THE METAL MARKET. THE WEATHER. WmI rir Frldsy end turday. tow Tort; stoetrotytle copper WMMe IMw Mexicoti. Friday renersiu fair: cooler New Tort: load in central and rut portion. Saturday ralr. miera Anions Friday and Saturday fair, with New Tnrk sliver 71 V4c rising temperature. 36TH YEAR EL PASO. TEXAS. FRIDAY. MAY 26. 1916. ENGLISH SECTION 14 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS CARRANZA DETERMINED TO EORCE PRESIDENT WILSON'S HAND the death of Miss Perk bv reedms her dla ease germs He also told of trying to kill DR. WAITE BARES hla wire's parents. Mr. snd Mrs. John E. HOUSE OF COMMONS Reports Clash Peck, In the asm wsy before resorting to of WILSON DIRECTS poison as a more errective means. WITHDRAWAL Walte said he put ground glass In a can Between President INSISTS UPON of marmalade and rave It to Miss Kathertne Perk prior to his marriage. He also put SUSTAINS PREMIER and State Secretary SORDID SECRET dlsesse germs in s rsn of fish and gave that COURT MARTIAL to her. Afterward he frequently gave her germs, International News Service. various including typhoid, watt as Washington. D. a. May SB. wss swaying oscterioiogy. Baaporag The trouble with the germs, Walte said, of a breach between Sec- OF AMERICANS REGARDLESS OF HIS LIFE was that they were not virulent enough. He IN IRISH QUESTION retary ijtnslnr and President Wil- OF 1 TEXAS began to take an Interest In bacteriology son ami the possible retirement of 16 long berore bis marriage, he explained. Mr. La ruing front the cabinet are After he had given germs to Miss Peck ror current tonight. The gowdp Is to s while he became discouraged because, or .'he Is, Ins lark or success. He nut the germs In effect that Prank Polk, ON STAND her food, bul he denied that be rara her Leaders of All Factions Flock to counsel irr for the state depart- arsenic. Standard of Aequrth for ment, will soon become secretary. UNDERSTANDING HUH SCOTT Millions of Grnn. The latest talk about a split be- He had Mrs. Park millions or Ireland's Sake. tween the two olTlclala Is virtually germs, he said. a revival of the rumor which waa In Effort to Save Himself from Asked bow many kinds or germs he ad- rife when Mr. 1, mining went to Members of State Military Or Electric Chair, Dentist Telia of ministered to Mr. Peck, Waive replied: Redmond, Carson and O'Bryan AehovHIc. JV. C, on a short vaca- ganization to Pre "Tvohold. dlnhtherls. pneumonia and oth tion two month ago. Who Failed First Chief Counts on American Politics to Help Him Coerce Many Criminal Escapades Dar- ers. I gave him a spray and put diphtheria Tender Unqualified about It Is Support no secret among; In- sent Themselves for Master ing and later pneumonia renos In It snd bsd those on the Washington and Places Small Faith in Good Collet Day "Doctors" lilm spray his throat every time he went for Settlement. side of administration matters that Into Border Service Mast An Diploma for Credit. out. They had no effect, and I tried to there lias been a lack of harmony swer Uncle Sara. Intentions of United States. make them stronger. In the view of the president and to "I put water In the sheets on his bad so By Associated Press. Secretary Lansing; on he I London, May The bouse of commons several that be would catch cold, but didn't. Issues. One complaint Mr. Lan-sln- g EXPELLED FROM COLLEGE also Dut s chemical compound In his room bss rarely seen a demonstration or greater MAY BE PUNISHED BY Army Men Believe Adequate Force to Confront De Facto wt.ieh would create a poisonous gas, hut It than was Is reported to have Is that the DURING FRESHMAN YEAR unity displayed this afternoon president acted too Independ- FINE OR failed to produce results. One night when ttie of all racUons flocked to has IMPRISONMENT Government's Show of Strength Would Have gas. of leaders ently In a of In turned on the but the superintendent the standard of the prime minister In an number Lancea and tne Diuiding rsme up snn turnea 11 on. baa not confided In liixn to the ex- Averted Sending of Latest Ultimatum. Steals $10 From Pune of Wife's "I save him arsenic s few days berore he exhortation to achieve a lasting settlement Its bei Of J tent levee bla position aa No Steps to Be Taken Toward Mother While Courting Daugh- was planning- to go away. I got ninety the Irish question. premier calls for. grains, I think. think ft was three or This was the more, remarkable because Prosecuting New Mexico and By Internitlonal IfSWS Service. sn army corps for the avowed pursuit of I began Mr. Lansing has been Indisposed ter and Borrows Large Sums four d&vs before Mr. Peek died that Of tho absence of the heated and acrimo for nearly a week