SWINGING WOUND GOLF NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF By KERB GRAFRS Construction started 011 Illahe Hilts CC A. Burba to build IS holes and 1 (Hi-room 18-hole private club at Salem, Ore ... To motel at Santa Rose Shores, near Pens- be in play in July, 1901 . Begin build- aeola, Fla. Dick Wilson is architect . ing 18-hole course for Warren (Pa.) Golf New infield course at Bay Meadows race & Recreation . Raymond P. Rislan, 25 track, San Francisco dist. opened . Mill view dr. Warren, Pa., is owner . Start building Riverside C&GC, Macon, C. E. Robinson, Toronto, is architect . Ga. Plan to build 9-hole Par-3 course under Fred Annon now pro at Ridgeway CC plastic dome in Minneapolis suburb. (NY Met dist.) . Annon is pro at Pine- Heavy play lias officials at numerous crest Lakes Club, Avon Park, Fla,, in municipal courses talking about raising winter . Melvin O. Potts and Wm. D. fees to non-residents . , . Rubert B. Mur- Miller to build course and subdivision at ray, Jr., Pan American Airways executive Salem, Ore. , . John Sutter now pro at vp, advises Hawaii to build more courses Westboro (Mass.) CC, owned by Bay State and hotels on the islands as agriculture Abrasives Co. Club is an employee- is declining and military revenue is be- community project., . Beverlv Hills course yond Hawaii's control . But tourist in Detroit, Mich,, suburban Warren trade will increase with courses and hotels. closed after 29 years ... To be used as Indiana university opens new clubhouse General Motors factory site . , . Beverly as part of program planned to give the Hills has merged with Romeo (Mich.) school finest golf facilities in Rig Ten . G&AC . Eugene (Cotton) Strickland, brothers Ales, Sam and Bill Lilac expect Beverly Hills pro. has joined Romeo staff. to open first 9 of their course at Newport, Plan to begin building of Honey Hill Mien., in August . Joseph E. Milosch CC IS at Coral City, near Miami, Fla. , and son opening first 9 of their course Mark Maliannah is architect. , . Construc- at Carleton, Mich., late in June. tion has been delayed because of uncer- Walter E. Judge, formerly asst. to L. B. tainty of proposed road route . , Ronald Floyd at Strykerr GC, Fayetteville, N. C„ Nicol, who has served in Royal Air Force now out of Army and at Whip-Poor-Will and U. S. Army, and was Scotch junior CC, Hudson, N. Y . Developer Thomas champion, now pro at Scarsdale (N.Y.) You only hove to read Jock Morphy'i orticle on page 36 to reaffirm your faith in the importance of wown't buying in the pro merchandising picture. Murphy hinti that rf the feminine trade doesn't control the family finances, it certainly knowi where the caih If stashed and will get rid of H if the price and 34ih Year quality are right. If you're o pro yau undoubtedly IUNE 1960 alreody have di trove red thot J 1 Frtd Kuehn photo aolfeoH It publllhwl monthly ucipt Nt*. end D». M Rtttialle. til. »«eptwc« tindtr SMtlen M-M, P.L IR. Authoring PIMM aMreu >11 tdvtrtltifll ctrretetlH 4 sdttwlel torrwKodtnt* to GOLF DOM. *07 8. Dwtore M , Ctltun S CC, succeeding llarr> Dec who went to Cut Sharpening Costs! Montclair (N.J.) CC as pro. Open Fairview G&CC, 18-hole private club at Quentin, I'a, . - . Harlan Will is with a NEW pro and Bob Stone, supt. Charles Lott now supt. at Lake wood CC (Cleveland dist.) succeeding the late Clinton Fauver , . Les Stuhbings in his 20th year as pro at Orange County GC. Middle town, N. Y. Start building Estrella Mountain course as joint project of Goodyear and Avondale. Ariz. ... V. O. Allen, pro at Wigwam CC, Winslow, Ariz,, on committee planning • LIGHTER course . Jekyll Island, Ga., state-owned, • MORE COMPACT tit have 18 designed by Dick Wilson ad- • 10WER PRICED ded to its present 9 . , . New 18 to be in Simplex "150," the newest play next summer . Wm. M. Goldsmith portable lapping machine, now pro at Maysville (Ky.) CC. reconditions any hand, power, or gang reel- Yalle Verde CC IS to desieu of David type inower with lapping compound . keeps mowers in top condition between W, Kent being built as feature of Valle sharpening jobs. Couples to either side of Verde Club Estates at Poway near Escon- mower; gang mowers need not be unhitched. dido, Calif. Whitehaven, Tenn., group Weighs only 30 pounds—easily carried right beaded by Ernest McAfee organizing golf to the job. G-E Vt hp motor with reversing club . Open 9-hole coursc at Chilli- switch for quiet, dependable operation. cothe (O.) VA hospital, Marvin H. Ferguson, National Research Write todoy tor FREE folder. Co-ordinator of the USCA Green Section, The FATE-ROOT-HEATH Company estimates that during the next 10 years there will be 5,000 