects:ion—Politics LCSH: and Soviet government—1936-1953. Union—Politics and |government—1917-1936. Soviet Union—History—Revolution, | Soviet Un- ion—Politicshttps://lccn.loc.gov/2016027098 and government—1936-1953.Prof. Dr. Dieter Segert (Universität | Soviet Union—History—Revolution, Wien) ion—Politics1917-1921—Influence. and government—1936-1953. | Stalin, Joseph 1878-1953—Influence. | Soviet Union—History—Revolution, | Soviet Union—Social 1917-1921—Influence. | Stalin, Joseph 1878-1953—Influence. | Soviet Union—Social 1917-1921—Influence.conditions—1917-1945. | Stalin,| Revolutions—Social JosephISSN1861-163X 1878-1953—Influence. aspects—Soviet | Union—History.Soviet Union—Social | So- Theconditions—1917-1945. monograph has been published| Revolutions—Social with the support aspects—Soviet of the Faculty Union—History. of Social Sciences, | So- conditions—1917-1945.cial change--Soviet Union—History. | ISBNRevolutions—Social 978-3-631-67136-8 | Social structure—Soviet aspects—Soviet (Print) Union—History. | So- Charlescial change--SovietUniversity in Prague, Union—History. Research
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