Arizona Did Washington, May 8. OfflClali Intimated s bandit Is too unreasonable to be con- to rive htm arsenic. I began to give blm a nious II had been would and has not Guardsmen Who seriously. It is srjued thst there Aun tin-La- ; mo unr.o debele predicted been at the state department. Duri- today that General srrania has suctioned sidered from Father lime at nrst and increases aose. follow Minister Not Report; Gov. McDonald be motive. or I put It In egrrjogg once in Prime Asdbtth's statement ng; his absence Mr. Polk s delay In the settlement of his contro must snother Tells of Weaknesses. twice and has acted de- nee pudding and men once not mux. regarding the government's policy for as secretary of stale. Says All His Men Responded. versy with tho United States out or defer- t Thst ir President Wilson rosily Acquaintance With Mrs. Horten. solution or tho problem. ence to the wishes of President Wilson, sires peace be will withdraw the expedi- Telling or his acquaintance with Mrs. Hor Mr. Asqulth's speech took an unexpected to pro tion. By Associated Press. The delsy, however, is not be ton. Walte said he heard her sing at a thea turn, ror, Instead or giving details, he made By Associated Press. longed and negotiations are going e Tbo sentiment prevails In Mexico that New York. May . Or. secret Arthur Warren ter here last rail and went frequently Just n earnest ploa ror the or the Washington. May W. One and Wilson will use Intervention al Walte. on here ror tho scenes, settlement hundred forward between the state department and President trial murder or his to near her. He met her nenind tne Irish question by agreement among the con Mayor of Chicago Will sixteen Texas National Guardsmen who hope, on moment ir Iiemocratlc leaders reel , T. he said, and saw every day the de facto government in the tha laat John Peck, took the wit- her after that. in have failed to ror they have lost the election Inter- ness In bis own becoming "very rond or her." tending parties Ireland snd snnounced respond to the csll carraoxa's part, that the American army snd thst stand behair late today and that David Lloyd George had the Attend Annual Conclave service on the Mexican border will be tried an vention would be s means or diverting ths bared the sordid secreta or lire In an "At 10 o'clock In the morning." be sild undertaken will be withdrawn from Mexico at early his to go to The: Delicate task or bringing the Tactions by l by order or Prealdont people rrom internal politic and rally them ofrort to save himseir from the electric "we used school together. hostile Las dato. we would have luncheon somewhere. After together. of Vegas Cattlemen Wilson. was General Scott, chief to the support or the president rhalr. Earlier In the day his counsel had we go to (where It stated that ward would the Plata the , The prime minister conclude with an The orrense ror which they will be tried Obregon, 7 The American "Invasion" or Mexico Is slated they would prove the I of staff, and General Carrania's studio was located) or would take her to appeal ror a time all on By Times Speclsl Correspondent. may bn punished by finos or Imprisonment, s vlolallon or International law and the poisoner or his wire's parent was Insane at her and would return for that debate the war minister, resched an agroamont at El music instructor La Vegas, n. m.. May . Mayor William as the court martial may direct, or Mexico. the time the crime charged against blm Iter. Then we would go to the Plata an 1 questions, both in the house of commons with the Paso ror the gradual withdrawal or the sovereignty or and outside, be suspended In view or the Hale Thompson, of Chicago, who Is to be approval of the president CourtmsrUst for Guardsmen. was committed. The prisoner's story wss study languages and play ror couple me guest or honor of the Cowboys re- United BUtss forces, but that Garrame we to effect might have in I nnston in- Secretary of War Baker announced today devoted largely to admissions or a hours. tne evening onen went toe adverse it the dirricult union h;re 011 July e, will tho grand ta Name Court. disapproved of tho understanding and series opera racing attend 118 guardsmen or thefts from the time be wss a boy together." undertaking the government range ball, to be given on the evening or herniary Baker announced today Uie sisted upon the immediate recti! or the that the Texas Natlonadl until Wslte relsted his efforts to Induce e that he pilfered fio from the purse of the The prime minister's speech was beard rrom boots and chaps to broad guardsmen would be tried promptly under American expedition.
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