jobs open for course Dept. G-6 Plymouth, Ohio supts. , . Average age of superintendents SAVE TIME AND MONEY use Scoots turf program and a Scotts Spreader 15" or 26" PAR AIDE SAND RAKE Rokes ore constructed of strong aluminum alloy that will not rust or rot. FO"catalog^ PAR AIDE PRODUCTS COMPANY DEPT. G, 1457 MARSHALL AVENUE, ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA is 50 years . , . Increase in standard size South Pacific . He is survived by his golf courses has averaged 182 per year for widow, a son and a daughter, his Step- the past five years and, according to Golf- mother, five brothers and three sisters. dom and National Golf Foundation fig- Not many finer memorials to departed ures, appears to be solidly set at this rate pioneers of American golf than the Bill or faster . Hence we believe that Fer- Scott Cup for junior girls which the top guson estimate of 5000 clubs needing 10 Baltimore girl golfers play for annu- supts. in the next decade is ultra conserva- ally in a competition of one round at tive. each of Baltimore's public courses . Robert Louis Hopkins, 38, pro at Mar- Bill retired as pro at the Baltimore CC in tinsburg (W. Va.) G&CC, died recendy 1946 where he s been since 1919 ... He of inquries suffered in an automobile ac- came from his native Scotland in 1904. cident near Middle way, W. Va. He His brother, Bob, was supt. at the Balti- had been at Martinsborg 5 years . He more CC for years prior to his retirement was a veteran of wartime service in the . , Bill and Bob helped build the Five For Grass-Turf... at its Very Best! Multi-Purpose SPREADER SEEDERS lO ft. Grass-Turf Special Grass-Turf Special Gctndy Designed for building and maintain- Spreacferette ing high quality grass-turf • . pre- cision engineered and constructed Attaches to Gandy Tractor for accurate application of all grass Model Spreaders for accu- seeds and fertilizers. 8 and 10 ft. rate application of granular widths. More than twice as many chemicals for the control of openings in hopper bottom as agri- soil worms, turf weeds, fungi and other turf problems. cultural models to spread seeds and fertilizers in solid sheets instead of 3, 4 and 5 ft. Hand Models with ribbons. Eliminates grass burn. \Vi, 2 and 3 bushel capacity hoppers. Special Model 604 N.S. st for sowing seeds in nursery Company 1 in APPLICATORS! frames. Draw bar pole with trac- 530 Gandrud St., Owatonna, Minn. tor hitch available for all models. Farms course of the club . Bill had a heart ailment and had been hospitalized The Very Best for New Seeding in Florida , . He went to visit his pal . and It Throws MORE Jim McLaughlin at the Miami Shores CC Wattr, Farther! and was found dead in his parked car at Miami Shores . There's another brother. Only Doublo Altar? Dave, at Prestwick and a sister, Jeannie hti tti« linil*, ro- lit Inn I In* of vator. at the old hnme town of Calston, Scot- Not Mattarlaa, It r«rh#t farther ud land . There was a lot of class, kind- rotatlnj. It allow* all tho wkt«r to aoak la. ness and love and service for golf and No ptitfdllna, no ru«' golfers in Bill ... He loved to play the horses for a small canny Scotch bet, too . • . He was a better golfer and golf tutor than he was horse picker. Mayor Ellroy King of Corpus Christi, Tex., is one of those smart, forcsightcd parties who are in a minority , , , In urg- ing that Corpus Christi get another muni- DdUBLf El RQTARY cipal course to relieve the crowded Oso course, His Honor says, "Land is not go- SPRINKLER ing to get any cheaper and the demand £Ncou Bc*t to Rain, for public golf is getting larger, so thought should be given to acquiring land Mo,1.1 H Double _ •t>lfellfe* (tllu,tmt>d) us 111 > M-lont diunalarr;: latlaca with * turn at tha for a course if the city doesn't already fjiucrt. Butt for frwlaat unrin with Mihir Hmwrat tlf.M own a suitable site." Simla tosut Ilyta (Hill tiluatntadi cavnn to •"•M dlamataf. EictlFtnt with Hflh. MwNuni if Burglaries of pro shops already break- Low prtiaurwa PARTS IND SERVICE AVAILABLE ing last year's high record . Meadow- DOUBLE ROTARY SPRINKLER CO. brook GC shop at Ft. Worth, Tex., <111 ADMIRAL BLVD. KANSAS CITY «. MO. cleaned out twice in two weeks .. Dennis Dellis of Meadowbrok says loss was about Ask Pennsylvania Turf Equipment or Tenos Bros. About C-H-l-A Your AERO-THATCH Dealers in Pennsylvania TENOS BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. and Q PENNSYLVANIA TURF EQUIPMENT, Lebanon, Pa. Let your AERO-THATCH dealer detail and demonstrate tbe C-H-l-A Method (Patent Pending) of controlling build-up of thatch layering and compaction.
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