33 municipalities seek Pre-inaugural bash dog catchers, page 9 delights GOP page 14 The Daily Register Monmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 104 NO. 174 SHREWSBURY. N.J. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19.1982 25 CENTS Governor Kean begins without mandate ByJIMMANION The swearing-in ceremony was Just part of His victory over Florio culminated a politi- taxes to inspire investment. day that was to have been highlighted later by cal career that began when he became an Essex Kean and his wife, Debby, are the parents of TRENTON (AP) - Republican Thomas H. inaugural festivities in Parsippany and Edison. Inauguration Eve County assemblyman in 1M7. It also Involved an three children and he has said the family will Kean is beginning a four-year term as governor A formal Inaugural Ball at SMO per couple is unsuccessful bid for the GOP gubernatorial remain in its Livingston home until the end of that promises to be filled with political confron- is hectic, page 3 the school year. scheduled at the Parsippany Hilton while a $100 nomination that he lost to former Senate Presi- tation. per person reception Is scheduled for the Pines dent Raymond Bateman in 1877. The Keans will be the initial First Family to Kean succeeded Democrat Brendan T Byrne Manor In Edison. reside at Drumthwacket, a mansion in Prince- Kean's election was not certified until a as New Jersey'* governor when he was sworn in Kean is taking office without a clear man- ton that is being renovated to replace Morven, today by Chief Justice Robert Wilentz. Kean, whose father was a congressman and statewide recount in every voting district was also in Princeton, as the official governor's date front an electorate that gave him a victory whose grandfather was a United States senator, requested and paid for by Florio. By mid-De- For the first time in eight years, a Re- margin of fewer than 2,000 votes over Democrat house. comes from a patrician family that became cember, Kean's final victory margin settled at Kean also will be the first non-lawyer gov- publican will control the executive branch while James J. Florio of Runnemede. wealthy through development of utility interests 1,707 votes. Democrats bold narrow majorities in both ernor since Walter E. Edge, a publisher, be- Democrats' gave ground, but held a 43-37 and real estate. In the non-political world, Kean Kean campaigned on a platform closely houses of the Legislature. came governor for the second time in 1944. edge in the Assembly and a a-18 majority in the was president of Realty Transfer Co., a firm aligned to the "supply side" economic policies Meanwhile, on Inauguration Day, Florio was Kean, 46, a millionaire businessman from Senate, margins that will be vital to any pro- that handles real estate investments for the of President Reagan and has said that one of his scheduled to chair a congressional subcommit- Livingston, is New Jersey's 48th governor. gram, initiated by Kean. Kean family fortune. early initiatives would be a cut in state business tee meeting on asbestos in Newark. Elite fliers plunge to doom in unison By ROBERT MACY INDIAN SPRINGS, Nev (AP) - Strict training to keep their eyes only on the plane next to them may have led three pilots of an elite Air Force stunt squad to blindly follow the lead of a fourth and slam into the desert after a 400 mph dive. "Normally, be (the leader) is the only one looking where he's going," said Air Force Sgt. Jack Conner. The Thunderbirds' commander, Maj. Norman L. Ldwry III, died along with the three other pilots in yesterday's accident during practice. The Thunderbirds pilots, who sometimes fly as little aa three feet apart in their T-38 Talons, are trained to "fly off the commander-leader," watching only the plane next to them and not the ground or Instruments because of the tight for- mation, Conner said. "We don't know whether it was a mid-air collision or a case of follow the leader into the ground," he said. "At the speed they were going when they came out of the loop, I just thought, "That's the end of that for them fellows," said W.G. Wood of Indian Springs, who witnessed the crash as he CRASH SCENE — Air Force officers guard the wreckage at the scene where four Air Force Thunderbirds crashed yesterday, killing the four members of the precision flying See Klilr. page S teams. EPA ignores ocean dumping • By ANDREW SIIKKIIAN ty shore. R«tltt*r »IM<* fcV JMMM J. CMMMf "The decision that the (Reagan) adminis- NEXT ICE ACE IN HOLMDEL? — Joseph Artelli of Holmdel gazes upward at an A Reagan administration decision nWto en- tration has made is that they are going to permit "ice tree" he created on a neighbor's property. With