. J. MURPHY ~ Carriage and Sleigh ~ Builder FUN S- $60,OQO,000 UndeTtaking and Graveyard Insurance Policies Railings Q Specialty Agaz"nst Loss or Damagoe By' .Fz"r,e are -issued by the above well-known 'PHONE 737, NIGHT OR DAY Office on the most LIBERAL 7 ERMS Agent for 32 BAMBRICK STREET GEO.H.HALLEY Newfoundland Nearur~tEndF"eHall }. M. KENT, K.C. R. T. McGRA TH ~ibbl1* iK.~. 1!Jnu. iI.. ,. KENT McGRATH BARRISTER-AT-LAW 6- BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING Duckworth Street Telephone 239 So JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND St. John's P.O. Box 308 --II ==::::::p< WE BUY 1- -, Codfish, Codoll, Herrings, Lobsters, Partridge Berriest pickled" Salmon, Tinned Salmon and other Produce. WE CAN INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE ea BY FIRE mith Co'y. Ltd. TE~_I WATE STREET ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. IS GOOD 1J1urUtnn ltit411 & illn. .GEORGE NEAL .$ ====== 1Jjimitt~===== Wholesale Importer of STEAMSHIP OWNERS AND BROKERS Provisions, Groceries and Fruit SAILINGS TO AND FROM Consignments of Live I P.O. Box 846 LIVERPOOL LONDON ST. JOHN'S HALIFAX stock always solicited St. John's, N.F. ~~~~*l€~'--f6iA'~A·SiiA'A~.A*'~.~~~~Je:~lS'~~.av"l€"~:61O!-"lE rT=::::::~~1l m -- ~ I rs & CO. i ~ ~ tt au~ 1Jjnu~nu l1£iurr~ ~nnl I~ I m m ~ ~ ~ I uu~ ~lnbr lJunuraurr ~ ~g Purchasers and Exp ters ~f all ~~ ~ m the Products of the · heries ~ <!lnmpauy. l£tIl. I ~ ill ~ ~ <:~'il~"'i'--0 I~ ~ ~ i ~ ~m Highest Prices given for f1'sh ~ 9:~I~ HEAD OFFICE LIVERPOOL < ~ [:~ Codoll-Refined and Ordinar ~ i & ~ ~ We are the Leading Insurance ~ ~I~l) I Company in Newfoundland·· I l_l Fishery Supplies of all sorts of- ~ fered at very Lowest Prices : ~ Why? Iii~s i; Because we do more business. and have ; M~~~al~~nce ~l= the Largest Net Premium Income of ~~ Fire and a I ~:~ all the Fire Insurance Companies ~~ I ~ operating in Newfoundland ~:~ ~ ~ BOWRING BROS. LTD. i Job Brothers & Co. I i ~ L- -t d ~ Sole Agenls lor Newfoundland m ~ci Iml e ~ ~ ~ m~!OIO!OIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIO!OIQlOIS:~~~~O~,*' ~~:$:$~~~$.~$.'OlOIOIOIOIOlOIOIO:OOlB!~$Y'~~:0'~~~ci r7:.:~::---ca::=:::m ill COAL COAL COAL!! ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ Best Screened North Sydney ~ ~ ~ ~ QuaHty and Quantz"ty guaranteed. ~~ m T. P. HALLEY i<: <15 PROMPT DELIVERIES. Per- ~:~ ~:~ SOLICITOR m sonal attelltz"on jaz"d to each order ~~ ill < ~ ~:~ ) ~ ~ ~ UNITED COAL COMPANY ~~ ~~ c. J. cox. Manager ~_ RENOUF BUILDING DUCKWORTH STREET l'A_Jele_'e:e:e,e__ ~itlOIO:(;IOIOI(;!OIOiOlOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOl~~6{~ ~Bl$.~~~~e:~~'0:$lO:$l~~~:~->lOle?OfE ~~~~~~'$lO:$~ie}S:~~e:~~:$~$-:~e:s~~'B:e:~6:e~e:$~ ~i ill(!) i ;~ Weights and Measures i ~ i ~ m~ *.fOl~;~::re:e~:~o;~b~:h:~efO~~:~::;~~~~:;m;::~~~hts ~j B1 The and i~ *~ ~ ill ~ Any person who shall use a beam, scale, weight or measure i $i~ in the sale or exchange of any commodity, not assayed and ~ ~~ stamped, and who shall alter the same after being so assayed ~~ I PUBLIC NOTICE m ~ ~~:e s~~~e~~hi:g:~; ~~a~~r~~, ~~e~:aarS~~lle:::p~i~:a:e:a~~ B~ ffi of wood, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. ~ ~ Mooica~~~~~~~,~~:'v~~So~:~T!