Price € 1,00. Back issues € 2,00 L’O S S E RVATOR E ROMANO WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Fifty-third year, number 20 (2.647) Vatican City Friday, 15 May 2020 Message for the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees Like Jesus Christ, forced to flee For the Pope's message, see page 6/7 General Fr a n c i s ’prayer on the Day announced by the Higher Committee on Human Fraternity Audience Believers united to invoke the end of the pandemic As he assured several times in re- say: ‘all brothers’. And for this reas- particularly those in Asia, and of in- cent days, Pope Francis also joined on, men and women of every reli- ternational institutions, such as the on Thursday, 14 May, in the Day of gious confession, today, we join in UN Secretary-General. Prayer announced by the Higher prayer and penitence”, participating The Pope also dedicated his Committee for Human Fraternity to in the initiative of the Committee homily to the “brotherhood that ask God for mercy in this tragic established in order to achieve the unites in this moment of suffering”, moment of the pandemic. objectives of the The Document on in which “so many people are dy- Introducing the daily celebration Human Fraternity for World Peace ing”: isolated, “without being able of morning Mass in the Casa Santa and Living Together, signed in Abu to do anything”. To the point, he Marta chapel, the Pontiff offered Dhabi on 4 February 2019 by the added, “so often the thought may the Mass to invoke “the grace of Bishop of Rome and the Grand come: ‘It doesn’t affect me; thank the cure” from the disease caused Imam of al-Azhar. God I have been saved’”. Instead, by infection with the corona virus. The Committee is composed of Francis clarified, we need to think A cohesiveness reinforced by the members of the principal monothe- “of the others”, to consider “the conviction that “we are all brothers istic religions — Muslims, Christians consequences” that Covid-19 has and sisters”. Not by chance, he ad- and Jews — but has also appealed PAGE 3 ded, “Saint Francis of Assisi used to to leaders of other faith traditions, CONTINUED ON PA G E 11 page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 15 May 2020, number 20 titular Bishop of Melzi and Auxili- ary of Alexandria-Cornwall. The Holy Father accepted the resig- VAT I C A N nation of Bishop Joseph R. Binzer from his office as Auxiliary Bishop He was ordained a bishop on 19 Au- of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, BULLETIN gust 2017, subsequent to his appoint- USA (7 May). ment as titular Bishop of Tusuro and Auxiliary of Curitiba. The Holy Father accepted the resig- AUDIENCES as Bishop of Sault Sainte Marie, nation of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco Canada (6 May). The Holy Father appointed Bishop from his office as Metropolitan Archbishop of Genoa, Italy (8 May). Saturday, 9 May Archbishop Damphousse, 57, was Luiz Antonio Lopes Ricci as Bishop Cardinal Marc Ouellet, PSS, Prefect born in Saint-Joseph, Canada. He of Nova Friburgo, Brazil. Until now The Holy Father appointed Fr of the Congregation for Bishops was ordained a priest on 28 June he has served as titular Bishop of Marco Tasca, OFM Conv. as Metro- 1991. He was ordained a bishop on 2 Tindari and Auxiliary Bishop of the politan Archbishop of Genoa. Until H.E. Ms Amal Mussa Hussain Al- September 2012, subsequent to his now he has served as Minister Gen- Rubaye, Ambassador of Iraq, on her Archdiocese of Niterói, Brazil (6 appointment as Bishop of Alexan- eral of the Order of Friars Minor farewell visit May). dria-Cornwall, Canada. On 12 Conventual (8 May). H.E. Mr Antonius Agus Sriyono, November 2015 he was appointed Bishop Lopes Ricci, 53, was born Archbishop-elect Tasca, 62, was Ambassador of Indonesia, on his Bishop of Sault Sainte Marie. in Bauru, Brazil. He was ordained a farewell visit priest on 10 July 1997. He was or- born in Sant'Angelo di Piove di dained a bishop on 16 July 2017, Sacco, Italy. He holds a degree in theology and a licence in psychology CHANGES IN EP I S C O PAT E subsequent to his appointment as NEW ARCHDIO CESE titular Bishop of Tindari and Auxili- and pastoral theology. He was or- dained a priest on 28 November The Holy Father accepted the resig- ary of Niterói. The Holy Father approved the mer- 1981. nation of Bishop Antônio Wagner ging of the Archdiocese of Ottawa da Silva, SCI, from his office as Bish- The Holy Father appointed Bishop and the Diocese of Alexandria- The Holy Father accepted the resig- op of Guarapuava, Brazil (6 May). Guy Desrochers, CSSR, as Bishop of Cornwall, Canada, into a single cir- nation of Bishop Marcelo Raúl Pembroke, Canada. Until now he cumscription named Ottawa-Corn- The Holy Father appointed Bishop Martorell from his office as Bishop has served as titular Bishop of Melzi wall. At the same time he appointed Amilton Manoel da Silva, C P, as