Artelli is his dog. Little Bear. force the December 1981 deadline for an end to the continued dumping because it's cheaper," ocean dumping will probably mean continued Hughes said. "Congress made the law and their dumping of chemicals, .sevgage sludge and obligation is to implement that law as they dredge spoils off the Monmouth County coast for found it." several years, The Daily Register has learned. EPA officials said the agency is merely An ice tree grows Rep. William J. Hughes, D-N.J., yesterday following the dictates of the courts and has said he will launch a congressional inquiry into started to formulate compromise standards for By SUSAN HOOPER \, the federal Environmental Protection Agency's ocean dumping, such as lengthening the dump- Cold spell breaks decision not to enforce the deadline for an end to ing limit to a 60-mile or 106-mile point in the HOLMDEL - With just a little planning, ocean dumping set in the 1977 amendment to the Atlantic. Joseph Artelli has turned a township bead- in county, page 9 Marine Research and Protection Act. James Marshall, EPA Region II pubUc af- ache into a thing of beauty. Hughes, chairman of the House Merchant fairs director, said the formulation of new stan- Artelli has created an ice tree here - a Marine and Fisheries Committee, vowed to sub- dards will take "a significant amount of time," massive, stately structure which resembles, the middle of January? According to Artelli, poena EPA Administrator Anne Gorsuch and because of the need for a new set of studies and variously, a froxen waterfall, a northern it's all part of a township pUn to keep pipes other federal officials to investigate why the the required public hearings. mountain face, or an ice king in some ancient from freezing in bitter weather. EPA decided not to contest a recent New York New York City filed suit against the EPA Norse legend. The water main to Charles of the Riti District Court decision to permit continued last April for continued permits to dump an The natural sculpture - visible to passer Group Ltd. runs under his family's house dumping. annual 3.3 million tons of sewage sludge at the sby on Route 38 here - is formed by water here, Artelli said. If water isn't allowed to The New York decision allows New York 12-mile dump site off Sea Bright, which would dripping from a garden hose suspended In a drip from the main, Artelli explained, the City and eight New Jersey municipalities to have been prohibited as of Dec. 1981 under the tree on the vacant lot next to Artelli's house pipes freeze and the company loses its water continue dumping some 7 1 million tons of sewer Marine Protection and Research Act signed into at JIM Route 35 sludge annually 12 miles off the coast of Sea law in 1977. What is a garden hose doing In a tree in See AaIre, page 4 Bright, and millions of tons of chemicals and See EPA, page i REP. WILLIAM HUGHES dredge spoils elsewhere off the Monmouth Coun- U.S. diplomats in France The inside story Redistricting is final By BARBARA KATELL- of office. As far as Monmouth County is con- THE WEATHER cerned, the new measure is Identical. But it TRENTON - It finally appears official — at makes changes In district lines in North Jersey plan increased security least for now. Monmouth County will be divided that some critics contend make it more vulner- Light saow likely, freesUg rala later. among four congressional districts under a bill able to court challenges on constitutional PARIS (AP) - U.S. Ambassador Evan Grif- Ray's apartment house said the killer was short, that was passed by the Democratic majorities in with long hair, dressed in casual clothes. High la low Ms. Complete report page I. grounds. fith Galbraith and his aides are studying special both houses of the state Legislature yesterday. measures to protect U.S. officials in France Galbraith said he was "probably a professional Sylvia Porter: Tai break rulinii 7 The new bill passed the state Senate 21-18 and undoubtedly an experienced killer." Gov. Brendan T. Byrne, a Democrat, is after only brief debate. But the Republicans In following (he assassination of an assistant mili- WillGrimsley: Dave Coweas returns.... 1* expected to sign the new redistricting plan into A-foreign news agency in Beirut, Lebanon, the Assembly 'filibustered" for more than four tary attache on Galbraith's staff, Lt. Col. Rob ReiaaMa: Dam Site's musical 13 law before he makes way for incoming Gov. Charles Robert Ray. said it received a handwritten statement in Dr. Joyce Brothers: Guill la life U hours before the measure finally was brought to barely legible Arabic claiming toe Lebanese Thomas H.
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