~~I~ ill oth." con· ~12 Salt may be sold by measure or by weight. If sold by mea- * I~ I ffi sure, ther shall be eighteen gallons to a tub (liquid measure- (I) cerned throughout the Colony, are hereby notified that apPlica-1 ~~ ment) and three tubs to a hogshead. Any person who shall sell ~:§ ; tion ior admission to the General Hospital must be made only ~~ or dispose of salt by measure, otherwise than according to the ~5 < through Mr. ELI WHITEWAY, who has been appointed by the ~~ stanclard hereby established, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding <!~ ;<: Government for thi8 purpose. ~:~ twenty dollars. B~ ~~ Patients will not be admitted without a Doctor's certificate, ­ ~P> The Chief Inspector and Inspectors shall, when required, in- ~:~ $l~ obtained at their own expense, showing a diagnosis of the disease ­ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~i~~~~S~t;~eb~~~~~o~::::\~~~e~~~~u;;:n~~~~~~~~Ot~~; ~!~ ~ from which they suffer. I mshall stamp or mark thereon the initials of the reigning Sovereign ~:~ B~ by :;:.ti;~:~ec;a~h~:~~i:~~~ni~h=~a~:~~~\:~~:f~:~~i~: :~:~:~ ~ ~ and their own proper initials. $!~ ~l~ St. John's, otherwise they incur the risk of additional suffering 1~12 ~ Chief Inspector's Office, g~ ~l~ and hardship ;for which they must hold either themselves 01' ~!~ their advisers responsible. By order, ~ M. J. O'rIARA, Chief Inspector ~ !Il Colonial Building, hly, 1915. i I JAMES HARRIS, Sec,.'.,y. '!S:$l$lS:B<lO~B<lO:$~:-$:-$:-$:B:$:$:~:$lO~~$:e:o:o.:$.'$lO:~IOIOIOIOIOIOlOIOl~ ~$.~el~~~IOlOIOIOlOlOlO:$.'-$~~:~.$.~S:~ I E~ LEO CARTER MR. F. J. NORRIS. K.C. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR BANK OF MONTREAL BUI~DING ST. JOHN'S BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA NEW BLDG. ST. JOHN'S, WATER STREET NEWFOUNDLAND WATER STREET NEWFOUNDLAND ~lOiOlOlOIOIOIOlGIO!OIOIOIOOl0:~~:OOIO~~:B.~IO~~ rlO~~:~:B:0:0J0~:O:O:~:O:O:B:B:B:S:B:B~:B:0rv:B:e-:~v:S:~:e-rv:S:B:B:O:80~.B:OOle-:,. I~ I Cable Address: Codes Used: m I A Substantial Foundation ffi Crosbie, St. John's A.B.C. 5th Edition ~ <~ Upon which to build a good healthful body ~ $ *~« ~ ~ and a clear vigorons mind is in using dis- $Q ~ ~ ~ ~_K_- ~ cretion as to the T ea yo~r f'lamI y consumes. ./ ffi Nt1~. 'rn~urr OlnmpaUY1 ~ ~~ I~ <r 1Jjimitrb ~I~ -I> ~ j HOMESTEAD TEA ffi») J. C. CROSBIE, Manager. m is the choicest, purest produet of the tea ~ -~~- ~ plant, and is recommended for its freshness, ~ ~ < =-= - purity and quality -- § <> > The Newfoundland Produce Co., Ltd., owners of the steamers Fogota, Susu, Sagona, Lady Sybil, Hump, Cabot; and barqts. Clutha, Rosina, Jean and Water­ 50 cts. per pound witch. The Company is under contract with the ~~ Government of Newfoundland for the Coastal Mail ~«_ ~ Service. Buyers alid Exporters of Codfish, Oil, awl ill: Im;~l~er ~ all other Newfoundland products of the sea. Agents &~ C. P. EAGAN *~(': for Fire and Marine Insnranee. and Importers of ~ DUCKWORTH STREET AND QUEEN'S ROAD m -- ---- orth Sydney Coal, ~ :oJOlO:OIOIOIO!OIOIOIOI~1Ol0:0:0:O:01010101010l000l( )fGIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOlOlO:Of0l\O~lO:O:O:OlOIOlO:O~:O:S.