of Puerto Iguazú, Argentina (8 and Auxiliary of Alexandria-Corn- Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, S J, Bishop of Guarapuava. Until now Mary). as the first archbishop of the new he has served as Auxiliary Bishop of wall, Canada (6 May). The Holy Father appointed Bishop circumscription (6 May). the Archdiocese of Curitiba and tit- Bishop Desrochers, 63, was born ular of Tusuro (6 May). Nicolás Baisi as Bishop of Puerto In addition the Holy Father appoin- in Hull, Canada. He was ordained a Iguazú. Until now he has served as ted Bishop Marcel Damphousse as Bishop da Silva, 57, was born in priest on 7 January 1989. He was or- titular Bishop of Tepelta and Auxili- Coadjutor Archbishop of Ottawa- Osvaldo Cruz, Brazil. He was or- dained a bishop on 19 March 2019, ary of the Archdiocese of La Plata, Cornwall. Until now he has served dained a priest on 17 December 2000. subsequent to his appointment as Argentina (8 May). Bishop Baisi, 55, was born in Bella Vista, Argentina. He was or- dained a priest on 21 November Cardinal Becciu on the decision to postpone 1993. He was ordained a bishop on 19 June 2010, subsequent to his ap- pointment as titular Bishop of Te- Beatifications are a celebration of people pelta and Auxiliary of La Plata. “There was suffering”, especially among “the ecclesial der to rediscover the figure of the Blessed or martyr. In The Holy Father accepted the resig- a situation of isolation and physical distancing (diffi- communities who were preparing for the great celebra- nation of Bishop Alvaro Corrada del tion of people. It is difficult to think of an ‘adapta- culty in holding meetings, catecheses...) this is ex- Río, S J, from his office as Bishop of tremely arduous. From here arose the decision to post- tion’ simply in streaming”, because it would be “a Mayagüez, Puerto Rico (9 May). cold and artificial ‘withdrawal’”. Cardinal Angelo Bec- pone, requested by the bishops and shared by the ciu, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Holy See”. The Holy Father appointed Fr Án- Saints, shared these comments on the Congregation’s And if “for now five Beatifications have been post- gel Luis Río Matos as Bishop of decision to postpone, to dates yet to be determined, p oned”,Cardinal Becciu indicated, “it does not ex- Mayagüez. Until now he has served the rites of Beatification planned for the months of clude the possibility that there may also be some oth- as judicial vicar and parish priest of May and June. ers to push back at another date. For this reason”, he San Sebastián Mártir (9 May). In an interview with Vatican News on Thursday, 7 concluded, it is necessary to “follow the evolution of May, the Cardinal explained that “the process of Can- the pandemic and of the dispositions related to it”. CONTINUED ON PA G E 5 onization and Beatification begins precisely with the people, from the popular acclamation that witnesses to the person’s ‘reputation for holiness’, or rather, the common opinion of the people according to which his or her life had been rich in Christian virtues, in Five rites to the Honours of the Altar postponed apostolic fruitfulness, in edifying death. This is why the celebration of Beatification”, the Cardinal commen- “Due to the prolonged situation of pandemic and of the necessary prudential measures to be ted, “is in itself a manifestation and a participation of taken with regard to religious ceremonies that foresee the presence of numerous faithful, at the the People of God, and cannot be reduced to a virtual request of the interested bishops themselves, the Beatifications that had been scheduled for the c e re m o n y ”. coming months have been postponed to a date to be determined”. The Congregation for the Moreover, the Prefect clarified, “the diocesan com- Causes of Saints made this announcement through a notice posted on the website of the Vatic- munities themselves, seeing the situation and the pro- an Dicastery www.causesanti.va. longed conditions that preclude the gathering of Five rites have been postponed for the moment, regarding the elevation to the Honours of people, asked to postpone the celebrations, although the Altar of the Servants of God: Lucia of the Immaculate, in the world Maria Ripamonti, ini- with great displeasure. When a Beatification is celeb- tially scheduled for Saturday, 9 May; Maria Luigia of the Blessed Sacrament, in the world Maria rated in a local Church, there is great popular particip- Velotti, programmed for the following Saturday, 16 May; Cayetano Giménez Martín and 15 com- ation, thousands and thousands of people, with the panion martyrs in Spain, Saturday, 23 May; Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, 7 June, Sunday need for careful preparation, above all spiritual, in or- of the Most Holy Trinity; and Sandra Sabattini, planned for the following week, 14 June.
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