~9lBlO:O:O:O:~6* Have Yau Tried Our Rich Ginger Snaps DEWAR'S ? • THE KING OF' If Not, Why Not? A Dainty Addition to any Table. WIIISKIES A.JD THE Order a tin from Your Grocer- O~~ The tin with the " Green Label" WHISITY KI GS 1)on't accept any substitutes AMES . TOBIN Sole Agent A. Harvey & Co. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND ,:6{S:B~e:S;B~:e:B:$:S:B:s:e:~e:$:BiBi~$:e.~~~$i$':e:B:B{€':B:S:B:B-:$:~~1S:er~i~ ~i~ VV HEN YOU ARE OLD m ffi Who'll provide the money to keep you? vvm you then be com- m mpelled to keep on working the same as some old men? Or will ~I~ ~ you be able to enjoy a?- old age of comfort and independence? ?~ ~ A moderate annual savmg now-when you can spare the money d, m-invested in an Imperial Endowment Policy will secure you a ~IZ ~ regular income in your old age; or it will provide for your family ~:~ ~ should death call you early. <I; ~ The Imperial Life Assurance Co'y. of Canada ~1 Iq HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO ~:~ ~ ~~ ~ JAMES A. MACKENZIE, Manager for Nffd. $~ 7:B:~S:$;$}6{e:$~~~s:e:$:e:e:~:e:~eB:B:sr$;e:s:~~ets:~~~IOIOK5i, ..............................................~ o . i Every Dollar Spent in our Stor I it~~rchasing I f the Limit of "\ I I In the Showroom In the Men's I · Again Magnificently Complete From a Shoe Lace to a Waterproof I·.. I. Stocks for 1916 we offer the very best value ·. Personal Selections by our American obtainable I·. Buyer. I Pretty Blouses and Shirt Waists, I We call particular attentifm to our aUd~' i Summer Dresses, in white stock of pretty i • Ladies', Chi~~~::':' and- Misses 8 Neckwear, Perfect Fitting Negligee a I Dainty Underwear, Corsets, "f_<:'.'" Shirts, Fashionable Caps, I·. • Neckwear. t.' Suspenders, Collars, Cuffs, Gloves, 2 In fact everything desirable in i Underwear, Socks, etc. Ladies' "Wear to be found here, I· 1• Moderately Priced. and the hundred and one little • · --- ..~_-_~~ . items needed by the well-dressed ·1 To arrive: Another shipment of man. I those handsome · PANAMA HATS Ulld~rstand! \Ve underprice in 1-' Men's Wear. I ~ which solO. so readily l~~ '" I 'TIS ,That eveel' Doll" you spend at oue countees is spent to au' mutual ad"nta<e. A mOdest, "",onable and just pcofi\;s ou",- I • to you helong-s the satisfaction that you <l;re.getting the best t~le price can produce. Very often we get the chance to purchase • · A FACT s~ strictly high class gouds at much below tnelr normal value. These trade turns revert to you. 0 matter how little we pay I· I we expect a modest profit. The savings belong to you. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH. ' FRIDAY'M~JJ11~AY ~~~' MAIL I.· ®I and "I ®Je ORDERS ®I I· Handled Satisfactorily and ~ i @ Special Bargain Days @ "Forwarded promptly" i .......................................................0.-..... ~. Stylish New Linen If this name is on the barrel Collars for Men you can 1itItE are showing the newest in Men's White, buy with It'l1 Laundered, Linen Collars-the same confidence. brands as Macgreggor stocked- in the most approved, fashionable shapes, in heights varying from 1 1-2 inches to 2 1-2 inches in the double collar. If you want a collar that is cor­ PURITY rectly shaped and to fit well, in a high-class quality, see them before you buy your stock.
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